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December 18, 2023

MrFAFO Is Dead -- Long Live MrFAFO!

Before getting to that, check out this piece of Pallywood Propaganda.


If you haven't seen many AI-produced illustrations, AI is brilliant... except it has no idea how many fingers human beings have, and guesses they have anywhere from 4-8 fingers.

More absurd Pallywood propaganda at Twitchy.

This one looks real, just staged. They just plopped down a baby on some rubble, and added the obligatory prop teddy bear.


They Just Want Peace (TM).

Remember the Pallywood actor who was caught on successive days lying on his deathbed in a hospital, and then dancing in the streets celebrating the war against Israel, no doubt healed completely by famously-advanced Palestinian Science?

He's become a meme -- the internet dubs him "#MrFAFO."

Liel Liebovitz of Tablet:


Here he is, a victim of an Israeli air raid, writhing in pain in a Gaza hospital, his slender frame dotted by wires and electrodes. And there he goes again, a day or two later: He's a radiologist now, helping a blood-smeared patient into a small MRI machine. Since Oct. 7 he has died on camera--not once but twice--and then, like Lazarus, come back to life. He sired a (fake, plastic) child, then lost it in a bombing; found work as a foreign correspondent; picked up a gun and joined the fighting; laughed joyfully when Jews were slaughtered; wept bitterly when the Jews struck back; discovered his calling as a singer; led us on guided tours of his shelled-out hometown.

Who is he? He is Saleh Aljafarawi, 25, Gazan, Hamas supporter, and professional social media influencer. The genre in which he works is Pallywood, the term coined by scholar Richard Landes to describe a long Palestinian cinematic tradition, in which a wide variety of political parties and terrorist groups create fake dramatic videos and peddle them to sympathetic Western media outlets who pay for these comically obvious fabrications and then cynically or cluelessly present them as indictments of the Jewish state's cruelty.

But such literal-minded answers miss the larger point. #MrFAFO--the acronym means "fuck around, find out"--matters because his work is the best prism we've got if we wish to truly gaze into the heart of darkness.

Because #MrFAFO, truly, c'est nous.

Why do we love him so? Why has he become the subject of so much attention, on social media and in the press? Because he is the pure embodiment of a greater truth: We live in an age that has progressed beyond rational argument. It should be obvious by now that so many of the creeps who purport to weep for Palestine don't really care about Palestinians, dead or alive, or about Israelis, or about the historical and moral intricacies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What they want is an excuse to indulge in something deeper, more libidinal, ancient, and indeed erotic--hating Jews. They cheer for #MrFAFO not despite the fact that he's so obviously faking it but precisely because of it. His performances promise liberation from the annoyances of a fact-based reality whose contradictions are inherently troubling, and instead affirm that old motto coined by Hasan-i Sabbah, the 12th-century founder of the Hashashin, or the Order of the Assassins--nothing is true, everything is permitted."


His eyebrows are always slightly raised, as if he's just seen something that amazes him. His arms are always outstretched, reaching for something that lies just outside the frame. And then there are the props: a blue helmet that reads PRESS; an oxygen mask; a physician's vest; a fanny pack. FAFO wears each new item as if it was the expression of his innermost being, as if his survival depended on them, like Buster Keaton driving that jalopy on a bumpy road and holding on to the steering wheel even as the entire vehicle disintegrates beneath him. As the critic David Thomson wrote, the silent comedy giant "plainly is a man inclined towards a belief in nothing but mathematics and absurdity, like a number that has always been searching for the right equation." The same goes for FAFO, which is why it doesn't matter if he's dying or dancing. The only constant is him and that great face of his, obeying Ovid's dictum: Omnia mutantur, nihil interit--everything changes, nothing perishes. Only mirthless sticklers believe in ideas that are always present and always true.

FAFO's fans ain't sticklers, and they've no use for facts. Don't trouble them with the truth that Hamas beheads babies and rapes women or show them footage of Gazan men being offed because someone suspected them of being gay. Don't tell them that Hamas has located its main command bunker underneath the al-Shifa Hospital, a fact that has been repeatedly documented. The business of separating argumentation and propaganda from reality is a tedious and bothersome constraint. The over-the-top comic-hysterical ludicrousness of FAFO's performances represents freedom from the stifling business of interpreting reality on progressive terms, of believing women and respecting minorities and checking your facts and your privilege--and all the other silly code words that allow you to gain entrance to the clubhouse.

The interesting part of this article, which I will largely leave to you to read if you'd like to, is Liebovitz arguing that "Mr.FAFO" is not some kind of aberration in today's world. People now just routinely resort to spouting absurd, easily-disproven propaganda.

All of these lies are like the doctrines of a dark demonic religion: No one really expects you to believe the Devil's Catechisms, but you're expected to repeat them and pretend to believe them when repeated to you to establish you're part of the Dark Church.

Near the end, he gets around to Mr.FAFO's defenders and apologists.

Not in the bitterly propagandistic Arab press.

No, in the bitterly propagandistic American one.

[R]eality has an uncomfortable way of intruding on even the most delirious imaginations. In an ending only #MrFAFO himself could have generated, the artist's success proved too much for his fans. He was getting too famous. He was becoming the story, not the storyteller. It was time for the same people who needed FAFO to channel their Jew-hatred to step in and fix this mess. It was time for them to deny #MrFAFO existed at all.

The glitches in the matrix were showing, and it was time to repair them--a job reserved for the lower-level party operatives once known as journalists. First up was Rolling Stone, the publication whose relationship with the truth includes running and then retracting an entirely fabricated story about yet another alleged victim, a young woman accusing big, bad frat boys at the University of Virginia--the cradle of the racist Confederacy--of brutal rape. The idea that FAFO is an actor, the magazine claimed, is a conspiracy theory. What proof did Rolling Stone offer? An interview with a British startup dedicated to fighting "misinformation" by using AI, whose representative--the sole voice in the story--argued that accusing FAFO and others of fakery is merely "dehumanizing" propaganda. In other words: Please trust the experts rather than your own lying eyes. The Voice of America followed, with similar evidence-free assertions by its own "fact-checker," who cited no facts.

You would think that the Anti-Defamation League would at least decry the antisemtic propaganda pushed by MrFAFO.

But no, the ADL is just a Democrat Party front-group for Jews, and the Democrat Party is more and more an extension of Hamas.

So the ADL says that claims that there is an active propaganda network in Palestine dubbed "Pallywood" is itself a conspiracy theory. (!!!)

Always happy to assist the progressive messaging campaign du jour, the Anti-Defamation League--which had once professed to be an organization dedicated to ensuring the safety of Jews before it realized it could wax fatter by posing as "the Jewish branch" of the progressive DEI complex--pronounced Pallywood a "conspiracy theory." It's been nearly a decade since any sentient person familiar with the landscape of Jewish organizations has viewed the ADL as anything other than a Democratic Party messaging shop whose passion for fighting antisemitism is confined to one side of the partisan aisle. Even so, seeking to actively aid the PR campaigns of Jew-killing terrorists by labeling the accusations against them a "conspiracy theory" marked a new low.

They also say it's a "conspiracy theory" to note that George Soros decided to fund anti-law prosecutors rather than trying to wing gubernatorial races because it's cheaper to win a city DA race than a major statewide one, even though George Soros himself admits that's exactly what he's doing.

Below, from the article, some of the many lives, and many deaths, of MrFAFO.


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posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at 01:55 PM

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