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August 17, 2023
Wheelchair Evel Knieval Cafe

Broadwater Hollow Falls, Arkansas
Daredevil dog skateboards under 40 people.
It's good to be a cat sometimes. Most times, actually. Sometimes, not so much. Especially on Mondays. Cats hate Mondays, the sacred scrolls say.
Happy dog strut.
Baby gets very frustrated when dad refuses to let him stuff a pacifier in his mouth. I think the baby is trying some of the moves they pull on him, like making funny sounds to make the dad laugh so he can put the pacifier in, and gets mad when they don't work.
Crazy-talented singing duo.
Hat-snatching elephant. Watch until the end.
The Lamont in me wants to believe...
I don't know what this is supposed to be but my 9th grade English teacher told me to just say "Symbolism."
I could jump rope like this but I don't want to embarrass her.
Alpha dog.
Men are dogs, but women are cats.
Men are always dreaming up new and interesting ways to break their backs and their skulls.
Woman saves lynx from a trap. And wouldn't you know it, right after, the lynx walks right into the trap again. Thankfully this time it's already tripped but -- dumb lynx.
Some early GAINZZZZ:
Thanks to Anonysaurus Wrecks.
Hedgehog family hike: