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May 19, 2023
The Morning Report — 5/19/23
Good morning, kids. They're coming for your children, and the way things are going you can add "on" and "in" to that first preposition. When you consider the absolute corruption that has allowed those with whom we had put our trust in, either via our votes or via our taxes, to protect our lives, our property and our freedoms, to then use that power to, for all intents and purposes enslave us, you have to wonder how that happened.
Hence, that first sentence. Is it nature, nurture or some combination of both that spawns individuals like Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray (in Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants' case, he's the way he is because someone peed in his mom instead of ejaculating, and that was before the dementia kicked in, but I digress). I'll go with the combo, but for sure without the nurture part of it, that is the almost 60 years of ever-increasing brainwashing and indoctrination in the schools, this country would be a much different place.
As it is, it's a miracle that we still have parents in this country who have led the way in revolting against the brainwashing machine, the shining example being Virginia. Which is why the junta at the highest levels colluded with the NASB to have the Justice Department, a name that can now officially be categorized as Orwellian, declare parents who dared speak out as "domestic terrorists."
Despite the constant haranguing that we need to spend more on education, that we're not spending enough on education, the fact is the more we have thrown at education – and since the 60s, it's got to be in the high hundreds of billions by now – the dumber and more anti-social children have become. This is especially true in the biggest of the big blue cities and states. Yet we always get the same tired bromide that red states and towns in "flyover country" have kids that are inbred morons because they don't spend enough or tax enough to pay for good schools. This is total bullshit as the test scores in basic skills show all too clearly. But I digress. At the same time, the teachers unions have become arguably the most powerful Democrat political lobbying group in the nation. Probably as big or bigger than any corporation or K-Street lobbying group. I'm sure that's merely a coincidence, right?
None of this is by accident. It is absolutely intentional. In the immortal words of Vladdy Lenin:
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."
Well, Randi Weingarten and her predecessors and fellow travelers, most especially Billy Ayers have had well over 50. And now their foot soldiers are getting testy.
Democrat New Hampshire state Rep. Tommy Hoyt lashed out at a parent who urged him to support a proposed parents bill of rights in the Granite State this week, telling the person to “shut up.”
A “parent of four” emailed Hoyt imploring him to pass SB 272, a bill that seeks to establish a parents bill of rights that would prevent public schools from withholding information about their children, the NH Journal reported Thursday.
Hoyt responded to the message angrily, arguing that the [Chinese] COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that parents are “incompetent teachers” and shouldn’t be involved in their children’s education.
“Do you know why children’s results tanked during [Chinese] COVID. Their parents were incompetent teachers. Do your children a favor, let the teachers teach, and shut up. You’re clearly no professional,” Hoyt emailed the parent.
The New Hampshire lawmaker confirmed the authenticity of the message to the NH Journal, telling the outlet he” probably could have used better words.”
“The way I feel is that children’s test scores in school performance dropped off drastically was because they didn’t have teachers. And the parents that thought, ‘We can replace them and can tell them what to do,’ was not effective,” he explained. . .
. . . Corey DeAngelis, a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children, notes in a tweet that Hoyt is endorsed by the National Education Association — the largest labor union in the US — and won his seat in the statehouse by a mere 18 votes last year.
Hoyt’s response to the concerned parent is reminiscent of former Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s 2022 campaign blunder, when he said in the final debate, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
Republican Glenn Youngkin, whose campaign centered on education and parents’ rights, would go on to defeat McAuliffe in a state [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden won by 10 points.
"Could have used better words . . . " had he known his actual words would be made public. In other words, "'Fuck you!', he explained." "Let the teachers teach and shut up." Well what the actual fuck are the teachers teaching? That America is illegitimate and inherently evil? Ditto if you're white, male, Christian and Jewish? Ditto free market capitalism? Ditto if you believe there are only two genders and that forcibly ripping the balls and boobs off your boy and girl and swapping them out is not normal? And on and on and on?
