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April 23, 2024
The Morning Report — 4/23/24
Good morning, kids. Aside from being absolutely sickened to my stomach by the rabid, nearly and actually violent Jew-hatred that has exploded across college campuses and beyond in the wake of the 10/7 attack on Israel, it's stunning to me how so many people, most dishearteningly my fellow Jews, are shocked – SHOCKED! – at why this suddenly happened. Of course, it's neither shocking nor stunning nor sudden when all of the signs taken in context with actual history have been in one's face for decades.
I guess the perfect illustration of the dichotomy of being book smart, intellectual, worldly, etc. with that of plain old common sense comes from none other than the estimable Alan Dershowitz:
Dershowitz expressed profound disappointment in his party's failure to address the pro-Palestine demonstrations at Columbia University that have been ongoing since last Wednesday.
“We're hearing nothing from Democrats. We are hearing nothing from Chuck Schumer,” Dershowitz explained. “We're hearing nothing really direct from [sham] President Biden. He made a very disappointing statement. In the same breath, he talked about the demonstrators in passing and he said, ‘but you have to understand the Palestinian situation.’ No, you don't have to understand the Palestinian situation. When people are calling for rape and murder and beheading. The Democrats are an extraordinary disappointment."
"I am no longer presumptively voting for Democrats," he added. "I'm gonna vote for whoever is the best candidate, that may include Democrats, but I have no loyalty anymore to the party.”
Dershowitz criticized college admissions practices and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies, which he argued have contributed to the recent issues observed at prestigious universities.“
Many of the students [protesting] today are unqualified students,” Dershowitz said. “They were admitted because of DEI. They were admitted because Qatar and other Arab countries are paying for foreign students. These are not the best and the brightest students, they are the loudest students, but they're certainly not students who are looking out for the best interests of America.”
Oh, counselor, with all due respect, get your head out of your ass and wake the fuck up! You haven't heard from Schumer? Not even two weeks ago he and most of the party that despite what you say still bitterly cling to attempted to overthrow the Netanyahu government during war time. And as for your railing against unqualified students from Muslim countries infiltrating academia, you completely disregard the capture of American academia by our own native born terrorists with doctorates and tenure whose mission is the brainwashing of American-born youth to hate and overthrow this country. The loudest voices at these near pogroms are those.
Forget Israel and Jews for a moment. Since at least the end of World War Two, American colleges and universities have been focused on dismantling this nation, its culture, western civilization and Judeo-Christianity, erasing the accomplishments of 1,000 years of human development achieved slowly and painfully at times and taking us back to what will be the darkest of dark ages. And that rot can be found now in pre-K through high schools.
To not have seen the likes of Edward Said, Rashid Khalidi, Theodore Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, William Ayers, Ward Churchill and thousands upon thousands just like them, less well known but no less infamous for the raping of the American mind, is to have been willfully blind. While I'm loathe to criticize someone as prominent as Dershowitz for saying generally what needs to be said at this time, which of course should be encouraged, my castigation stands. Unless and until you deprogram yourself from no doubt decades of propaganda that you've been stewing in that Democrats are the good guys, who are for the downtrodden and the little guy and Republicans are the Nazis, better you should just keep quiet. All the equivocation you spout in a desperate attempt to preserve the fictitious image about a party and political movement that you idolized and dedicated yourself is an exercise in radioactive turd-polishing.
Give it up. Let it go.
And ditto for multi-billionaire Robert Kraft opening his eyes as to what all his donations to Columbia has bought.
Kraft, 82, called for academics with secure jobs at the Ivy League school to be held accountable for incendiary remarks and lectures that some argue have indoctrinated students to hate Israel.
“We have professors who, instead of teaching how to think, are trying to tell our young people what they should think,” the billionaire former Columbia University donor told Fox News host Sean Hannity. “I think one of the biggest problems that we have to do something about is really tenure at these universities,” Kraft added. “Where people can do things and don’t have accountability.”
. . . Kraft said he was dismayed by the level of antisemitism he’s witnessed on college campuses since Oct. 7, 2023.
“I never thought I’d see what’s going on in America, what’s happening right now, and it really pains me to see it,” he said.
