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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, Aug. 5 »
August 05, 2023
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, August 5
Hi, everybody! Don't you love the cheery flowers above?
A couple of years ago I submitted a picture of two very small plants that I remember putting in the ground but for the life of me couldn't remember what they were. Sure enough, the Horde identified the plants immediately. Since I was then confident that they weren't weeds, I left them alone to fend for themselves since plants seem to do better when I don't "care" for them.
Well, here's a picture of them all grown up. (That's a 6' fence behind them.)
They look wonderful now!
More flowers that kind of take care of themselves
We gardeners put a lot of effort into selecting our plant and trying to
get it to grow - it's always nice when something charming just shows up!
I was back at my potting shed and noticed this little Ruellia (aka Mexican Petunia)
had made itself at home without any assistance from me. And I don't have
this variety anywhere else in my yard, so maybe a bird carried some here!
It's not a big thing, but it was fun to find. - Tom Servo
What a nice surprise!
The first picture is of winecups; my husband is originally from Texas and I planted them for him. I was a little disappointed that the color isn't as deep but they've flowered pretty well.
The black eyed Susans do REALLY well in this spot, I'm going to have to thin them out. They spread way too easily...
Winecups (Callirhoe involucrata) come in a range of colors, cerise to purple. They are members of the mallow family. Remind me of Godetia. I like the ones above, and think they would look nice with white flowers.
I was surprised to learn that this species has a tuberous root. There are other species, both annual and perennial, but this is the only species used in gardening, they say.
The Black eyed Susans look Great!
Edible Gardening/Putting Things By
Older relatives, didn't get anyone to thin their apricots this year, and there was an injury to deal with . . .
Still, pickers came for the mostly-small fruit, and nectar was made. Also, there were some decent-sized fresh fruit to share.
Mmmmmm . . . .
Art and Memories
Hi, KT ... going thru the Old Image files I came across the RAW files for these snapdragons taken at Country Gardens Nursery in Cordova, TN in June of '17. It was a nice find and a good memory. These tiny li'l flowers are just pretty - and that's all they need to be. These were the only two colors in bloom that day. The sticks in the planters said there were others of other colors in them, but they weren't in flower yet, so ... Working these up was a nice 'time travel' experience to a time when things were simpler, better, and easier. If you like these, feel free to use them as you deem fit for purpose, and enjoy ... that's why we plant things like this, yes ... ?
"Liberty Classic" is a nice name.
Gardens of The Horde
Must be a good year for lilies. We have avoided the Lily beetles
Chris 1051
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, July 29
Check out the late comments. Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.