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August 13, 2023
First-World Problems...
What is that? Prancercize? An interpretive dance? Running to be first in the ticket queueue for some tween pop group with androgynous singers sporting outrageous hair and silly pants?
The strangest part of being outside of America...at least in terms of the internet...is the news feeds with absolutely nonsensical stuff that makes no sense to anyone raised in the only place worth living.
You know...with baseball and barbecue and good air conditioning (for now) and large cars (also for now) and lots of guns.
That photo is apparently of some sort of celebration of kicking a ball around for awhile until it ends up in some sort of netted area defended by a spectator with huge hands. Why else is he wearing a different uniform?
We used to play something like that in elementary school. We called it kickball.
It was fun when we were nine years old.