It's funny, as in disgusting, that they went after the parents in Virginia, and yet this is happening and . . . crickets.
In the small Colorado town of Woodland Park, nestled on Pikes Peak’s north slope, only 28.6 percent of students scored at grade level in math last year. Just 45.3 percent can read at grade level. So after taking over 18 months ago, the conservative school board immediately sought to recoup the learning loss.
But district leadership is now under siege — facing a deluge of integrated attacks from teachers unions resisting the board’s reform efforts. As the local union awaited a “crisis” designation and funding from the Colorado Education Association (CEA) — which recently condemned capitalism — other allied unions were coming to their aid.
Strangely, national legacy media are weighing in too. NBC News is setting up this school district as a poster child for “experiment(s) in conservative governance.” As reformers mount similar efforts to win and maintain school boards nationwide, they must watch the teachers union playbook unfolding in the Rocky Mountains. . .
. . . Let’s be clear: NBC News is exploiting controversy over education reforms in small-town America for its own agenda — misrepresenting and omitting key details to generate a false narrative of malintent and suspicion. But to what end? . . .
. . . Make no mistake: Union power over Woodland Park Schools has been unjustifiably strong for too long. That influence is diminishing and educational success in conservative Woodland Park jeopardizes their very existence. Teachers unions depend upon educational failures to expand membership, cement political power, and advance ideological agendas. . .
. . . The CEA resolution isn’t just a political statement. It affirms the anti-free-market mindset of the teachers unions, which oppose school choice and charters. Their resistance to a successful Merit Academy is a case in point. Why be concerned if you have a superior product?
Let’s be real: Any model exposing their failures is a threat. Capitalistic competition is deemed unacceptable to teachers unions because they simply aren’t about the kids. As longtime union boss Albert Shanker infamously said, “When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing the interests of school children.”
That’s why teachers unions and national media care about Woodland Park, Colorado. If they successfully thwart this school board’s efforts to prioritize academic achievement, cut out ideological agendas, and address learning loss, it will signal that it’s open season on reform-minded school boards everywhere.
There's this article, "Uneducating America" from City Journal, that notes "The latest NAEP scores show that the nation’s youth are painfully ignorant about U.S. history and civics." Well, that's a feature not a bug.
Garland, Wray and all the others from previous generations at least have the knowledge of what our government, history and society have historically been, if not the respect for it, which had been burned out of their minds and souls long ago by the fires of lust for power and greed. Subsequent generations are being denied that knowledge because without it, they become that much easier to control.
As I said, it is a miracle that parents in Virginia and now even in Colorado have woken (pun intended) up. We shall see what happens next.
Have a good weekend. See you on the hobby thread tomorrow. Be there. Aloha.
Lastly, would you please consider hitting the TIP JAR? Your support helps keep the lights on and is truly appreciated. Note: We are on Stripe, not PayPal. And a huge thank you to all of you who have been and continue to be so generous.
- Robert Spencer: ". . . It’s holding a ‘Happiness Seminar’ for agents."
Your Tax Dollars at Work: When the FBI isn’t Framing Presidents . . .
- Translation: To protect assets = to protect their ASSES. They carried out the attack and the footage will prove it was a false flag and exonerate everyone who was, still is, or will be railroaded into the Garland Archipelago.
Former FBI Official Tells House Republicans Bureau Denied Agents J6 Riot Footage to Protect Assets, Informants Present at U.S. Capitol
- “This government will crush you and your family if you try to expose the truth about things they are doing that are wrong.”
‘The FBI Will Crush You’: Whistleblower Tells Future Whistleblowers to Come to Him or Congress to Expose Corruption
- "The Weaponization of the Federal Government Select Subcommittee said Marcus Allen and Steve Friend, whose security clearances were suspended by the FBI and later revoked, were retaliated against for speaking out about their concerns that the bureau had become politicized against conservatives."
