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May 21, 2023

Gun Thread: Third May Edition!

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Howdy, Y'all! Welcome to the wondrously fabulous Gun Thread! As always, I want to thank all of our regulars for being here week in and week out, and also offer a bigly Gun Thread welcome to any newcomers who may be joining us tonight. Howdy and thank you for stopping by! I hope you find our wacky conversation on the subject of guns 'n shooting both enjoyable and informative. You are always welcome to lurk in the shadows of shame, but I'd like to invite you to jump into the conversation, say howdy, and tell us what kind of shooting you like to do!

Holy Shitballs! How in the ever-loving Hell did it get to be the middle of May? Next thing you know it will be the end of May and after that, the beginning of June! Later comes July, and then... well, you get the idea. Not a lot going on in WeaselWorld, made a quick trip to the farm to check on things and feed the ticks. I'm not sure if it's the fact I haven't mowed the grass yet, or that we had a sort of mild winter, but the tick population at the farm is robust this year. Looks like I will be spraying down there before much else gets done, and also remembering to put on tick stuff when I'm there!

Programming Note: I will be in and out (mostly out) of the comments tonight, so please don't burn the place down!!

With that, step into the dojo and let's get to the gun stuff below, shall we?

2023 NoVAMoMe Updates

A NoVAMoMe PSA from our pal bluebell

Hi folks - just a quick PSA. If you write for info about the MoMe, please give us a few words in the body of the email just so I know you are a Moron and not a spammer (moron). I do receive spam on this email account because it's sitting right here in my nic, so that's why I'm asking. I don't want to give our details to a spammer.

Posted by: bluebell - NoVaMoMe registration now open!

Nothing complicated, people. Just let bluebell know you're a regular and not an imposter!


NoVAMoMe Reminder
For all of you procrastinators out there waiting to see if a better offer comes along, please remember the deadline for 2023 NoVAMoMe registration is May 31st, and the deadline for mug purchases was May 20th. Thank you!


New! for 2023, the Moron Gun Club, Northern Virginia Chapter has organized a group shooting event at a local range in Virginia on Sunday the day after the official NoVAMoMe. There are only four slots left, so do not delay in contacting Sharon(wa) if you're interested. Details below:

The DMV MGC has made a reservation at our range to host a group of no more than 15 people in their party room on 6/11, the Sunday after the MoMe. This consists of 3 15 yd lanes and totally for our use only. We will have the lanes starting at 1:30 but will be asking people to arrive at 1 so we don't waste lane time getting organized and you will have to go through the safety briefing. There was a pretty significant fee so we need to charge $20 but there are no additional fees unless you want to buy ammo or rent a gun. Handguns only. We will have our personal arsenals (some much larger than others) so if you are weaponless that is not a problem. We only have 4 slots left so if you are interested, email Blaster at this address

The range is in Virginia so little more flexible if you are carrying. Once you have a spot, we will send you a link to fill out the guest form and sign the waivers so we don't waste time at the range getting people checked in. This way you just have to show ID.

Couple of caveats: a) you must attend the VAMoMe ($20 cash due at the MoMe), and 2) this is not part of the official MoMe. After the range meetup, we will head to our favorite restaurant for dinner. Separate checks.

Sharon(willow's apprentice)

Don't forget, there is a meetup for the airing of grievances on Friday afternoon and evening, the main NoVAMoMe on Saturday, and the opportunity to do some shooting on Sunday (separate registration required). Don't be a pathetic girly-man loser, register today!


We had fun last week looking at a Model 19 previously featured on the Gun Thread which had the added bonus of meaning I didn't have to come up with new and original content. It was in fact so wildly successful that I've done it again this week!

So, from February of 2019 we have:


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Hey! Those aren't sammiches!

What are these ladies doing? Why, it should be obvious they're making rifles at Royal Ordnance Factory Fazakerley in Liverpool. Leading up to WWII, munitions factories were built away from London at sites then considered safe from aerial bombing, with ROF Fazakerly producing the Sten, the Sterling and the Enfield rifle pictured below.

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Below is a closeup of the receiver showing the type, factory, date and serial number.