Really? I seem to recall Robert Kraft being a team owner about the time that a brillo-headed scrub named Colin Kaepernick got a whole bunch of players around the league to take a knee during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. In all fairness, I don't know what his reaction to that was and I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was equally disgusted. But what did the coaches and the owners do back then? IIRC, not a whole hell of a lot to discourage that behavior.
I thought Kraft and his ilk were savvy businessmen. Perhaps the image of the ivy covered walls of academia got him bamboozled but look what's been going on with his and his colleagues' money in his own business, right under his nose.
The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL's "Inspire Change program" whose work is still promoted on the NFL's website.
Community Justice Exchange set up a "bail and legal defense fund" for those arrested during last week's A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic "choke points" to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.
The partnership appears to have since lapsed—the nonprofit wasn’t on the list of grantees announced in May 2023. The NFL’s "Inspire Change" website lists Community Justice Exchange under "Previous Grant Recipients" and still includes a link to the group's website.
The NFL's promotion of the left-wing group underscores the extent to which anti-Israel groups have been propped up by major donors and institutions in the United States. Community Justice Exchange is also a project of the Tides Center—a left-wing dark money network funded by George Soros and other prominent liberal billionaires like Pierre Omidyar. The Tides Center serves as a hub for a variety of left-wing groups, channeling substantial funds from affluent donors and functioning as a "fiscal sponsor," enabling them to sidestep IRS registration.
To paraphrase Robert Frost, the rot is ugly, dark and deep. And if you've decided to return to watching the NFL just because Kaepernick has vanished from the scene, you're stupid.
Meanwhile, Sen Josh Hawley has called on Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants to activate the National Guard to ensure the protection of Jewish students at Columbia U.
At the same time, Eric Adams, the mayor of the completely rotten apple belched up this hideous equivocation:
“But I also look back to Little Rock, AR, and what it meant for African Americans to be escorted on campuses because they were afraid for their lives. And that is what I see when I see Jewish students going through this at this moment. There is no place for hate in this city. I don’t care if it’s antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Sikhism. We don’t have a place for that, and I don’t want to be, and I won’t be the mayor where you have to take off your hijab, your yarmulke, or your turban when you enter a place of higher education or use our transportation system or walk our streets.”
The pathetic attempt to both condemn the assault on Jews while trying to preserve the votes of those instigating the pogroms at the ballot box is disgusting. Funny he brings up Little Rock because it was the Democrat Party that instigated a Civil War to preserve slavery, that created the KKK as a terrorist organization to intimidate freed black slaves, that instituted Jim Crow laws to keep the down, that opposed civil rights legislation and created a gigantic welfare state that has committed genocide against blacks and kept them as virtual slaves to Big Government. And he has the fucking gall to invoke Little Rock?
Ditto Biden, who actually used verbiage similar to Trump's "good people on both sides" Charlottesville statement.
The media took that out of context since Trump was referring only to the issue of the Confederate flag's defenders and detractors, not those engaged in violence, who turned out to be Leftist "confederates" so to speak. Biden cannot afford to lose the Muslim/Maoist alliance and his equivocation between perpetrators and victims, dementia notwithstanding, clearly in evidence. This time, though, the media is obviously silent.
Speaking of Rashid Khalidi, worst of all was Obama who desecrated the Passover holiday by equating "Palestinians" with Jews in bondage to Pharaoh. That was his Passover message.
I stated yesterday and with all this garbage both on this issue and virtually any other topic covered in the links, the divide is no longer about two sides disagreeing about an issue or issues. It's about one side's hatred of the nation it allegedly is a part of, and its obsession with destroying it and the side that seeks its preservation.
“We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you,” Riddhi Patel, the co-founder of the local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, told members of the Bakersfield City Council.
The Sunrise Movement, a radical environmentalist group founded by a former Occupy Wall Street activist and funded by the Ford Foundation, had become notorious for its ugly tactics, recruiting young people and children to harass and even threaten elected officials.
Dressed in stark black shirts with yellow letters, sometimes decorated with skulls, the angry teens of the Sunrise Movement had reminded some people of the Chinese Communist Red Guard and the Nazi stormtroopers, which only increased with Sunrise’s support for a second genocide of the Jews.
