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« Daily Tech News 15 December 2023 |
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December 15, 2023
The Morning Report — 12/15/23
Good morning, kids. Sad news, everyone. Hasan Bitmez, the Turkish MP who shrieked at his false god in attacking Israel, “you will not escape the wrath of Allah!” did not escape the wrath of actual, real God. Seems he did not survive the massive heart attack after uttering those famous last words and is now roasting somewhere in the Infernal Reaches. Here's hoping those who think like he did will soon be joining him. Have a nice eternity.
Unfortunately, everyone with the mindset of that late, unlamented, overstuffed bourek constitutes a target rich environment all over the world and right in our own backyards.
A menorah set up for Hanukkah at Oakland’s Lake Merritt, in the heart of the city, was vandalized early Wednesday, leading to condemnation by local officials — and a motor rally around the lake Wednesday night by Jews with menorahs on their cars.
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, who had participated in a menorah-lighting ceremony at the site just days before, issued a statement blasting the “desecration and act of vandalism,” which appeared to be a blatant act of antisemitism.
Graffiti at the site read: “Your org is dying … We’re going to find you, you’re on F—ing alert a–hole.” Parts of the menorah were thrown into the lake. By Wednesday evening, the local Jewish community was out in force at Lake Merritt in a show of defiance, with a parade of cars circling the lake — many with illuminated menorahs on the roofs of their cars. . . An interfaith gathering Wednesday night dedicated a new menorah in a statement of defiance against hate, according to The Messenger.
While the reaction from the community is heartening, lest we forget this is Oakland, CA, an historic hotbed of racialist, Marxist-inspired violence stretching from the Black Panthers in the 60s all the way up to the present day. And most recently we had that repulsive performance from the Oakland city council that demanded a ceasefire in Gaza (i.e. the Jews must allow themselves to be slaughtered) and a rejection of a bill condemning Hamas.
We can, as I just did, blow it off and dismiss it as another blue Leftist shit-hole doing what comes natural to them, but it's living in the past. It's ignoring a pretty alarming indicator of just how far our society has utterly collapsed. America being as large and diverse (naturally) as it is, we've always been divided along geographic and cultural lines as well as separated by issues. But there was always a sense of unity that held us together, even during some of the most trying times.
No more. That went out the window, especially with the coming of Obama if not earlier (maybe the 10-year period starting with the high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas bookended by planes slamming into the World Trade Center and the immediate aftermath). Here is just one alarming example of the probably irreparable divide that separates us:
A new poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports found that nearly half of likely voters (47%) believe former President Donald Trump to be guilty of “crimes associated with an alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election.” If Trump is found guilty, Democrats in particular favor harsh punishments for Trump, as well as any members of the media “who also alleged that fraud tainted the election results.”
When prompted with, “Former president Donald Trump has been formally charged with crimes associated with an alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election. Do you think Donald Trump is guilty, not guilty, or are you unsure if he’s guilty or not guilty?”, 47% of likely voters answered “yes,” including 72% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans.
When asked what Trump’s punishment should be if he is found guilty of these crimes, 34% of likely voters said he should receive a fine, 5% said he should go to prison for less than one year, 16% said he should go to prison for one to five years, 16% said he should go to prison for more than five years, 7% said he should go to prison for life, 3% said he should be permanently exiled, and 2% said “death” should be his punishment. Eighteen percent (18%) selected “not sure."
A combined 18% of Democrats believe Trump should be imprisoned for life, permanently exiled, or put to death, compared to a combined 3% of Republicans.
. . . In addition, when prompted with, “If President Trump is found guilty of crimes associated with attempting to overturn the 2020 election, do you think members of the media who also alleged that fraud tainted the election results should be criminally punished as well?”, 48% of likely voters responded “yes,” 33% responded “no,” and 19% responded “not sure.” Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Democrats responded “yes,” compared to 43% of Republicans. . .
. . . When asked “what the punishment should be for those in the media who alleged that the 2020 election outcome was fraudulent,” 33% of likely voters said media members should receive a fine, 18% said they should be banned from public speaking, 4% said they should go to prison for less than one year, 7% said they should go to prison for more than one year, and 10% said they should receive “both [a] speech ban and prison.” Twenty-eight percent (28%) said they were “not sure.”
