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September 18, 2023

The Morning Report — 9/18/23


Good morning, kids. Another day and another assassination attempt against an enemy of the Junta, or at least someone it views as a troublemaker. I'm talking, of course, about RFK Jr. Considering not only his stature and current prominence in the public eye, but his lineage, you'd think there would be heavy coverage of this in the media. You'd think.

The Epoch Times reported Friday night that the LAPD “received a call at around 4:30 p.m. reporting that a male was in front of the event venue with ‘a badge on their lapel, a gun, and a shoulder holster, and claimed to be a U.S. Marshall [sic].’”Breitbart noted, also on Friday, that “the man arrived at the event and claimed to be employed by the organizers. Campaign security officials, however, did not recognize him, and detained him until police arrived. The man was found to be carrying a handgun and ammunition. He will likely face charges of impersonating a police officer or federal agent, and possibly unlawful possession of firearms.”

That’s about all we know at this point, but it’s enough to send a chill down the spine. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s father and uncle were both assassinated in two of the most famous and traumatic incidents in the history of the United States. Back in July, RFK Jr. himself announced that “since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me.” He added: “Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days [sic]. After 88-days [sic] of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request. Secretary Mayorkas: ‘I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time.’”

. . . Is a guy claiming to be a U.S. marshal and/or employed by organizers of a Kennedy event and carrying loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines a serious death threat to the candidate? The possibility cannot be discounted at this point. And in his July tweet about not receiving Secret Service protection, Kennedy said that he had given the agency a “67-page report from the world’s leading protection firm, detailing unique and well-established security and safety risks.”

. . . The Biden regime should demonstrate the same decency now if it is capable of doing so. Given the regime’s contempt for the law and determination to crush all opposition, however, it won’t surprise anyone if it ignores or refuses RFK Jr.’s renewed request for Secret Service protection, even after this incident.

As I stated, considering the man, his lineage and this nation's history, probably within a very short time of RFK Jr. announcing his candidacy, Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants should've ordered the Secret Service to give him protection. Jimmy Cater gave Teddy Kennedy protection in late 1979/early1980 almost immediately after he announced his intention to primary him, as friend and friend of the blog Robert Spencer notes in his piece. Kennedy was arguably even more of a bitter rival to Carter than RFK Jr. is to Biden. And yet, this.

Meh, it's no big mystery. We have devolved as a society to such a degree that violence is seen as acceptable in settling political differences and arguments — CHECK THAT.

Violence is seen as acceptable solely by the Democrat Party, Leftists and their agents, leaders and cadres from the highest levels of influence down to the grassroots as a means to impose their will, and gain and retain absolute power over us.

It's kind of ironic to note that the ejection of Jimmy Carter after one of the most disastrous administrations in history begat a golden age, albeit a temporary one, of economic and cultural revival (hold that thought for a moment) thanks to Ronald Reagan. There is little doubt that had Teddy Kennedy successfully primaried Carter and then went on to beat Reagan in the general, all he would have succeeded in doing is making the rubble of the previous four years bounce. Remember, it was the twin torpedoes of LBJ's Great Society/War on Poverty and Teddy Kennedy's destruction of our immigration laws in 1965 by his ramming through of the Hart-Celler Act that started the decline and fall of the republic.

If that scenario plays out next year vis a vis Biden and RFK Jr., you can make book that the rubble will be bouncing every bit as much as it has in the past three years. Note, what I am about to say is meant in no way, shape or form to even remotely resemble an endorsement, but it is merely an observation.

While RFK Jr. is for sure a hardcore lefty, he comes across as genuine, especially as more and more people are coming to the realization that what he has been saying about Fauci's COVID laudanum and the lockdowns caused more death and suffering than the virus itself (created in whole or in part by Fauci himself and the Chi-Coms) are true. The attempts to muzzle him, RFK Jr., only feed into those suspicions.

Whatever RFK Jr.'s real motivations might be, the people he is up against, though they may be fellow travelers, don't fancy giving up their position at the top of the heap. It's a power play, pure and simple.

