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Saturday Overnight Open Thread (5/20/23) »
May 20, 2023
The Music Thread: Rampant Iconoclasm...Run Away!

[Garrett has a formal event!]
But first...
The Beatles is the best rock band in...Hah Hah Hah...No way I can finish that sentence!
Fight me!
Yes, they are excellent, innovative, and much loved (or so everyone tells me), but they are also a band that screams out, "Look At Us!" And while they have some incredible songs, they also made a fair amount of pretty pedestrian music that I skip over after a few seconds.
And...were they any good in concert? I am not a huge fan of live music, but that is part and parcel of rock! The only Beatles concert music I have heard is resoundingly mediocre.
I like Come Together. It's interesting, and although like most Beatles songs it last too long, it's not the worst offender.
Help! Yeah...it's a good one.
Norwegian Wood. Not bad. I like the guitar work.
Strawberry Fields Forever. Am I the only one who finds this song really, really irritating?
I Want You. Sorry...another dud.
Below the fold is some stuff I have listened to in the last few weeks. Specifically: stuff I didn't skip after a few seconds. You know...like most of The Beatles stuff.
The James Gang? Funk #49
Lou Reed's Dirty Boulevard is quintessential, and definitely not for everyone, as he seems to engender some strong feelings. But I love him.
Boston! Peace Of Mind brings me back to my callow youth, which is not an unalloyed good thing for some people, but still, the 1970s had some damned fun music!
Speaking of the 1970s,
Fleetwood Mac Go Your Own Way is another huge hit from mid-decade that seems to define it in my music memories. The band did 17 studio albums, which is about 14 more than I knew existed, but I freely admit to being woefully ignorant of the minutia of the industry. I mostly just grunted and pointed when I heard something I liked.
Manfred Mann had a surprising number of hits for a band I always thought of a "One Hit Wonder" (sort of). This is a really fun one!
Do Wah Diddy Diddy
I pay no attention to modern music or its industry, so have no sense of whether new music is a very big deal to people the way it seemed when I was growing up. it is easy to fall into the conceit that the music that I grew up with was better, but maybe I have been missing some incredible stuff over the last 25 years when I simply stopped giving a rat's ass about new stuff.
Though, I doubt it.