[Heartland's Jim Lakely, VP and Director of Communications states] “Freedom of the press and freedom of speech are integral to an open society. Unfortunately, a growing number of Americans do not believe that these fundamental freedoms should apply to controversial topics, such as questioning the integrity of the 2020 election. Incredibly, almost one in two self-identified Democrats believe that anyone in the media who raised concerns about the veracity of the previous presidential election should be punished through a ban on public speaking, prison time, or a combination of both.
“This is quite distressing and reflective of the increasing aversion to freedom of speech that is becoming all too common throughout our education system and society at large. If America is to remain the beacon of liberty, we must ensure that freedom of the press and freedom of speech remain robust and well outside the realm of partisan politics.”
CBD and I will have Jim Lakely on as our guest for the weekend edition of the podcast to discuss these alarming numbers, so BOLO in the sidebar for that on Saturday.
So, Donald Trump should be imprisoned or put to death for not only the false charges that he attempted to overturn the 2020 election, but in reality merely questioning the 2020 results, and real journalists silenced? Regardless of the fact that 2020 was indeed stolen, what this shows, as if we needed further proof, is that the First Amendment is now null and void if what one says does not comport with the memes, shibboleths and official story of the Junta and/or approved ethnic/electoral blocs.
How in God's name can anyone, regardless of their politics, not recoil in horror at the sheer gravity of what this poll indicates? Oops, here I am living inside my head and in the past. I was brought up and educated at a time when the schools were not yet complete brainwashing mills (though looking back, I realize that a number of inconvenient truths about Democrats and Leftists were left out of my social studies and history classes). For sure, they are now. That's how dimwitted, affirmative action cases like Claudine Gay, completely bereft of the brains, skills and aptitude to even wipe down a blackboard end up as president of Harvard.
It's also how students can cheer on babies being roasted alive as justified and righteous. Or this:
One in five young people eligible to vote in the 2024 presidential election told pollsters they agreed with the statement “the Holocaust is a myth.” Nearly one-quarter agreed with the statement “the Holocaust has been exaggerated.”
Notably, another 30 percent said to pollsters they “did not know” whether the Holocaust was a myth. Only eight percent of people 30 to 44 years old similarly called the Holocaust a myth. Almost one-third of young Americans at 28 percent believe that Jews “wield too much power” in the United States – five times more than those aged 65 and older. This includes 27 percent of black respondents, 19 percent of Hispanics, and 13 percent of white respondents.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper attributed the resurfacing of Antisemitism to “[a] generation brought up on social media—including and especially Tik Tok which leads to Shoah (Holocaust) denial and misappropriation of the Shoah, including by politicians—seems everyone is compared to Hitler. A generation with information glut but little perspective; no online librarian, no filters, little collective memory back to the 20th Century.”
Now, look at everything since the time of Christ up to the present day – 2,000 years of western, European civilization that brought us (albeit in fits and starts) out of the dark ages being systematically torn down and eradicated right in front of our eyes, by those who claim that they are the true bringers of enlightenment and "progress" to the world. And seemingly there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.
In the midst of the recent and nationwide demonstrators featuring students (and many others) denouncing Israel for its alleged crimes, Algemeiner reported that “students who care strongly about the ‘Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories’ do not have knowledge of basic facts surrounding the subject, and do not share similar concerns about other geopolitical conflicts.”
This wholly unstartling bit of information was gleaned from a survey of 230 undergraduates at University of California, Berkeley. Ron Hassner, who has the unenviable position of being Berkeley’s Helen Diller Family Chair in Israel Studies, conducted the survey, which began by presenting students with 18 issues and asking them to rate how interested they were in them.
These issues, according to Hassner, included “US-Iran relations, the civil war in Yemen, drone warfare, etc., on a five point scale, ranging from ‘I’m not that interested’ (1 point out of 5) to ‘I care deeply’ (5 points out of 5).” The survey went on from there to ask the respondents a “series of open-ended questions ‘on history, geography, and current affairs.’”
Forty-three percent of the students were most interested in Israel’s alleged “control of Palestinian territories,” while expressing much less interest in “other Middle East occupations, such as the Kurdish struggle for independence, the occupation of Western Sahara, or the occupation of Northern Cyprus.”
That’s understandable. These indoctrinated bots aren’t inundated daily with self-righteous leftist rubbish about the massive, outrageous, world-historical injustice of the occupation of Western Sahara or Northern Cyprus. In all likelihood, they haven’t even heard of either one.
