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May 26, 2023
The Morning Report — 5/26/23
Good morning, kids. With all the serious things going on, and we'll get to those momentarily, I think some good news and a bit of levity are always welcome to kick things off. That said, dig this glittering jewel of shocking cluelessness and stupidity:
According to a recent report from Politico, Democrats have grown frustrated with Biden for taking what they felt was too much of a hands-off approach when dealing with the debt ceiling fight, with some even expressing disbelief at the thought of him leaving for the weekend.
“It’s time to bring the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] off the bench or bring somebody off the bench. No one’s responding to anything. Kevin [McCarthy’s] consistently on message,” said one House Democrat. “We have the Oval Office. I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“They need to use the [ill-gotten, usurped] power of the presidency. I don’t buy this argument that [public silence] helps the negotiation,” said Congressional Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford (D-NV). “I need the American people to know that Democrats are here fighting, working, prepared to reach an agreement to avoid a default and only the White House, the president, can explain that in this moment.”
Upon hearing that Biden would be away for the weekend, one Democrat lawmaker outright called it “stupid.”
“Please tell me that’s not true,” said the lawmaker. “You’re going to see a caucus that’s so pissed if he’s stupid enough to do that.”
Emphasis mine. "Say it ain't so, Joe!" Really?! At this stage, Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants can barely say "dog," "cat" or "Jill" let alone put a coherent sentence together from a Dr. Seuss book without turning it into gibberish. Where the hell have you been, Steven Horsford, for the past three freaking years? And you're calling him stupid?! If you're desperate to bring in "somebody off the bench" maybe you should get your lazy ass the hell over to Kalorama and talk to whoever is pulling the strings.
On a positive note, I'd like to think that this indicates that Kevin McCarthy and the GOP are actually standing firm with the demand for spending cuts, even if perhaps all this is as I suspect kabuki-bukkake theater. We shall see. But for this jerk to not realize that the guy they put in there is a vegetable is just beyond belief to me.
In any case, we go from the ridiculous to the sublime. While everyone's attention has been focused on this, we forget that it's Oracle of Delphi Season, i.e. that time of the year when 9 very flawed individuals in black robes get to decide the fate of 330 million people with rulings from the Supreme Court. However, this time, they managed to get one right. And it's a big one.
The Supreme Court voted 9-0, which means unanimous, to narrow the EPA’s Waters of the United States (WOTUS).
The 9-0 vote applied to the merits of the case:
The case centered on Michael and Chantell Sackett, two Idaho residents whom the EPA prohibited from building a home near a wetland years ago, citing the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972.
“The EPA ordered the Sacketts to restore the site, threatening penalties of over $40,000 per day,” Alito’s majority opinion stated. “The EPA classified the wetlands on the Sacketts’ lot as ‘waters of the United States’ because they were near a ditch that fed into a creek, which fed into Priest Lake, a navigable, intrastate lake. The Sacketts sued, alleging that their property was not ‘waters of the United States.'”
The ruling ultimately held that the federal government’s WOTUS definition must be restricted to a water source with a “continuous surface connection” to major bodies of water.
The court split 5-4, determining “how the federal government should go about defining water sources.”
So remember. The overall decision is 9-0. SCOTUS unanimously reined in the EPA. All justices. All nine of them, including the leftists.
And yet, Cuck Schemer, the filthy criminal shyster from New York also known as Chuck Schumer Tweeted this:
This MAGA Supreme Court is continuing to erode our country’s environmental laws.Make no mistake—this ruling will mean more polluted water, and more destruction of wetlands. We’ll keep fighting to protect our waters.
Chuck, baby. NINE to NOTHING. Your four Commie stooges sell you out or something? Pfft. You know which waters of the United States are the most polluted? MAXINE. Clean that toxic shit-hole up and you'll earn the praise of a grateful nation.
Although the two cases are not directly related, this ruling hopefully is another positive sign that the disastrous Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council ruling of 1984 that really supercharged an already feral bureaucracy to have even more control over our lives could also be on the Roe to extinction.
Justice Neil Gorsuch, whose mother ironically was involved in the original 1984 Chevron decision as President Ronald Reagan’s head of the Environmental Protection Agency, wrote in November that the court “should acknowledge forthrightly that Chevron did not undo, and could not have undone, the judicial duty to provide an independent judgment of the law’s meaning.”