A party uniting around an incumbent isn’t unusual, but in a bad economy and with widespread public dissatisfaction, there’s no apparent reason why the party should be clinging to an unpopular old white man from one of the smallest states in the country who has no strong base. It would have been nearly unthinkable for the Dems to drop Obama in 2012, but there’s no real reason for the Dems to make a politician who can barely campaign its presumptive nominee. . .

. . . Biden is the presumptive nominee not because he is a sure thing, but because he can’t win. That would make no sense to.a traditional Democrat’s way of thinking, but the party is no longer run by the old school, but by a new school of radicals. Its goal is not to win elections, but to radicalize the party and the country. A hopelessly weak candidate facing an unwinnable election against Trump or DeSantis serves that purpose far better than a Newsom victory.

An unwinnable candidate in an election they can’t afford to lose will once again radicalize the Democrats and force them to break rules they hadn’t even previously thought of breaking.

To leftists the election isn’t the issue, only the revolution. From the leftist perspective they won in both 2016 and 2020 because they were able to radicalize the party, its apparatus and rank and file members. Getting suburban housewives to put on pink hats and howl in the streets after a massive defeat doesn’t look like anything that the party would have found rewarding in 1956, but the Left is not out to win elections, but to end them and take over the entire country. . .

. . . Biden’s presidential candidacy makes no sense except to make Democrats so desperate that they will fall into the leftist trap and set even more of the Constitution on fire, use abusive tactics ever more likely to bring on a civil war and break any kind of credible system of elections.

Who benefits from that? Democrats would benefit more from running a strong candidate who can win rather than running a weak candidate who can’t. Leftists benefit from radicalizing the Democrats and tearing apart the country because their goal isn’t election: it’s revolution.

History shows that once leftists are arresting political candidates for having the wrong politics, they don’t stop with those on the right, they quickly go after Democrats, moderates and anyone who falls short of their radical doctrines. That is how it began in the USSR. It’s beginning here.

While Daniel Greenfield is spot on in his analysis, I think he kind of glossed over the growing dissatisfaction with Biden from the Democrat rank and file. When even lefty house organs and propagandists are stating it might be time for him to go, then there is trouble in paradise for sure. I would think that the actions now with the Hunter indictment and a growing cry to remove Biden from the ticket by the aforementioned mean that they need a more popular candidate with the base to make the illusion of a victory when they steal it again in 2024 look plausible.

Of course the base will vote for him regardless, blacks and Latinos staying home being an unknown factor that I would still not count on. If Biden does manage to hold on and be declared the winner in 2024 – there is no way in hell he can win legitimately – no way even the disaffected of today will admit it. It's who they are, and I'd be shocked, pleasantly so, if I am proven wrong on that. But I digress.

Psaki-psircling back to Leftist political violence as a political tool to impose their will on us and seize absolute power, from the 2020 Summer of Mostly Peaceful Bosnia/Dresden to the black clad psycho caught with an arsenal in a suitcase on Justice Brett Kavanugh's front lawn, and on on on, the question is are all these incidents merely inspired by the violent rhetoric from Leftist political and cultural leaders, or is it something more sinister:

Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, was murdered on July 10, 2016. The DC Metro Police attributed his death to a botched robbery. That’s tragic but straightforward. Why, then, is the FBI refusing to release the information from Rich’s laptop? Perhaps it’s because Rich is the key to understanding the Russian collusion narrative that the Democrats and Deep State used to such savage effect against Trump, up to and including the 2020 campaign, when operatives lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Anyone questioning the official narrative was immediately labeled a conspiracy theorist and canceled. . .

. . . the Russian collusion narrative’s political strength was how it played out following the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) server and Wikileaks’ release of compromising information on Candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC (sandbagging then-candidate Bernie Sanders). The FBI and others contended the hack resulted from Russian collusion in Trump’s favor.

