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September 14, 2023
The Morning Report — 9/14/23
Good morning, kids. Let it not be said that I never highlight any good news.
Trump celebrated news of Romney’s decision not to run for reelection, posting on Truth Social:
. . . Romney was interrupted five minutes into his interview with Politico by a call from [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden.
“There are certain calls you do have to take,” Romney said after “speaking with the president for what sounded like a friendly and upbeat conversation,” according to the outlet.
"Friendly and upbeat?" We'll see how long that lasts considering it's not just the name Biden that has been positively linked to the greatest corruption scandal in American history. One of Romney's sons IIRC is also tied at the hip, along with a Kerry and perhaps a Pelosi, to Burisma or the Hunter Biden-directed "investment" firm associated with international influence peddling. It would be just as sweet to see any or all of them take some sort of hit, politically and financially if not criminally. Especially a globalist fake conservative like Romney.
Naturally, given the top to bottom corruption of in and out of government, the odds of any of that happening are slim to none. Yet, the rapidly degenerating brain function of degenerate-in-chief Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants is threatening to expose more and more of, not only his and his party's criminality, but the disaster wrought by their policies and raging incompetence, as our economy, international stature, security and society collapse as a result.
For them to lose a spot at the trough would be bad enough. But collectively, for them to lose political power to a slowly rising tide of populist anger would be unthinkable. There's quite a good piece at The American Conservative (it's behind a paywall) on our disastrous meddling in the Russia-Ukraine conflict vis a vis the aforementioned deleterious effects on the nation, but given our current political divide and unrest, this paragraph jumped out at me for obvious reasons:
Confronted with a weak economy, higher yields and lower prices for Treasury bonds, the Biden [junta] and its partner on Capitol Hill, the Washington “uniparty,” really have two choices: First, cut U.S. and Allied losses in Ukraine, reduce discretionary spending, and focus on domestic emergencies at the Southern Border and in America’s largest cities. Or second, the [junta] and the uniparty can escalate the conflict with Moscow.
Well, they're not "confronted" with those problems since they are the ones that caused them in the first place. At this point, the phrase "wag the dog" comes to mind. But this time, we're not dealing with a third world pushover thug-ocracy. We're dealing with a former super power now a regional power with a nuclear arsenal ranging from suitcase-sized to multiple thermonuclear warhead-equipped ICBMs that can muss even the perfectly Brylcreem-coiffed pate of Gavin Newsom.
I just realized, Saddam Hussein the second time around was not exactly a cakewalk and let's not even talk about Afghanistan. Of course, that too was no fault of the US combat soldier but of a foreign policy and national leadership that goes to war for war's sake and not to quickly and decisively crush our enemies and impose our will on them. That, of course, is racist, imperialist and these days "Islamophobic." But I digress.
We are at an inflection point in history and the New World Order, not of Hitler but of Bush 41, is on the cusp of erasing nearly a thousand years of human development and advancement since Magna Carta and imposing the same old tyranny on the world, that will kill millions in the name of saving humanity. All bets are well and truly off, my friends as was demonstrated in New Mexico just the other day:
. . . although this scenario looks rather like déjà vu all over again, it actually is a bit intriguing.
Why intriguing? Because surely the governor had her finger to the wind and knew exactly what the response was going to be, but she went forward anyway.
Why? Because it’s a probe, providing the strategists who serve our reptilian overlords with some data points. As with the case of COVID, the lizards who orchestrated the pandemic knew it would eventually be discovered that the US federal government funded the creation of it in the Wuhan lab, and we’d eventually learn that the masks, the social distancing, and the lockdowns were all pointless and that the “vaccines” were both ineffective and dangerous.
So why pursue that entire elaborate rococo deception? Because the deep-state lizards wanted to study the public response. And why that? Because our deep-state reptilian overlords are in the process of formulating a plan to fit us all with a totalitarian straightjacket.
Bear in mind that, in 1944. the United States Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States approved the 1942 Japanese internment, because of “military necessity.” Perhaps that made sense under the circumstances if one believes the hysteria portrayed in the 1979 John Belushi movie 1941, but note that Korematsu fires the lizard quest for an “emergency” sufficient to sweep aside the US Constitution and all its citizen protections in one fell swoop.