Gorsuch has written elsewhere: “Maybe the time has come to face the behemoth” of the administrative state.
. . . and choke it to death like a psycho on a New York subway car. My embellishment to Gorsuch.
Killing Chevron v. NRDC would indeed have far reaching consequences in terms of reining in the State. At least on paper, considering that perhaps since the end of the Second World War, and for sure since the coming of Obama and the Left's reaction to the Trump miracle. we no longer are a nation of laws but of men. That translates into every agency, bureau and department, law enforcement and the intel community being its most egregious and visible manifestation but not the only one, as illustrated in yesterday's editorial by a weaponized Department of Education (and many of these agencies are literally weaponized with caches of firearms and other military equipment)
If Christopher Wray's essentially flipping the bird at the House by refusing to hand over documents pertaining to the Biden Crime Family is any indication, the rule of a just and stable law is indeed dead and gone. Worse, anyone who they perceive as an enemy will be eliminated by any and every means at their disposal.
The Biden regime’s staggeringly corrupt FBI has spies in Catholic Churches to hunt for “domestic terrorism,” and now it has come to light that aiding it in the dirty work of framing pro-life Catholics as dangerous “extremists” is none other than the massively discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which uses its immense war chest to stigmatize and demonize legitimate groups on the Right by lumping them in with the likes of the KKK and neo-Nazis. For a wealthy and unscrupulous private organization to do that is one thing, but for the feds to endorse it and partner with that organization is quite another.
That does, however, seem to be what is happening. The Daily Signal reported Sunday that the FBI “appears, at least briefly, to have joined the Southern Poverty Law Center’s attempt to demonize Roman Catholics who follow the church’s teachings on marriage and who celebrate the Latin Mass.” Such Roman Catholics are among the least likely people on the planet to endorse the Leftist establishment’s obsession with deviance and perversion, and so it’s easy to see why they have been singled out for such treatment.
One of those Catholics, Michael J. Matt, editor of a feisty traditionalist Catholic newspaper called The Remnant and producer of Remnant TV, noted that his organization, which is not remotely connected with violence or terrorism, was listed on a “leaked FBI memo.” Matt also pointed out that the FBI and SPLC were showing signs of laziness, as Matt’s organization was listed along with other Catholic groups that he pointed out were “defunct.”
This was, Matt said, an example the “FBI phoning it in”: its list of “radical-traditional Catholic hate groups” came from a 2007 list compiled by the SPLC’s Heidi Beirich and Rhonda Brownstein. Matt asked incredulously: “They took Heidi Beirich and Rhonda Brownstein’s word for it, from 2007?!” He added: “There has been an explosion of traditional Catholic groups since Pope Benedict XVI brought back the Latin Mass. None of the new groups who are in positions of real influence are targeted in the memo.” That’s good, but the fact that the FBI is working with the SPLC and targeting law-abiding citizens because it disapproves of their religious beliefs is disquieting enough.
What’s more, the Daily Signal notes that the SPLC “has branded mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits ‘hate groups,’ placing them on a map with chapters of the Ku Klux Klan.” This includes Jihad Watch and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, which have committed no offense other than standing for human rights for all people. The Signal goes on to note that “former employees have condemned the ‘hate’ labeling as a ‘highly profitable scam’ tracing back to the co-founder’s talents as a fundraiser. In 2019, the SPLC fired that co-founder amid a racial discrimination and sexual harassment scandal, the full truth of which has yet to be revealed.”
The FBI apparently sees no problem with all that. Under questioning from Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) back in March, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland insisted that “the Justice Department does not do that,” that is, send spies into parishes, “and does not, uh, um, do investigations based on religion.” But Garland was, of course, lying. The feds did have informants in Catholic churches, snooping around and looking for evidence of that domestic terror threat that the Biden regime keeps insisting is the worst such threat we face today. Nor has there been any indication that they’ve taken these spies out of the pews.
Of course, the "swarthy" "south Asian" dude with a Nazi flag in the back of a U-Haul truck that drove into a White House gate at like 5MPH is suddenly off the radar.
