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The ONT Will Stand By Your Side, To The Gallows Foot - And After! »
September 28, 2023
Herd Psychology Cafe

Edinburgh School of Divinity, New College
via @takemyhearteverywhere on IG
This is one sexy, studly chihuahua. Careful girls, he's married!
I think that's courtesy of lost in space but my memory is hazy.
People are smart, groups are stupid.
World record jump-rope. More interesting than you might think!
Dog helps stray kitten come inside home. Possibly set-up but the dog is undeniably helping the kitten and guarding it.
The cutest li'l home invaders!
That's a big mastiff.
Was that wrong?
Ol'-timey rollerskates in Paris, 1923.
Bears go HAM on a hammock.
A dumb game involving a a water-filled balloon.
Rabbit Eats World.
Also the resting place of the Holy Grail:
Here's a naked selfie for you all:
Thanksto andycanuck.

posted by Disinformation Expert Ace at
07:30 PM
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