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October 15, 2023
First-World Problems...
Yeah...I love electricity. It makes so much sense!
In a just and fair world, there would be one cable running into each receptacle, and I would have at least an outside shot at understanding what is going on.
Of course that would mean that every outlet in the house would have a home run to the circuit panel, and that might be a bit ungainly. But that Romex wiring was done haphazardly, so it is virtually impossible to trace where it goes. It's a mare's nest of crossed wires that may have made sense to the meth-head electrician, but it sure doesn't make sense to me.
All I want to do is switch that box from a two-outlet to a four outlet. Both things on it are low power...less than an amp in total. It would be nice to have an additional outlet because it is in a very convenient place!
But the electricity gods say that I can't have nice things! And yes, it works fine now so I can simply swap it, but I dislike changing something without knowing what is going on in the background.