Again, it's not just the FBI but in this case, the DHS.
A new report has exposed the federal government’s taxpayer-funded collaboration with universities and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) to associate Turning Point USA and other conservative organizations with Nazi ideology and terrorism.
The Media Research Center (MRC) exposed a Department of Homeland Security program that has been weaponized against Christians and conservatives. The MRC’s report exposes the DHS as one of the main drivers of the “extremism” narrative adopted by nearly every liberal activist and used to demonize the right and justify violence against conservatives. . .
. . . According to the MRC, information in the report was procured through several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and “directly from DHS grant recipients and other related organizations revealing the true and nefarious nature” of the federal government’s actions.
One such recipient was the University of Dayton, which the MRC stated was “among the most radical grantees” awarded “$352,109 to create the PREVENTS-OH program, which promised to draw on the expertise of the University of Dayton faculty to fight domestic violent extremism and hate movements.”
The university’s grant application, approved by the DHS, contained a graphic comparing mainstream conservative organizations such as Turning Point USA, PragerU, Breitbart, the National Rifle Association, and more to extremist groups like The Base, described by Fox News as a “neo-Nazi paramilitary group,” and the Daily Stormer, “a pro-Nazi publication.”
The PREVENTS-OH initiative also hosts seminars to advance the liberal operative agenda and to train audience members to participate in illicit actions meant to “destabilize” political movements.
Michael Loadenthal, a guest lecturer at one such seminar, Research Fellow at the University of Cincinnati, and self-described Antifa member, “explain[ed] in detail how to create dummy accounts on free speech social media platforms like Telegram, Gab and Rumble” according to MRC, with the desire to undermine conservative platforms and act as instigators.
Loadenthal led this seminar with DHS agent Joseph Masztalics, who seemingly agreed with and approved of the tactics being strategized in the seminar. Loadenthal encouraged the audience to participate in de-platforming, the act of denying conservative organizations and individuals “any sort of public sphere access” and “denying them the ability to speak.”
The tactics employed would make Saul Alinsky blush, as Loadenthal admits, they are not always above board. “A lot of the things we are doing are illegal,” he explained to the audience. “What I’m saying, what I’m telling you, a lot of it is, involves breaking the law. And this is what the FBI will say. I’ve had many conversations with the FBI about this.”
Loadenthal argued that to successfully fulfill all that their ideology demands, liberals must “shut down” conservative websites, “close [conservative’s] meetings,” and “prevent them from assembling in public,” — a tactic TPUSA’s student-led chapters are all too familiar with.
Meanwhile, a man whom the Capitol PD held the doors open for and committed the heinous crime of putting his feet up on Malig-Nancy Pelosi's desk just got handed an 18-year sentence in federal prison while the sick racialist bint who held a machete to a NY Post reporter's neck then chased him down in the streets while threatening him got let out of jail to enjoy a meal at a local Burger King.
It's enough to make you want to choke a Michael Jackson impersonator.
"Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds." Couldn't agree more with those very sage words from that truly great American patriot - - Jack Dorsey?
Wait, the guy who literally worked hand in hand with the Junta to censor anything even remotely critical of Biden in the run-up to the 2020 election as well as the theft and J-6 in the aftermath? So, okay, is Jack Dorsey angling to be RFK Jr.'s running mate or what the hell is this really all about? I mean, this is the moral equivalent of Father Coughlin supporting the formation of the State of Israel.
See you tomorrow on the Hobby Thread. Be there. Aloha.
And have a wonderful and blessed Memorial Day weekend. Say a prayer for those who gave their lives for our country, beg their forgiveness for what it's become, and for the strength and resolve to avenge their memory.
- The tactics employed would make Saul Alinsky blush, as Loadenthal admits, they are not always above board. “A lot of the things we are doing are illegal,” he explained to the audience. “What I’m saying, what I’m telling you, a lot of it is, involves breaking the law. And this is what the FBI will say. I’ve had many conversations with the FBI about this.”
Biden’s DHS Used Taxpayer-Funded "Anti-Terrorism" Program to Demonize Conservatives Using Antifa Propaganda
- Robert Spencer: "It continues to demonstrate a breathtaking resolve to construct a reality other than the one we happen to be living in. If there were a steady stream of terrorists routinely 'radicalized' in Catholic churches, there might be some justification for this program. But there isn’t, and this was simply harassment and scapegoating of Christians. This lawless regime will not stop with Christians, either."
