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Daily Tech News 27 May 2023 »
May 26, 2023
Damn The Torpedoes! Full ONT Ahead!
Welcome to the Friday ONT! Y'know, I bet Caroline has been waiting her entire life to write this story
Fido Friday: Fren
Good response
He's got a point
He's a better artist than I am
Wholesome content
News story and response
First the story: Elon Musk's Neuralink says it has FDA approval for study of brain implants in humans
The next generation
The future of commodin, er, commuting
I have used this line on my kids
Professional tricks of the trade
My tricks of the trade
Our house. In the middle of our street
What those signs mean
We must please the wall people
Ooops! Wrong place!
I don't know if this is real, but that shock jock is brutal
Self fulfilling prophecy
Cop story
Going home
I too support adorpion
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by demons:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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