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December 01, 2023

Washington Post "Workers" Brace for Layoffs


learn to code lolololol

And this is before the widespread adoption of AI! Can't wait for that!

The Washington Post has been able to attain just half of the job reductions it needs to secure before the end of the year, the newspaper's leadership said this week.

In a note to staff shared with multiple outlets on Tuesday, Post interim CEO Patty Stonesifer said the company had accepted 120 voluntary buyouts as it seeks to cut some 240 jobs across its newsroom.

The Post plans to resort to involuntary layoffs if it does not reach the 240 job threshold by the middle of next month, Stonesifer said.

"These layoffs would offer significantly less generous benefits than the voluntary package and will be consistent with prior layoff packages at The Post," she wrote.

The Post is just the latest in a slew of media organizations that have announced plans to cut back staff and implement other cost-saving measures amid widespread economic hardship in the media business.

Hard ship? My dick right now is a hard ship.

Meanwhile, Hamas propagandist Mehdi Hasan has been fired from MSNBC.

Well actually he just lost his show. He's now demoted to a fill-in host.

Like a peasant.

Vice -- they're still in business? -- published an "article" patiently explaining 100 ways white people can make life less frustrating for "people of color."

9. Regard us as autonomous, unique individuals, not as representatives of our race.

Woke racists like you literally never stop talking about yourselves as an avatar of your race.

11. Don't rinse our culturally specific memes. They're ours. Go enjoy that weird one about the plums.

Get off the fucking computer, Cultural Appopriator. This shit is ours.

12. If you're at my house party, don't turn off the Weeknd to put on Arctic Monkeys. (Okay this one is very specific but it happened to me once and I'm not over it. The audacity!)


93. Remember that your queerness/womanhood/transness/class background/disability doesn't exclude you from white privilege.

94. Make your feminism useful to all women rather than calling yourself an 'intersectional feminist'. Show, don't tell.

Do more for me, Slave.

95. Don't assume, full stop, that you can understand what it's like to experience racism. You can't. That's the whole point.

I'm understanding it right now.

96. Understand that nothing in your life has been untouched by your whiteness. Everything you have would have been harder to come by if you had not been born white.

97. Be grateful for the lesson when you're called out on racism, getting defensive won't help.


You're so discriminated against you can make a living writing one dunk-on-whypipo list after another, but no white person is allowed to write anything negative about a minority without a high risk of losing his job and his banking account.

digg this
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:06 PM

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