Weaponization Committee: FBI ‘Disparaging Whistleblowers’ After Revoking Their Security Clearances
- "Target on their backs."
Ex-FBI Agent Explains Why More Feds Don’t Speak Up About Abuses
- "Sanchez acted like she 'got' Marcus Allen but the account does not belong to him."
Rep. Sanchez Tries to Discredit FBI Whistleblower With His Twitter Account…Except It’s Not His
- “Who’s going to pay the hundreds of thousands who died during the Civil War to end slavery, who never owned a slave, who never supported slavery: the soldiers of the North? Who’s going to pay their families reparation? They paid the ultimate price: they died.”
Mark Levin Asks the "Question That Is Never Asked About Reparations"
- "Investigators say Rollins committed an ‘extraordinary breach of public trust’ through ’repeated instances of misconduct and poor judgment.’" (she's black, a broad and a Bolshie; QED - jjs)
Biden’s DOJ Refused to Prosecute Disgraced U.S. Attorney Rachael Rollins for Lying Under Oath Months Before Her Corruption Scandal Broke
- This was the animal who ran over a kid supposedly because he felt threatened when the the kid was yelling pro-MAGA slogans at him, or some such crap. Of course the article omits any details of this. Hat tip to commenter Old Chick for this update.
Man Pleads Guilty to Running Over, Killing North Dakota Teen
- "'This doesn't seem safe for us...this nonprofit system structure,' group's founder says." (Patrice Cullors is the Vladimir Zelensky of Charles Ponzis - jjs)
Going For Broke: Black Lives Matter Revenues Dropped 88 Percent in 2022
- Julie Kelly: "The minimal tools to, at the very least, embarrass top officials and expose the existing rot within the Justice Department are in the hands of House Republicans. They would do well to use them."
Look Ahead, Not Backwards, to Hold the Justice Department Accountable
- "Without a civic life shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue, our republic will eventually descend into tyranny."
The Unspoken Warning in the Durham Report: American Self-Government is Collapsing
- Election interference by intelligence agencies threatens the end of democracy.”
Durham’s Report Should Outrage the Left
- "Despite clear evidence of a 'Russian Hoax' conspiracy to affect the 2016 election, those responsible go free." ("No reasonable prosecutor," etc. - jjs)
Durham Report is Utterly Damning, So Where Are All the Indictments?
- Well, duh! They and the CIA engineered the Russia Collusion hoax to distract from the e-mail server farm real scandal.
FBI Dropped 4 Probes into Hillary Clinton, Family’s "Non-Profit" Ahead of 2016 Election: Durham Report
- "It is now abundantly clear that Trump’s real sin is that he challenged the legitimacy of the corrupt US elites that are unwilling to give up their exclusive hold on money and power."
The Trump Rape Accusation: A Team Effort
- “The Chinese Communist Party using TikTok to spy on Americans, violate their privacy, and collect their personal, private, and sensitive information is well-documented. Today, Montana takes the most decisive action of any state to protect Montanans’ private data and sensitive personal information from being harvested by the Chinese Communist Party.”
Montana Becomes First U.S. State to Ban China’s TikTok
- "New level of denial."
Jonathan Turley Rips Into WaPo’s Last Defense of "Russian Collusion"
- "There’s tons of young talent out there that could spice up CNN’s lineup. Why they keep returning to the well of boring, milquetoast Erin Burnett robots straight from the factory floor and expecting any kind of favorable ratings bump is beyond me." (when all you have is a whorehouse, everything looks like Xaviera Hollander - jjs)
Kaitlan Collins Parlays Cringe Trump Town Hall Into Primetime CNN Slot
- "What should be especially troubling to the cucks at Fox News is that this is a poll of their viewing base—not just of Republicans but likely Republican primary voters. Republican primary voters are the die-hards. I am a Republican primary voter. . . Just last month, Fox looked indestructible. Now Fox is barely beating MSNBC in average primetime viewers. Fox News sucks."