Why is that likely? Because they know virtually nothing regarding the conflict about which they claim to care very deeply: “Eighty-four percent of those in the most passionate cohort could not name the decade when Israel captured the West Bank, while 75 percent could not locate the Palestinian territories in question on a map.” Moreover, a full twenty-five percent of these programmed and propagandized student “placed the Palestinian Territories west of Lebanon, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.” Nor did just a few of them drive the Palestinians into the sea that they chant about wanting to fill with Israelis: “The class average for this blunder was 14%.”
The anger of the students toward Israel correlated with their ignorance of it: “the most passionate students were also the least likely to leave questions unanswered and ‘the most likely to offer a wild guess,’ marking them as the most overconfident respondents.” This pattern continually recurred “in all answers related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. . . ”
. . . Yes. The students who are most passionate about hating Israel know the least about the conflict because they are suffering from a social contagion, not acting upon a reasoned conclusion. Those who actually study the issue, if they do so thoroughly and honestly, will come out supporting Israel. Our nation’s colleges and universities are doing their level best to prevent that outcome.
The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination. Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans. They have been trained to be cogs in the machine. Their hatred of Israel is just one aspect of that indoctrination.
The more ignorant the respondent, the louder and more strident they are in their absolutism. Look at virtually any Democrat politician and certainly any mid to high-level bureaucrat especially in Foggy Bottom, the CIA and DOJ. Then look to a certain house in the Kalorama section of D.C.
That last paragraph from Robert Spencer puts everything into frightening perspective. The piece-of-shit who resides in that Kalorama home once said "We are the ones we've been waiting for." Year Zero, here we come. Or here we are?
Have a good weekend.
- "That is the state – the exact opposite of the original American intent – that society finds itself in today."
Ex Uno Plures — The Destruction of the Common Frame of Reference
- "More than 150 left-wing nonprofits spent $1.35 billion on political activities in 2021 and 2022, revealed data from Restoration of America."
How Tax-Exempt Nonprofits Skirt U.S. Law To Turn Out Democrats For Elections
- Robert Spencer: "The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination. Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans. They have been trained to be cogs in the machine. Their hatred of Israel is just one aspect of that indoctrination."
Here's the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel
- Daniel Greenfield: "It’s the kind of 'attack on democracy' that Democrats love."
Oregon Dems Ban Republicans From Running for Office
- "Media in Germany and Mossad treat the arrests as linked and as part of a plot to attack Jewish communities in Europe, while the Danish government is more circumspect, refusing to confirm or deny whether their arrests are definitely linked to those in Germany. Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard refused to confirm or deny those arrested by Danish police were definitely linked to Hamas, speaking instead of a criminal gang and a conspiracy to attack Jewish people, reports Berlingske."
‘Hamas Members’ Arrested in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands Over Suspected Plot to Attack Jewish Community in Europe
- "Biden is known to be suffering politically because of the war, which has split the Democratic Party. Republicans also contend that the war would never have broken out if not for Biden’s weak foreign policy; there were no such wars by Hamas against Israel during Donald Trump’s four-year tenure."
Jake Sullivan Tells Israel to End "Intense" War in Time for Presidential Election
- "She watched TV. She opened the fridge and heated up food. She drank Coke, and she talked to [her terrorist companions]: ‘Do you want Coke? Do you want coffee? They spent like five hours in my house, sitting on the sofa and just relaxing." Terrorists also occasionally shot at and banged on the safe room door, and they killed the family's dog. When the woman left, she took Yohanan's jewelry, makeup, underwear, shoes, sunglasses, and passports, as well as her children's clothing and toys.
Netflix and Kill: How a "Palestinian" Woman Took Over an Israeli Family's Home on Oct. 7
- "Elia Toledano, who had dual French-Israeli citizenship, attended the Nova music festival in the southern Israeli desert when he was taken, according to the Times of Israel. Israeli Forces said Toledano’s body was found while conducting operations inside Gaza and will be returned to Israel, where an 'identification procedure' was carried out by medical officials, military rabbis, and forensic experts."
Body of Hostage Elia Toledano, Who Was Taken from Music Festival Recovered in Gaza: IDF
- "Biden funding 'both sides of the Israel-Hamas war' by pumping cash into UNRWA, Sen. Hagerty says."
Senators Move To Cut US Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Semitic, Hamas-Tied UN Agency
- "For those expressing excitement about this as a positive development, be more cynical, please."
Hamas, Running Scared, Briefly Floated the Idea of Recognizing Israel
- "Canadian UN Ambassador says 'there are limits to how far people can be pushed.'”
