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December 14, 2023

Ben, I Want To Say One Word To You, Just One Word: ONT. There's A Great Future In ONTs.

10 days until Christmas Eve. Who wants to sing some carols? Here's a great idea for a Christmas song!

Figgy pudding.jfif

What the hell is Figgy Pudding anyway?

It's Canada, So He Was Also Charged With Practicing Medicine Without A License

Canadian Man Charged With 14 Counts of Murder for Mailing Poison to Young People, Helping Them Kill Themselves

Now, a Canadian man who helped more than a dozen people in Ontario to kill themselves – by mailing them poison – has been charged with 14 counts of second-degree murder.
Kenneth Law had previously been charged with 14 counts of counseling or aiding suicide.

Law allegedly posted 160 packages of sodium nitrite to people in Canada while also sending at least 1,200 packages to addresses in more than 40 countries.

Reuters reported:
“’It’s clearly significant… to be laying this many (charges) and that’s not taken lightly by the investigative team’, Inspector Simon James of the police force in York, a northern district of Toronto, told a televised press conference.
The victims ranged in age from 16 to 36 but James declined to name them or explain why the charges against Law had been upgraded. He also said he did not know how many people abroad might have died.

The decline and fall of Western Civilization is turning out to be a lot less fun than I had hoped.

This Sounds Like The Plot To A Movie

Doctor who murdered French girl is freed 11 years after her father kidnapped him in Germany and smuggled him across border to stand trial

A German investigation in 1987 had found there was not enough evidence to charge Krombach of the murder of Kalinka, who was found dead in her bed during the summer holidays of 1982. 

But the doctor's credibility was damaged when in 1997 he was found guilty of drugging and raping a 16-year-old patient, emboldening Kalinka's biological father, Andre Bamberski, in his campaign to see Krombach arrested.

Frustrated with Germany's refusal to hand Krombach over, Bamberski hired a kidnap team to snatch the doctor from his home in Scheidegg, Bavaria, bundle him into a blacked-out limousine and bring him to France.

The doctor was left, bound and gagged, near a courthouse in the border town of Mulhouse, and later put on trial.

Good for him. Andre Bamberski was charged with kidnapping and given a one year sentence, suspended. I'm kinda surprised he got off so easily. Here's a picture of him from 2008, when he ran for president against Barack Obama.


Away Down South In China

More Than Half a Million Uighurs Forced to Pick Cotton in China

Not a lot to say here, we all know China uses its minorities for slave labor, but I did a double take when I saw the headline due to the similarity between the name of the Chinese ethnic group and a well known slur for the folks here in the US who picked cotton 160 years ago, so much so that I wonder if they worded it that way on purpose. I can't read anything from the MSM anymore without being suspicious that it's part of the left's ongoing effort to divide the people of the US against each other.

In The Arms Of An Angel

Sign Of The End Times

Doritos Nacho Cheese-flavored booze has just become a reality

But on December 12, the flaming orange chips will get sloshed with the launch of Empirical x Doritos Nacho Cheese.

The partnership with Doritos—the most popular savory snack among Gen Z and the 8th-ranked brand overall—is the most commercial offering from Empirical Spirits, a Copenhagen-based distillery. The limited release of the beverage, available at and at to-be-announced locations in New York and California, will go for $65 for a 750 millileter bottle. (The companies did not disclose the number of bottles they’re releasing.)

“We’re doing more disruptive partnerships,”  says Courtney Larson, Dorito’s senior director of marketing. “When one of the most innovative flavor leaders in the world reaches out to you, you take notice.”

Yeah. Pass.

Christmas Gift Idea

NOLA is the side hustle of a guy who is friends with a bunch of the guys I shoot with. He's a good guy, but he's going through some tough times right now, he lost his full time job. If you're looking for a last minute stocking stuffer gift, or if you need a new sling for your rifle, check out his online store. He has good stuff, and he can use the custom far more than Amazon can.


Rob Reiner is deluded about 'Christian nationalism'

And what of Reiner’s experts, the progressive academics featured so prominently in his trailer? The examples of Christian Nationalism some of them offer are so broad that even the late Queen Elizabeth had a brush with it. The way historian Kristin Kobes Du Mez uses the term is elastic enough to encompass Billy Graham, who she accuses in her book, “Jesus and John Wayne,” of “wedding patriarchal gender roles to a rising Christian nationalism.” 

The inescapable conclusion is that average Christian beliefs and average Christian engagement in the public sphere is exactly what Reiner and his abettors hope to target. They want to shame followers of Jesus from taking part in the very same political activities their secular counterparts do and convince everyone else that there’s something uniquely insidious when they do. To my fellow believers tempted to buckle under this derision, I’ll remind them of the counsel of 2 Timothy 1:7--God has not given his children a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. And we should never let a smear campaign convince us to stop using them.

“Christian Nationalism” is the left's newest boogieman. “Racist”, “homophobe” and other slurs have become meaningless through overuse, so this is the slur du jour for anyone who believes in or supports traditional western values. If this country was really teeming with “Christian Nationalists”, Rob, believe me, you'd know. There are hundreds of millions of us, and we tend to be heavily armed.

Now, everyone please rise, turn to page 35 of your hymnals, and join together in lifting up your voices to the Lord.*

This City Sucks

Urban crime, and why city dwellers don’t seem to (really) care

This is actually a rational and reasoned discussion about the issue from a conservative who chooses urban life.

However, our argument can't be, "You live in a nightmarish dumpster fire, vote the bums out."

Because if you try to tell people something that they can plainly see with their own eyes is not true, you will get nowhere with them, certainly not on the subject of crime, and probably not on any other either.

Conservatives didn't fall for that during Covid or the BLM riots. Urban progressives won't fall for it now, not until it becomes truly dystopian, which is not a place we want to go.

I don't believe our cities, most anyway, are in inevitable death spirals now anymore than they were during the last time crime was this bad. The pendulum swings.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by winning the war:

win the war.jpg

*Keep Your Rifle By Your Side was written for the video game Far Cry V. Now, I've never played any of the Far Cry Games so I know nothing about the group that it represents, but I do know that it's a banging song, and that lefties on social media lose their freaking minds when someone plays it with a straight face. It's really quite amusing.


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posted by WeirdDave at 10:00 PM

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