Tucker Carlson’s Net Favorability with Republicans 62 Points Higher than Fox News’
- "Fox seems to be hurting more than Tucker."
Life After Tucker Carlson: Is Fox News Finished?
- David Harsanyi: "Thank you, Mayor Pete."
Let’s Probe the Beautiful, Voluminous, and Transcendent Mind of the World’s Most Remarkable Human Being, Peter-Puffer Buttigieg
- "What do you get when you cross a cheap Soviet propaganda piece with a spot-on Babylon Bee parody of America’s mainstream media? You get Wired’s interview with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg."
TAKE THE QUIZ: How Weird Was the WiredInterview With Peter-Puffer Buttigieg?
- "Another case of infidel media falling prey to deceit."
The Washington Post Relies on Journalists Who Turn Out to Be Terror-Linked
- "She has a problem with human shields, but not with those who use them."
CNN International Host Isa Soares Blames Israel for Human Shields
- “The goals of the Obama Foundation, and one of the goals of my post-presidency, is how do we return to that?” (no, he wants one common set of dogma, pun intended; his - jjs)
Video: Obama Pines For Old Days When Media Narrative Was Accepted By All as “A Common Set of Facts”
- "We must expose the bad guys for who they are and keep doing it. It’s called vigilance. And that is something the internet can do. That’s why you are able to read this." (for the time being, anyway - jjs)
While We Were Sleeping
- "Moreover, China Everbright Group also appears to have ties to Hunter Biden’s Chinese business ventures, according to multiple financial disclosures."
University Housing Biden Center Took Funds From Firm Controlled By China’s ‘Supreme Organ Of State Power,’ Docs Show
- "The House Oversight and Accountability Committee released a report on May 10 alleging that the Bidens enriched themselves off of Romanian and Chinese assets through influence-peddling. The report includes bank records allegedly showing money transfers to nine different Biden family members through a chain of various LLCs. One corporation that allegedly delivered funds to Hunter Biden had ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Daily Caller News Foundation found."
Former Trump Officials Sound Alarm Over Biden Family’s National Security Risk
- Will someone tell this Commie wog ignoramus that even if the 14th is the most bastardized amendment in the Constitution, it gives ZERO authority for presidents to do this! But then again, the Left uses the Constitution as a jam-rag and Biden isn't really a/the president, so there you go.
Khanna: It’s Biden’s ‘Patriotic Duty’ to Use 14th Amendment to End Debt Ceiling Debate
- "The debt ceiling, a statute established by Congress that prevents the government from spending beyond a predetermined national debt limit of $31.4 trillion, exceeded the threshold earlier this year. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a letter that her agency expects to default on obligations as early as June 1 unless the debt limit is soon amended."
House Freedom Caucus Adopts Hardline Position On Debt Ceiling, Insists On Meaningful Spending Reform
- "Advocates for the homeless are always saying that the problem is caused by housing shortages; the migration surge will make the problem exponentially worse."
The End of Title 42 Comes for Our Cities
- Santos-Zacaria argued that he would face persecution in Guatemala, “and fears returning, because she suffered physical harm and faced death threats as a transgender woman who is attracted to men,” the opinion claims. Guatemala does not have any laws which actively criminalize LGBTQ+ individuals; however, the country does not recognize legal “homosexual marriage.” (second look at Guatemala? - jjs)
Supreme Court Bizarrely Recognizes Preferred Gender Pronouns of Illegal Alien
- "Even the leftist Tallahassee Democrat conceded this week they were unaware of any truckers actually boycotting the Sunshine State."
Titty-Caca AOC Backed a Migrant Trucker "Boycott" of Florida. It Had Zero Impact.
- The retiree said passengers were crowding around the exit signs and that they were all “scared for our lives.” Neely had 42 prior arrests and an active warrant, Newsweek reported. In November 2021, Neely attacked a 67-year-old woman, giving her a black eye and broken nose, Fox News noted.
