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May 16, 2023
The Morning Report — 5/15/23
Good morning, kids. So today's dumb link comes (yet again) from Dan Gelernter over at American Greatness. Gelernter has been spotty at best in his essays, and Hanson, Kelly and Billingsley aside, that site has been deteriorating in quality for a while now, IMHO. But that said, there is something to what he proposes that would be rather instructive to a whole swathe of society.
Realpolitik, as well as the inconsequential nature of the vice presidency aside, while RFK Jr. has been right about Chinese COVID and some first amendment issues, he was, is and by all indications unless he has a real come-to-Jesus moment, always will be a hardcore leftist ideologue. His even accepting the VP slot behind Trump is a whole other matter in and of itself.
But all that said, let's say for arguments sake that the two do in fact form a unity ticket. Putting aside the aforementioned issues with RFK Jr., and the reaction from both the Trump base and the disaffected Dem base, if indeed both men could articulate the reason for them coming together – and both are quite good in their own right at communicating – there is no doubt in my mind that they would lose in 2024. Not legitimately of course. In a free and fair contest, if not landslide, it would be a clear, unambiguous victory and a mandate, same as what was supposed to for sure happen in 2020 and quite probably to a lesser extent in 2022.
And this is perhaps the only reason I would support this ticket. Contra the title of Gelernter's essay "Trump-Kennedy – The Only Solution to Voter Fraud," the only thing that that ticket would succeed in doing is to absolutely prove to the unbelievers that the Democrat-Left Deep State, aided and abetted by their allies in Davos, Brussels and Beijing, as well as the frauds, stooges and flunkies in the GOPe, steal elections and that 2020 was indeed stolen. Perhaps that is cold swift Manolo-Blahnik jackboot to the groin and follow-on stomp on the head that this country needs to wake itself the fuck up. If it's not too late as it is.
And that leads is into the John Durham Report, which does nothing more than officially prove what we have all known now for the past six years, i.e that Trump colluding with Vladimir Putin was not only a complete smear, but that the FBI/DoJ colluded not only with Hillary Clinton but actually contracted KGB assets to concoct that smear for the dual purpose of sabotaging Trump in the 2016 election and preventing the Hillary Clinton e-mail/private server farm scandal from doing that to her.
So, it's been proven. Will that stop the propagandists from declaring it a nothing-burger? Of course not. Not only that, look who are the prime mouthpieces for the Deep State: none other than the actual rogue intel officers and apparatchiks themselves such as this Andrew Weissmann cancer.
I won't quote this piece of shit traitorous mutt. But think about it. Andrew Weissmann who really was the one leading the Mueller "Investigation" into Trump/Russia Collusion. Over two years of a dog and pony show meant to hobble PDT and bamboozle the public which in the end collapsed under its own weight of being a supermassive black hole of nothingness. Worse, it was a complete fraud and disinformation op and despite finding nothing, it was the alleged cause for a corrupt House to bring the first of multiple impeachment cases against Trump.
And now, after the Durham report reveals all of this as bullshit and more crucially his and his agency's culpability in perpetrating this abomination on the American people and the theoretical rule of law, this filthy cocksucker is on TV declaring the report to be a nothing-burger?! If that doesn't make your had explode, you've watched Scanners one too many times.
So, what's to be done? Josh Hawley has kind of the right idea:
“[A]fter today, the media doesn’t care,” host Jesse Watters said. “They think, yeah, we cheated, but you didn’t catch us. You didn’t put any of our people in jail. We put your people in jail. That must mean that you’re bad and we’re good, and we’re better at this than you. That’s the basic argument. The corrupt Justice Department didn’t indict the corrupt Justice Department. So we win, you lose. Thanks for playing. Let’s turn it over now to Josh Hawley, a member of the Judiciary Committee. What are we going to do now? Are we going to do another report, Senator?"
“There needs to be a lot more than reports, Jesse,” Hawley said. “People need to be prosecuted for this. The Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton herself — is it any coincidence that she is tweeting about collusion at exactly the same time her campaign operatives are feeding this BS to the FBI? I don’t think so. There needs to be consequences for her and also for the FBI.”
“FBI leadership has clearly got to be changed,” he continued. “Jesse, I’m of the mind we need to end the FBI as we know it. It needs to be broken up. I mean, clearly, it has become corrupt. The leadership is corrupt. Talk to FBI agents in the field. I was doing in this past week. Great folks in my home state all over the place. But they are not served by this leadership. This leadership has become totally radically politicized, and we have got to change it.”
Senator, God love you, there aren't going to be any consequences for Hillary Clinton, or the FBI or anyone or any institution that perpetrated this on us. Calling for the FBI to be overhauled, broken up or even eliminated entirely is all well and good and quite justified. But it accomplishes nothing. It's not necessarily about institutions. It's about people. It's people from top to bottom who have demonstrated themselves to be both incredibly corrupt but so drunk on power and the singleminded obsession with accruing as much of it as they can, either for financial gain, ideology or a likely toxic combination of both that's the problem.
And while the DOJ and FBI got a 300-odd page sternly worded letter from John Durham, this happened:
The IRS on Monday removed the “entire investigative team” from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who recently contacted Congress to allege a coverup in the case, The [NY] Post has learned.
The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter.
“Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress. He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice,” Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt wrote.
The whistleblower, who supervised the Hunter Biden probe since early 2020, hasn’t publicly identified the first son as the subject of the case he says is being brushed under the rug, but congressional sources confirmed it.
