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January 19, 2024
The Morning Report — 1/19/24
Good morning, kids. My moods and gut instincts about next November are for sure ephemeral but one thing is for sure. It's going to be lit. 11 months is both an eternity and just around the corner in electoral politics. But as of this moment, Biden or no Biden, and I think Trump or no Trump, there is no way the Democrats are going to win given the situation on the ground. When I say Trump or no Trump, the second part of that means his imprisonment or otherwise punishment via process of multiple kangaroo courts.
The past three years have been so utterly catastrophic in terms of our economy, foreign policy, degeneracy via social/cultural issues, explosion of raw Democrat-centered Jew-hatred, and most of all, the straw that breaks the camel's back the intentional erasure of our border and how that has exacerbated all of the aforementioned.
Let us count the ways. First, this nugget:
As the press and its political allies dismiss opposition to open borders and its inherent 'replacement theory' as little more than 'white supremacy,' something different is happening out in America's inner cities.
Charlamagne Tha G0d (the name he goes by) hosts the nation's top radio program with black audiences, and far from hearing white supremacy talk regarding the border issue, is hearing black voices that have had it up to here with open borders.
"Like, I honestly have never spoken to as many people who are concerned about the migrant issue as I have, you know, over the past year. And, I mean, I've heard everything from, you know, the gang MS13 overrunning neighborhoods . . . what we saw just happened in New York City, where the migrants—they took 2,000 migrants and put them in the school and made the school stay home—made the students stay home and do school via Zoom. And that was a big issue. Like, I mean, people were calling the radio station—that was just this week, you know, really, really, really complaining about that. So I've never seen working-class people who I interact with every day until this past year really, really, really expressed their frustration for the migrants," he continued.
And this, regarding the standing narrative that only Republicans oppose illegal immigration and it was for racist reasons. The radio host referred to the "stunt" of border state governors transferring illegal migrants to sanctuary cities as their mayors and governors screamed, which, he noted, was an "effective" tactic:
"Clearly it was effective because it made a lot of those Democrats start singing a different tune. And, I mean, the voters see that. The voters see that," Charlamagne said. "So what does that look like to the voter? Just on the surface, just on the surface, it looks like Republicans were right about the issue and Democrats got it wrong. And now a lot of Democrats are starting to sound like the Republicans sounded. So it makes a lot of people say, ‘Well, damn, Republicans were actually right on that issue.’ Just on the surface, just plain on the surface, that's how it looks, you know, to the average voter."
The hard reality is that migrants with little education and few skills are most likely to move into neighborhoods of the poorest people, who are black, and bring crime and gangs with them. They also displace black citizens from jobs, by being willing to work for less, making the lot of black people that much harder. The black people see this from the sharp end much more so than the Martha's Vineyard crowd, and as Charlamagne reports, they want something done about it.
The cynic in me would think that the only reason blacks are up in arms is that they see a threat to their governmental welfare state gravy train being taken from them and given to the illegals. Yet, even someone like this Charlamagne character is objecting along lines that are much more in line with middle class attitudes, at least from these snippets.
From the Democrat-Leftist perspective, they are indeed replacing blacks as their new majority bloc because their polices since LBJ have decimated their ranks via abortion and the effects of family dissolution (imprisonment and an early grave) that is leading to their ultimate extinction. To be brutally honest, the Democrats have committed a slow motion genocide against American blacks. Maybe one day soon, Charlamagne Tha G0d and those of his ilk will connect the dots, but by then it might be too late.
Then there's this aspect:
The protest was a display of the failures of the Obama/Biden administration’s immigration policies — policies that have opened our doors to virulently antisemitic immigrants from the Islamic world who have no intention of embracing our freedoms, but instead insist that Americans embrace Islam.
On the March for Gaza website was a list of endorsing organizations, including the Israel/Palestine Network of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), along with a litany of radical Marxist and Islamic Organizations. In less than an hour, I saw protesters screaming for the annihilation of Israel, other protesters calling for revolution to overthrow the Israeli government for defending their people. Yet in the midst of all that hatred, not once did I hear anyone say “free the hostages, or “overthrow Hamas.” The question that lingered in my mind was, “Why would a mainline Christian denomination actively support Marxist and antisemitic organizations that call for genocide and the destruction of our capitalist society?” The red-green alliance between Western Leftists and Middle Eastern Islamists is alive and well.
The next morning, I read that, the night before, White House staff had to be moved after pro-Palestinian rioters damaged anti-scale fencing and hurled objects at the police. This comes just two months after rioters vandalized the White House fence and spraypainted graffiti reading, “Death to Israel” and “Glory to our martyrs” on buildings near the Israeli Embassy. Yet never once has anyone in the administration said a word about “insurrection.”