While the Sunrise Movement had supposedly been created to force a Green New Deal, it had an obsession with the Jews that broke out when it demanded that Jewish groups be banned from a leftist event “because they “are all in alignment with and in support of Zionism”.
. . . Riddhi Patel was at the end of a pipeline designed to train leftist foot soldiers determined to overthrow America and destroy Israel. The confrontations, whether it was Patel calling for murder, or the pro-Hamas activists shutting down bridges and roads, or assailing synagogues and scrawling swastikas, were not meant to convince, but to radicalize the activists.
Although the Neo-Nazi Left loves to hide behind the legacy of MLK and the Civil Rights movement, its business is not persuasion, it’s revolution. Its ideal activists, like Patel, started out with a political wing of the far Left, like the Bernie Sanders campaign, before transitioning into more openly radical organizations combining day jobs as community organizers with real roles as domestic terrorists. The ugliness and the violence are there to alienate, to get the activists to hate everyone and to confuse violent emotional tantrums with meaningful political change.
The only extraordinary thing about Patel was that she got caught making the political violence that the Neo-Nazi Left thrives on personal. Had she called for the destruction of America or Israel, she would have been fine, and had she spoken in general terms of a leftist uprising that would wipe out the capitalists, that too would have gotten a pass, but she threatened individuals, in unmistakable language and on video, and, like Lee Harvey Oswald or Jim Jones stopped being a revolutionary hero and became an embarrassment to be quickly covered up.
If Dershowitz or Kraft or anyone else still can't understand what they're seeing on college campuses, they should read this column. Good friend and friend of blog Michael Walsh has some cromulent observations about the great divide and the potential for some kind of reconciliation:
Hard as this may seem to believe, back before the election of Barack Hussein Obama -- just seven years after 9/11, remember -- there was at least one thing sane people on both the Left and the Right agreed upon: freedom of speech and the primacy of the First Amendment. Conservatives were dedicated to the constitution in all its aspects, while liberals at least pretended to enjoy the blessings of free expression, even if they often employed the 1A as a shield with which to protect themselves and their dissention from the consequences of their intentions. Honest men on both sides could not only have reasoned discussions with one another, but actually be friends.
Obama's elections, in ways which still remain to be understood, changed all that. The notion that not everybody saw the Lightbringer as a divinized politician descended, deus ex machina, from the flies and wings of the American stage to redeem the U.S.A. from its original sin of "racism" threw them into a fit. By their lights, the election should have been unanimous, by acclamation; how dare their former darling maverick, John McCain, have the effrontery to oppose him? Even the fact that McCain, a born tomato can whose last public act was to betray his Senate comrades and his country over Obamacare, threw the election by "suspending" his campaign near the end didn't appease them. As for those who actually voted against the Punahou Kid, off to purdah and perdition with them. And thus the Cold Civil War (as I dubbed it at the time) was well and truly underway. . .
. . . Is there still a way for honest patriots on both sides to come together? Yes, there are some, even though the Democrat-Media Complex has erased almost all traces of their existence, owing to its complete control of the public Narrative.
I'd like to believe that honest men on both sides can come together. But the problem for me is that whatever defined those two sides no longer exists, or is well on the way to extinction. What we have is one side that is hell bent to destroy us and . . . us. People who cling (bitterly) to the desire to be left alone. To be free to live as we see fit. The other side cannot abide by that as to them it is a zero sum game.
Are we willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve our freedom? That requires self-preservation "by any means necessary." What comes after that, if we do emerge on top please God, is open for discussion afterwards.
- Michael Walsh: "Perhaps, later, in the rubble, we can find common ground and begin anew. Not with the New Soviet Man but the rebirth of Western Man, a believer in freedom, a capitalist with a conscience, and a man whose philosophy is not beggar-thy-neighbor, who doesn't see the world as a zero-sum game, and who only asks to live and let live. But it begins with free speech, or it never begins at all."
In Search of Common Ground
- “For those of us who remember Soviet totalitarianism, it was a déjà vu.”
How the West Suppresses Dissent
- "The left will find and use children in perverse ways that endanger their innocence, and politicians will do nothing to prevent it. It’s up to parents to create safety for their families. It starts at the school board and ends in their state capitols."
