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October 14, 2023
Ace of Spades Pet Thread, October 14
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Good afternoon and welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Thanks for stopping by. Kick back and enjoy the world of animals.
Would you like a treat? Bacon?
Let's relax a little with the animals and leave the world of politics and current events outside today.
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Meet Quimera, the cat with two faces. It's not uncommon for cats to have different colored eyes. But Quimera not only has different eyes but a perfectly-split fur color pattern, making her look like different kitties fused into one. Quimera lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina with her owner. She has quite a following online . . Like her fellow two-faced stars like Venus and Narnia, Quimera is thought to be a chimera cat, a cat with two sets of DNA due to two embryos fusing together.
Quimera has fans all over the world. People have made tributes, like portraits and even tattoos.
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What's that turtle?
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Are you sure you didn't get apprentices there?
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Sometimes small dogs elicit the greatest devotion.
Meet The PetMorons
from Louis:
Chiweenie,Rudy and his big sister Peekaboo.
They sure look like best friends. Sometimes it's a little bit disconcerting when a cat is bigger than a dog. They seem to handle it well.
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From Jewells:
This is Gunner. He is 9 years old and was an owner surrender. He is the sweetest boy. The first time I met him he just cowered in his kennel until we coaxed him out. I can only imagine his confusion and sadness. He doesn't understand why his world turned upside down. This picture is of him with his head resting on my knee. He spent the entire time outside like this. Would not leave my side. He's gotten a little better and seems to be adjusting.
Awww. Thanks for taking care of Gunner.
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Our official Swiss Guide Dog, Gioia, has had a rough patch with her health lately, but she has recovered enough to go on another little trip and show us some Swiss cows in October. Want some fondue?
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Thank you for sharing your pets and commentary with us today.
If you would like to send pet and/or animal stories, links, etc. for the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, the address is:
petmorons at protonmail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known when you comment at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Until next Saturday, have a great week!
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If you start feeling nostalgic, here a link to last week's Pet Thread, the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, October 7. Some special PetMoron stories and photos there.
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.