Canada Votes in Favor of UN Resolution Demanding "Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire" in Gaza
- "The claims made in the article on Al Jazeera are deceitful, biased, and lack any truth or foundation. After allowing the evacuation of the Gazan population, the IDF forces operated within the area of the school, where they found a significant amount of ammunition and weapons – and even encountered armed terrorists who were using civilian infrastructure and the population as human shields. Any allegation of deliberate harm to civilians is devoid of any basis."
IDF Rejects Al Jazeera Claim of Massacre in Gaza School
- "Identifying the real enemy of Gaza."
No, There Has Been No Sixteen-Year Israeli Siege of Gaza
- "How much did Haniyeh’s son spend on jewelry?"
Gaza Woman Denounces Hamas for Stealing All the Aid
* * * * *
- "Bitmez, 54, collapsed at the climax of a 22-minute speech on Tuesday in which he criticized the government of Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AKP Party for not taking a strong enough stance against Israel in the Gaza war."
Turkish MP Dies After Having Heart Attack During "Wrath of Allah" Tirade
- "26 years I've given my life to this community. I've never felt so alone."
"Harvard Does Not Have Our Back": Rabbi Slams University at Hanukkah Event Attended By Claudine Gay
- "It’s time for a donor revolt—of regular alumni, not just billionaires."
Do Not Give Even $1 to Corrupt Universities (Dollar? Not even one cent!!! - jjs)
- “I condemn the testimony, but one sentence within the resolution called for basically their firing by the universities. I think that’s within the province of the universities and not something that Congress should be doing. I think that what they said was abhorrent and I totally disagree with the way they approached the line of questioning.”
Dem Rep. Krishnamoorthi: Congress Shouldn’t Call for Harvard, MIT Presidents to Be Fired over ‘Abhorrent’ Testimony
- The man, called Rainer B. by German authorities, was approached by the gang on his way to perform in the city center on St. Nicholas Day on December 6. The group, whom he described as comprising six members between 14 and 16 years old and of a “migrant background,” called him a “son of a bitch” and a “fat man” before telling him to remove the costume. He refused to do so. The group then said to him they were Muslim and that Germany belonged to them before hitting him and tearing at his costume while multiple bystanders looked on and even laughed and applauded the attackers. He sustained minor neck injuries as a result.
Muslim Youths Attack German Santa Claus, Declare, "This Is Our Country"
- "Last week’s White House embarrassment at partnering with genocide sympathizers is hardly the first time CAIR has made chumps of federal officials."
Feds to CAIR: "We Just Can’t Quit You"
- "A tale of two cities I lived in."
Multiculturalism: A Form of Colonization and Occupation
- "A menorah set up for Hanukkah at Oakland’s Lake Merritt, in the heart of the city, was vandalized early Wednesday, leading to condemnation by local officials — and a motor rally around the lake Wednesday night by Jews with menorahs on their cars."
Oakland Menorah Vandalized; Jews Rally in Response
- "Local teachers union calls out umbrella organization for passing organization that will provoke anti-semitism."
"Anti-Semitic Dog Whistling": Massachusetts Teachers Union Slammed For Saying U.S. Complicit In Genocide in Gaza
- Rabbi Abraham Cooper attributed the resurfacing of Antisemitism to “[a] generation brought up on social media—including and especially Tik Tok which leads to Shoah (Holocaust) denial and misappropriation of the Shoah, including by politicians—seems everyone is compared to Hitler. A generation with information glut but little perspective; no online librarian, no filters, little collective memory back to the 20th Century.” “It is a perfect storm out there,” he added.
DATA: Nearly 50% of Young Americans Deny or Doubt the Extent of the Holocaust
- Yep, Hunter the Deadbeat Dad is a loose speedball on Joe’s sinking reelection ship. It gets better… The White House is concerned that if “voters believe Hunter’s corrupt, they’ll see Joe Biden’s integrity as suspect, too.” Ya, think.
Report Says Hunter is Loose Speedball on Joe’s Sinking USS: Reelection
- "IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have accused Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware Lesley Wolf of preventing a search of Joe Biden’s guest residence and stonewalling a planned search of Hunter Biden’s storage locker. Wolf is no longer with the DOJ and left her post weeks ago, Fox News first reported."