Eyewitness Heard Jordan Neely Say ‘I Don’t Care If I Have to Kill,’ Calls Daniel Penny a ‘Hero’
- "The Daniel Penny charges show we are still living in the world 2020 wrought."
In for a Penny
- In a 2015 interview with “The MJ Cast” podcast, Kerry Anderson, the late singer’s director of security, lamented the unseemly way that the news media covered his former boss. “The power of the media is amazing,” said Anderson. “They can take a person like a Michael Jackson who was a person of morals, scruples, and values and demonize him into being some kind of satanic child molester. And then you can take a person that’s a recidivist, that’s a convicted murderer, more than once, and they go to prison, and because they find the lord or whatever, and they start writing children’s books, they get nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.”
Michael Jackson Would Have Thanked Daniel Penny For His Service
- "An unfortunately handy template for contemporary urban crime reporting."
The All-Too-Familiar Story
- "Rubio’s report also covers how the Chinese endeavored to hide the evidence of WIV’s connection to covid, as well as clues that the Chinese were scrambling to solve serious biosafety issues (likely after a leak had occurred)."
Sen. Marco Rubio Publishes Chinese COVID Origin Report Focused on China’s Pandemic Cover-Up
- "A new study documents major health consequences."
The Harm Caused by Masks
- “'Janssen [Chinese] COVID-19 Vaccine is no longer available in the U.S. All remaining U.S. government stock of Janssen [Chinese] COVID-19 Vaccine expired May 7, 2023. Dispose of any remaining Janssen [Chinese] COVID-19 Vaccine in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations,' the quietly updated CDC guidance reads. What a total waste of taxpayer money. How much good could have been done with all that cash flushed down the proverbial toilet into J&J coffers — all for a poorly conceived product that never worked as promised and carried severe side effect risks."
Failed Johnson & Johnson Chinese COVID Vaccine No Longer Available in US
- "Corey DeAngelis, a senior fellow at the American Federation for Children, notes in a tweet that Hoyt is endorsed by the National Education Association — the largest labor union in the US — and won his seat in the statehouse by a mere 18 votes last year."
New Hampshire Democrat Tommy Hoyt Tells Parents to "Shut Up" About Parents Bill of Rights
- "Teachers unions are focused on a small-town school district because their influence and control are imperiled by a successful conservative school board."
Teachers Unions Swarm Small-Town Conservative School Board That Dares to Reform Public Ed
- “UC Santa Cruz’ DEI statement requirement is nothing more than a rebranding of the unconstitutional loyalty oaths that proliferated during the Cold War. Universities are not permitted to discriminate against applicants because of their political views. UC’s DEI statement screening is a thinly veiled attempt to do exactly that.”
Assistant Professor Sues University That Allegedly Forces Faculty to Pledge Commitment to Diversity
- "The latest NAEP scores show that the nation’s youth are painfully ignorant about U.S. history and civics."(it's a feature, not a bug - jjs)
Uneducating America
- "Why would any dedicated teacher want to be associated with such a disreputable group?" (mostly because you're forced to - jjs)
Teachers’ Union Transgressions
- "The purple-haired, metal-faced pronoun-fluid crowd apparently does not care or realize, and its enablers do not care or even realize what it means when that document is tossed aside. Like “Orange Man,” they believe that the Constitution is bad. Even if it covers them."
ASU Student Beats a Trespassing Rap for Handing Out Copies of the Constitution
- Christopher F. Rufo: "A taxpayer-supported school condemns the United States as a 'white supremacy system.'”
The University of Houston’s Radical DEI Bureaucracy
- "The fight over new civics education standards isn’t a mere academic squabble. It’s about resisting and rejecting a corrosive left-wing view of America."