It is surely alarming enough that the 17 federal intelligence agencies have developed the technology to surveil us through our underwear, but just why is it that 70 federal agencies are armed with significant firepower?
Let us ponder: What could piggyback on Korematsu? How about martial law?! Martial law has indeed already been imposed some 68 times in US history.
The only thing more vile and repulsive than Lujan-Grisham's l'état, c'est moi declaration that her oath to the Constitution is worth less than Joey's used Depends is the fact that a growing number of citizens have an equal disregard for that sacred document, mostly due to mal- or non-education on its meaning in the first place. As Lenin himself said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." Well, he and his ilk have had nearly 60, if not longer. And here we are.
Meanwhile, with every amendment under assault – except for the 14th being used to persecute Donald Trump, itself wholly bastardized to being with – it's the First that is really under the gun (no pun):
What a desperately presumptuous act it is for the White House Counsel’s Office to blast out a memo ordering media organizations to apply the blowtorch to Republicans and defend Joe Biden in the impending House impeachment inquiry.
The marching orders went out Wednesday morning under a blaring headline: “MEMO TO EDITORIAL LEADERSHIP AT U.S. NEWS MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS.”
Ian Sams, the grandly titled special assistant to the president and senior adviser and spokesman for White House Counsel’s Office, declared: “It’s Time For The Media To Do More To Scrutinize House Republicans’ Demonstrably False Claims That They’re Basing Impeachment Stunt On.”
Talk about ungrateful.
The White House is making overt what has been covert, and humiliating their media handmaidens in the process.
That section of the media that ought to have been scrutinizing the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] rather than covering him must be scratching their heads, and red-faced with embarrassment.
They don’t need a public rallying cry.
They already know what to do.
They have been carrying water for Joe Biden since he first shuffled out of the basement.
The White House memo insists there’s “simply no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong” and offers as evidence that there’s no evidence quotes from a herd of deaf, dumb and blind RINOs, like Ken Buck, (R-Colo.): “The evidence doesn’t exist right now;” and Don Bacon (R-Neb.): “We need to have more concrete evidence.”
The memo was accompanied by a 16-page so-called “dossier” in which the FBI, Washington Post, New York Times, NBC, CNN and Associated Press are quoted liberally back to themselves exonerating Joe Biden in the counterfactual post-truth parsing of language that passes for journalism these days at those formerly august outfits.
As House committees and whistleblowers have piled evidence upon evidence of wrongdoing, corruption and coverup that links back to Joe Biden, these bastions of American journalism have behaved like a combination of Mr. Magoo, Baghdad Bob, Sgt. Schultz and Monty Python’s Black Knight — and maybe with a dose of the Three Wise Monkeys thrown in: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
The White House wants them to stay that way, so that half the electorate remains in the dark.
Forget the bank records, shell companies, SEC complaints, sworn testimony, IRS whistleblower statements, FBI informant files, emails, texts, WhatsApp messages, photos, speakerphone calls, voicemails, White House visitor logs, Air Force 2 travel logs, Joe’s pseudonym email addresses and a parade of Hunter’s shady foreign benefactors lining up for handshakes with Joe in Beijing, breakfasts at the VP’s residence and dinners at Café Milano, not to mention millions of dollars in filthy foreign lucre for no discernible product or service other than access to Joe.
Emphasis mine in Miranda Devine's essay. I would say what can you expect from a government that would attempt to (and for all we know secretly be operating) institute a Disinformation Governance Board, or whatever the hell it was called? Who needs one when you have a media that instinctively lies about what's going on and silences and/or smears all voices the question the narrative or dare to raise doubts or contrary opinions?
That's the real danger here. Bad enough we have a government trying to enslave us. We also have a so-called private sector that will do the dirty work for them when even the barest of protections and safeguards still extant stand in its way. Worse still, alluding to my earlier depression over a whole new generation(s) of citizens who have no knowledge of, or even hatred, of the Constitution, citizen Stasi ready to rat you out for wrong-think:
Authorities in Los Angeles County are operating an ideologically charged tip line that encourages citizens to report one another to the government for non-criminal “hate incidents.” The project, called “LA vs Hate,” was founded in 2020 and is backed by a handful of corporate sponsors.
