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January 23, 2024
Nikki Haley Doubles Down on Identity Politics To Woo Leftwing Voters, Claiming She Suffered From Racism
There is nothing conservative about this grasping Karen, including her bodycount.
Can Nikki Haley read the room? Apparently not. With the New Hampshire primary just two days away, on Sunday she played the race card in a big way, making outlandish and implausible claims about her youth in South Carolina. Whose votes is she trying to win? Those of patriotic voters who are thoroughly sick of charges of "racism" being used as a weapon or those of the entrenched Washington establishment that weaponized those charges? The answer isn't even close to being in doubt.
Haley came out big for identity politics on NBC Sunday, saying: "We were the only Indian family in our small southern town. I was teased every day for being brown. So anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what I've said on how hard it was to grow up in the deep South as a brown girl."
Now wait a minute here. It's very common for kids to tease one another, and to seize upon whatever is available to do the teasing with, but did Nikki Haley really experience racism in the deep South? She was born in South Carolina in 1972. So she is talking about suffering from racist teasing in the 1970s and 1980s.
Haley, however, dug even deeper, adding: "If you wanna know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn't white or black, because they didn't know where to put me. So look, I know the hardships, the pain that come with racism."
Are you kidding me?
If I had a beauty contest, I wouldn't know where to put Nikki Haley, either. I think I'd make her an usher. I mean: You know this isn't an inner beauty contest, right?
I was wondering -- after the disclosures about Nikki Haley's risk-taking adulterous affairs -- if there's a link between ambition in women and sex drive. Higher testosterone, maybe?
It seems there is:
So is a successful and driven career woman more likely to have a high sex drive than her lesser-achieving sisters?
That was the conclusion drawn from research published this week which showed that women with high levels of testosterone are more likely to be risk-takers - and to have stronger sexual appetites.
Now do Hillary Clinton.
Wait -- Belay that order, Number Two.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
03:30 PM
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