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October 04, 2023
Viciously Racist Right-Wing Feminist TERFs Literally Endanger the Existence of Beautiful Non-Binary Bros
Via David Strom:
A job fair to help women get Affirmative Action make-work jobs in tech specifically announced the fair was open to "non-binaries" as well as women:
The group organizing the Affirmative Action Grifter Event is "AnitaB." The conference itself is the Grace Hopper Affirmative Action Unqualified Hire Organization.
AnitaB. declared that it knows that non-women are women:
Are you sure about that? You sound sure, but I don't think you're as sure as you sound.
Some beautiful, strong, empowered People of Penis decided to declare themselves "non-binary" and show up for the Affirmative Action for Gurlz conference.
This did not sit well with the leftwing women who routinely claim that guys with dicks as big as a fungo bat are actually gals.
I can't believe how bigoted some of the women in this video are. Literally trying to erase these beautiful non binary folx. Dangerous.
posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
02:32 PM
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