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December 15, 2023

Quick Hits

Chris Cuomo saw the 45 minute montage of Hamas atrocities:

Christopher C. Cuomo @ChrisCuomo

Today I was among the journalists who have attended a private screening of the raw footage of October 7th and I want to express to you what I saw since it's not been made public. It's been a very heavy day. A decision was made that Jews are less than human, and treated that way in words and deeds... now know that's exactly the message Hamas sent on purpose -- at scale. I wasn't aware of that before. I saw bodies were burned but I did not understand or appreciate how intentional the effort was -- they did it methodically, you hear it in the voices, the commands the ease, the excitement of finding and mutilating victims.

In the video I linked above, Cuomo points out that Hamas is deliberately, intentionally, methodically burning Jews (both living and dead) to replicate the ovens of the Holocaust.

As for the burning of dead bodies, a utilitarian might say, ah, the body is dead, what does it matter? We cremate the dead anyway. Yes, but as Cuomo say, this is an insight into Hamas' mindset, the utter dehumanization of Jews in their minds and the complete lack of value of Jewish life, and an important clue to future intentions if ever they should have power equal to their hatred and savagery.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm recommending this Chris Cuomo video.

Twitchy has rounded up the lefties' shriekings. But what about the 63 million Palestinian babies the Israelis have publicly executed!!!

One of the most potent self-reinforcing parts of woke ideology is its commitment to the idea that Reality Is What You Pretend It Is. They've created a "reality" based on a fucking song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. That means they can make up whatever fantastical political lie they want when they need it, and that lie has, according to the precepts of their crude demonic philosophy, exactly as much reality as actual reality has. If you object that something some fucking idiot just made up is not as valid and real as an established fact that has a physical basis in tangible reality, they accuse you of mansplaining and Centering White Experience and attempting to colonize them with White Supremacist Logic while denigrating "ways of knowing" open only to minorities, women, gays, and trans folx.

I missed this -- Eric Swalwell arranged fellow whorebanger Hunter Biden's Capitol Hill steps testimony-dodging speech, meaning that Swalwell, technically a member of Congress, schemed with a man to help him defy an order of Congress.

A member of the Oversight Committee wants to discipline him.

So, you had a member of Congress helping someone who is blowing off a Congressional subpoena. At the very least, Swalwell seems to be serving Hunter Biden rather than his obligations to Congress and the law. That could be a bit of a problem for Swalwell, who was chucked off the House Intelligence Committee for his relationship with a woman believed to be a Chinese operative. Funny how he's helping the Bidens, who are being investigated over alleged corruption connected to the Chinese.

Now, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) says that they are going to hold Hunter Biden in contempt, but that they should probably pursue a contempt action against Swalwell as well.

" We're going to vote to hold him in contempt. We probably need to vote Eric Swalwell in contempt, because the rumor is that Mr. Swalwell aided and abetted him by setting up his facilities so he could have his [press] conference across the way."

And then vote to expel him. (That takes a 2/3rds vote. Santos was only voted out because Republicans are cowards desperate for the approval of the Cool Kids Liberals.)

Bidenomics: Mortgage payments on a new home have risen 90% under Joe Biden.

The dream of owning a home in America is slipping farther away for many, with average monthly mortgage payments now nearly double what they were at the start of the Biden administration.

As interest rates surge above 7% and housing prices continue their ascent, aspiring buyers are confronted with one of the most unaffordable markets in recent memory.

Recent analysis indicates that opting to rent might make more financial sense, with average new leases ringing in at $1,000 less per month than the cost of home loans.

The landscape is bleak, prompting experts to advise potential buyers against waiting for a market shift and instead bracing for an extended period of higher interest rates.

Data from real estate investment firm CBRE illustrates a stark reality: average monthly payments on a new home soared to $3,322 in the third quarter of this year, marking a staggering 90% increase since late 2020 when it hovered at just $1,746 before Biden took office.