DOJ Prosecutor Accused of Protecting Joe and Hunter Biden Departs Her Post
- “I don’t believe we ever obtained records that would have shown us any light on those transactions,” Shapley replied. “Do you believe that those records would exist?” Van Duyne followed up. “Oh, yeah, absolutely” Shapley answered.
IRS Whistleblowers Unable To ‘Verify’ Loans White House Claims Joe Biden Sent To Family Members, Testimony Shows
- On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” White House Spokesman for Oversight and Investigations Ian Sams responded to a question on Hunter Biden stating that President Joe Biden had no financial involvement in Hunter’s businesses and how that’s different from prior claims that the President didn’t talk about the business and wasn’t involved by stating that it’s one of the GOP’s “favorite little shiny objects is to try to take a semantic thing” and “nothing has changed. The President was not in business with his son, period.”
White House: Evolving Rhetoric on Joe’s Involvement with Hunter Is Just "Semantic" Game, But "Nothing Has Changed"
- "More trouble for the Big Guy."
Hunter’s Defiance
- Swalwell’s decision to reserve the space for Hunter Biden may have unintended legal consequences for the Congressmen, however. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) – a member of House Judiciary along with Swalwell – suggested the California Democrat may have aided and abetted a crime by assisting Hunter Biden defy a Congressional subpoena. “He’s a member of this committee, he’s aware of it,” Issa said. Adding Swalwell’s action was “at minimum an ethics violation.”
Hunter Biden’s Newest Ally is Congressman Who Slept With Chinese Spy
- "Albert Hunt is urging the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] not to run for reelection."
If Biden Loves His Son, He Should Resign
- When asked about Hunter’s refusal to testify in the Republicans’ sought-after deposition, Jean-Pierre admitted that Joe was “familiar” with what his son would say during the latter’s Wednesday press conference.
Did Joe Biden Know Hunter Would Violate Republicans’ Congressional Subpoena? The White House Says Yes
- “Here, the gravity of potential harm is small, given that the Gag Order is narrow, limited to prohibiting solely statements regarding the court’s staff.”
New York Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Request to Overturn Gag Order in Civil Trial
- "Why won’t the Supreme Court hear cases challenging surveillance under Section 702?"
"Congress Approves Extension of Warrantless Surveillance as Part of the Defense Policy Bill"
- "Her racially segregated party was not the first time she has been overtly dismissive of white people."
Michelle Wu, Blasted for No-Whites-Allowed Holiday Party, Has Long History of Radical Racial Activism
- "The scandal blew up when James O’Keefe posted the 2021 video of Krishna apparently telling his executives that their bonuses would be raised if they hired Americans in proportion to their race’s and sex’s representation in the U.S. population."
IBM’s CEO Denies Offering Bonuses for Racial and Sexual Hiring Bias
- "Biden’s unbelievable invitation foul-up was given ho-hum treatment."
The Media’s Deafening Silence About American Hostages
- “What is fueling Israel, this is not tit for tat, this is not you did to us, and now might will make right. They are fueled by the deepest fears of genocide, because those fears are real.”
Chris Cuomo After Seeing Film of What Hamas Did on October 7: "Israel is Doing Far Less Than it Could" (Another sane Chris Cuomo editorial. Is he gradually being red-pilled? - jjs)
- Photographs posted by TCN show a truck consisting of the advertisements for the new network parked out in front of several corporate media headquarters, including CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times. The advertisements show a photograph of Carlson with the words “Corporate Media Is Dead.”
Tucker Carlson’s New Media Company Trolls Corporate Media Outlets Right Outside Of Their Headquarters
- "‘We do have a government . . . that has lied to us systematically over the last several years,’ Ramaswamy explained."
Here’s The Evidence XiNN’s Abby Phillip Says Doesn’t Exist
- "Darcy said the interview could have been pre-recorded, questioning why a major news network would 'help to validate such a preposterous figure' and allow him to further his own agenda. This criticism follows Darcy’s whining about CNN partnering with certain organizations, and his censure of their controversial town hall with former President Donald Trump."
XiNN’s Oliver Darcy Blasts His Own Network Over Vivek Ramaswamy Town Hall
- "Bolstering its presence on Capitol Hill, ByteDance expanded its government affairs staff – adding four former Members of Congress and 31 former Congressional staffers. Lobbyists for ByteDance include former Sens. Trent Lott (R-MS) and John Breaux Sr. (D-LA) as well as Michael Bloom, former policy advisor to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Freddy Barnes who served as an advisor to Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)."