Accommodation Is Capitulation
- "Its recent override of the governor’s veto, combined with a compromise, demonstrates a path forward for other states."
North Carolina: A Purple-State Model for a Pro-life America
- Facebook flagged with a warning—and then deleted—a post that simply read, “Jesus died so you could live” due to a “hate speech” violation, or so alleges Billy Hallowell, a former writer for Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze.
The (undeclared) War on Christians
- "Brinton lost his job after his habit of stealing women’s clothing from airport luggage carousels during work trips was revealed, and reports indicate he has now been arrested at his home in Maryland."
Biden’s Psycho Transgender Hire Sam Brinton Arrested as "Fugitive from Justice"
- “@SenWhitehouse attacks Supreme Court Justices on alleged conflicts of interests, but he’s taken significant action to benefit Ocean Conservancy (@OurOcean), where his wife has worked … as Marine Spatial Planner & been paid $2.4 million. Interactions are troubling.”
Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whorehouse Gets Exposed as ‘Conflicts of Interest’ Hypocrite
- "'If you support Trump you're a bigot. Just claim it,' left-wing writer Silas House said in 2019."
Beshear Appointee Scrubs Tweets That Called Kentucky Voters Homophobic Bigots
- ". . . what kind of morality would we expect from the guy who thinks the unvaccinated should be starved out through siege warfare?"
Leftist Hero Noam Chomsky's Financial Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Exposed
- "Thanks to the Biden [junta's] collusion with the Democrat National Committee (DNC) to change the 2024 Democrat primary calendar, the president may not appear on the ballot in New Hampshire. . . Cronyism involving Biden? Say it ain’t so, Joe!"
Biden Campaign Scrambles to Avoid Disaster in New Hampshire
- Feinstein returned to the Senate last week with a “frail appearance” after missing nearly three months of work from being hospitalized for shingles in February. This week, the New York Times revealed that the shingles had “spread to her face and neck, causing vision and balance impairments and facial paralysis known as Ramsay Hunt syndrome.”
‘Frightening’: Dianne Feinstein Suffered ‘Several’ Undisclosed Complications After Hospitalization
- "Just moments before the exchange, Bowman had been heckling Santos on the Capitol steps, demanding that he resign after a Democratic attempt to oust him from Congress was delayed. Republicans instead voted to kick the resolution to expel the embattled freshman congressman to the House Ethics Committee."
‘She Ain’t Worth It’: Titty-Caca Ocasio-Cortez Intervenes In Verbal Confrontation Between Marjorie Taylor Greene And Jamaal Bowman
- "Regardless, both candidates are in a strong position to win the White House in the general election. According to a recent Washington Post general election poll, both Trump and DeSantis have seven-point leads over Biden."
REPORT: Ron DeSantis to Formally Enter 2024 Race Next Week
- “If Americans thought Afghanistan was a debacle and took decades, and trillions of dollars, then let me tell you this as a matter of fact: if you get into a hot war with Russia over Ukraine, you will be there for 50 years, and tens of trillions of dollars. This is no small altercation you’re talking about, and not a short altercation you’re talking about.”
FOREVER WAR: Ukraine Conflict Could Now Last DECADES, According to Biden Junta Insiders
- "What does the emergence of a large number of Private Military Companies, which are not necessary for military operations in Ukraine, mean?"
Is Russia on the Verge of Collapse?
- "The Vatican press office said that the car got as far as the San Damasco Courtyard at the Apostolic Palace. When the driver emerged from the car, he was arrested immediately."
Man in Car Rams Vatican Gate, Guards Open Fire on Driver, 40
- “Tens of thousands of marchers gather in the capital garbed in the national colors to celebrate the reunification of the city after the 1967 Six Day War.”