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The official designation for this rifle is the Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 5 Mk. 1, however, it was given the colloquial name "Jungle Carbine" by British troops serving in the Pacific theatre. Developed from the Lee-Enfield No. 4, the No. 5 is both shorter and lighter and was initially introduced for use by airborne troops. Beginning in 1944, No. 5 production lasted only four years with approximately 250,000 rifles made. The light weight and cut down stock design contributed to the significant felt recoil of the .303 British cartridge and the rifle was eventually retired from general issue.

Is the recoil of the No. 5 rifle stout? Even with a rubber butt plate, it sure is, but so is the M1 Garand with a steel butt plate firing the .30-'06 cartridge. What probably doomed the rifle was the assertion by many the No. 5 had a "wandering zero", with an investigatory board declaring flaws in the design led to inherent substandard performance. Also likely a factor was the British military's desire to adopt semi-automatic weapons as many other nations were doing at the time. For today's shooters, it is reported that considerable improvements in accuracy can be achieved with common gunsmithing techniques such as free-floating the barrel and bedding the stock.

The rifle was produced with a rear battle sight zeroed at 300 yards (274 m) and a flip-up ladder sight calibrated to 800 yards (732 m) in 100 yard increments. I'm a sucker for bolt action military rifles, and this one is no exception. It is quite a bit of fun to shoot and range babes are universally attracted to it's good looks, particularly the distinctive conical flash hider. If you all are interested, I'm thinking of conducting a half-assed accuracy comparison with the .303 British, the .308 Winchester, and the .30-'06 in an upcoming thread.

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L to R: 7.62x51mm, .303 British and 7.62x63mm

.303 Mark VII Ball Ammunition
.303 British Mark VII Ball ammunition consists of a rimmed, tapered case firing a 174 gr bullet at a muzzle velocity of 2440 fps. By comparison, 7.62 x 51mm NATO M118 Ball has a rimless bottleneck case with a 173 gr bullet (.308" dia.) and a muzzle velocity around 2550fps, and 7.62 x 63mm M2 Ball sends a 152 gr (.308") bullet downrange at around 2800 fps. The British follow the convention used in blackpowder rifles, where .303" is the nominal bore measurement between the rifling lands. The actual bore design specification between grooves is .311" with a recommended bullet diameter of .312". Very likely contributing to accuracy issue are reports of surplus rifles found with bore measurements varying greatly; with some as small as .309" and others as large as .318".

Do you own a Lee-Enfield, and if so, which type? What has your experience been with the .303 British cartridge? Any thoughts or experience to share with respect to accuracy? For our reloaders, how do you like the tapered cartridge design? For shooters, do you find the .303 British cartridge unpleasant to shoot in the shorter and lighter Jungle Carbine?


Guns of the Horde
This week our pal That SOB Van Owen shares a new shooting iron!

Just wanted to show off my latest acquisition to the Horde. It's a Tisas 1911A1 "U.S. Army" in .45 ACP (of course!) and is a damned nice clone of the venerable M1911A1, It looks Parkerized, it even has a slight greenish tint to the gray, but is actually a Ceracote finish. Tolerances appear to be very tight -- no rattle like I'm used to on my old originals -- and very smooth racking the slide. Trigger pull is a pretty consistent 4.5 lbs. but needs to smooth out some. I've only put a few rounds through it -- I hope to remedy that this weekend -- but so far I can't complain about the accuracy, although I have to admit it takes me some time to acquire those teeny little original sights.

Did I need another 1911? Don't be silly! Did I succumb to desire? You Betcha! It's purty, and I like it. And for just north of 400 bucks counting tax and transfer fee, I just couldn't pass it up. First 10 rounds. Not great, but not too bad for old eyes and little bitty sights. I think it shoots better than I do.

It fits right in with some of my WWII memorabilia, too

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Very nice handgun TSOBVO! I'm not sure I share your target assessment as "not great", though. Looks pretty good to me!


Next we have this red dot application from our pal CBD. Have to say I immediately and harshly judged what he's done here.

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Don't judge me!

