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April 02, 2024
Trump Posts Violent, Inciting Video So Dangerous and So Corrosive to Our System of Democratic Self-Rule That the Noble and Brave Firefighter Media (TM) Wisely Refuses to Show This Outrageous Dark MAGA Extremism
Trump's gone too far this time, all of the independent, free-thinking media philosophers agree.
Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler absurdly claimed in a statement that the video was yet another instance of Trump attempting to incite violence.
This image from Donald Trump is the type of crap you post when you're calling for a bloodbath or when you tell the Proud Boys to 'stand back and stand by.' Trump is regularly inciting political violence and it's time people take him seriously -- just ask the Capitol Police officers who were attacked protecting our democracy on January 6.
I don't know if it's "absurd." This is pretty grisly stuff.
Content warning. Not for anyone below the age of 26, after your brain has stopped being easily changed, and not for anyone with a heart condition or general nervous temperament.
Seriously: This is spiritually dark. This will stain your soul.
Even Jon Stewart thinks they're assholes. Even Jon Stewart.
In another "even an asshole farts at noon and midnight a few times per year" news, the liberal establishment's pet Muslim Fareed Zacharia admits the left might be a little bit hypocritical in deciding who can, and who cannot, "deny election results."
That's a cowardly statement by Fareed. He could have made the more direct, and more devastating, comparison of Trump to Hillary Clinton, who alleged, on videotape, that Russia literally "changed votes" in ballot boxes, and who injected a massive, batshit crazy conspiracy theory about Putin "rigging the election for Trump" into the US government which we all suffered through for six f***ing years.
I've told the story of first seeing Hillary Clinton say that Russia "changed actual votes." I saw the clip on Jake Tapper's stupid show, one of the few times I watched it. I tweeted out "Wonder if CNN is ever going to question Hillary Clinton about her own conspiracy theory about Russia changing the votes" in the ballot boxes.
Jake Tapper, always scouring Twitter for slights, DM'd me and demanded: "Cite?"
That wasn't an innocent request for a citation, by the way. Jake Tapper is always ignorant of facts, and always insisting that if he doesn't know a fact, you must be making it up.
And I told him -- and this is 100% all true -- "I just saw it on your show. Three minutes ago."
He actually scours Twitter while on the air hosting his own show.
Does he not watch his own show? He set up the "package," the prerecorded report showing Clinton make this accusation, but apparently did not bother to watch it. He was too eager to get back to his Twitter power-search to see if anyone had mentioned him (or CNN) in the past twenty minutes.
Jake, if you can't be bothered to watch your own show, why should any of us?
Oh right, only a couple of hundred thousand viewers watch your show. And those figures include an average of eight cats for every AWFL viewer.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
03:35 PM
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