Fleeing To Red States Won’t Spare You From The War Against Wokeness
- Daniel Greenfield: “'We’ll see you at your house. We’ll murder you,' Riddhi Patel, the co-founder of the local chapter of the Sunrise Movement, told members of the Bakersfield City Council."
How the Neo-Nazi Left Brainwashes its Recruits to Kill
- “To be a woman in captivity is to be in constant fear; it can’t be described in words.”
At the Knesset, Former Hostages Tell of Endless Sexual Abuse
- "Republicans now the only major party that remains in solid support of Israel."
Will Israel Be a Game-Changer in the 2024 Election? I&I/TIPP Poll
- “The Intelligence Directorate under my command did not fulfill its task. I have carried that black day with me ever since, every day, every night. I will forever bear the terrible pain of the war.”
IDF Intelligence Chief to Step Down Over Hamas Invasion Failures
* * * * *
- “In 1957, pursuant to Executive Order 10730, President Dwight Eisenhower deployed the National Guard and 101st Airborne Division to ensure the safety of black students attending Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas. I urge you to similarly mobilize the National Guard and other necessary authorities to protect Jewish American students on Columbia University’s campus, and any other campus where Jewish students are at risk. ‘Never again’ means never again.”
Josh Hawley Calls On Biden To Send National Guard To Protect Jewish American Students On Columbia’s Campus
- "Further, one-third of Gen Z voters believe Israel does not have the right to exist as a nation. Across the board, just ten percent hold that same sentiment, showcasing the radicalization of America’s youth."
Poll: Nearly Half of Gen Z Voters Are Sympathetic Toward Hamas
- “It is not appropriate or legal or helpful to advance your argument if you show up in a Starbucks with a bullhorn and start yelling at people,” Fetterman explained, adding that those kinds of protests do not make them look “noble.” Fetterman added, “It just makes you an a**hole.”
Sen. John Fetterman Slams "Asshole" Anti-Israel Protesters: "Not Appropriate"
- Faculty members and professors have started showing support for the anti-Israel students.
‘Death to America:’ Anti-Israel Encampments Pop Up at More Universities
- "The arrests at NYU came as anti-Israel protesters at Yale University were arrested on Monday morning in relation to their involvement in an encampment on the university’s campus."
Anti-Israel Protesters Arrested at New York University
- Sounds like Biden thinks there’s “very fine people on both sides.”
Biden Condemns "Anti-Semitic Protests," But Also People Who Don’t Get “What’s Going on With the 'Palestinians'"
- And in both instances, it's Democrats that are the root cause of the hatred and violence - jjs
NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Jewish Students Are Facing What Black Students Faced in Little Rock
- "'She has forfeited the privilege to lead this great university,' said history professor Christopher Brown."
SHOT: Columbia Professors Declare Solidarity With Student Protesters and Call for Shafik's Resignation
- "Minouche Shafik, facing calls for her resignation, says she rejects terrorism 'full stop.'"
CHASER: Flashback – Columbia President After 9/11 Said Terrorism is "A Form of Protesting"
* * * * *
- Kraft, who is worth $11.1 billion and has been one of Columbia University’s most prolific donors, announced earlier on Monday that he was pulling his financial support from the school “until corrective action is taken” to address the “virulent hate” plaguing the Manhattan campus.
BIG SHOT: Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Calls Tenured Columbia Professors One of the "Biggest Problems" as Anti-Israel Protests Roil Campus
- "Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022." (If you returned to watching pro football just because Kaepernick disappeared, you're stupid- jjs)
BIG CHASER: NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers
- “Inventing a conspiracy to blame the antisemitism and terror support of the protestors on police and others doesn’t work when everyone can see the truth …” AG (@aghamilton29) posted, adding, “It’s almost hilarious the extent to which the defenders of the antisemitic mobs at Columbia are completely reliant on pretending the numerous videos and the witness testimony from Jewish students simply don’t exist to preserve their narratives.”
Bro-Fo Omar Tries To Defend Columbia Protesters (And Her Daughter), And It Backfires Immediately
- Obama’s equivocation obscured the fact that 'Palestinian' terrorists continue to hold 133 Israeli hostages. He failed, in fact, to mention the hostages, instead saying that people should “remember everyone who is unable to celebrate the holiday with their loved ones.” He also failed to mention the ongoing wave of antisemitism on college campuses and in Democrat-run cities, saying that “people of all religions … deserve to feel safe and secure” wherever they are.