Corrupt Bedfellows: SPLC and FBI Working Together to Frame Catholics as Terrorists
- It was either a hardcore real Leftist or it was another FBI false flag op, like the Capitol "riot/insurrection."
The FBI Knows What Car Was Used In J6 DNC Pipe Bomb, But Refuses To Identify Prime Suspect
- Julie Kelly: "The government goose steppers responsible for systematically destroying the lives of Americans who dared to protest Joe Biden’s [stolen] election appear sickeningly gratified by the exercise—as all good Marxists"
Regime Apparatchiks and Sadists Inflict Their Punishments
- "In the age of Biden, nothing is as it appears to be. The only crimes that count are those that fit the narrative."
18 Years for J6er, Wrist Slap for Wannabe Nazi Assassin
- Richard “Bigo” Barnett was given 54 months in prison by U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper and three years of supervised release and a $2,000 fine. Additional charges included theft of government property, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and parading or demonstrating in a capitol building. (blood status: [x] boiling - jjs)
Retired Firefighter Who Put Feet Up On Pelosi’s Desk Sentenced To 4.5 Years In Prison
* * * * *
- "About a half-dozen supporters attended the brief hearing and one even clapped after a judge released Rodriguez on her own recognizance. Rodriguez then walked out of the courthouse with four or five of the pals and hit up a Burger King to order some food."
Shellyne Rodriguez Released by Bronx Judge Over NY Post Machete Threat
- "Grassroots chapters slam the charity following a Free Beacon report on BLM's fundraising troubles."
The Cullors of Money: Black Activists Distance Themselves From Black Lives Matter Amid Financial Collapse
- "How its insane agenda is dividing – and destroying – America."
The ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Progressive Gestapo
- "Noise-making radicals who live in mind-boggling affluence occupy a particularly conspicuous space on the woke Left and spew an especially noxious sort of invective."
The Mind Virus of the Affluent Woke Left
- In May 2020, just after Floyd died, a medical examiner concluded that Floyd did not die of asphyxia or strangulation, as Biden and other leftists claim. Not only were “intoxicants” or drugs found in his system, but Floyd also had “underlying health conditions.” Policeman Derek Chauvin perhaps should not have knelt on Floyd’s neck as long as he did, but he didn’t “murder” Floyd. (the only thing that was murdered was the truth - jjs)
Biden Cries Murder on Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death
- So, okay, is Jack Dorsey angling to be RFK Jr.'s running mate or what the hell is this really all about? I mean, this is the moral equivalent of Father Coughlin supporting the formation of the State of Israel.
After Cooperating With Feds at Twitter, Jack Dorsey Invokes JFK Call to Destroy CIA, FBI, NSA
- Update: In a statement to Breitbart News on Thursday afternoon, a LinkedIn spokesperson noted, “The account was restricted in error and it’s now back up.”
Vivek Ramaswamy Says LinkedIn "Locked" His Account: "Big Tech Election Interference Has Begun"
- "Whichever Republican faces Biden will need to be adept at cutting through media lies if he hopes to reach voters who aren’t on Twitter or Truth Social."
The Biggest Loser in the 2024 GOP Primary is the Corporate Media
- “A mind-blowing damnation of the regime press.”
Poll: Almost Two Thirds of Americans View Media as “Truly the Enemy of the People”
- . . . the town hall is likely to take on the characteristics of a struggle session, with [Dana] Bash, who has made disparaging remarks about what she terms “Trump’s 2020 election lies”, likely to press Pence to repudiate Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was “rigged”.
CNN to Host Pence for Jan 6 Struggle Session Town Hall
- "The Associated Press, USA Today, NPR, Politico, The New York Times, CNN and the Guardian ran headlines claiming a school within Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) had “banned,” “block[ed]” and “restrict[ed] access” to “The Hill We Climb,” a poem read at [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s inauguration, after a parent complained it contained “hate messages.” However, it appears elementary school students can still access the book."