I put a HoloSun red dot on my Mossberg 590 pump just for kicks, and because the 32 MOA circle is perfect for the upcoming zombie apocalypse!

Yes, the purists may sneer, but it is effortless to find the dot (or circle), and it is small enough that if it fails I still have a chance to hit what I am aiming at.

I find that red dots on long guns are far easier to find for my old eyes and rigid habits compared to red dots on pistols. I look like a retarded pigeon with my head bouncing all over the place when I try to find the dot on a pistol. But on a long gun my cheek weld lets me see the dot without any trouble.

I had toyed with the idea of a ghost ring sight, but I also wanted something illuminated, which requires some mechanical work to replace the front sight with a larger tritium ball. I just didn't feel like doing that, and besides, the red dot sure looks bitchin'!

And for astute observers, yes, that is a left-handed shotgun. Because left-handed guns are true and right and pure.

The Mossberg is fairly heavy, which mitigates the recoil somewhat, even with slugs or #1 buckshot (my preferred self-defense load). And with 8+1 capacity, I should be able to fight off the great herds of zombies that I expect to overrun Western civilization in the next few years.

I have an oversized safety on it because the stock version was narrow and felt flimsy. The new one is huge, my thumb falls right on top of it, and it looks cool!

Hmmm... he's making some good points here. I may have to reconsider all of my harsh judgements! What do all y'all think?


Too Good Not to Share
Our pal GWB sent this in for the benefit of all mankind!

Someone mentioned getting their Andrews Custom Leather holster, so I went and looked them up, and went through their catalog, and found this: The carjacker crossdraw. It's a pretty good concept - moves your weapon to where it's easily accessible while seated in the car. But there's some questions this raises for me...

1) Cop pulls you over for rolling through a stop sign. He walks up - and even though our state is open carry - he sees that gun basically right in your lap. How will he likely handle it? How do *you* handle it?
2) Getting into the car and getting the gun into the holster. The holster doesn't have to be permanently attached - it wraps around your seat belt so it's easy on and off. But how you carry outside the vehicle could have a big impact on this - you're moving your gun specifically because where you carry is a bit awkward to get the gun out while seated and belted. I tuck a shirt over my IWB, so really awkward. So, do you take the gun out of your carry holster before getting in, potentially flashing people around you in the parking lot? Do you fumble with it once you're seated, adding seatbelts and consoles and shirts to the getting-a-grip exercise?
3) The reverse - you likely need to take it off the belt before you unbuckle. But do you try and holster in a seated position? Do you open the door and make yourself vulnerable while re-holstering?
4) Do I just give up on looking like a professional and start wearing untucked polo shirts everywhere?

I do think the holster is a better idea than a magnet because it should stay in one spot if you're in a crash. But it's got the same issues other "stash it here in your vehicle" ideas have, I think.

GWB has some good questions. So what do you guys and gals think?


Armed Attorneys
Last week I included a video from the Armed Attorneys YouTube channel. I have been following the channel for a while and find the content on legal issues affecting firearm owners both timely and relevant. The videos are well produced and presented, so much so that I think I will make this a regular feature. Hopefully you will agree and find the content useful. If you agree, please leave a comment below so I can better gauge your interest.

Anyhoo - this week they discuss four stupid things people do to after a self-defense encounter that ultimately hurts their legal defense.


I get quite a few questions each week on the mechanics of atomic bombs and explosions, and found this short video answers a question I always had myself.


NoVAMoMe 2023

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Not so fast on the gun stuff, buckaroos! We have a little bit more on the NoVAMoMe to discuss. In fact, this will be the first of a long and seemingly endless series of reminders to get yo' big butt off the couch and come out and meet some of your online friends. Let's kick things off with a few NoVAMoMe FAQ.

Q: Is it fun?
A: Yes. Just ask anyone who has been to one. You will have fun, or else.

Q: When is it again? Did you say June?
A: Yes. A thousand times yes! June 10th, from 1pm til 6pm or so.

Q: I'm sort of a dork. Can I just slink-in, watch for a bit and then slink out without having to actually speak with anyone?
A: Yes. In fact, we have strategically placed large potted ferns for lurkers to hide behind.

