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Daily Tech News 17 June 2023 »
June 16, 2023
Everything You Always Wanted In An ONT. And Less
Welcome to Friday Meme madness! Before we get started, the HR department would like a word with you.
Fido Friday: I want a drink!
America! F'k Yeah!

Wise words that the church needs to heed
I featured Bishop Strickland in last week's ONT. Well, tonight he's leading a Eucharistic Procession to Dodger Stadium to counter the Dodgers' embrace of that gay anti-Catholic hate group. Update: The protest crowd is pretty damn big
Friday prank
Fact check: True
Military Morons, is EOD a hard MOS to get into? Lots of training and stuff?
Sadly, this no longer seems like a joke, or even unlikely. Oh brave new world!
And then there's Pvt. Hummel

Please Mistress, may I have a loan?
If you've never seen actual falling down laughing, here it is
Wholesome content
Historical content
This is advanced competitive laziness
Posted cuz it's pride month, but I bet it doesn't shoot straight (It's lego)
Mental health tip
Movie deaths from around the world
If any of these idiots actually met Che
More Hummel
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you bv good dads:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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