The Media’s Latest ‘Book Ban’ Story Appears To Be Completely Unfounded
- “Again, what are the specifics? What is a threatening video?” [Katrina] Trinko wrote in a commentary article at the Daily Signal. “What constitutes angrily approaching a worker? How many customers at how many stores knocked down Pride displays?”
Conservative Journalist Calls AP’s Bluff On Claim About ‘Violent Confrontations’ Against Target
- "Courier Journal's Joseph Gerth says Daniel Cameron is out of touch with black people."
Kentucky Republicans Who Backed Black Candidate May Have 'Racist Intent,' Liberal Columnist Argues
* * * * *
- What could possibly go wrong?! Gevalt.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Startup Receives FDA Approval For First In-Human Brain Chip Implant Clinical Study
- “Over the past few years, we have observed and experienced a rise in mental health issues, threats of school violence, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and other challenges, damages and disruptions linked to students’ use of social media – and the lack of protections and controls thereof,” CMCSS Director Dr. Jean Luna-Vedder said in a news release reported by local media. “Without cooperation and support from social media companies, CMCSS has been fighting an uphill battle. We need to protect our children, our schools and our society,” Luna-Vedder added. (Very wary of this; to me it sounds like gun control when the problem lies with people, not necessarily objects or systems in this case - jjs)
Tennessee School District Sues Social Media Companies Over Growing Mental Health Crisis Among Students
- Margot Cleveland: "Emails confirm there was no agreement between the Senate Finance Committee and the whistleblower, as Wyden’s spokesman had told CNN."
E-mails Show Ron Wyden’s Office Lied About IRS Whistleblower ‘Backing Out’ Of Senate Meeting
- “I don’t know why Christopher Wray is refusing to hand it over,” Greene said. “You can only think one way when they refuse to hand over an unclassified document.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene: FBI Director Actively ‘Protecting’ Bidens by Stonewalling Congressional Subpoena
- “If they hand over that form, the proof is there… It will literally show, not only to our country, but the world, that [Biden] abused his powers as vice president in order to make money to enrich himself to make foreign policy decisions on behalf of the United States of America. You can not do that. That is highly illegal. I think it would lead to impeachment and also destroy his presidential campaign,” Greene, who is a member of the committee, told the Caller in an interview.
Oversight Could ‘Destroy’ Biden’s 2024 Campaign, MTG Says
- "John Durham delivered the wronged Right an unmistakable punch to the gut."
Durham to Conservatives: Fuhgeddaboudit (a.k.a. eff you - jjs)
- I want them summarily executed on charges of treason, but let's shoot for attainable goals that go beyond wrist-slaps, book deals and CNN analyst gigs.
Poll: 63% Believe Trump-Russia Smear Was ‘Hit Job,’ Majority Want Involved FBI Officials Prosecuted
- "In the court’s 5-4 decision, the conservative majority limited the definition of federal waterways that fall under the purview of the EPA to enforce the law as wetlands with a continuous surface water connection to larger streams, lakes, and rivers. Federal agencies and deep-pocket environmental groups have abused the vague terms of the 1972 water law for years to bring a halt to projects opposed by bureaucrats and radical conservationists." (big win; now kill that fucking disastrous Chevron decision - jjs)
Supreme Court Strikes Another Blow to Administrative State, Narrows Clean Water Act
- “This MAGA Supreme Court is continuing to erode our country’s environmental laws.” (Besides a woman, Kentanji Action Jackson can't define MAGA either, I guess - jjs)
Up-Chuck Schemer Slams ‘MAGA’ SCOTUS After 9-0 Vote That Reins in EPA
- "The whales may not wait for our politicians. Killer whales appear to be organizing attacks against sailboats off the coast of Europe."
As Marine Mammal Deaths Continue, 50 Blue State Mayors Call for Offshore Wind Farm Moratorium
- "Left unsaid is that the new and improved gas stoves will be improved so much that the only people who will still have them are the rich and celebrity chefs with special carve-outs from the law. Meanwhile, I’ll glumly prepare for the day that the all-electric kitchen I was so happy to leave behind just as soon as I could afford a nicer place to live becomes the Democrat-mandated norm."
MAGIC! Presto-Chango, See Which Democrat Attack Transforms Into 'Republicans Pounce!'