Obama’s Passover Message Adds "Palestinians" Into the Story; Omits Hostages
- "The current genocidal anti-Semitism at Columbia both realizes the Jews’ worst fears and explains their long-standing, misguided fealty to the Democrat party."
The Columbia U Pogrom and the Jews' Bad Gamble on the Democrats
- "Flyer calling on university to end relationship with Hillel may have violated anti-harassment policies."
Northwestern Investigates Flyer Targeting Jewish Community Center
- “You are just unusual Black and colorful mouth for Israeli and AIPAC and looking for payday of over 500K,” Hadid said in a different message. “You will get it .. unfortunately. We have people like you in congress.. keeping this conversation between us.” After the New York Post exposed Hadid’s racist messages, he gave a backhanded apology to the congressman, claiming that he was a “shill” for Israel:
Democrat Ritchie Torres Slams ‘Rabid Racist’ Mohamed Hadid For Vile Messages
- “We're hearing nothing from Democrats. We are hearing nothing from Chuck Schumer,” Dershowitz explained. “We're hearing nothing really direct from [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden. He made a very disappointing statement. In the same breath, he talked about the demonstrators in passing and he said, ‘but you have to understand the Palestinian situation.’ No, you don't have to understand the Palestinian situation. When people are calling for rape and murder and beheading. The Democrats are an extraordinary disappointment." (Someone so smart yet so utterly ignorant to the history of the party he bitterly clung to - jjs)
Alan Dershowitz No Longer Feels Loyal to the Democrat Party
I refer you to every single link in the previous section.
- Much of the money will go to Democrat-run “Ponzi-scheme cities” — such as Boston and New York — where the deliberate inflow of migrants helps to push out Americans.
Ukraine Bill Funds More Migration to U.S.
- Tester was a vocal critic of former president Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the southern border, calling the idea "ineffective and wasteful." Tester has since said he supports erecting barriers where it "does make sense," but he has not put forward any legislation that would do so.
Jon Tester Voted Against the Border Wall, But It Features Prominently in His Reelection Ads
- New York City continues to struggle with the massive number of illegal aliens who have flooded the city as a result of the Biden regime’s continued failure to address the border crisis. Unfortunately, schoolchildren are often the ones paying the price. In January, students at James Madison High School were kicked out to make room for 1,900 illegal aliens.
Middle School Boots Special Needs Students to Make Way for Migrant Kids
- "Biden turned Whitewater, Wisconsin, into a border town." (If the state were run by the likes of Abbott and DeSantis and not Tony Evers and his Madison Marxists, it'd be a different story - jjs)
Migrant Pain for the Heartland
- Byron York: "Biden, we have a problem."
Growing Latino Support for Border Wall, Strict Enforcement
- Clearly, Amtrak Joe was confused. The history of the Melanesian people in then-French-dominated New Guinea and New Caledonia is easy to conflate with his claim that he was a “trucker,” his claim to have had a family background uncannily similar to that of UK/Welsh Labor politician Neil Kinnock, from whom Biden appears to have utterly lifted a 1980s speech, and other whoppers.
New Guineans Outraged Over Biden’s 'Cannibals Ate My Uncle' Idiocy
- Margot Cleveland: "For the IRS chief counsel to communicate with Special Counsel Weiss about a potential ongoing investigation into the whistleblowers is particularly concerning."
Is Biden’s IRS Meddling in the IG Investigation of Hunter Biden Whistleblowers
- The documents without markings reveal a complex attempt by Biden’s Department of Justice, working hand-in-hand with the Obama-appointed National Archivist David Ferriero to cease normal ongoing negotiations with an outgoing president and instead begin a criminal investigation – something that has never happened before.
NEW: Unredacted Docs Reveal Biden, Garland, Jack Smith Collusion in Trump ‘Documents’ Case
- "You know, you had this misdemeanor under state law that had run out. This is going back to the 2016 election. And they zapped it back into life by alleging that there was a campaign finance under the federal laws that doesn’t exist. The Department of Justice doesn’t view it this way.”
