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October 11, 2023
NBC Propaganda Network Contemplates the Unthinkable: Did Our Partners In Peace (TM) in Iran Train and Arm the Hamas "Militants"?
As I saw someone point out on the Twitterz, Hamas surely did not train on hang-gliders in Gaza.
No, that training must have taken place somewhere far away from Israel. Somewhere Israel wouldn't even bother pointing a satellite camera at. Somewhere like a high hilly desert in Iran.
Spending the $6 billion Biden gave our Partners in Peace (TM) for a Fiery But Mostly Peaceful terrorist training camp.
The NBC Propaganda Network wonders if it's conceivable that Hamas' chief sponsor and paymaster, Iran, could have possibly been involved with training the terrorists -- whoops, I mean "militants" -- that Iran has been provably training for decades.
Ed Morrissey:
The US had known Hamas to be a client and proxy for the mullahs in Tehran for decades. Hamas even routinely brags about the support they get from Iran. They have relied on Iranian arms and munitions for their constant rocket attacks on Israel ever since the Israeli occupation of Gaza ended in 2005, an arms stream that forced Israel to put a policy of containment in place.
So why investigate whether Iran's revolutionary guard (IRGC) trained Hamas "militants," as NBC News calls the barbaric terrorists? There may be a reason to "investigate" the obvious:
American officials are investigating whether some of the Hamas militants who carried out an unprecedented attack on Israel received advanced training from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to current and former U.S. officials.
They are also examining whether Hamas used recent Palestinian protests along the Gaza border fence as cover to place explosives that were later used to breach the Israeli barrier. The advanced training and placement of explosives, if confirmed, would be the latest example of decades of support that Iran has provided to Hamas.
The attack, which was far more sophisticated than past Hamas operations, would not have been possible without the decades of funding, weapons and training Iran has supplied to the militant group, current and former U.S. officials say.
This seems like a strange task to start after both Joe Biden's nat-sec advisor Jake Sullivan already declared Iran "complicit" in the disgusting barbarities of Hamas. Sullivan said yesterday that Iran was "complicit in a broad sense" in part because "they've provided training, they have provided capabilities, they have provided support" to Hamas, as well as "the lion's share of funding" for its military wing. The State Department followed up by noting that Hamas couldn't have been "a fraction of the group that it is" without full Iranian support in all phases of its operations.
America can no longer tolerate an insurrectionist, Iran-aligned terrorist front-group Fifth Column in the media. Something will have to be done.
The left wants to end the right to free speech...? Well I'm inclined now to agree.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
12:25 PM
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