- "There’s something to be said for uninhibited zeal."
Learning From the Climate Activists
- "What happens when the sun don't shine and the wind don't blow?"
Beware of Dunkelflautes
- “We have, still, fundamental disagreements that we have yet to resolve, and it’s complicated,” Republican negotiator Patrick McHenry of North Carolina told reporters. “The fundamentals of this deal are about spending. The fundamentals of the deal are based off of the legislation the House passed to raise the debt ceiling. And that’s tough stuff for Democrats. And the White House has made that very clear. But these are thorny issues that have to be resolved.”
Congress Goes On Vacation Days Away From Financial Meltdown
- “The 2023 debt ceiling showdown is a symptom of a deeper malaise.”
The Absurd, Futile Debt Showdown
- "While revised up from 1.1%, the first-quarter, inflation-adjusted ("real") GDP growth of 1.3% was half the 2.6% growth recorded in both the same period last year and the fourth quarter of 2022."
GDP Growth Halved in 1st Quarter, Corporate Profits Suffer 3rd Straight Quarterly Decline 1st Time Since Obama Era
- Former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, who testified to Congress Tuesday that the U.S. government is using tax dollars to aid illegal immigrants, called the program “basically money being laundered to the NGOs.”
Biden Junta Claims The US Doesn’t Give ‘Financial Support’ To Illegal Migrants. There’s Just One Problem
- "Many children are being trafficked and forced to work illegally following their release from federal custody."
Migrant Children Released into United States by Biden Junta are Being Put to Work, Lawmakers Say
- "Are these protestors xenophobic or do they have legitimate concerns?"
Prager U Video: Is the U.S. Southern Border Collapsing?
- "In general, D.C. has seen skyrocketing criminality in recent years, with back-to-back years with more than 200 murders between 2021 – 2022 for the first time since 2002 – 2003. There were more than 200 in 2022, 226 in 2021, and even 198 in 2020."
"Gun Free" DC Sees 40% Rise in Arms Offences Since 2017
- "The Public Health™ criminals who cheerleaded these abuses need to be prosecuted. So far, we haven’t seen any real action on that front from the GOP-controlled House — not surprising, but disappointing."
Study: Lockdowns Produced No Reduction in Chinese COVID Deaths
- Teachers’ Lawyer Greg Piccirilli: “The union’s actions were a complete abdication of their legal obligation to vigorously defend these teachers from termination.”
NEA Teachers Union Sued By Barrington (RI) Teachers Fired For Refusing Chinese Covid Vax, Allege Union Complicit
- "The report also suggests that individuals who had previously purchased a firearm with a BoA product were elevated to the top of the list regardless of when or where the purchase was made."
Whistleblower: Bank of America Provided FBI with List of Customers’ Purchases – Republicans Launch Probe (probing what, Uranus? - jjs)
- "Opposing the racist DEI agenda gets you thrown into a surreal judicial nightmare."
Kafka Comes to College
- "A federal appeals court ruling on admissions at a prestigious Virginia high school could have major implications for future court fights over affirmative action."
Engineering Racial Outcomes
- "Without alternatives in higher education, the young people who flee the college system will find themselves unable to get that education. Though it is entirely possible to self-educate yourself, the long term result will almost certainly be a less educated population."
As Parents and Students Continue to Flee Public Education, the Consequences are Both Good and Dire
- "For the past several years, Democrats have routinely slandered anyone with legitimate questions about the conduction of the 2020 election."
Republicans Use House Committee Hearing To Demolish Democrats’ Bogus Election Lies
- "Biden [junta] says it 'welcomes and appreciates' watered-down definition of anti-Semitism." (that's not caving - jjs)
White House Caves to Anti-Israel Pressure on Anti-Semitism Rollout
- "Is there anyone who doesn't support killing babies and sex change operations that can guide us?"