While malignancies such as Dearborn and Minneapolis are evident, myriad smaller towns and burgs all over the US are, if not stopped, going to turn at first into no-go zones that are controlled by Sharia police and then sooner or later capture the nation. More or less without firing a shot. By the way, much of the problem didn't begin with Biden. It began with George W. Bush who, after 9/11/01 opened the floodgates for the mass infection of Muslim immigration. Biden just exacerbated it by erasing our borders so that untold hundreds or even thousands of military age males from Islamic countries have entered. Multiply the Boston Marathon bombing by that number and you've got yourself a situation.
But don't worry, sez Democrat Congress-stooge Lou Correa:
Well, think about what’s going on around the world right now. We have two wars. We have fentanyl [on] our doorstep everywhere on Main Street across the country. We have challenges of fentanyl, sad, tragic deaths, parents mourning. And then, of course, we have a worldwide refugee challenge. So, naturally, we want to find out why this is happening. But Alejandro Mayorkas is not the reason. Alejandro’s doing his job. If you think about those two world wars going on in the Middle East and in Europe…what you’re not talking about is the fact that we haven’t had a terrorist attack, thank God, on our soil, the fact that we’ve essentially minimized any attack — cyberattacks on our society. So, Mayorkas is doing a good job."
Thanks for that reassurance that we haven't had a terrorist attack – YET. I'm sure this planarian will crawl under a rock never to be seen when a dirty bomb goes off somewhere, or a Queer for "Palestine" goes really really queer in the head and shoots up a synagogue, or blows up a car bomb in Times Square. Meh, he'll be the first in front of the camera's to blame America, Trump and the culture of Islamophobia. Or the Mossad.
Speaking of Queer Terrorists, we dodged another bullet. Let's see how long it takes for the FBI to turn this creature into a MAGA white supremacist. I guess we should cut them some slack for refusing to cooperate on yet another laptop, Seth Rich's. But I digress.
In a not unrelated incident, in the desperate attempt to shield Mayorkas, Biden and the entire Democrat Party from their treasonous action of destroying our borders (I unequivocally and absolutely mean that word and its ramifications in no uncertain terms), Dan Goldman, scumbag supreme literally berated a woman who's daughter died from a fentanyl overdose for daring to blame Alejandro Mayorkas, essentially equating her to a Republican shill. Blood is boiling now.
Josephine Dunn lost her daughter Ashley to fentanyl at the age of 26 and testified before Congress at a hearing titled “Voices for the Victims: The Heartbreaking Reality of the Mayorkas Border Crisis.” Goldman told her that she was being “used” and was not qualified to be a witness before going back and forth about the border.
“I want to apologize in some ways to you that you are here, really to share your story, but being used as a fact witness for an impeachment investigation,” Goldman told Dunn and another mother who lost her daughter to border-related issues. “And obviously given what your experience has been, you don’t have the background to understand what a high crime and misdemeanor is and how it relates to this. So I hope that you’re handling that okay.”
“You would agree, would you not, that it would help to stop the fentanyl trade and fentanyl trafficking from coming into this country if we had more law enforcement officers at the border and more resources and technology to stop the fentanyl from coming in?” he asked Dunn. “Do you agree with that?”
“I disagree with that, because border patrol is now being used to make sandwiches and to screen people and let them into our country, so I disagree with you,” Dunn responded. “I would like the border patrol to be able to do the job that they were hired to do. Every border patrol officer that I have spoken to has told me that their hands are tied by this administration and mister Mayorkas. I’ve been to the border, sir, have you?”
Goldman did not answer the question.
“Excuse me, I’m asking the questions,” he retorted.
There really isn't a flaming sack of horse manure large, putrid and scorching enough to shove down this bastard's throat. Crime, terrorism, the waste of hundreds of billons of dollars, societal dissolution and every other problem down the line intersects, at least in some way, with the fact the we have no borders and no immigration control. And that has been completely intentional as I have stated over and over again.
We see it, and now so many others see it across perhaps the broadest spectrum of the political, ethnic and socio-economic landscape of the nation. A nation disappearing by the day. As I stated at the top, this above all else is going to destroy the Democrats come November, election rigging or not. Oh, they will be trying to steal it yet again for sure. But this time around, it will have to be so massive and in your face a cheat that everyone will see it. And those who voted, or whose ballots went to Biden one way or another four years ago, are going to be pissed because this time around, it's their election, either in voting Trump or staying home in protest of Biden, that will have been stolen.
The only thing they have left to run on is abortion. And I don't think even this go-round, it's going to trump - heh - the disaster of the open border and Bidenomics. After that, all they can hope for is to trump Trump. Prepare for what's left of your head after Goldman to explode:
[Eric the "Red"] Holder said, “Even with this Supreme Court, with this ultra conservative super majority, there’s not a basis for finding in favor of the assertions he is making. You know, the court’s legitimacy is at stake here in a way that I think really goes to the way in which it will be viewed, that body will be viewed by the American people.”