TikTok’s Massive Lobbying and Influence Operation Has Derailed Efforts to Ban the Chinese Spy App
- "Tourettes Syndrome affects up to 1.4 million children and adults in the U.S. alone, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tourette’s is known to worsen under high-stress or anxiety-inducing situations, such as public appearances." (Meh, having Tourette's is akin to being born and growing up in Brooklyn in the 60s - jjs)
WATCH: Chris Cuomo Bursts Out Laughing During Tourettes Interview
- " Do you want a nation or do you just want the numbers to go up?"
Free Trade Dogmatism is for Losers
- "However, OPEC, the Saudi Arabia-led oil producer, and its allies protested the proposal and argued emissions could be cut without eliminating certain fuels altogether. Nevertheless, the proposal was passed with the largest support coming from small island states."
200 Countries Agree to Drop Fossil Fuel Use at Dubai Climate Summit
- "Taxpayer-funded EV stations show how 'Bidenomics is delivering for Americans,' White House says."
Biden Finally Built an Electric Vehicle Charging Station. People Aren't Using It.
- "Much of this problem is tied to our bankrupt academic system, which judges scientists by the number of papers the publish rather than how they teach in the classroom. Thus, research scientists at universities have no motive to teach well. Instead they focus on getting papers in print, even if they have to fake it."
In 2023 Scientists Set a New Record for the Most Papers Retracted
- "The rally called on [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden to deny any significant concessions to GOP negotiators in the debate over his demand for $14 billion in emergency funds to accelerate and hide his migration flood, and funds for wartime aid for Israel and Ukraine."
Latino Democrats Tout Migrants as Their Constituents
- "Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has criticized local legislators, writing that two lawmakers were responsible for legislation that he says allowed Colony Ridge to 'act virtually as its own city.' Paxton also said he was 'beyond disappointed' in the two elected officials for 'apparently working to enrich specific developers at enormous expense to the rest of the public and reducing the quality of life for their own constituents.'”
Colony Ridge Board Awarded at Least $16 Million in Taxpayer Funds to Company With Ties to Developer, Leadership
- “It’s not going to stop. And Mexico is allowing all of it.”
Video Shows Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Mexico Trying to Catch a Train to Border
- "Johnson has made some quiet deals to hand off many of the new arrivals to suburbs. Some of the suburbs have resisted, while others have reluctantly taken in a few of the new arrivals. While there won't be a tent city to house the illegals, the city will find space for them whether the citizens of Chicago want them or not."
Mayor Johnson Explains Why He Wanted to Camp Illegals on a Toxic Waste Dump
- "Critics of Illinois’ criminal justice system say it puts criminals above law enforcement and public safety."
Illinois Cooks Up Cashless Bail and Discovers It’s a "Perfect Recipe for Lawlessness"
- "Tuberville was all but forced to abandon most of his holds earlier this month after his GOP colleagues threatened to side with Senate Democrats in changing Senate rules to skirt the protest."
Congress Moves To Compensate Troops Affected By Tuberville Protest But Not Those Punished For Refusing [Chinese] Covid Jab
- "Now, Hunter’s case may further strengthen the Second Amendment protections his father disparaged."
Awkward: Hunter Biden’s Defense Invokes Gun Rights Ruling 19 Times After Joe Called it Unconstitutional
- "They don't wanna touch my case."
Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Tucker NRA Didn’t ‘Help’ Him After Kenosha Incident
- "The [Wisconsin] Board of Regents originally voted 9-8 against a deal that would give the university system $800 million for new infrastructure and employee pay raises in exchange for freezing the total number of DEI positions in the system. The board later reversed the decision and voted 11-6 in favor of the deal, which also orders the system to stop requiring diversity statements on student applications and will require UW Madison to end a race-based hiring program, according to the AP."
University System Accepts $800 Million Deal In Exchange For Slashing Diversity Efforts
- "Following his swearing-in, Frisch said he was grateful for the trust that Fairfax County parents have put in him. To do things like, you know, push graphic porn on kids."
Virginia School Board Member Sworn In On a Stack of Porn
- "Chimneyrock Elementary School in Cordova, part of the Memphis-Shelby County Schools (MSCS), will play host to the After School Satan Club. The Satanic Temple announced the club on Tuesday. The organization claimed that it offers a “non-theistic religion” with Satan present as a metaphorical literary figure, and that its after-school clubs don’t attempt to convert children to any religious ideology."
