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June 08, 2023

The Morning Report — 6/8/23


Good morning kids. Whatever one thinks of the Monty Python troupe and especially of their most controversial film The Life of Brian, the absolute absurdity of the scene at the bottom, which Cleese, Palin and the others intended as a dig at both Judeo-Christianity and ordered, western society ironically defines the quintessence of the brain-dead mentality of today's "woke" cadres of the Left's cultural revolutionaries to a tee. And the irony is about as bitter as it gets.

I bring this up only because of the striking parallel to the use of the word/epithet "ni88er." Notice that I describe it as a word/eptithet, because it is a word that is an epithet. But it depends upon this thing that we refer to in the trade as "context." Like the guy sentenced to death for uttering the word "Jehovah," if I were to dare write out the word "ni88er" as it is spelled in English by replacing the 88 — Ho. Lee. Fook. I just realized that 88, per FBI ham 'n egger hero Frank Figliuzzi is code language for a certain Viennese housepainter (reminder to all you 88-ers out there that tonight's scheduled cross burning, bund meeting and blood sacrifice outside Mar-a-Lago has been postponed due to a pending indictment) — with the original double "g" that would be the end of me.

No, the FBI wouldn't come after me, nor the BLMsters nor Sharpton (at least not immediately). Ace would have to give me the chop. That is the supreme irony in that he would be forced to do their dirty work. Mind you, it would not be because I dropped that word as an intentional epithet, nor even had I done what Michael Richards of Seinfeld fame attempted to do in making a point about the use of the word and in the event destroying his career. By even writing or saying something absolutely truthful such as "The word 'Ni88er' is a hateful epithet' the result would be just the same.

Why do I bring all this up? Because the word "ni88er" has become the ultimate maguffin, and a clue to the ultimate weapon in gaining and maintaining absolute power and control: Language.

Leftist publishers have recently taken it upon themselves to rewrite the works of Roald Dahl, Ian Fleming, and Agatha Christie to bring them into line with contemporary woke sensibilities, and now movies are starting to get the same treatment. The first to go under the knife has been William Friedkin’s gritty 1971 flick The French Connection, in which Gene Hackman plays Popeye Doyle, a tough, cynical cop of a kind that wouldn’t last five minutes on any big-city police force today. At one point in the movie (exactly ten minutes and five seconds in, if you want to check), Doyle dares to utter the forbidden word of all forbidden words, the racial epithet that can end careers and destroy lives in the blink of an eye. We see early on in the film that Popeye is not exactly cuddly, or even fully likeable. But if you get a new copy of the movie, you won’t see that at all. The Most Offensive of All Words has been removed without a trace. . .

. . . The woke censors are evil, but they’re not stupid. They know that few people are going to be upset by the removal of the magic life-destroying word from a fifty-year-old movie. Most people won’t notice at all, except for a handful of movie geeks who love to memorize scenes and repeat lines from them in every conceivable situation. Most who do notice will not dare to say anything about the edit. They don’t want to appear to be or be portrayed as someone who would go around saying That Word or approve of its use.

Indeed, excising the dreaded word to end all words from The French Connection is as canny a move as tearing down Confederate statues. Few will enunciate the slightest dissent; everyone knows that those who object will be targeted and destroyed as racists. That’s a neat way to co-opt opposition, but the issues in play here are much larger than just Popeye Doyle’s use of a bad word. The worst aspect of this whole thing is that the Criterion Channel’s presentation of The French Connection gives no hint that it has been edited and that viewers aren’t seeing the actual film that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1972. The door has thus been opened to any and all films being edited to suit the sensibilities of today’s cultural arbiters, without any notice that it is being done at all.

. . . Old movies, like old books, are a window into times when people didn’t think, speak, dress, or act the way people in our time do. Nowadays, the Left is making a concerted effort to shut down dissent and create an environment in which only its own perspective is allowed to be enunciated. The more people read books and watch films that don’t conform 100% to the Leftist agenda, the larger the risk becomes that they might actually start thinking their own thoughts and rejecting the increasingly irrational version that Leftists demand we accept.

Even if Spike Lee were to protest the removal of the scene with the most reasoned and rational (for him anyway) argument in terms of context vis a vis the film itself and the times in which it was made, he'd be instantly condemned as a race-traitor and consigned to be stoned to death in front of the temple.

But we've now gone beyond words vis a vis who gets to say what and who gets to define their meaning regardless of context (and who gets to define even that), into defining which beliefs are acceptable and which are not only not, but which are dangerous and evil. And like the guy who shouted "Jehovah" at a crowded Wailing Wall, you'll get it right in the head.

Just a few days ago, a protest in North Hollywood, California, got heated when skirmishes broke out between parents and pro-LGBT protesters.

Now something similar and even more chaotic has happened in Glendale, California, where members of the Armenian community were protesting LGBT content in schools. When Antifa showed up, things got ugly.

The Post Millennial reports:

An all-out brawl between Antifa and parents erupted outside a Glendale, California school board meeting on Tuesday.

