"Embracing the Cheneys was a loser move for Team Ha ..."
Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now:
[i]My husband said he thinks Trump is doing fine ..."
"Someone suggested Kamala would get a bump from the ..."
tcn in AK:
"Kammie is not American black. Her melanin content ..."
Deplorable Ian Galt:
"So whiny. ..."
It's me donna:
" terrible moderators.. I've never seen anything l ..."
"*stomps aoround*
*throws things*
The media wil ..."
Ghost of kari:
"Trump literally batted .300 in this. I'll take it. ..."
"It's still the economy. ..."
Thomas Bender:
"In the end, Trump did ok, Kamala didn't do any dam ..."
I'm Gumby Damn It!:
"Ima use Just look out your front door fact check s ..."
Uncle Floyd:
">>>every clip coming out of this will be "Trump ta ..."