Given that Russian collusion was a lie, who did hack the DNC server? Was it Seth Rich, a DNC software developer?

Jack Cashill wrote the best summary of the circumstances surrounding Rich’s murder. Based on secondhand statements, Cashill reports that Rich was the leak’s source. After several contentious civil suits or visits by the Men in Black, these sources went silent. Troublesome questions were left unanswered.

Rich had a motive. Rich was a supporter of Bernie Sanders. Rich surely knew that Clinton and the DNC were sandbagging Bernie Sanders as they are now doing with RFK Jr. Rich had physical access to the DNC server, so he could have copied the files to a thumb drive and then physically handed it to Wikileaks. . .

. . . The Cartel silenced any who would dare stand in opposition through government-directed censorship, politically based selective prosecutions, entrapment, lying, the unlawful use of force under the color of authority, obstruction of justice, by the subversion of the rule of law and equal justice, by flagrant violating the civil rights of the people, and the defilement of the US Constitution – an ongoing criminal enterprise as defined in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Trump is an existential threat to the Cartel as was Rich, if he was the DNC leaker. Rich could expose the Russian collusion narrative as false before the 2016 election. With the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA going rogue and full Stasi, it is easier to believe that Rich was assassinated. A complete and thorough investigation is essential, one that follows the evidence wherever it leads.

And who exactly is going to lead this investigation?

Radicalization of law curricula is a serious and underexamined threat to the rule of law. The danger has moved beyond mere “liberal” professors from a decade ago.  Law schools now teach classes designed to deconstruct the very foundations of our American system . . .

. . . Radicals are graduating from elite law schools. They are boring into every American power node. Today, these revolutionary radicals are law students at the schools we have exposed or are judicial clerks, Justice Department lawyers, Hill staffers, or Big Law associates. They are fueled and consumed with the deconstructive crackpottery they have learned at Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley that we have documented.

Tomorrow they will be judges, attorneys general, senators, and Big Law partners with fat donation portfolios. In the not-distant future, the entire swath of America’s elite institutions may be governed by a majority, at least, of these deconstructive authoritarians.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, J. Christian Adams, but look who is sitting on the bench today in every court up to and including SCOTUS. Hello, Kentanji Brown-25? Meh, look who is sitting in the boardrooms of most major corporations and financial institutions. Worse, look who is not just teaching in law schools but who is teaching kindergarten.

Even if RFK Jr. does get Secret Service protection, you have to wonder where the agents' loyalties are.

* * * * *

Seven years? Already?! Wow. Anyway, a big thank you to Ace, and to all of you who comment and have supported this column over the years. Here's to seven more, if we live that long.


  • "We know the Deep State lied about the Russian collusion narrative. Now, it’s desperate to hide Seth Rich’s laptop. What gives?"
    Who is Seth Rich? Who Murdered Him? And What’s the Deep State Hiding?
  • J. Christian Adams: "Radicals are graduating from elite law schools. They are boring into every American power node. Today, these revolutionary radicals are law students at the schools we have exposed or are judicial clerks, Justice Department lawyers, Hill staffers, or Big Law associates. They are fueled and consumed with the deconstructive crackpottery they have learned at Harvard, Yale, and Berkeley that we have documented. Tomorrow they will be judges, attorneys general, senators, and Big Law partners with fat donation portfolios. In the not-distant future, the entire swath of America’s elite institutions may be governed by a majority, at least, of these deconstructive authoritarians."

    Cal Berkeley Law EXPOSED: Class Credit to Aid the Revolution
  • Roger Kimball: "When a philosopher goes wrong, he can go really wrong."
    What is “The Right Way to Lead Life?”
  • Richard Fernandez: "As the London School of Economics observed, 'poorly designed climate policy can hurt development and worsen the livelihoods of poor people." Yet we continue to treat economic growth as destructive despite the fact that resulting poverty can cause states to fail and dams to collapse. When things run down, time runs out. It ran out for Derna."
    Destroying the Dams of Derna

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:49 AM

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