LA vs Hate describes itself as a “community-centered creative campaign to encourage and support all residents of Los Angeles County to unite against, report, and resist hate.” The program relies on anonymous reporting online or through a tip line, 211 LA, and is not affiliated with law enforcement.
The organization operates under the authority of the County of Los Angeles Commission on Human Relations and enjoys backing from Kaiser Permanente, Blue Shield of California, and other nonprofits and corporate organizations. It also receives financial support from the American Rescue Plan and local governmental departments. . .
. . . LA vs Hate encourages people to report “hate crimes” and “hate violence,” both of which are defined to include illegal offenses on the group’s website. Critically, however, Angelenos are also told to report “hate incidents,” defined on the site as “an action or behavior motivated by hate but which, for one or more reasons, is not a crime.” Listed examples of “hate incidents” include name-calling, insults, displaying so-called hate material on your own property, posting alleged hate material that does not result in property damage, and distributing materials with hate messages in public spaces.
LA vs Hate did not provide a public definition of “hate” or respond to The Federalist with a definition when asked. Taxpayers, Christians, and Angelenos outside the far left should be troubled by this ambiguity, given recent efforts to use overly broad definitions of hate to smear and punish political opponents. . .
. . . The tip line is not affiliated with law enforcement, so it poses the question: Why bother reporting so-called “hate”? The LA vs Hate website claims reporting is used so “communities can respond with appropriate resources and support” in response to actions “motivated by hostile prejudice.” The ambiguity is intentional but transparent. These tip lines are unenforceable snitch lines that police opinions and dissent with the most effective method: shame. . .
. . . George Orwell describes this state of inescapable orthodoxy best: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — for ever.”
Yup. Prepare to get your hair mussed. And your face stomped.
- "Editor’s Note: This editorial originally ran on September 26, 2019. Now that the House has announced plans to begin an impeachment inquiry into Biden, we reprint it here just to show how far ahead of the curve we were and how diligently the mainstream press has buried this story for the past four years."
Impeach Joe Biden
- Margot Cleveland: "Shapley’s handwritten notes bolster his earlier testimony and debunk an FBI agent’s counterclaim that Weiss had not said he lacked authority to charge Hunter Biden."
IRS Whistleblower Gives Congress More Documents, Boosting His Credibility and Busting the DOJ’s
- Now, a memo by the Heritage Foundation obtained exclusively by Breitbart News alleges that since Ho’s conviction, “significant evidence has emerged identifying concerning irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public,” as well as “contacts between Hunter Biden and FBI agents related to Ho’s arrest,” and “a leak of investigatory information in the Ho case.”
Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘Fucking Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho
- "The corrupt FBI and DOJ officials who have been hiding evidence against Biden also need to be impeached and removed." (That's like 99.5% of their entire personnel - jjs)
Impeaching Biden is the Right Call, But Don’t Stop With Him
- "Politics is getting messier . . . and riskier.
The Real Threat to Democracy
- "The effort to bar voters from exercising their judgment regarding the leading Republican candidate in 2024 indicates that tyranny is at the heart of the modern experience as more and more political and legal elites seek to twist the words of the Constitution."
Weaponizing the Fourteenth Amendment
- "The fix is in as regards Judge Tanya Chutkan's court."
The Mathematics of Democrat ‘Justice’
- Robert Spencer: "Is Alejandro Mayorkas and the entire Biden regime leading our nation into just such a lethal trap by treating the nation’s counter-terror apparatus as if it were just another arena in which they can carry out their program of demonizing and ultimately criminalizing legitimate political opposition and not as something they might need in order to deal with an actual threat? Of course. That’s exactly what they’re doing."
As DHS Warns of Domestic Terror Threat, Al-Qaeda Threatens New Attack on US Worse Than 9/11
- Robert Spencer Part Deux: "A leftist ran over and killed a 'Republican extremist' teen. How much time did he get?"