Israel Foils Hamas Terror Attack in Jerusalem as Thousands Take Part in Patriotic Flag March
- "U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in Saudi Arabia to mediate." (this would be hilarious were it not for Sullivan's and his boss' rap sheet of foreign policy madness and disaster, especially in the Middle East - jjs)
Belated U.S. Efforts to Negotiate Israeli-Saudi Peace
- "The Mexico State Court that though Roxana Ruiz had been raped, she had used excessive force in defending herself. The authorities suggested that striking the perpetrator in the head would have been enough to sufficiently defend herself."
Mexican Court Sentences Mother to 6 Years in Prison After Claiming She Used "Excessive Force" to Stranger Her Rapist
- "US embassy partners with group that claims 'every cis person is transphobic.'"
Biden's State Department Is Putting Brazilian Trans Activists in English Classes
- Oops . . .
Biden Junta Walks Back Claim That It Killed Major Al-Qaeda Figure In Airstrike, Killed Father Of 10: Report
- You have to have the feeling that Sam Brinton wasn't a one-off . . .
US Missile Defense Agency Conducted Just Half Of Planned 2022 Tests, Failed Numerous Key Goals, Report Finds
- "Naima Khan-Ghany promotes divisiveness, hatred of Jews, and the destruction of Israel."
Islamist Appointed to School Board Human Relations and Diversity Committees
- "Men are being identified as women and women as men. It's ridiculous."
Biden State Department Slaps Pronouns on Emails and Misgenders Staff
- "As California mulls ideas to regulate the use of artificial intelligence in hiring and other ‘consequential’ decisions, it seems as committed as ever to its top-down regulatory approach."
Will California Outsmart AI?
- "Meanwhile, another trial using a new pancreatic cancer treatment using mRNA-technology shows promise." (sorry, no dice - jjs)
NIH Begins Enrolling Volunteers in Clinical Trial for mRNA-Based Universal Flu Vaccine
- "State legislators could expand work requirements by exiting Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid to the able-bodied."
The Best Way To Curb Our Culture Of Dependency Is For States To End Medicaid Expansion
- "Texas Children's is the biggest children's hospital in the country."
Texas Children’s Hospital Performs Sex Change Procedures on Children as Young as 11: Report
- One Twitter user shared a brief synopsis of what the WHO has said, posting: “The World Health Organization (WHO) has provoked a fierce backlash over its new guidance that encourages parents and teachers ‘explore’ adult themes with children ‘from birth.’ The new guidance pushes ‘sexuality for infants’ and calls on parents to ‘explore gender identities’ for their babies.”
WHO Faces Backlash After Saying "Sexuality Education Starts at Birth"
- "My goals are to make San Francisco sparkle. I think drag performers bring a lot of sparkle and humor and glamor and silliness to the world. I think that is part of why drag is so successful.” (literally polishing a turd; tons of homeless derelict feces - jjs)
San Francisco Selects D’Arcy Drollinger as First Drag Laureate in US
- "So gross and weird."
Twitter Users Blow Up on Adidas Using Male Model to Sell New Women’s Swimsuit
- "Apparently, the colors of a movement that seeks to normalize the sexual mutilation of children is now considered 'tough' by Ford."
Ford’s ‘Redefining Tough’ Commercial Features LGBT Colored Truck
- Christian Toto: "Stars pushed false narrative in viral video shot after Mueller Report's release." (and IIRC, that "report" had nothing in it either - jjs)
Will Rob Reiner, De Niro Apologize for Russian Collusion Hoax?
- Deroy Murdock: "It’s time to break the ESG, DEI trust."
Dylan Mulvaney Offers Companies Exit Plan From Woke Stronghold
- "Don't say what?"
DeSantis v. Disney: "The Party Is Over for Them"
- Says he refuses to “fall in line” like everyone else.
Video: Johnny Depp Trashes Hollywood, Cancel Culture and the Media
- "How will Wokeism affect the Synagogue nearest you?"
Judaism and Identity Politics
- "Journalist Louise Perry sets us all straight."
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution: A New Guide to Sex in the 21st Century
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:58 AM
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