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April 12, 2024
The Demented Usurper Biden, On His Own Dictatorial Authority, Announces "Rule" That Presumes to Outlaw Most Private Gun Sales
As did Obama before him, Biden believes that anytime Congress refuses to pass laws that he demands it's a "crisis" which empowers the executive to assume the power of Congress and pass laws on its own authority.
It's been a quarter of a century since the shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado brought the "gun show loophole" into popular discourse, and the Biden administration has just announced it would move unilaterally to end the practice following decades of inaction by Congress.
A new federal regulation published by the Department of Justice on Thursday, titled "Final Rule: Definition of 'Engaged in the Business' as a Dealer," aims to greatly reduce the number of firearms sold without a background check and comes following the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, according to the Biden White house.
That's the media attempting to claim there is congressional support for this dictator's rule. There's not. Whenever Biden assumes tyrannical power he has his unethical lawyers spam out random references to actual laws which he claims creates Penumbras and Emanations giving him the power to impose whatever law his senile head fancies that day.
Loopholes in the nation's gun laws allow "domestic abusers, school shooters, violent criminals, and gun traffickers" to obtain firearms at local gun shows without criminal background checks, the White House said, and those same loopholes allow some gun sellers who should be required to run background checks to skirt the law and operate without a license to deal in firearms.
The main thing allowing criminals to buy guns is the Democrats' refusal to prosecute criminals, which results in them never being entered into the federal no-buy syndrome.
Once again, Democrats are attempting to reduce crime without causing any distress to the actual criminals, who are their voters.
Just like all of their feigned efforts to control illegal immigration never involve actually stopping any illegal aliens from entering or remaining in the country.
The rule is the "largest expansion of background checks since the Brady Bill became the law," and includes a list of commercial activity that might qualify a person as a gun dealer. For example, if a gun owner were to frequently buy and sell the same model firearm, or offer to procure and sell more firearms during a private sale, or if they "repeatedly" sell firearms within 30 days of purchase, they may require a license.
The rule states that there is "no gun show or online sales loophole" and that any commercial activity that would require a Federal Firearms License if it were conducted in a brick and mortar location will now also require such a license.
According to Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights, the rule "will outlaw virtually all private sales of firearms between individuals."
A spokesperson for the National Rifle Association said the rule is an attempt to "coerce Americans to forgo legal activity" and that they are "already working to use all means available to stop this unlawful rule."
House Minority Whip Katherine Clark, D-Mass., hailed the move, saying the rule "honors the will" of the majority of Americans and that it will save lives, but cautioned there was more to be done.
"Now, Congress needs to build on that progress by fully closing the boyfriend loophole, enacting a nationwide red flag law, getting high-capacity magazines off the street, and reenacting the federal assault weapons ban," Clark said.
And I'm sure Biden's mob lawyers will "discover" hints and innuendoes in the US Code that empower him to impose those "rules" on his own authority, too.
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:05 PM
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