“To rule for the Trump camp, to say there’s any basis to those five assertions that he has made really puts at risk how the court will be viewed by the American public. There is again no constitutional basis for it, no historical precedent for it. That is not the way in which our nation has been formed or for which the American Revolution was actually conducted. I think that anybody who lines up in support of that really puts at risk our democracy and really puts at risk the notion that we are one person, one vote, that the people decide things, that no one is above the law. puts at risk the whole notion of the rule of law.”
I cannot predict what will happen if Donald Trump is indeed railroaded at least off the ballots and at most imprisoned in the Garland Archipelago. As bad as things are, ordinary, decent real Americans still do not face enough of an existential threat in their daily lives to actually revolt, peacefully or otherwise. At least not yet.
If SCOTUS actually does the right thing and throw these insane charges out, for sure the BLM/Antifa cadres – now "fortified" with hundreds or thousands of military age Muslim males! – are going to react, either at the behest of or independently from Holder's buddies in Kalorama and elsewhere.
See you tomorrow on the hobby thread. Have a good weekend.
PS: My latest essay is now over at Taki Mag. Have a read and comment.
- The IDF: Destroyed Hamas weapons factories were “connected to a tunnel route hundreds of kilometers long.”
Israel Destroys Hamas’s Main Weapons Manufacturing Site, Uncovers New Vast Tunnel Network
- "It is a sad truth not just for Israel and Jews, but for all of the world that the United States government is no longer committed to freedom, liberty, and democracy around the world. These most recent actions of the government demonstrate yet again how important it is that we elect new leaders to replace the ones that are betraying American values."
The U.S. is Now Openly Working Against Israel's Survival
- "The world is turning a blind eye – and doesn't understand who the hostages are."
100 Days in Gaza
- "Only the Republican Party will continue to guarantee America’s support and the survival of the world’s only Jewish state. Supporters of Israel would do well to keep this in mind in 2024."
The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel is the American Progressive Movement (It's the greatest threat to the survival of America - jjs)
- "To gain financial stability, all the PA has to do is stop payments to terrorists and their families."
PA Increases the Number of "Pay-for-Slay" Beneficiaries, While Crying for More Aid
- "A deepening crisis of division in a country that voted for ceasefire in Gaza."
Canada: Liberal and NDP MPs Head to Jordan, Judea and Samaria to Meet "Palestinians," "Progressive Israeli Groups"
* * * * *
- At that point, another protester shouted that Israel’s military should be regarded as a “terrorist organization.” Members of the crowd wasted no time ejecting the unwanted agitator from the premises, as others in the audience called to “get him out of here.”
"Don’t Mess with Texas": Texans Praised for Ejecting Anti-Israel Hecklers During Gov. Abbott Speech
- Daniel Greenfield: "What does it mean to be a 'rabbinic intern' in a P.O. Box opposite a Little Caesars?"
The "Rabbi" and "Peace Activist" Who Cheered the Hamas Oct. 7 Attack
- "[Andre] Carson's appearance at the event comes as Democrat leaders try to distance themselves from anti-Israel activists. The White House last month denounced Awad's remarks as anti-Semitic. Other Democrats retracted their past support for CAIR, which the FBI in a 2000s terrorism investigation named a co-conspirator of Hamas front groups."
House Dem Shares Stage With Anti-Semites and Holocaust Deniers at "March for Gaza" Rally
- "With the spring semester weeks away, MIT's Coalition Against Apartheid vows 'even stronger and even bigger' action." (Whoever participates in anything that disturbs normal campus activity should be expelled and/or arrested. Of course, that's what would happen in a sane world - jjs)
Anti-Israel Student Group Threatens "No Business as Usual at MIT" Until Jewish State is Eradicated
- "The word anti-Zionist, although not for the lack of trying, might not have the same bloody history as anti-Semite, but it is objectively more shrill."
Let the Haters Hate
- "So what’s the purpose behind failing to clamp down on demonstrations becoming violent near the White House? What if it were a different group of people protesting something else? Some theorize that these types of mobs are the very people who would be voting for Democrats and thus why they’re allowed to wreak havoc. It’s the price of their vote. But that seems like a hefty price to pay and a huge risk. There’s simply no logical reason to allow this to occur without consequences." (Except it is logical; you answered your own question - jjs)
Why Can't Law Enforcement Stop Anti-Israel Protests from Getting Out of Hand?
- "New York’s wrongheaded criminal-justice reforms enabled the latest round of lawless pro–'Palestine' protests."