“Breaking: Armenian-American men fight against #Antifa & far-left protesters outside the Glendale (CA) school board meeting. Immigrant families have been furious that elementary schools are doing pride events. Antifa have gathered to oppose the parents” TPM Senior Editor Andy Ngo tweeted.

Armenian and Hispanic families have been protesting the Glendale school board’s pride celebrations and the indoctrination of their children into radical gender ideology. Parents were there protesting, trying to work with Glendale Unified as to what will be taught during Pride Week.

“Basically there’s some so called Antifa or hoodlums, anti social folks who were here, 20-30 folks, who segregated themselves w LGBTQ protesters, then they moved away and went to a parking lot, they met a group of Armenian men. One the Antifa attacked an Armenian man and the men fought back” a source on the scene told The Post Millennial.

Over the years, this has been a pattern of behavior for the far left. They simply won’t allow anyone to protest an issue that they support. Only they are allowed to protest.

Our speech is violence. Their violence is speech. On a positive note, if you can call it that, is that this protest is far from MAGA country, right in the belly of the beast: Southern California. And it's from people allegedly part of the so-called Rainbow Coalition, or at least non-white. Meh, to the racialist left, Latinos and Armenians are caucasian (Armenia is geographically a part of or adjacent to the actual Caucasus mountain range).

Again, whoever controls the language controls a lot more than mere words. They control the very definition of those words and by extension both the context of those words and the definition of who is uttering them.

Over the last two years, the Biden [junta], with the help of the National School Boards Association, used manufactured reasoning to target concerned parents as potential “terrorists.” For his participation in the intimidation campaign, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland was hauled in front of Congress where he not only denied that the Department of Justice was weaponized against Americans for political reasons but also indicated he would keep targeting parents.

The SPLC continued the Biden regime’s mission by sullying the dozen grassroots groups as “reactionary anti-student inclusion” organizations that promote “anti-LGBTQ, racist and nationalist themes.”

“Groups like Moms for Liberty are a new battlefront vs inclusivity in schools, but are rooted in age-old white supremacy,” SPLC’s Intelligence Project Director Susan Corke tweeted on Tuesday.

“Name-calling parents who want to be a part of their child’s education as ‘hate groups’ or ‘bigoted’ just further exposes what this battle is all about: Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school – parents or government employees? We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that,” Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich told Fox News after the report’s release.

Outrage about the SPLC’s latest designation was not limited to the afflicted parent groups.

“I’ve long argued that the SPLC should lose its tax exempt status,” Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted on Tuesday after the report surfaced. “Engaging in systematic defamation is not a tax-exempt purpose.”

In 2019, the Arkansas Republican penned a letter to then-IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig urging him to investigate the SPLC for abusing its nonprofit status to “regularly engage[] in defamation of its political opponents.” Cotton additionally noted that the SPLC “operates as a tax-sheltered slush fund to enrich its leadership” . . .

. . . Meanwhile, the report received nothing but praise from corporate media outlets like MSNBC which reiterated the SPLC’s “hate” talking points and promoted the organization’s recent smears of parent groups as “extremely comprehensive, well-written, well-packaged". . .

. . . The SPLC may have found a friend in the corporate media complex, but its reputation precedes it.

The SPLC has long been known for tarnishing organizations with Christian missions or conservative ties as “hate groups.” The smear factory’s resolve to lump legitimate faith organizations into the same category as real threats like the Ku Klux Klan galvanized a Virginia man to attack the Family Research Council, a notable pro-marriage and pro-life player in the Washington D.C. area.

The 29-year-old’s attempt to “kill as many people as possible” was ultimately foiled by a heroic front desk employee. Despite the man’s confession that his mass shooting aspirations were rooted in the SPLC’s list of “anti-gay groups,” the SPLC, to this day, still classifies the FRC as a “designated hate group.”

Ah yes, the SPLC. Who the hell is the SPLC and what gives them the authority to define what is and what is not a "hate group?" And let's assume for a moment that there are these hate groups. Do they or do they not have the right to have their opinions and express their opinions regardless of how abhorrent or repugnant they may be? Unless they openly advocate or provably foment actual violence, then no one has the right to infringe on their Constitutional right of free speech.

In this case, these are not "hate groups." These are average, normal citizens protesting what they consider - and what any rational person living in a moral, normal and just world would consider - abhorrent, deviant brainwashing and sexualization of their children. If that's terrorism, then Yassir, that's my baby!

Okay, you can stop laughing now. The SPLC is a sham organization that has been pimping the myth of vast armies of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the KKK louder and more stridently in direct proportion to the near statistical non-existence of them: 20,000 or so in a nation of 330,000,000? Meanwhile, the actual violence and growing vocal calls for violence from their fellow travelers in BLM, AntiFa and of course the Peaceniks of the Religion of Peace – all of whom have committed acts of real racial terrorism that have taken scores of lives and cost billions of dollars in damage – are to be ignored.

No wonder they are in freakout mode now with Tucker Carlson garnering tens of millions of views of his first Twitter episode in just over 24 hours.

He who controls the language swings the Biggus Dickus. That is if they aren't hell bent on chopping it off.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:49 AM

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