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December 05, 2023

Tuesday Overnight Open Thread (12/5/23)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. Frank Zappa

Quote II

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.Thomas Paine

Quote III

“We know that the pillars of civilization are cheap energy, meritocracy, Law and Order, and free speech and all four of those pillars are currently under attack,” Michael Shellenberger


Two Climate Change Activists Dead After Gluing Themselves To Ark Of The Covenant

CAIRO — What was initially a startling archeological discovery quickly turned to tragedy today, as climate change activists arrived at the site of the newly discovered Ark of the Covenant, glued their hands to it, and were immediately struck down dead.

"It was obvious they had never read their Bibles," said Dr. James Corbin, lead archeologist on the team that made the historic discovery. "They were clearly very passionate about their beliefs and wanted to warn everyone that the world is on the brink of destruction due to climate change, but they really stepped in it when they picked the Ark as the priceless artifact to glue themselves to. Bad deal."

(H/T OrangeEnt)


Last night's ONT covered housing for Americans 18-29..........

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 7.20.35 AM.png

Tonight we look at: On the Brink: Halifax wheelchair user feels ‘trapped’ due to housing crunch

This is the second installment of a Global News series called ‘On The Brink,’ which profiles people who are struggling with the rising cost of living. In this story, two Halifax women talk about the challenges of finding an accessible place to live amid the worst housing crunch the province has seen in decades.

April Hubbard knows what it’s like to be on the brink.

A wheelchair user with a degenerative condition, Hubbard hasn’t left her 10th-floor Halifax apartment since March.

“My entire world is these four walls, and they feel smaller and smaller each day,” she said.

Hubbard, 38, has lived in her apartment building for five years. When she moved in, she had been looking for a home for six months and it was the only “semi-accessible” apartment she could find at an affordable price range.

But she said there have been a “lot of issues” with the building’s accessibility. There are only two elevators for the 22-storey building, which are prone to breaking down.


When the DOJ isn't chasing Roman Catholics, Pro-Life supporters, J6 Attendees, they are looking to expand their horizon via YouTube.

California YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed for six months after deliberately crashing plane for video
The experienced pilot and skydiver uploaded the video titled "I Crashed My Airplane" a month after the stunt, which remains on YouTube with more than four million views.

If you are ever questioned by the Feds, utter these five words, Fuck you. My Attorney Now!


Ace Frehley says he's glad that Kiss’ farewell tour was finally done, accusing his former band of trying to mislead fans about his absence since 2002.

In an interview a few days before Kiss' road trip ended on Dec. 2, the guitarist said he’d spent many years having to explain to people that he was no longer a member – and claimed it was the result of a deliberate strategy on the part of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley.


What is the largest asset of Liz Cheney, her jowls or her ego?

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is considering a third-party presidential bid as she seeks to do "whatever it takes" to stop former President Trump from winning in 2024, she told the Washington Post in an interview published Tuesday.

Why it matters: Cheney, an outspoken critic of the former president, said that she "would not have contemplated a third-party run" several years ago, but now she thinks the stakes are too high.

I guess she hasn't followed current events and has never heard of Robert Kennedy.


I'm not sure why the artist was inking an individual under the influence. It can only lead to the following: Genius Award Winners!

Meet Max Alexander Krejckant.

The 33-year-old Floridian was arrested Saturday after he allegedly refused to pay for a $250 tattoo he received from the Ink Godz shop in St. Petersburg.

Krejckant was reportedly under the influence when he got the Waffle House logo tattooed on his right calf.

While the restaurant chain’s emblem is yellow and black, Krejckant’s tattoo--about five inches wide--was gray and black since he did not want to pay an additional $100 for yellow ink, said Ink Godz owner Neil Marcus.

When it came time to pay for the tattoo, Krejckant (seen at right) “refused all options to satisfy his debts,” cops reported. A police frisk of Krejckant turned up only “six dollars and a driver’s license in his bag and nothing on his person.”


Holy Santa Claus Batman!!!

A thousand Santas ditch the sleigh in favor of bikes in downtown Milwaukee

On a chilly Saturday morning, more than a thousand people donned Santa suits and cruised through the streets of Milwaukee for the Santa Cycle Rampage, an annual ride for holiday merry-making and cycling advocacy.

First-time rampager Mark Hense was part of a sea of festive red, and kicked things off with a shotski — a line of shot glasses glued to a ski, allowing for several people to down a shot in unison.

"I think once you get soaked up into an ocean of Santas, it's something that is to behold," said Hense, who lives in Wauwatosa, a Milwaukee suburb.


Just when I thought I couldn't let anyone else down........Add one more grifting scum-sucking vermin to the list.

Zelensky Abruptly Cancels Address To Senators, Lashes Out At Failure To Secure More Taxpayer Funds

On Tuesday Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky unexpectedly canceled at the last minute a planned appearance via video link before US Senators mulling an emergency aid package containing over $60 billion for Kiev.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was the one to announce it to reporters: "Zelensky by the way could not make it to -- something happened at the last minute -- to our briefing," Schumer said.


The ONT Musical Interlude & Roasted Chestnuts Emporium



Brenda Lee’s ‘Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree’ tops charts 65 years after release

(WJW) — You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear … Brenda Lee’s 65-year-old holiday classic “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” has reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the first time.

The 78-year-old singer breaks multiple records with the latest ranking, which, according to reports from Billboard, became the third holiday song to ever hold the top spot, following “The Chipmunk Song” and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You.”


1+1= Genius Award Winner.

Woman Stole $800 Worth Of Barbie Toys, Led Cops On High-Speed Chase

After stealing $800 worth of Barbie toys from a Buffalo-area Walmart, a New York woman led police on a 100+ mph chase, according to investigators.

Cops say Emoni Thompson, 26, swiped the Barbie haul Monday afternoon from a Walmart Supercenter in Lockport. After walking out of the retailer, Thompson departed in a 2016 Ford Escape, according to the New York State Police.


I wonder if I help others. Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day

Woman 'Jamming Out' In Car Alone Prevents Stranger's Anxiety Attack
December 4, 2023

Today's good news story comes from Meriden, Connecticut.

In the midst of a hectic morning, a simple act of joy turned a stressful drive into a heartwarming encounter for Erika Thiel and her daughter


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by The ONT Derby.

12 5 brot.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. ONT Tips, loose change, drink tokens & burner phones to petmorons at the gmail thingy dot com. There is no parking validation.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:01 PM

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