Your ‘Justice’ System at Work
- "Prior to the attack, the church displayed a sign that read, 'Every Life Matters,' and 'Abortion is Still Murder.' According to News Center Maine’s website, those signs were covered in paint, hiding the pro-life messaging. "
Maine Church Attacked Over Biblical Views
- The law under consideration is Section 1512(c)(2), which carries a maximum 20 year prison sentence for anyone who “obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding.” Though the statute was passed to fight evidence tampering, government prosecutors have reasoned that Lang and Miller, along with many other Jan. 6 defendants, obstructed an official proceeding by attempting to disrupt Congress from certifying the election results.
The Supreme Court Could Weigh In on Alleged ‘Overcriminalization’ of Jan. 6 Cases
- Daniel Greenfield: "Equity plan orders Dallas cops to arrest as many black people as Asians."
Racist Mayor: Dallas’ Eric Johnson
- "The memo argues that House Republicans 'haven’t been able to turn up any evidence of the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] doing anything wrong' and lists some comments from GOP officials expressing skepticism about the impeachment endeavor."
White House Calls on Media to Help Fight Against Biden Impeachment Inquiry
- Miranda Devine: "The White House is making overt what has been covert, and humiliating their media handmaidens in the process. That section of the media that ought to have been scrutinizing the president rather than covering him must be scratching their heads, and red-faced with embarrassment. They don’t need a public rallying cry. They already know what to do. They have been carrying water for Joe Biden since he first shuffled out of the basement."
Media’s Covert Protection of Scandal-Plagued Bidens Cones to Light and Yet They Still Push Vegetable-in-Chief's, Hunter's Innocence
- "House Republicans received evidence from government agencies that Biden had knowledge and interactions with his son about his foreign business dealings in Ukraine, China and Romania. The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] denied having ever discussed Hunter’s business dealings prior to and after the 2020 presidential election, back when Hunter’s laptop was falsely branded as Russian disinformation."
‘Incredibly Inappropriate’: KJP Snaps At Reporter Interrupting Her About Biden Impeachment Inquiry
- Not only do they insist skyrocketing prices are “temporary” and “transitory,” but they’ve even manipulated the definition of recession to make their flailing economic track record look better.
As Inflation Spikes Again, Biden and Media’s Boasts About Record Price Hikes ‘Cooling’ are Offensive as Ever
- "When our national media likes where a narrative is going, no evidence is required."
The Canadian Holocaust That Wasn’t
- “I think there’s a segment of the Democratic Party that sees itself as serving corporations rather than the common good … we’ve had a lot of disappointments,” King said.
American Auto Workers ‘Feel Abandoned’ by Democrats as Biden Agenda Shifts Billions to Companies
- "The Federal Reserve raised interest rates from 5.25% to 5.5% at its July meeting, marking 11 rate increases in the last year. The thinking on the street is that the Fed will hike rates another quarter point at its meeting on September 19."
Inflation Jumps in August As Warning Signs Blink Red at the Fed
- "[Elissa] Slotkin reportedly signed the NDA in order to participate in a closed-door meeting with executives with Gotion High-Tech, who were building a plant to produce batteries for electric vehicles, according to Fox News. Gotion employs over 900 members of the Chinese Communist Party, including its CEO, according to a 2022 ESG report."
Dem Rep Walks Away as She’s Peppered With Questions About Her NDA with CCP-Linked Battery Company
- ". . . here's another installment of the ongoing White Lib on White Lib climate conflict."
More Woke-on-Woke Warfare
- "Set to take effect next year, the Climate Mobilization Act will make living in New York costlier than ever."
Gotham’s Airheaded Carbon Law
- "There's a remote chance that catastrophic climate change is imminent, and an even more remote possibility we can do something about it."
Precautionary Principle Extremism
- “Overall, driver sentiment about charging has been on the decline since 2021, and charger build-out isn’t keeping pace with the rapid arrival of more EVs, said Brent Gruber, J.D. Power’s executive director, EV practice,” the Wall Street Journal reported.
Pete Buttplug Struggles to Find Reliable Electric Vehicle Charger
- "Eric Adams' comments come after mayor said illegal immigrant influx would 'destroy' city."