The Great Jackass-Terrorist Alliance
- "When leftist 'tolerance' becomes unlivable for Jews."
California: Hamas-Linked CAIR Says Pro-Israel Demonstrator Provoked Hate Crime on Herself
- "What do pro-Palestinian protesters have to say for themselves? I decided to go in and ask them."
Surrounded by Raging Protesters at a Jihad Jamboree
- Jews are taught to not hate others. 'Palestinians' are another story."
Enabling Hatred of the Jewish People
- “You did not dispute any of the facts I said about the organization, that he was an advisor of, he was a donor of, he raised money for,” the Texas senator said. “The Democrats don’t want to defend the substance, so now they’re screaming Islamophobia, and I understand, playing the race card when anyone disagrees with the Democrats, they scream racist.” (Durbin still has not been held accountable for his relationship with near mass assassin James Hodgkinson - jjs)
"Is That Seriously What You Said?!": Ted Cruz Explodes on Democrat Senator
- McAfee’s order would force her to address the accusations in televised court proceedings, which could “be embarrassing for the district attorney and at worst derail the investigation completely,” the report said.
Report: Georgia Judge Schedules Hearing on Fani Willis’s Alleged Improper Relationship with Top Prosecutor
- “Joycelyn Wade is using the legal process to harass and embarrass District Attorney Willis, and in doing so, is obstructing and interfering with an ongoing criminal prosecution,” the motion said. (Fani is having her fanny rogered by this woman's husband and she has the temerity to spout this? - jjs)
Get This, Fani Willis Accuses Alleged Lover’s Wife of "Interfering" With Trump Case
- "Humphreys also testified in Carroll’s original defamation case against President Trump and was called as an expert in Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s defamation case in Georgia."
"Expert" Who Claims Trump Cost E. Jean Carroll $12.1 Million Admits No Experience in Reputation Management, is Long-Standing Democrat Donor (A hack leftist with zero qualifications. I'm shocked! - jjs)
- Habba then attempted to press Carroll on her awareness of state laws, to which Judge Kaplan appeared to come to Carroll’s defense, shooting back, “Don’t even start.” Undeterred, Habba continued her line of questioning, asking Carroll if she had bullets for the gun and if she lived in the State of New York. Carroll answered “yes” to both questions. Judge Kaplan’s attempt to shut down Habba’s line of questioning only adds to concerns about the judge’s political bias.
E. Jean Carroll Just Testified To Owning an Illegal Firearm and Ammo in New York State
- "Carroll, 80, initially claimed her first lawsuit against Trump had no outside funding. It later emerged that Hoffman, a former guest of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, had provided financial assistance — but Bill Clinton-appointed judge Lewis Kaplan did not sanction her and ruled jurors could not be told about his involvement in the case."
Trump Slams Epstein Guest "Piglet Reid Hoffman" Over Carroll "Hoax" (Piglet? He makes Crisco Christie look like Iggy Pop - jjs)
- "The American people intuitively understand that these cases are bogus, but here are some hard facts and legal principles to support that understanding." (It's not the strength of the cases. It's the ethics, or lack thereof, of the DAs, judges and juries - jjs)
The Final Four Cases Against Donald Trump
- “To rule for the Trump camp, to say there’s any basis to those five assertions that he has made really puts at risk how the court will be viewed by the American public. There is again no constitutional basis for it, no historical precedent for it. That is not the way in which our nation has been formed or for which the American Revolution was actually conducted. I think that anybody who lines up in support of that really puts at risk our democracy and really puts at risk the notion that we are one person, one vote, that the people decide things, that no one is above the law. puts at risk the whole notion of the rule of law.” (The gall of this despicable traitor to spout this is beyond my capacity for words, and effectiveness of my BP meds - jjs)
Fish-Faced Thug-in-a-Three-Piece Holder: SCOTUS "Legitimacy Is at Stake" in Trump Rulings
- FBI agents arrested male-born transgender person, Elizabeth Ballesteros West, in Oregon last week after reports of online threats that included photos of guns, according to Newsweek. According to the Gazette, West’s bio on social media read that he is a “A Nazi dominatrix from Hell, who is tired of the blackening of America and Europe and ready to stand up to the Black orcs and the Jewish Wizard.” (Watch them turn this "thing" into mostly MAGA, while ignoring the transsexualism - jjs)
FBI Arrests Radical Transgender Person Suspect over Threats to "Kill Transphobes"
- "The details shared with the press regarding the groups’ plans were vague, only mentioning preparation for litigation, drafting letters to influence possible Trump appointees and conducting research on what a second Trump term may look like. The coalition wants to “challenge Trump from day one,” according to NBC News.
