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Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (1/16/24) »
January 16, 2024
Big Bad Beluga Bully Cafe

A Grand Teton... a big, perky teton
by @haydlynch
Are you really into traffic optimization, geometry, and civil planning? Then boy do I have the clip for you, Poindexter!
And oh boy, Poindexter, if you're into meteorology and fluid dynamics too, then today is your special day!
Digital clock that's completely mechanical. You'll see.
The Lettuce Whisperer.
Human dispatches his pet jumping spider to kill a fly on his picnic table. I dunno, I think a swatter would have done the job.
Oof -- Tiger shark attacks kayak. Stressful. This is even more stressful.
Some post on sea otter facts that will probably appeal to no one.
"The power of Illuuuuusion," he said, gayly.
This is all done with... CGI and a physics simulator.
It looks real. Maybe Marvel should hire whoever is coding these bus impact sims.
Note: Gundo tells me that "beamng.drive" is a driving game, not a crash simulator. Although, obviously, a driving game will have a crash simulator built into it.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:22 PM
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