'Black Market of Employment': NYC Mayor Says City's Migrant Crisis Is Driving Prostitution Spike
- "An appeals court reversed Karoline Mehalchick's decision and criticized her legal argument."
Biden Judicial Nom Let Penn State President Who Ignored Sandusky Rape Accusations Walk Free
- "Amid youth crime wave, DC attorney general Brian Schwalb says 'kids are kids.'"
DC Teens Are Committing Crimes in Droves. Punishment Is Light.
- "Just when you thought you’d seen it all."
Criminals In Washington Are Intentionally Crashing Into Vehicles To Carjack Them
- "[Chinese] COVID is back and we’re all going to die or something."
The CDC Pushing Chinese COVID Vaccines for Those as Young as 6 Months for Cold Season
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Despite the governor’s claims in his recent NBC interview, it was him calling the shots."
Newsom’s Chinese COVID Coverup
- "Further, less than half of all Americans, 43 percent, said they plan to get the next coronavirus vaccine booster, and that percentage is even less among independents and Republicans — 37 percent and 21 percent, respectively. Nearly three-quarters of Democrats, 73 percent, said they plan to get the booster."
Poll: Most Americans ‘Not Concerned’ About Chinese Coronavirus Variants
- The lawyer representing the state said the gun carry ban argued “that the order isn’t a law it’s an executive action, and therefore should be allowed.
New Mexico Federal Judge Grants Temporary Restraining Order on Gun Carry Ban
- "‘The narrative of police genocide of African Americans turned out … to be complete nonsense,’ said Wilfred Reilly." (Claude Rains shocked face here! - jjs)
Academic Whose Work Was Cited as Proof of ‘Systemic Racism’ is Fired for Falsifying Research
- "Superintendent Molleen Barnes had allowed the Pride flag to be flown in front of the district’s K-8 school to recognize Pride month, according to Pleasanton Weekly. The flag had been displayed every year since 2021, but this year was taken down during the first week."
Audience Tossed From School Board Meeting Ahead Of Vote To Ban Specific Flags From Being Flown On District Grounds
- Robert Zimmerman: "There is no guarantee that these conservative legislators will follow through with their press statements condemning the ALA. In fact, past history tells us they likely won’t, unless strong and unrelenting continuous pressure is brought to bear."
Pushback: The Momentum Builds Against the Marxist American Library Association
- "This is a scandal."
Chicago Teachers Union President Confronted on CNN Over Sending Son to Private School
- "The states’ war on school boards is a war on parents. In California, parents are fighting back."
California Court Blocks School District’s Gender Notification Policy
- "A college education these days is often meaningless and, at the same time, very costly."
Colleges Flunk Out
- "The major shift on the horizon."
The Coming Collapse of Our Secular Universities?
- "Cassidy could have insisted on entirely exempting abortion language from the PWFA. But he caved like a cheap suit."
Sen. Bill Cassidy is the Left’s Useful Idiot on Abortion
- "As a Jew with a knowledge of history, this is terrifying."
Americans of Faith Must Speak Out Against the Digital "Yellow Star" Parishioners are Forced to Wear
- "Confront the lies and fortifying ourselves."
Overcoming the False Presumption of Jewish Evil and Collective Guilt
- "Chuck Schumer's Senate Majority PAC has long used astroturf groups to boost Dems in western state."
Dems Look To Meddle in Montana's GOP Senate Primary
- "FEC officials determined Cruz “did not personally benefit” from using campaign funds on Facebook ads to promote his book “One Vote Away,” the commission said in an Aug. 14 Statement of Reasons explaining why the committee will not pursue any further action against Cruz."
FEC Exonerates Ted Cruz After Left-Wing Group Accused Him Of Breaking Ethics Laws
- "Romney infamously announced that he would break ranks with Senate Republicans and vote to convict Trump during his first impeachment trial. His vote to impeach Trump earned him a censure from local county GOP officials and conservative groups."
Awesome! Pee-Air Defecto Romney Declines to Run for Reelection
- “Romney almost went through with it, this maximally disruptive, personally cathartic primal scream of a presidential campaign. But he abandoned it once he realized that he’d most likely end up siphoning off votes from the Democratic nominee and ensuring a Trump victory,” [Buzzfeed hack Mackay] Coppins writes."