The Serpents Among Us
- “It’s time to bring the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] off the bench or bring somebody off the bench. No one’s responding to anything. Kevin [McCarthy’s] consistently on message,” said one House Democrat. “We have the Oval Office. I’ve never seen anything like it.” (LOL!!! You have a demented vegetable in the Oval Office as the sock puppet for Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama. You best vent your anger at them. Now go grab your shine box! - jjs)
Report: House Democrat Expressed Disbelief as Biden Heads Back to Delaware for Memorial Day Weekend
- "Joe Biden’s decline into incompetence is more than a personal journey towards life’s end, it is an allegory for the likely collapse of the Progressive Left and the Democrat Party now under its rule." (except their collapse will be on top of the rubble of the country they demolished - jjs)
Entropy, Joe Biden, and the Progressive Left
- "Who can weaken the identity politics spell that makes an otherwise weak incumbent into a truly formidable contender for reelection?" (long and interesting, but totally ignores the election fraud factor - jjs)
The Formidable Candidacy of Joe Biden
* * * * *
- If his launch on Twitter was supposedly a fiasco, this here is what you call failing upward. Bigly.
Report: Ron DeSantis Campaign Raised $8.2 Million on Launch Day
- "Now that Florida’s governor is in the 2024 race, we’ll find out how tough he is."
DeSantis Dives Into the Muck
- "The survey comes the same week that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made it official, formally jumping into the presidential race on Wednesday."
Poll: Donald Trump’s Net Favorability Rating Reaches All-Time High
- "The attacks on his character are not only untrue but also irrelevant, given his record in Florida and the House."
Can We Ditch the Detached DeSantis Narrative?
- "DeSantis’ real hope at this point needs to be that his Twitter misadventure’s three-point failure to launch didn’t break his campaign."
Governor Ron’s Twitter Misadventure: Failure To Launch, Times Three
- "Anyone who says this is over before it's begun doesn't know history."
The Republican Primary is Wide Open — And That’s a Good Thing
- "DeSantis is at his best when he’s belittling dishonest journalists trying to take him down. He will have to use that skill to his advantage."
DeSantis Introducing Himself to People Who Already Love Him is Not a Winning Strategy
- Douglas Murray: "A debate about the future of America. When it comes to Florida vs California it is also a debate that the Republicans can win." (I have issues with Trump, but I draw the line at being abjectly dismissive, and including his political persecution as a "clown-show" - jjs)
DeSantis vs. Newsom Would be a ‘24 Battle of Ideas — Not a Biden-Trump Clown-Show
* * * * *
- "Placing a celebrity in the seat could help CA Gov. Gavin Newsom avoid picking favorites among actual declared senate candidates." ("they're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls" - jjs)
Oprah Winfrey Floated as Potential Replacement for California Senator Dianne Feinstein
- "The CPAC event this year in Washington, D.C. was sparsely attended. Once drawing over 10,000 people, the 2023 event scarcely reached 2,500 attendees."
CPAC Treasurer Resigns Alleging "Cancer in Organization Metastasizing for Years"
- "Though Russia had claimed that the Ukrainian military had attempted to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin in the failed attack, Moscow claimed that the attack had been supported by the US. The report noted that there were two drones that were used in the so-called assassination attempt, but they were quickly disabled by Russian defense systems."
US Officials Say Ukraine Likely Behind Kremlin Drone Strike: Report
- "Meanwhile, Chinese military simulates hypersonic strike on US carrier group."
Russia Arrests Top Hypersonic Scientist for Betraying Secrets to China
- “This is a total failure,” states former UKIP and Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage.
UK’s ‘Conservative’ Govt Deports LOWEST EVER Number of Failed Asylum Seekers, Foreign Criminals
- "If you don’t believe in miracles, you’re not a realist."
The Miracle that is Israel
- Microsoft highlighted Guam, a US territory in the Pacific Ocean with a vital military outpost, as one of the targets, but said “malicious” activity had also been detected elsewhere in the United States.
US, Microsoft Warn Chinese Hackers Attacking "Critical" Infrastructure
- "We will cripple this generation and the next if we fail to remind them of our country’s great triumphs — ones worthy of great service."
We Have Only Ourselves to Blame for the Military Recruitment Crisis
- "Can you guess who set the Minnesota mosque on fire?"
Another ‘Islamophobia’ Fizzle
- "We have a Democrat [so-called quote-unquote "president"] who will nominate anybody that will further his agenda and a Democrat-controlled Senate that places ideology and vote-buying ahead of country, and will approve any cabinet member or judge that a Democrat [so-called quote-unquote "president"] nominates."