Meet The Donors Funding the Shadow Campaign To Stop Trump’s Second Term Before It Even Begins
- "'Where did that money come from? We spent it into existence,' congressman says of Biden's pandemic response."
Biden’s $2 Trillion COVID Bill Made Inflation Worse. Jamaal Bowman Wants to Spend Seven Times as Much on Reparations.
- David Harsanyi: "Sometimes you get the sense that maybe all this ‘democracy’ talk is just a cynical strategy to hold onto power."
Democrats Promise to Save "Democracy" by Destroying It
- "Piker’s interview, along with the overwhelming majority of the discourse surrounding Israel and Hamas, is steeped in and poisoned by the faux messianic oppressor-oppressed worldview of leftism."
Oppressor Matrix Gives Leftists Like Hamas Sycophant Hasan Piker Brain Worms (The turd's name is Piker. QED - jjs)
- "One theory is they’d all get government jobs—the classic solution to dealing with the unemployable."
What If DIE Dies?
- "What happened to the 1995 ruling my client won in Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Peña?"
SCOTUS Shut Down Race-Based Hiring Nearly 30 Years Ago, So Why are We Still Doing It?
- "Unscrupulous politicians and bureaucrats are intentionally destroying our nation’s heritage to obtain greater power, control, and wealth."
"Their" Democracy: Tyranny Comes to the US
- "We cannot be forced to sit on the sidelines while the federal government imposes this on our state."
Texas AG Ken Paxton Reveals He's Been Threatened by Biden's DOJ Over Texas' Fight to Secure the Border
- "Daily Border Patrol encounters of illegal immigrants crossing the border was 12,000 to 14,000 per day at the end of December. But according to government data confidentially shared with me, it has dropped to a still managerially catastrophic yet smaller 4,000 to 5,000 a day. What led to those numbers dropping from ionospheric heights? The answer will have something to do with the Biden [junta's] diplomatic missions to Mexico City over Christmas. . . The Mexican president will want Biden to win so he can keep releasing immigrants. . . — and get paid U.S. tax dollars to do it."
Has Biden Bribed Mexico to Control Border – and Help Him Win the election? (Why do that? The millions who flooded in are already registered Democrats with their ballots pre-harvested - jjs)
- "Feel safe yet? No wonder - the Transportation Security Administration has never actually caught a terrorist in its 20-plus-year run. But it has let through a massive amount of unvetted illegals, most of whom don’t have a proper ID." (It's an invasion, it's premeditated and an act of treason from the highest level - jjs)
TSA Instructs Illegals On Getting Through Airport Security Without ID
- This filthy turd and every Democrat and RINO who destroyed our border has this mother's child's blood on their hands. Goldman and his ilk cannot be consigned to hell fast enough - jjs
Piece of Shit Degenerate Scumbag Dan Goldman Chews Up Minutes in Hearing to Lecture Mother of Fentanyl Victim on the Border
- “Well, think about what’s going on around the world right now. We have two wars. We have fentanyl [on] our doorstep everywhere on Main Street across the country. We have challenges of fentanyl, sad, tragic deaths, parents mourning. And then, of course, we have a worldwide refugee challenge. So, naturally, we want to find out why this is happening. But Alejandro Mayorkas is not the reason." (Not the sole reason. Biden is the reason, along with every Democrat and too many RINOs - jjs)
Dem Rep. Correa: Despite Fentanyl, Border, Mayorkas is Doing "Good" Because We Haven’t Had Terrorist Attack
- ICE said that they apprehended the 31-year-old Haitian national on January 9 after he was “recently arrested by local police on charges of rape and indecent assault and battery on a developmentally disabled person in Dorchester,” the agency said in a statement. “ERO Boston lodged an immigration detainer against the Haitian citizen, but the Dorchester District Court chose not to honor it and released him from jail after his arrest on the sexual assault-related charges.” (Maura, Healy thyself - jjs)
Illegal Alien Charged With Raping Developmentally Disabled Person Released From Jail, ICE Not Contacted
- Hamilton’s mother testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee last year, “If we had stricter border policies, my daughter would be alive today… I am her voice now, and I am going to fight with everything I have to get her story told.”
Family of Woman Slain By Illegal Alien Sues Biden Junta for $100 Million
- "By a 314-108 tally, which was bipartisan, the lower chamber approved a measure to fund the various federal agencies in two stages: some through March 1 and others through March 8. Because the Democrat-controlled Senate already passed the spending legislation by a 77-18 vote, the bill now heads to the White House, where [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden will likely sign it."
