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Ace of Spades Pet Thread, July 22 »
July 22, 2023
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, July 22
Happy July, everybody! Above and below, some roses from Switzerland. What's growing where you are?
Our forecast today is 108 degrees, but it should cool off at night, more than in the desert. How are you folks doing there? A niece and her family are currently moving cross-country and should arrive there soon. Bad timing for a move, I think. I guess it's pretty hot in much of the country right now.
And a Rose of Sharon, I think.
Edible Gardening/Putting Things By
We had to pick all the crabapples because the birds were getting into them, so we made a batch of jelly. Got 6 little jars from the 3 cups of juice and a pretty amber color. Sweet and tart, tried the one in the fridge already -- they all jelled and popped their lids but we couldn't resist trying one ...
Nan in AZ
Hi KT,
This is Della, with our potatoes that are curing on the screen porch. Works for either the garden or pet thread.
Miley, okravangelist
Della looks like a good helper! Bet she keeps the rodents away! And the potatoes look great!
Time lapse, garden beds
Hi, KT!
I emailed the Horde a couple of months ago about my newly acquired garden beds because I am a total newbie about gardening. I refugeed South from NYC to East Tennessee a couple of years ago (Southerner come home) and bought my house in March out in the country. I thought you would get a kick out of how I actually bought more plants than I can deal with! I really feel like if I parted the leaves of these giant squash plants I would find Steve Martin in there somewhere...
First pic is June 10th.
Regards, lurker Beverly
Well, I don't see Steve Martin, and I don't see those Marigolds under the squash leaves anymore, either. Fast growth!
Ah, Nature
Do you need one of these, or no?
Garden Visitors
From Eromero, back in May:
Broad daylight, eating jelly from oriole feeder.
First is a Soldier butterfly, it mimics the Monarch quite closely. (taking advantage of the fact that the monarch is poisonous to birds). There are 3 species that mimic the Monarch; the Viceroy, the Queen, and the Soldier, with the Soldier rarely seen outside of Texas. The lack of many white dots at the leading edge of the wing mark this one as a Soldier butterfly. thanks!
Second is the Sound of Summer for all us in the south, the cicada. Those things are all over right now, and the REEEEEE from the treetops is constant in the evenings.
Tom Servo
Soldier butterflies are rare. Sometimes called "Tropical Queens".
Gardens of The Horde
My Missouri Potted Plumeria
From Shadowbass:
I thought you might like to see my 6' tall plumeria. It's my version of the tropics in the Ozarks. It smells like ambrosia and gardenias.
I have many tropical fragrant plants, Brunsfelsia, citrus, jasmine, orchids, tropical and desert cactus, etc, if you can grow it in a pot, I've probably tried it. I live in a modest townhouse in a small town and I don't really have a backyard for a garden, but I do have a deck, so I make the best of it. By the way I check Ace of Spades daily.
Just remarkable! Plumeria is hard enough to grow in California!
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, July 15
Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.