First Satanic Temple Kids Club Comes To Memphis Elementary School
- "Rogue and extreme leftist teachers face no ramifications and even get support from administrators and the district’s school board members."
You Won’t Believethe Leftist Nonsense Public School Teachers Inject Into Your Kid’s Brain
- Robert Zimmerman: " now appears that for almost two decades MIT has instead focused on becoming a variation of the Jim Crow South, focused not on developing thoughtful, clear-minded individuals but in establishing an apartheid system hostile to whites."
The long term deep-rooted bigotry at MIT, sadly typical of modern academia
- "The evidence of illegal voting in the United States is shocking."
A State-by-State Look at Noncitizen Voting
- How about abolishing all goddam mail-in voting?! - jjs
Republicans Introduce Plan to Verify U.S. Citizenship for Mail-In Voters
- "How long, Republican voters, will you continue to abide this flagrant, continual, in-your-face-so-what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it betrayal of principles and campaign promises?"
GOP Betrays Voters – Again
- "The Daily Caller talked to the RNC, the DeSantis campaign, the Ramaswamy campaign and CNN, and reached out to the Haley campaign. No one can explain how RNC Temporary Committee on Presidential Debates David Bossie’s 2022 promise to center debates around independent and conservative media ended up with the RNC in full retreat and candidates flocking to CNN and Disney-owned ABC on the eve of the first primary states."
"Continually Fail": GOP to End Debate Season in the Arms of XiNN, Disney Media
- "The poll, released on Thursday, shows Trump leading Biden in head-to-head races and in deeper fields in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. However, some of the advantages are within the margin of error."
Poll: Donald Trump Trounces Joe Biden in 7 Swing States Heading into Election Year
- The incumbent [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has hemorrhaged a staggering 28 points among black voters since 2020, in which he received 91 percent of the vote. As of this month, just 63 percent said they would support Biden. The results of the survey have already terrified Democrats, with one long-term Democratic pollster, Cornell Belcher, forced to dismiss the results by declaring, “Polling numbers at this point are not predictive of the future.”
Almost 1 In 5 Black Americans Say They’ll Vote Trump
- "Don't put anything past these people," he warned. "If they can't incarcerate him, if they can't remove him in some way, shape, or form, then I'm really concerned about the direction that they will take."
People's Pundit Richard Baris Warns if Nikki Haley Becomes Trump's Running Mate, it All But Guarantees He Will be Assassinated, with Her as His Successor
- ". . . how many American voters can really see her as president? Once people start imagining Kamala Harris in the White House, they will run screaming in terror into Trump's arms."
Some Democrats Think Kamala Harris Deserves a "Second Look"
- “Lincoln didn’t rush into the conflict he foresaw.”
Learning From Lincoln
- "If Donald Trump can turn Hispanic Americans into a 50/50 demographic, then he will have turned the Democrats’ demographic victories into their new political headaches."
Trump’s Southern Path to Victory—Arizona Unlocks the Electoral Map (Likely rigged out the wahzoo - jjs)
- "Lefties are practically wetting themselves because Pilip is an Orthodox Jewish Woman of Color Onetime Synagogue Vice President Former Machine-Gun Toting Paratrooper Mom of Seven. Any two of those items together is enough to make their heads explode, and she has four of five of them going on.
Meet the Totally Badass Republican Mom of Seven Running for that Santos Seat
- "Instead of shoveling money to a foreign government to buy American weapons, taxpayers could use that money to buy American consumer goods."
The "Ukraine War is Good for American Business" Argument Isn’t Just Vile, It’s Also a Lie
- Doug Bandow: "When your friends threaten you, they aren’t your friends."
America’s Ukraine Problem
- "California governor's China trip criticized for focus on climate change instead of human rights."
Newsom Refused To Meet With Chinese Dissidents Before and After China Trip, Activist Says
- "Analysts outside of China have been using the B-word since November, noting that some sort of massive cash infusion will be necessary to keep developers with empty pockets running so they can complete their construction projects and rebuild their revenue stream. Chinese consumers have grown very weary of making high-interest mortgage payments for homes and offices they cannot use." (The Chi-Com economy must be in really bad shape if this is coming out - jjs)
China Starts to Openly Discuss Bailing Out Real Estate Developers
- Sanchez is accused by Vox and establishment conservatives of retaining power via a “coup d’état”. He placed second in the Spanish elections this year, but cut deals with smaller leftist parties and Catalan separatists. This meant offering pardons to Carles Puigdemont, Catalonia’s former regional president, and other separatist leaders. They were previously wanted for staging an insurrection in 2017, and lived in exile.