House Passes Another Short-Term Spending Bill, Rejecting Conservative Bid for Border Attachment
- Biden "handling" the border means a Potemkin Village fake-out until all the ballots are counted. Then it's Invasion USA forever. This is now the issue and they're panicking - jjs
SHOT: Dem Rep. Smith: Border Has Gotten ‘Worse’ in Last 3 Years, Biden Has Finally Shifted to Handle it Now
- Freshman Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) launched a tirade against the Republican-led Secure the Border Act — H.R. 2 — and claimed that if the House Republicans acted to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, they should also be in favor of scrapping the Statue of Liberty. (Just scrap Emma Lazarus' poem. Bipartisan solution, yo! - jjs)
CHASER: Democrat Rep: U.S. Must Scrap Statue of Liberty if Border is Secured
- "Radio host Charlamagne Tha g0d is getting an earful from his black and working class listeners." (Are they pissed because they're losing their handouts or are they starting to get their consciousness lifted? - jjs)
More Evidence That Blacks are Maddest of All About Biden's Open Borders
- "The focus is now back on cognitive warfare of their own people."
The #1 Topic at WEF is "Censorship of the "Internet"
- "Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is blasting the Department of Homeland Security for funding propaganda programs to ‘counter’ conservatives." (Abolish the DHS. Fuck Bush - jjs)
Hawley Blasts DHS Propaganda Grant to "Counter" Conservatives
- Robert Spencer: "A ruthless and ubiquitous agent of cultural coercion."
Why Would Google Demonetize This Article?
- "The cancel campaigns, which also targeted Matt Walsh, were all in reaction to the hosts' views on transgender ideology."
Campus Censorship Attempts Targeted Michael Knowles More Than Any Speaker In 2023
- ". . . the 'best' part of the presser was just before it started. See if you can spot me. I'll be the one yelling at the reporter from Seattle's KOMO News for trying to do this activist's dirty work by offering to kick out a Trump supporter for her."
Who's More Arrogant, the School Teacher Trying to Erase Trump From Wash. State Ballot or This Reporter?
- "Once upon a time, in a world of fairy tales, the senator from Massachusetts proudly and constantly claimed she was of Native American ancestry, when in reality she turned out to be about 1/1024th — or somewhere around there — Native American, or Indigenous, whichever you prefer. Musk strikes again and delivers another blow in the name of free speech, which gives you the right to make jokes — even if others want you dead, in some cases, for it."
Elon Musk Poke-ahontas' Fun at Liz Warren Using WEF Tribal Ritual Video
- "You can never get enough of the left eating its own. We close with this hearty laugh involving the owner’s wife, Michele: 'More recently, Michele has reportedly been pushing for Patrick to sell the newspaper, seeing it as a gigantic money suck. During a Zoom conference in 2021 with the Black Caucus, she was said to have broken down in tears, complaining that the family had to write a million-dollar check every week to keep the paper afloat.'"
Executive Chaos and "Major" Layoffs Hit Far-Left Los Angeles Times
- "The Biden [junta] claims to support working families, but this proposal would do the opposite."
By Doubling (or Tripling) Cost of Au Pairs, Biden Junta Threatens to Push Moms Out of the Workforce
- "Federal officials seem intent on hobbling American innovation."
D.C. to Silicon Valley: Drop Dead
- “We're getting killed for the sake of going green,” fisherman declares outside the Supreme Court. (If SCOTUS screws us over, the fisherman should disobey the law - jjs)
New England Fishermen Rally at SCOTUS to Save Their Industry From Environmental Bureaucrats
- "They each tend to spout out word salads based on cliches, with no real understanding of the facts with any depth. Often this shallowness causes them to actually misstate facts."
More Academics Demand That Space Activity be Controlled and Regulated, by Them
- "JoJo Mehta’s 'Stop Ecocide' work will soon be known throughout a much larger world – but in ways that she likely will not care for."
Eco-Extremist Demands Farmers, Fishermen Be Tried for “Ecocide” in Latest Day of Davos Insanity
- "This classic case of false alarmism ties back to a single tech company." ("False alarmism is an oxymoron - jjs)
The Buzz on "The Great Honey Bee Die-Off"
- "For Democrats, the facts of a case don’t matter. All that matters is whether the person on trial is wearing their team’s jersey. Everything else is secondary."
Daniel Penny’s Fight To Be Free Illustrates Leftists’ Hierarchical, Two-Tiered Justice System
- “Congress must now pass commonsense gun safety laws to ensure that mass shootings like this one don’t happen in the first place.”
Biden Uses DOJ Report on Uvalde Police Failures to Push More Gun Control
- Lawsuit seeks to end discrimination affecting over 10,000 secondary school students taking programs at 56 colleges and universities in NY State: “The Equal Protection Project is proud to team up with Pacific Legal to challenge discriminatory standards in the STEP program so that students do not miss out on educational opportunities because of their skin color or ethnicity”
Asian Parents Sue NY State Over Discriminatory Student Programs, With Help From Equal Protection Project
- In addition to banning DEI in higher education, the Florida Board of Education approved a motion to replace the course “Principles of Sociology” with a “comprehensive general education core course in American History.” In November, the Florida Board of Governors voted to remove the aforementioned course from the list of classes students can take to complete their general education requirements and replace it with one focused on enhancing civic literacy.