Loner Romney, Self-Declared ‘Turd in Punch Bowl’, Plotted Globalist Spoiler Party
- "Sexual degeneracy is its stock in trade."
Susanna Gibson Is the Poster Child for Today’s Democrats
- "Joe Biden is turning into Jello and so is his body and the more time that goes by the worse that gets. I don’t know what drugs exist to hide that for a debate but I don’t think there are anymore.”
‘Turning Into Jello’: Glenn Greenwald Says Some Dems Are Looking To ‘Sabotage’ Biden
- [Vanderbilt Poofter] Cooper again asked Pelosi, “But do you think she is the best running mate though?” Pelosi answered, “She’s the vice president of the United States. People say to me, ‘Well, why isn’t she doing this or that?’ I say, ‘Because she’s the vice president.’ That’s the job description. You don’t do that much.”
Malig-Nancy Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses to Answer if Kamala Harris is Best VP Option for Biden
- "Trump is now more electable than ever in his political career because of what the deep state has attempted to do to him. At no point in American political history has a movement standing behind a man like the people of the United States are getting behind Donald Trump, which is why they are trying to ruin him." (We'll have to wait and see - jjs)
Despite Establishment GOP Sabotage, Trump is Still the Most Electable Candidate
- "If the 2024 elections come down to the two main candidates, independent voters will be the deciding factor."
Despite Troubles, Biden, Trump Hold Onto Their Big Leads: I&I/TIPP Poll
- "It is time they followed his lead."
Trump Taught Republicans How To Win
- ". . . I’m amused that Joe Biden thought that Obama had 'no grace' for plagiarizing him, yet never considered himself above plagiarism."
LOL! Biden Ripped Obama in 2010 Email
- "Why is the uniparty risking a war we’re so ill-prepared to fight?"
War, Money, and America’s Future
- "For all the talk about sending Ukraine more modern tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and even jets, what they need just as badly — if not more so — is mine-clearing equipment. Clearing mines isn’t nearly as sexy as driving a modern Abrams tank or flying an F-16 Falcon, but forgetting the unsexy stuff loses battles and even wars. It was, after all, largely a lack of unsexy items like fuel and spare tires that stalled Russia’s blitz on Kyiv in March of last year, leading to Moscow’s humiliating retreat. For the want of a nail…"
Starlink Not Needed: Ukraine Hits Two Russian Warships with Missile Strike
- "Building a formidable military arsenal really is the best way to deter invaders."
A Lesson From the War in Ukraine: Don’t Rely on ‘the Kindness of Strangers’
- "Before the two met, North Korea launched two short-range missiles. That rarely happens when Kim is out of the country."
Kim Jong Un Meets Vladimir Putin, Vows to Support Russia’s ‘Sacred Fight’
- "The United States must confront its own structural challenges."
Can Biden’s ‘Having Both’ Strategy Succeed in the U.S. Competition With China?
- "It thus follows that, according to the classic taxonomy, the attributes and techniques that the philosopher assigns to the tyrant, Justin Trudeau may be regarded as a contemporary Dionysius of Syracuse, and Canada may fairly be described as a modern tyranny. Aristotle would have had no trouble finding a place for Justin in his pantheon of ruthless, power-hungry, and disreputable autocrats — and neither should we."
Is Canada a Tyranny? Aristotle on Justin "Castreau-cescu" Trudeau
- "Class action lawsuits by Indigenous litigants meet no resistance from Canada’s federal government, resulting in tens of billions in payouts."
Reparations by Stealth
- "Yet, it is not only Europe that is struggling to maintain its population, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is actively encouraging the Chinese people to increase procreation, even offering to cover the costs of IVF treatment."
WARNING: Not A Single EU Nation Has ‘Self-Sustaining Birth Rates’
- "If there were not a nuclear arsenal at the disposal of whoever controls that government, we might not have to worry so much. But an ongoing economic collapse of Pakistan is the sort of wild card that could trigger a nuclear war. "
Pakistan International Airlines Reportedly on the Verge of Collapse
- "The historical facts completely fail to back up their claims to the land upon which the nation of Israel sits."