‘This Is Embarrassing’: Turley Says He Is In ‘Utter Disbelief’ Over Bragg Trial Opening Statements
- "The Manhattan-based 'hush money' prosecution of former President Donald Trump got off to an abbreviated start, with the court adjourning Monday at 12:30PM ET. A juror had previously notified the judge they would have to leave for a dentist appointment early."
Trump Trial Day 1 Summary: Here’s What Happened in the Opening Arguments . . .
- “The fact that we have two courts, not one — criminal and civil — being used against one man because they cannot beat him in the polls is a disgrace to the American judicial system,” she said in remarks at the New York State Supreme Court Building in Manhattan after opening arguments in the hush money case.
Alina Habba: Criminal and Civil Courts Being Used Against Trump Because "They Cannot Beat Him in the Polls"
- Attorney General Letitia James wanted Engoron to void the bond. The original amount was $454 million. James’ team tried to spin the decision as a win for them, claiming Trump “has conceded to the Attorney General’s demands to resolve concerns related to the bond.”
NYC Judge Rules Trump’s $175 Million Bond From Civil Trial Stands
- . . . it's as if the entire point was to achieve a judgment that would be impossible for Donald Trump to pay. It's as if the entire point of her case was to seize his assets under bogus pretenses and be a hero to the radical left.
Did Letitia James Accidentally Reveal the Real Reason for Her Trump Witch Hunt?
- "A clear majority questions the DOJ's use of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to prosecute J6 defendants."
Why SCOTUS Will Toss 350 J6 Convictions
- "Worse, adults. . . who might, under any other pretext, go to jail, are free to harass, bully, and threaten real women. But don't worry. He won't actually hurt anyone. Right up until he does."
School Ignored Trans Student's 'Hit List, Leading to a Bloody Beat-Down
- "By media standards, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden is a terrorist sympathizer until he personally delivers a press conference to condemn anti-Semitism."
By Media Standards, Joe Biden is a Terrorist Sympathizer Until He Personally Condemns Anti-Semitism
- "Until now, corporate media haven’t blinked an eye over the destruction of hundreds of millions of innocent embryos."
Media Suddenly Concerned About Embryos Because They’re "Palestinian"
- "Hackers have exploited more than 280 Microsoft software vulnerabilities over a little more than two decades."
Dangerous Microsoft Monopoly Endangers Cybersecurity
- A look at how energy price inflation, driven by “climate crisis” policies, is impacting California and the United Kingdom….versus Ohio, where fossil fuel based energy is leading to a decrease in electricity prices.
Bidenomics: Energy Prices Skyrocket Nearly 30% Under Biden, 13 times Faster Than Previous 7 Years
- "Express Inc., a fashion retailer, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Monday in a Delaware court and announced its plans to close over 100 stores. . . The business was once a rival to other major fashion retailers like Zara and H&M."
Retail Clothing Giant Files For Bankruptcy, Will Close More Than 100 Stores
- "Today in 2024 the middle class still don’t get no respect."
Can "Get Trump" Beat Failing Bidenomics?
- “With twice the population, will there be any wilderness left? Any quiet place? Any habitat for songbirds? Waterfalls? Other wild creatures? Not much,” Nelson said at least two decades ago.
Earth Day Founder Warned Against Mass Immigration as ‘Tremendous Cost’ to Americans’ Quality of Life
- "As with so many other policies in the [junta's] global warming arsenal, mandating invariably higher-cost household items is another dagger at Americans’ family budgets."
If you like your appliances, you can't keep them, according to Joe Biden
- Kentucky AG Russell Coleman: “The Biden [junta] is willing to sacrifice the American auto industry and its workers in service of its radical green agenda. We just aren’t buying it,"
Half Of US States Challenge Biden Auto Emission Rules
- "Alaska has suffered from more environmental meddling from Washington bureaucrats than any other state in the country."
To Celebrate Earth Day, the White House Locks Off More Alaskan Earth From American Use
- "There is no climate crisis, as Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. John Clauser emphasized last year, with plenty of data to back him up. Climate alarmists have been consistently wrong for 50+ years, and they’re not any more accurate now. The offshore wind craze will be horrible both for the environment and for the Maine fishing industry, but climate alarmists in government and Big Business don’t care as long as they can increase their own wealth and power."