Florida Ed Board Finalizes Rule Banning DEI In State Colleges
- "Genuinely free people are hard to control."
Freedom as License Is Slavery in Disguise
- "The taxpayers who fund public colleges and universities (as well as private schools through federally backed student loans) think they’re helping today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders. Instead, they’re paying hundreds of millions a year — at least — toward the intellectual and moral collapse of higher education and the eventual collapse of our society."
State Schools Could Give THOUSANDS of Students Full Rides if They Closed Divisive DEI Departments (And ethnic studies and much of the so-called social sciences as well - jjs)
- "The Joe Biden campaign plans to put abortion 'at the forefront of its reelection campaign,' vowing to 'restore' Roe v. Wade and the 'reproductive freedom' to kill unborn children with few or no restrictions." (The open border, crashing economy and out of control crime will be the decider. Abortion might have won them '22, but it's not going to do jack shit next November - jjs)
Biden Campaign Plans Rallies, Op-Eds, TV Ads to Demand Mass Murder of American Babies
- "The Knights of Columbus-Marist poll, released on Wednesday, found that when Americans are given the option between having some limits or no limits on abortion, 66% of Americans choose to have limits. 83% also support or strongly support pregnancy resource centers, which the survey described as 'places that do not perform abortions but instead offer support to people during their pregnancy and after the baby is born.'” (So, how is this a losing issue for us? For me, it's the GOP not being able or not willing to stick it to the left and assholes like Grahamnesty intentionally spouting Democrat "Handmaid's Tale" bromides - jjs)
Poll: Americans Support Abortion Limits, Pregnancy Resource Centers Ahead of March for Life
- "Can we elect a pro-life president in 2024?"
GOP Candidates Clash on Abortion: See How Their Views Compare
- "‘Enforcement is impossible in Indiana if we don’t have this data,’ Voices for Life Executive Director Melanie Lyon said."
Indiana Health Department Withholds Records Detailing Abortionist Malfeasance
- "The DNC’s demands are designed to bolster the revised primary calendar it released last year, which put South Carolina’s primary before New Hampshire’s, a decision made ostensibly to give minority voters greater representation in the primary process, but which many observers note also gives Biden an advantage."
New Hampshire AG: DNC Engaged In Unlawful Voter Suppression
- "If the Republican Party were run by a bunch of Trump-hating uniparty fifth columnists who wanted nothing more than to suppress yet another “red wave,” how would they be acting any differently than they are now? How is it that Ronna McDaniel, the niece of a sworn enemy of the current Republican frontrunner, and with the party’s record of losses under her leadership, still running the GOP?"
The Republican Party May Be Trying to Throw the 2024 Election in Key States
- "Are voters blind to Trump’s flaws? His legal situation? Nope. It’s that they have decided perfection isn’t the goal."
Like Trump or Not, Republicans Must Accept the Reality of the Imperfect Candidate
- "Here’s what we found that Biden has delivered, at home and abroad since 'taking' office."
Biden Has "Delivered for the American People" All Right, and They Want a Refund
- Tensions are reportedly growing in the White House as Biden refuses to acknowledge his age and the limits that surround it, current and former aides apparently told Axios. In an effort to get Biden more rest, First Lady Jill Biden and her team have become “deeply involved” when it comes to planning the president’s schedule.
McDonald’s, Missiles & Marches: Biden’s Thursday Devolves Into All-Time Gaffe Reel
- "The survey ultimately concludes that Trump received a boost following his historic performance in the Iowa caucuses, moving from 45 percent support in early January to 52 percent — a positive movement of seven points."
Polls: Donald Trump Towers Over Nikki Haley in Granite State with Majority Support
- “She rose to prominence, and then they put her in a bubble,” said longtime New Hampshire GOP strategist Michael Biundo, who was a senior adviser to Ramaswamy. “She is behind. And to cancel on debates, and to treat New Hampshire like it’s not the first in the nation and it’s just one of the Super Tuesday states — which is what she’s treating it like — I think is a huge mistake. We have a different way of thinking here.”
Oof. Team Nikki Is Lowering Expectations for New Hampshire.
- “There is a group of activists and operatives and party officials who have participated in alleged illegal conspiracy to use intimidation, harassment, and fear against representatives of No Labels, its donors, and its potential candidates,” he said. That's the same complaint made by third parties since at least the Bull Moose Party in 1912. The electoral system is rigged because the Constitution allows states to develop their own procedures and eligibility requirements for a candidate to make it on the ballot. It's a recipe for two-party dominance, and it will almost certainly remain that way for the foreseeable future.