Recipe for Disaster: A Democrat "President" and a Democrat Senate
- "Justices unanimously side with elderly homeowner in tax foreclosure dispute."
94-year-old Grandmother Wins Home Equity Theft Case at the U.S. Supreme Court
- "Amid a shortage of new housing, California liberalizes its zoning rules—even as it adds other restrictions on building.
The Housing Treadmill
- "This loss of population and brick-and-mortar business in Portland is a disaster of the wokes’ own making. The economic report says not only have people voted with their feet and gotten the heck out but also that Portland can no longer expect people to move in."
Riots, Tent Cities, Plunder, and Wokeness — Is it Any Wonder Why People Are Fleeing Portland?
- "Part one of two: Westward expansion and the American System’s unexpected triumph." (considering the Portland story, hmm - jjs)
Cities of the West: An American Success Story
- "Is it possible that Medicare for All could work, to lower costs yet provide access to all?"
Medicare For All: This Idea Has To End
- "American freedom resulted in the competition in rocketry which has lowered costs but taken business from the established companies. Freedom has also caused the death of two companies, because the success that freedom brings also carries risks. Failure can happen, but the sum total of achievement is always greater than when competition is squelched."
Rocket Lab’s Electron Rocket Lifts Two More NASA Hurricane Satellites into Orbit
- "No supernovae have occurred within our own galaxy, the Milky Way, since the invention of the telescope, so any such event in a nearby galaxy is an important opportunity for astronomers to learn more about these explosions."
Watch a Still-Brightening New Supernova Only 20 Million Light Years Away
- "New fossils from South America hint at life during the 'Great Dying' extinction event of the Permian, and some fascinating new research on Yellowstone super-volcano."
Scientists Find Evidence of What Could Be Earth’s First Mass Extinction Event
- ". . . if there is 'nothing to see' at the event, IYG should not care if parents see it."
Why Is the Indy Youth Carnival Barring Parents?
- "Churches lately have gone all in on these drag shows."
On Drag Queens and the Methodist Breakup
- "The synthesis of public and private power has made both groups’ overbearing leftism and social engineering impossible to escape."
Pride Month is a Cynical Exercise in State-Enforced Homosexuality
- "Ideologues in Washington state operate under the false assumption that 13 is not too young to begin the inhumane, regimented, all-consuming, and mostly irreversible process of gender transitioning, while parents are left out entirely."
Washington State vs. Parents on Gender Transitioning
- In an Instagram post Wednesday, outdoor recreation products company The North Face presented its “Summer of Pride” campaign featuring drag queen and intersectional environmentalist Pattie Gonia, a self-described “real-life homosexual.”
North Face Slammed over Ad Featuring Drag Queen Urging Viewers to ‘Come Out’ in Nature
- "Unlike Anheuser-Busch, Target clearly hasn’t realized it made a mistake. The company fully endorses wokeism and believes it’s the company’s future. It’s going to take a lot more to change the culture of Target." (oh yeah? See the next story - jjs)
Target Loses $9 Billion in Market Value After Boycott
- "Anheuser-Busch did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment on why the company decided to sponsor the aforementioned parades and if the company believed sponsoring these events would help bring back customers disaffected by the Mulvaney partnership."
Bud Light, Anheuser-Busch Double Down on Transgender Insanity, Sponsor Pride Parades Across the U.S.
- Have you ever looked at the Biden [junta], and thought, “Where does the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] find these people?” Well, apparently he finds them in the streets of American cities mocking the Roman Catholic Church.
Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Baggage Bandit Was Part Of ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Group Invited By Dodgers
- Christian Toto: "Podcaster, Dr. Drew Pinsky claim groups shredded decades of trust, respect."
Adam Carolla on CIA, FBI, DOJ and CDC: ‘I Do Not Trust Them Anymore’
- "The former secretary of education delivered a powerful speech calling for the protection of our children."
Betsy DeVos Receives a 2023 Bradley Prize: Be Tamarisk, Not Ar’ar, Trees
- "The challenge of crafting a feminist heroine."
Male Helplessness and Female Power: Netflix’s Abrasive Diplomat
- "Nation-building begins in the garden."
Shared Roots
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:51 AM
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