The Foundational Falsehood Underlying "Palestinian" Claims
- "Israel still bleeds from its self-inflicted wound."
Oslo at 30
- If ultimately confirmed by the Senate, Slife, who currently serves as the branch’s deputy chief of staff for operations, would be promoted to a four-star general and become the “No. 2 officer” in the Air Force. (Strap him to a cruise missile and fire him at Zelensky, and God bless Tommy Tuberville - jjs)
Biden’s Air Force Nominee Believes It’s ‘Naive’ for Service Members to Doubt the Military’s ‘Institutional Racism’
- "Lisa Kaplan has worked with former Biden disinformation czar Nina Jankowicz."
Pentagon Taps Disinformation Researcher Who Applauded Censorship of Hunter Biden Laptop Story
- "Can you guess why?" ("Degenerate art" makes a comeback 90 years later - jjs)
In Germany, More Statuary and Artwork Will Need to Be Removed
- While we gleefully await the federal government’s bankruptcy at the end of the month, here’s my favorite Elon Musk quote: “What did you get done this week?” Every Republican in Congress should have to answer that question to the American taxpayer (you and me) before even thinking about giving another cent to Ukraine, the Pentagon, the DOJ, Health and Human Services, and every other department that is, at best, useless, and at worst, packed with paper pushers overtly harassing the people who pay their outsized salaries (you and me).
There’s No Way to Justify Continued Funding for the Federal Government
- The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW), the lobbying arm of a conservative watchdog group, has launched a multimillion dollar campaign against Sanders’ legislation, targeting several Republicans in the upper chamber. . . CCAGW President Tom Schartz: “We’re not sure why any Republican would support anything Bernie Sanders touts relating to health care.” (Schartz is an unfortunate name, but good for him on this - jjs)
‘More Regulations’: Rift Emerges Among GOP Senators Over Bernie Sanders’ Drug Price Bill
- The tiny insects — considered one of the world’s most invasive species — established at least 88 nests across 12 acres near the city of Syracuse in Sicily. The sightings mark the first time the bugs, known by their scientific name Solenopsis invicta, have been sighted in Europe, researchers announced in a study published Monday in science journal Current Biology."
Red Fire Ants, One of the World's Most Invasive Species, Storms Europe: "We Knew This Day Would Come"
- "The science team for the Chandra X-Ray observatory today released five new composite images of two galaxies, two supernovae remnants, and the center of the Milky Way, combining data from multiple telescopes looking in radio, infrared, optical, and X-ray wavelengths."
Chandra: New X-ray composite images of galaxies and supernovae remnants
- "Though Blue Origin says it will begin launches next year, don’t bet on it."
Update on the status of Vulcan, Ariane-6, and New Glenn
- "As more states consider age restrictions on sex-trait modifications, defending the binary nature of sex in court will become increasingly vital."
Sex On Trial
- "Currently, it’s destroying its brand by collapsing under the weight of pressure from the hard-left 'transgender' crowd."
The National Federation of Republican Women Needs to Stand Up For Women
- In order to participate in the underrepresented founders program, an organization must have “a black, Hispanic/Latinx, or Indigenous founder, cofounder, or CEO,” the eligibility requirements read. Organizations must also have a “black, Hispanic/Latinx, Indigenous, or female developer.”
Apple ‘Entrepreneur Camp’ Program Bars Applicants Based On Race
- "Perhaps the transition from a positive to neutral world was inevitable, but an evangelical elite was distinctly ill-equipped to arrest that transition, too."
We Were Eight Years in Power
- Christian Toto: "Singer shreds far-left mag when asked to comment on Oliver Anthony piece."
Country Superstar John Rich to Rolling Stone: Pound Sand
- "You're an ambulance-chasing asshole."
Video: Mike Lindell ANNIHILATES Smug Lawyer During Deposition
- "Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them wear tall kitchens with a drawstring."
Dude In a Trash Bag Crashes NYC Fashion Week Catwalk – And No One Even Noticed
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:48 AM
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