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December 22, 2023

The Head of a Gaza Hospital Admits to Being a Hamas Commander and Using Hospital As Terror Base
Update: "Low Rent Racist" Cenk Uygur Humiliated

Oh, so Hamas (and all other Palestinian terrorists) have been lying for 70 years.

The head of a Gaza hospital has admitted to being a senior Hamas commander -- and detailed how the terror group transformed the medical site into an operational hub that once housed a kidnapped Israeli soldier.

Ahmad Kahlot, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabaliya, made his taped confession to the Israeli security service Shin Bet after his arrest during last week's raid on the facility in northern Gaza.

In a video of his interrogation released on X on Tuesday, Kahlot, dressed in an Israeli jail uniform and seated in front of Israel's flag, said he joined Hamas in 2010 and held a rank equivalent to a brigadier general.

Kahlot revealed that about 16 hospital staffers, including doctors, nurses, paramedics and clerks, were also members of Hamas' notorious military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

According to the hospital chief, the medical facility under his care had been turned into an elaborate military hub where up to 100 Hamas terrorists had been holed up for days before moving to a different location.

Some of the group's leaders even had offices with private phone lines inside the hospital, Kahlot said.

"There is a designated space for interrogations, internal security and special security," he revealed.

Asked by the Shin Bet interrogator why Hamas' top brass chose the hospital as its bolthole, Kahlot said, "Because from their perspective, the hospital is a safe place. They won't be harmed inside the hospital."

Would Christian Amanpour care to address this? How about Andrea Bitchell?

Remember, they say they shouldn't be censored or deplaformed for their false statements, because when they find out they're false, they rush to correct them.

So I'm sure the corrections will be issued promptly.

The Biden Junta is now demanding that Israel wrap up the "intense" part of its war -- that is, they want Israel to end the war completely and go back to a victoryless game of defense, absorbing one terrorist attack after another --
in time for presidential campaign season.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reportedly told Israeli leaders Thursday that they should end the "intense" phase of fighting against Hamas in Gaza in the next few weeks -- meaning right before the start of the 2024 presidential election.

Biden is known to be suffering politically because of the war, which has split the Democratic Party. Republicans also contend that the war would never have broken out if not for Biden's weak foreign policy; there were no such wars by Hamas against Israel during Donald Trump's four-year tenure.

According to the Times of Israel:

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who is in Israel today and tomorrow, tells Channel 12 that he and his team held "intense, detailed conversations" with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the war cabinet on when the IDF will transition away from high-intensity fighting in Gaza to focus on lower intensity fighting that would include targeting Hamas's top leaders.

Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant had a different approach, telling Sullivan publicly that the war would last several more months to ensure Hamas was destroyed, at least militarily and administratively.

Netanyahu responds: Fuck you, Jake Sullivan.

Israel will continue its war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip until the Palestinian terrorist group is completely dismantled, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday evening. "The war will continue until we destroy Hamas - until victory," Netanyahu said in a recorded statement. "Those who think we will stop is not connected to reality," the prime minister continued.

"We are striking Hamas with heavy fire everywhere, including today. We are also striking those who aid Hamas, close or far," Netanyahu said.

"Every Hamas terrorist is destined for death. They have only two options: Surrender or die."

But the illegitimate Biden Junta is really pushing for more "humanitarian pauses."

The White House on Wednesday said discussions for a humanitarian pause and hostage releases are "very serious" and that humanitarian aid has been able to enter Gaza from Jordan.

Update: What an absolute drubbing.

After Uygur retreated to the usual talking points about needing a "two-state solution" and called Israel's supporters -- including Murray -- a "monster" supporting "genocide" and not caring about civilian deaths in Gaza, Murray let him have it after correctly pointing out Uygur is "just a very low-rent racist."

"Yes, I do care -- I care very deeply about it," Murray said in response to Uygur's claim that he didn't care about the death of Gazan children. "But I also know that the responsibility for their deaths lies on Hamas which has misgoverned their society for the last 16 years and now has been leading the country into being in a war with Israel. Yes, it's on Hamas, this."

In response to Uygur's earlier claim that Murray enjoys covering wars only to root for more death, Murray did not hold back in his evaluation of Uygur's knowledge of what's happening in the Middle East.

"As far as I can see, you're very ill-traveled as well as rather ill-lettered and ill-spoken, and I mentioned that I cover wars and go to wars because I happen to think myself that it's worth seeing things with your own eyes including things that you don't particularly like but you report the truth," Murray explained. "I don't know if you ever even leave your own bedroom."

Give it a watch. He points out that Uygur only seems to "get animated" in conflicts where Jews are involved. He points out that Uygur, named for the Uygurs being enslaved in China, doesn't speak about the Uygurs.

But the moment Jews are involved, Cenk is Uygur On the Spot!

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:13 PM

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