No Labels Party Asks Justice Department to Investigate "Conspiracy" to Block Ballot Efforts
- "Critics say exemption neuters sanctions meant to choke off Iranian proxy’s resources." (Big Guy gets 10%! - jjs)
Biden Houthi Sanctions Include Carveout Allowing Lucrative Energy Deals with Terror Group
- Fred Fleitz: "The Arab TV hosts seemed confused and befuddled about Middle East security and U.S. policy toward the region. Disturbingly, this also appears to be Joe Biden’s thinking about the Middle East."
Trying to Explain Biden’s Bumbling Policy on the Houthi Rebels and Iran
- "What goal is the Biden [junta] trying to accomplish with more strikes on the Houthi rebels?"
Biden Junta Shifts the Goal Posts on Yemen Strikes
- Jack Posobiec: "I'll tell you right now who's destabilizing this area. Western intelligence services."
Pakistani Militant Group Bombed by Iran was "Backed by CIA"
- “While inspectors haven’t detected diversion of Iran’s uranium inventory for weapons, the manufacture and storage of so much material is raising concern. Iran tripled its rate of uranium enrichment in December, rolling back measures which had been implemented amid backchannel diplomacy with the U.S.”
Iran Evades Nuclear Watchdogs to Stockpile More Uranium
* * * * *
- "America’s sentiment regarding China is set. What is not set is whether China will play against Biden and, if so, to what extent. What is certain is that Republicans will seek to play it against him."
Biden’s China Wild Card
- "Americans’ tepid response to calls for war in Yemen show the first glimmerings of a new, restraint-oriented political consensus."
The Era of Interventionist Dominance Is Over
- "They’re forcing state road officials to stop posting light-hearted messages."
Biden’s Bureaucrats Outlaw Humor on the Highway
- Robert Zimmerman: "This flight is confirmation that Europe has accepted the concept of whereby it no longer depends on governments to accomplish what it wants, but instead is a customer buying those products from the private sector."
SpaceX successfully launches four astronauts to ISS on Axiom private mission in space,
- "GUSTO is aiming for a NASA record of 55+ days in flight to achieve its science goals."
Astronomical high-altitude balloon flight now exceeds two weeks
- In its summary, for instance, directly states, “The bill authorizes a court to take temporary jurisdiction because a child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.” There seems to be no provision made for religious objection.
Maine Bill Allows Authorities to Take Kids Away from Parents Who Resist Transgendering Children
- Christian Toto: "Say Anything star John Cusack cheers on Bassem Youssef's shocking stance."
"Egypt’s Jon Stewart" Denies Hamas Raped, Killed, Tortured Israelis
- "LGBTQ people, said CEO Ellis, 'are in every family.'” (Umm, no. Not even close - jjs)
GLAAD’s Push for More Transgender Characters Takes Center Stage at Lowest-Rated Emmy Awards
- "The event has sold out of all early-release tickets and is now only selling same-day tickets for a whopping $50 a pop. That’s odd, shouldn’t a socialist event be free? How dare you sully your beautiful uncalloused leftist hands with the preferred currency of capitalist scum."
Socialist Club Invites Everyone to the Most Nightmarish Speed Dating Event Imaginable
- "What do you expect? It's California."
California Wants to Ban Tackle Football for Kids Under 12
- "The statuary talibanning of the culture continues where the systematic destruction of whatever runs counter to the leftist ethos must be eradicated."
Still Standing in Wokesylvania
- "It is a well-known fact that the Left projects. While its denizens wail and gnash their collective teeth over parental concerns about books that amount in some cases to pornography, it is conveniently memory-holing any volumes that present opposing or, dare we say it, diverse points of view."
Are Some 'Banned' Books More Equal Than Others?
- “The source close to Schwarzenegger said he agreed to prepay any taxes on the expensive item, but couldn’t find a working credit card machine,” NBC stated in its report. “Officers then walked him to an ATM at the airport to withdraw cash — but the withdrawal limit was too low and the bank was closed, the source said. A second credit card machine worked and the tax was paid.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained at Airport. Here's What We Know Thus Far.
- "Lee Strobel explores the ultimate question of life."
Is God Real?
- "The victim was John Ballantine Niven from Oyster Bay, New York, the press release said. He has been recognized as the 1,650th individual to be positively identified by the OCME, thanks to cutting-edge DNA analysis of the remains discovered in the aftermath of the attack that claimed 2,753 lives, the release stated." (RIP - jjs)
9/11 Victim’s Remains Identified, NYC Mayor Adams and Medical Examiner Announce
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:02 AM
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