Q: Will bluebell be there? I really want to meet bluebell.
A: Of course! Well, assuming things go well at the parole hearing.

Q: Is there food and drink?
A: Yes! $30 for a bigly buffet, and a cash bar. We had to bump up the food price a bit to cover costs this year.

Q: Can I make references, even veiled references to the secret MoMe location on the blog?
A: NO! Seriously, please don't.

Q: Sounds great, Weasel! How do I sign up?
A: We have an online page for registration. Email for all the details!

A: We will again have an online page with registration and payment specifics, however, it's not yet live as we're still working out a few of the details. Keep an eye out here on the ol' Gun Thread or the main page sidebar for more info in the coming weeks.

OK, I'm talking to YOU Mr. or Ms. I'll Go Next Time. Guess what? The next time is here. It's a really fun event and we would love to have you join us. Hopefully some NoVAMoMe veterans will speak up in the comments and encourage the introverts to stop being big baby chickens and make this the year to come out of the shadows!


Musical Interlude
Here is Led Zeppelin with Kashmir live in 1979.


Gun Basics 101
Here is the She Equips Herself gal with the Part Two video on Embarrassing Gun Questions


Cigar of the Week

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This week our pal rhomboid scores again with this excellent review of the Olivia Serie V.

Quick Take: A tasty little stick. The whole line is rated as "full bodied", but at least for me, in this small petite corona vitola, it comes off at the stronger edge of medium.

Full Review: One of Oliva's premier lines is their Serie V. A decade ago they extended this line by creating a new version, the Melanio (named for the Oliva who started the family tobacco business) that swapped the Nicaraguan Habano wrapper leaf for an Ecuador-grown Sumatra leaf. The fillers remain Nicaraguan, from the Jalapa area in the north of the country, which are known for their mellow and elegant flavors. Mellow smooth and flavorful certainly describe the Serie V Melanio. It's considered "full bodied", but at least in the No. 4 size (4.5" X 46), the petite corona, it's more medium-full, for me. It's a nice medium brown softly box-pressed cigar that draws easily and burns evenly. Smooth tobacco flavors with hints of spices and cocoa. A very nice stick. The No. 4 size is available online for $7 and up.

Excellent, rhomboid! Thank you!


Here are some different online cigar vendors. You will find they not only carry different brands and different lines from those brands, but also varying selections of vitolas (sizes/shapes) of given lines. It's good to have options, especially if you're looking for a specific cigar.
Bobalu Cigar Company

A note about sources. The brick & mortar/online divide exists with cigars, as with guns, and most consumer products, with respect to price. As with guns - since both are "persecuted industries", basically - I make a conscious effort to source at least some of my cigars from my local store(s). It's a small thing, but the brick & mortar segment for both guns and tobacco are precious, and worth supporting where you can. And if you're lucky enough to have a good cigar store/lounge available, they're often a good social event with many dangerous people of the sort who own scary gunz, or read smart military blogs like this one. -rhomboid

Anyone have others to include? Perhaps a small local roller who makes a cigar you like? Send me your recommendation and a link to the site!


Ammo Link-O-Rama
I'm really very seriously not kidding around anymore. Buy Ammo
AmmoSeek - online ammo search tool
GunBot - online ammo search tool
SG Ammo
Palmetto State Armory
Georgia Arms
Target Sports USA
Bud's Gun Shop
American Elite Ammo NEW!

***Mail Bag***

This week's mailbag entry is from our pal JT. Great one!

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Please note the new and improved protonmail account gunthread at protonmail dot com. An informal Gun Thread archive can be found HERE. Future expansion plans are in the works for the site Weasel Gun Thread. If you have a question you would like to ask Gun Thread Staff offline, just send us a note and we'll do our best to answer. If you care to share the story of your favorite firearm, send a picture with your nic and tell us what you sadly lost in the tragic canoe accident. If you would like to remain completely anonymous, just say so. Lurkers are always welcome!

That's it for this week - have you been to the range?

digg this
posted by Weasel at 07:00 PM

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