Happy Earth Day: Offshore Wind Is Disastrous for Maine Fishermen, Marine Life
- “The department expressed their concerns to the Biden [junta] regarding his visit, and the quick turnaround of a Syracuse police officer being buried and an Onondaga County Sheriff’s deputy being buried, and then the manpower that it would take and everything that our members have been through in the past week. Those concerns were expressed to the Biden [junta] and the Biden [junta] elected to move forward with the visit,” Moran told the Daily Caller.
Despite Police Pushback, Biden Presses On With Visit To Syracuse After Two Cops Were Just Slain
- "Delivering the mail should not be a harrowing, life-threatening ordeal."
Postal Crime Remains Rampant
- Team Biden is is using the monkeypox outbreak in the Congo as the rationale for the “Global Health Security Strategy.”
Biden Junta Trying to Implement Its Own "Pandemic Treaty"
- "Flipping a gun for a price higher than one paid now may turn anyone into a dealer, making any such sale unlawful if it does not involve all the licensing and paperwork that govern gun dealers."
ATF Rule Change Creates a Trap for the Unwary
- Uber-woke UCLA says Natalie Perry’s job is to teach med students to “do what’s right.” Her academic career is built on fraud.
DEI Official At UCLA School of Medicine Massively Plagiarized Her Dissertation On DEI
- Christopher F. Rufo & Luke Rosiak: "A prominent administrator at the university’s medical school appears to have plagiarized."
Academic Dishonesty at UCLA
- According to the NPR article, the price tag for college is not the sole reason many are choosing to attend a trade school. “With the use of artificial intelligence on the rise, many Gen Zers see manual labor as less vulnerable to the emerging technology than white-collar alternatives,” the report said. (This is most encouraging news, so long as we can keep the fucking Maoists the hell out of the trade schools - jjs)
VIDEO — ‘Toolbelt Generation’: More Young People Skipping College for Trade School
- “I’m not a progressive,” Fetterman told NBC News. “I just think I’m a Democrat that is very committed to choice and other things. But with Israel, I’m going to be on the right side of that. And immigration is something near and dear to me, and I think we do have to effectively address it as well.”
John Fetterman Says GOP Senator Should Be Harvard President To ‘Recalibrate’ It ‘From Far-Left Orthodoxy’
- "We had to sit in there and watch them clean up the blood."
WATCH: 13-Year-Old Girl Tearfully Tells School Board She Watched Classmate Brutalize Female Student
- "Grassroots activists aren’t the only candidates to lead a potential Trump Department of Education. A who’s-who of elected Republican officials have the support of education groups that spoke to the Daily Caller, and there were indications some might be interested in the job."
An Overlooked Trump Cabinet Pick Could Upend The Left’s Grip On Power
- Newsom’s move follows the Arizona Supreme Court’s upholding of an 1864 law that effectively bans all abortions in the state. The ruling has proved highly controversial, and the Biden campaign has seized on it in an effort to link former President Donald Trump to local state efforts to implement abortion restrictions.Trump, however, has made it clear that he does not wish to enact a nationwide federal ban on abortions, arguing that the matter is one on which individual states should decide. He also cautioned Republicans on the unpopularity of total bans with voters and the risk such bans pose to Republicans’ electoral prospects.
DEAD BABIES INC: Newsom Rushes to Boost CA’s Abortion Tourism Industry
- "Mac Warner says he doesn’t want to put local elections officials in the middle of the ‘illegal’ Bidenbucks directives."
Why West Virginia’s Secretary Of State Won’t Follow Biden’s ‘Illegal Directives’ Federalizing Elections
- "The Pennsylvania senator tries to have it both ways, standing by his endorsement of the anti-Israel Democrat in the face of a primary challenge but keeping his distance, too."
Bob Casey Does Delicate Dance With Besieged 'Squad' Member Summer Lee
- "Republicans can no longer afford to be the Stupid Party. There is too much at stake." (FFS, they're not stupid; they're complicit!!! - jjs)
Republicans Being Stupid
- "So Kennedy is no different from your garden variety race-baiting Democrat who doesn't believe in election integrity. Between this and everything else, how could anyone who claims to be a conservative vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?"