Spanish Populist Leader Referred to Prosecutors for Saying Socialist Prime Minister May Be ‘Strung Up’
- "America’s surrogacy industry is the byproduct of advanced reproductive technology, California granting easy access to ‘rent-a-womb’ parenthood, and the lure of automatic citizenship."
America’s Rent-a-Womb Industry Lures an Alarming Number of Chinese Nationals
- "Big day for the commonwealth."
Virginia Governor Youngkin Scoops Wizards and Capitals From DC
- "Only a fool would have high expectations."
Newsom’s California: Out of Money and Out of Ideas
- "U.S. cities burn while social justice warriors fiddle."
Titty-Caca AOC’s Leftist Sabotage Is Coming Home to Roost
- "This announcement comes a couple weeks after a San Diego resident died of the disease."
CDC Issues Warning After 3 People in California Die From Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- University of Minnesota professor Gunda Georg, who led the research, referred to the introduction of the pill as an “historic moment.” “The world is ready for a male contraceptive agent and delivering one that’s hormone-free is simply the right thing to do given what we know about the side-effects women have endured for decades from the pill,” she continued.
UK Men to Be the First To Use ‘Male Contraceptive’ Pill
- Robert Zimmerman: "While there is absolutely no justification to give any company this money — SpaceX is proving private companies don’t need it to provide this service to rural areas — this decision is clearly political, driven by the hate of Elon Musk among Democrats and the Biden [junta]."
FCC denies Starlink $886 million grant
- "Last month, researchers at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, discovered that two of the 35 screws that fasten the lid of the sample-return canister couldn’t be opened — blocking access to the remainder of the space rock."
Stripped screws preventing access to Bennu samples
- "The Senate passed the bill 24-8, with all but one Republican voting for the measure. The bill would ban surgeries such as double mastectomies on girls who identify as boys and other genital procedures for children with gender dysphoria. It also bans the prescription of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children, though the bill contains an exception for kids already on the medication. Cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers have been associated with numerous health risks, including loss of bone development, fertility issues, and heart problems."
Ohio Bill Banning Trans Surgeries On Kids Heads To Governor’s Desk
- "Hannah Barnes' new book demolishes trans extremism."
The Inside Story of the Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic
- "Because I’m an overpaid professional, I had to watch the whole thing. Trust me, you don’t have to, and I promise the video does not improve as it goes along. I would sum it up this way: It’s like someone slipped LSD into David Lynch’s Christmas punch, locked him in the Overlook Hotel, and removed his talent."
Jill Biden Releases Widely Ridiculed White House Holiday Video
- "The Biden Christmas video symbolizes our descent from a great nation to one marred by tyranny and lacking an identity."
Jill Biden’s ‘Hunger Games’ Themed Christmas Video Is An Abomination
- "It’s beginning to look a lot like a culture win."
Snow White Changes Her Tune Under Pressure from Conservatives
- "Be afraid. Be very afraid."
Meathead Reiner Film Fear-Mongers About "Christian Nationalism"
- Rabbi Dov Fischer: "SNL went after Stefanik for exposing anti-Semitism in the Poison Ivy league."
I Miss Comedy in America. Just Look at Saturday Night Live.
- Christian Toto: "Netflix original serves up constant dread, garbled statements about modern life."
Leave the World Behind Hates America, Not White People
- "Is this some kind of abortion argument where yet another feminist blames men for all their problems without taking an ounce of responsibility for their own actions? It takes two to tango. Do women not have control over the opening and closing of their own legs? Of course, Milano has never been accused of being a Rhodes Scholar. And to think she was one of the dream girls of the 1990s and 2000s for many males across the country. Who would’ve thought that she’d be the least well-adjusted woman from the old show “Charmed,” and that cast included Shannen Doherty, so you tell me."
What's Your Point? Alyssa "Cookie" Milano Sings 'Women Don't Inseminate Themselves' in Strange TikTok Video
- "‘Mark Rothko: Paintings on Paper’ allows visitors to take a fresh look at an artist they thought they knew."
National Gallery Exhibit Shows a Different Side of Painter Mark Rothko
- "We the People of the United States. . ."
This Bill of Rights Day, Let’s Celebrate the Preamble
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:32 AM
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