This analysis, centered on a $430,000 home with a 30-year mortgage, considering a 10% down payment, underscores the gravity of the situation.

But Raggedy Android says that Joe's working hard to reduce those "junk fees" for overweight airline luggage, so that should all wash out with your nearly-doubled mortgage payments.

Pfizer's stock is falling as people are skipping the nth booster.

Pfizer's shares are plunging downwards to their worst performance in over a decade after the pharmaceutical giant put out a stark warning about its projected revenue as hysteria over the Covid-19 outbreak continues to wane.

Recent financial results and projections alike have not fared well for Pfizer; shares dropped 8 percent on Thursday morning, and the company has lost $140 billion in market cap this year alone.

Pfizer projects that revenue could fall next year and has put out a 2024 guidance that is below analyst expectations, according to a new report by The Wall Street Journal.

As The Journal notes, such a warning brings grave concerns for Wall Street as to how Pfizer will be able to create new sources of sales growth. Such a situation sets up a hefty challenge for Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla to overcome.

While Bourla's Pfizer enjoyed a strong financial performance during the Covid-19 outbreak, with its Comirnaty shots and Paxlovid drugs bringing in tens of billions of dollars in sales, decreased interest has now stung the pharmaceutical giant.

Merry Season of Death!

Vivek was part of a Twitter live spaces and ducked out to take a leak. But he left his microphone on. Jack Posobiec is going to analyze the sound of his urine stream to determine if he's got the Alpha Flow you want and need in a leader (and this is all totes heterosexual you guys).

Another deliberate hit and run, this time in Seattle.

"Hit this b****, hit this b****," one woman in a car involved in a Seattle hit-and-run can be heard saying while another woman laughs. The assault was one of two caught on security cameras purposely hitting two different pedestrians in late November. The Seattle Police Department released the videos on Friday -- including cellphone video taken from inside one of the cars -- in hopes that someone might be able to help ID the victims or the attackers. Advertisement

There's no mistaking the women's deadly intentions or the glee they took.

"Based on the speed of the impact," MyNorthwest reported on Monday, "it is likely that the victims suffered serious injury."

More at the link. >The repulsive video is here.

More scumbag criminals, and, surprise, incompetent and stupid to boot: some carjackers pistol-whipped a hardworking citizen and stole his Porsche. Or attempted to, as they were unable to drive it away, as they could not drive a stick-shift.

Guys, I don't think AOC's brilliant plan of "decarceration" is working.

Or maybe it is working exactly as intended.

Alabama students created a memorial for the victims of Hamas' 10/7 rape/massacre, planting a little flag for each victim. Some scumbag calling ximself "Jade" posted a death threat on social media, writing "resist my 12 gauge to your skull bitch."

"People in the chapter who saw the post were troubled by it, and said it was a death threat," TPUSA Chapter President Tyler Robertson told Campus Reform.

Robertson told Campus Reform that Jade is known to the group as a local alumna who has regularly responded negatively to the group's Instagram posts in the past.

The group took screenshots of the story, as well as other disturbing posts on Jade's Instagram profile, and filed a release report.

Per the police report obtained by Campus Reform, "Jade removed all posts in regards to Turning Point and any identifying posts once the UAHPD had viewed her Instagram page." Jade's last name was not included on the copy of the police report provided to Robertson.

The police report indicates that the officer spoke with Madison County Chief Trial Attorney Tim Douthit, who "advised there is probable cause for the crime of Harassing Communication."

Robertson says the group's intent to press charges is primarily based on concern for students' right to engage in protected speech without fear of violent repercussions.

"We're pursuing this because threats like this are a serious offense against our right to free speech. No one should accept threats of violence as a normal part of using our 1st amendment rights," Roberston told Campus Reform. "Unfortunately, we aren't surprised this has happened, because far-left activists have been empowered by the elites in academia to believe that it's always open season on conservatism. People like Jade believe they are immune to the consequences of making threats because her ideas fit the mainstream. Thankfully, that's not true, at least for now."