If You're Considering Voting for RFK Jr., Think Again
- "Until the GOP establishment learns to fear repercussions from its voters, the bipartisan destruction of America will continue unabated."
Ignoring Primaries Gives the GOP Establishment Permission to Be Awful
- "In Trump, his supporters hear a spirited defense of the hard-working despised and a fearless denouncing of the fashionable despisers."
Contempt For Ordinary Voters Undermines Opposition To Trump
- "Another preventable Afghanistan-pullout-like failure, because that's what Joe Biden does."
US Hands Over $110 Million Base to Niger Junta to Release 1,000 US Army Hostages, Watches Helplessly as Base Goes to Russia
- The outlet reports that the move will "force the Biden [junta] to rethink its counter-terrorism strategy" and is a "strategic victory for Russia."
US to withdraw military from Niger after security pact revoked
- "The U.S. is under the aegis of [a junta] that has shown itself to not only be weak-kneed but complicit when facing America's threats, and that begins at the border and stretches across the world. It may not be in the best interests of the United States to put boots on the ground in every hot spot on the globe, but the rest of the world has taken notice of who is in charge and is taking advantage of it."
Taiwan, U.S. Plan Discussions on Military Aid as U.S. Plans Withdrawal from Niger
- "One of the largest and hastiest evacuations occurred in the northern Guangdong city of Qingyuan, which was built on both sides of the Bei River. The Bei River is a tributary of the Pearl River Delta, which expected floods of up to 19 feet above the danger line on Monday." (May all the CCP members drown - jjs)
China’s Guangdong Province Faces Deadly Floods
- "The current leadership focuses on obtaining anti-ship missiles while its worldwide force readiness slides."
Biden Has Allowed the Marine Corps to Become Irrelevant
- Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), Johnson’s handpicked choice to take over the House Appropriations Committee after Rep. Kay Granger’s (R-TX) resignation in March, wants to “unlock the possibility of more earmarks,” Politico reports. . . Cole, in making clear his opinion, said Johnson would be the decider. “Whatever the speaker comes back with is what I’ll be supporting,” Cole said. (Grifting Oleaginous Parasites - jjs)
Former Fiscal Conservative Mike Johnson Considering Scheme to Expand Earmarks
- In one of her colloquies with Grants Pass attorney Theane Evangelis, Sotomayor summed up the liberal wing's concern when she asked, "Where do we put [the homeless] if every city, every village, every town lacks compassion and passes a law identical to this?" And, continuing in her how long have you been beating your wife way, she asked, "Where are they supposed to sleep? Are they supposed to kill themselves, not sleeping?"
Lefty SCOTUS Justice Says Quiet Part Out Loud in Argument Over Huge Homeless Case
- "Though unconfirmed and uncertain, these results when looked at honestly make sense. Europa is a very cold world. An underground ocean might exist due to tidal forces imposed by Jupiter, but that dark and sunless ocean is also likely to be very hostile to life. Not enough energy to sustain it."
Computer models suggest there is no life in Europa’s underground ocean
- Robert Zimmerman: "As with all the recent announcements, the NASA press release now insists that the accords are designed to 'reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty,' the exact opposite of the original goals of the accords. Rather than overvcome the Outer Space Treaty’s restriction on private property in space, the Biden [junta] is now using the accords to strengthen that restriction."
Slovenia signs Artemis Accords
- Christian Toto: "Late Show to shoot around anticipated pro-'Palestinian' protests." (He can just claim they're all MAGA confederates dressed in PLO drag - jjs)
Can Colbert Ignore "Genocide Joe" Chants at DNC?
- "Meritocracy or enforced diversity?"
Dr. Phil Video: DEI Advocate Destroyed by Black Conservatives
- "All the best stories, the most beautiful works of art, are on on their side."
The Classical Education Reformers Have a Chance
- "Netflix’s documentary Testament: The Story of Moses is both entertaining and frustrating."
Netflix’s Story of Moses Series Takes Creative Liberties That Just Don’t Work
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "Understanding what a real Passover Seder is."
Why This Night Is Different From All Other Nights
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:38 AM
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