I'm mystified. The death threats we report are real, the death threats they report are hoaxes. But the death threats they report get all the media coverage, and the death threats we report get none.

Can you explain this mystery to me, guys?

Southwest is being praised for offering "customers of size" a free seat.

Plus-size TikTokkers

A great start to any article.

... are praising Southwest Airlines for its "customer of size" policy, which allows overweight passengers to request a complimentary seat and forces the flight staff to accommodate larger flyers -- even if that means kicking others with tickets off of the flight.

"If you're fat, you know the anxiety of flying and this alleviates it a lot," Caroline, a travel influencer who said she is a size 20, told her nearly 200,000 followers in a video posted at the end of October.

"I had a very comfortable flight just feeling like I was allowed to take up the space I needed."

Under the Texas-based airline's policy, customers whose bodies "encroach" past the armrest are entitled to an extra seat at no additional cost.

It says that passengers "have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing your seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at the departure gate.

"If it's determined that a second (or third) seat is needed you'll be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat," the policy states.

The flight team will then look at the seating arrangements -- which are not predetermined on Southwest flights -- and would potentially move other passengers around for the "unplanned accommodation."

So... two problems.

I'm not against making a reasonable accommodation. And also, gee it would be nice to not have a gigantic person fatspreading all over me on a flight.

But: Obviously the costs of this are going to be divided out among the other passengers.

And then there's this bullshit that the obese person doesn't have to do any planning in advance, but can show up day of the flight and disrupt other people's plans and have them moved around.

If people are extremely fat, they know it, and they should book their Bonus Seat in advance. What this is allowing them to do is to book a seat when there is no additional seat available next to any seat and just bulldoze other people out of the way to make room for their fat asses.

Accommodation is one thing, gross imposition is another thing entirely.

And this society has moved very, very far from "accommodation" to "gross imposition" with respect to all claims of "marginalized identities."

You mean transwomen are to blame, right?

I hope you're not assuming a Gender Binary.

Via Twitchy, NBC's gay vertical, which is called "NBC," brings us this sad sad story of a 12-year-old child who might be forced to undergo sexually damaging treatments by his heartless, clout-chasing mother, despite Ron DeSantis' noble efforts to intervene.

The mother of a transgender girl sobbed in federal court Wednesday as she contemplated having to move away from her Navy officer husband to get health care for her 12-year-old if Florida's ban on gender dysphoria treatments for minors is allowed to take affect.

The woman, who testified as Jane Doe to protect the identity of her child, said her daughter went from being anxious and upset to a thriving, happy straight-A student after being allowed to live as a girl about eight years ago, a decision she made with her husband after multiple visits to their family's doctor.

But as the girl approaches puberty, she fears she will start turning into a boy. Without treatment, she and her family will be devastated, the mother said.

This is a boy. And in 90% of cases, a little bit of puberty fixes this nonsense.

Via Twitchy, thanks to Ron DeSantis' brave leadership -- not making a single announcement in January and otherwise doing nothing about it -- a boy who was playing on the girls vollyball team against the state's law has been punished, as has the school and school officials who permitted this.


Florida's state athletic board fined a high school and put it on probation Tuesday after a transgender student played on the girls volleyball team, a violation of a controversial law enacted by Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Legislature.

The Florida High School Athletic Association fined Monarch High $16,500, ordered the principal and athletic director to attend rules seminars and placed the suburban Fort Lauderdale school on probation for 11 months, meaning further violations could lead to increased punishments.

The association also barred the girl from participating in boys sports for 11 months.

The 2021 law, which supporters named "The Fairness in Women's Sports Act," bars transgender girls and women from playing on public school teams intended for student-athletes identified as girls at birth.

Rupert Murdoch's "conservative" New York Post can't tell the difference between a boy and a girl. That worked out well for Bud Light. Sure it will work out equally well for media properties whose entire pitch is to a conservative audience.

Keep it up, Murdochs. Keep it up.

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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 05:25 PM

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