“On April 27, 2023, IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel appeared before the House Committee on Ways and Means. He testified: ‘I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline.’ However, this move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry,” the lawyers went on.
“Our client has a right to make disclosures to Congress … He is protected by 5 U.S.C. § 2302 from retaliatory personnel actions—including receiving a ‘significant change in duties, responsibilities, or working conditions’ (which this clearly is) because of his disclosures to Congress.
“Any attempt by any government official to prevent a federal employee from furnishing information to Congress is also a direct violation of longstanding appropriations restriction. Furthermore, 18 U.S.C. § 1505 makes it a crime to obstruct an investigation of Congress,” Lytle and Leavitt wrote.
The whistleblower’s team added: “We respectfully request that you give this matter your prompt attention. Removing the experienced investigators who have worked this case for years and are now the subject-matter experts is exactly the sort of issue our client intended to blow the whistle on to begin with.”
The IRS and Justice Department did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Hunter Biden’s legal team and the White House also did not immediately respond.
The whistleblower’s representatives declined to comment further.
Hunter, 53, is under investigation for not paying taxes on millions in largely foreign-sourced income. . .
. . . The whistleblower was ousted from the investigation, along with an unknown number of subordinates, at roughly the same time as the Justice Department released a long-awaited report by special counsel John Durham detailing bias in the FBI’s investigation of former President Donald Trump’s alleged links to Russia.
The more than 300-page report dominated the evening’s news coverage.
The IRS whistleblower emerged last month when Lytle informed Congress that his client wanted to share information about “preferential treatment” in the Hunter Biden case and alleged false testimony to Congress by Attorney General Merrick Garland, who repeatedly assured lawmakers that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss can unilaterally make charging decisions in the investigation.
Leavitt, president of the group Empower Oversight, later joined as co-counsel.
The informant, who has yet to appear at the Capitol, already made disclosures to inspectors general at the Justice and Treasury departments.
Just one week after the whistleblower stepped forward, Hunter’s attorneys met with Justice Department leaders in a sign that a charging decision may come soon in the tax fraud investigation that reportedly began in 2018.
NBC reported last month that there was “growing frustration” within the FBI over the fact that Weiss, a Trump administration holdover recommended to his post by Delaware’s two Democratic senators, had not yet brought charges against Hunter Biden after the bureau concluded most of its work last year.
Note: As we have learned, being a "Trump administration holdover" doesn't mean jack shit. The pool from which Trump had to pick in Delaware were all essentially Deep Staters and leftist operatives so no matter who he had in that slot wouldn't have meant shit. But it gives the propagandists a handy-dandy tool with which to use as both shield and cudgel. In any case, this just underscores the abject corruption that even abolishing the FBI and demolishing the Hoover Building, the DOJ and Langley are meaningless.
Our entire governmental system is infected with this rot, top to bottom and inside out. Maybe a Trump-Kenndey ticket is what we need if for no other reason than to prove that America has been overthrown and corrupted not only in 2020 but perhaps way before that.
Of course, you should take comfort in the fact that there's one group that's standing by to defend truth, justice and the American way:
Now comes Patriot Front, sallying forth from rented U-Hauls, complete with a military drumbeat, to provide a poor excuse for a White supremacist boogeyman in time for the 2024 election. A magical manifestation of the militant insurrectionists missing from the J6 event? Cue Biden’s pandering Howard University commencement address of May 13, 2023:
“After being -- no longer being Vice President, I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania for four years. But in 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, crazed neo-Nazis with angry faces came out of the fields with -- literally with torches, carrying Nazi banners from the woods and the fields chanting the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ‘30s. Something that I never thought I would ever see in America. Accompanied by Klansmen and white supremacists, emerging from dark rooms and remote fields and the anonymity of the Internet, confronting decent Americans of all backgrounds standing in their way, into the bright light of day. And a young woman objecting to their presence was killed.
And what did you hear? That famous quote. When asked about what happened, that famous quote. ‘There are very fine people on both sides.’ That’s when I knew -- and I’m not joking -- that’s when I knew I had to stay engaged and get back into public life. (Applause.) No, I -- I don’t say it for that reason. I say it for the journey. I don’t have to tell you that fearless pro-progress towards justice often meets ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces. That’s because hate never goes away. ...To stand up against the poison of white supremacy, as I did in my Inaugural Address -- to single it out as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.” (Applause.)
Three instances of “white,” to ensure the message was received. This was from the same Biden who courageously took on Corn Pop at the swimming pool during his lifeguarding career or who vouched to having been repeatedly arrested in South Africa in support of Mandela. He made a career out of pandering to whatever group he is interfacing with, and Black voters are no exception. The problem for Democrats is they have been increasingly bleeding Black supporters, for multiple reasons, including economics. Is there anyone who believes the economy will not be in rough shape come November 2024?
Was it a coincidence Biden outlined Democrats’ 2024 game plan on May 13, the day 150 to 200 Patriot Front puppets marched on Washington, 1.5 years prior to the next federal election? This designer cult might pass for refugees from a Mel Brooks movie, but this is the best excuse for a White racist mob currently able to be cobbled together. Biden is a career liar. The clearest tell he is lying is when he announces, “I’m not joking.” The Right never successfully refuted the Charlottesville narrative, which will be recycled continuously as part of a multipronged scheme. On May 14 Alejandro Mayorkas appeared on MSNBC to recite his assigned lines, another preview of coming attractions:
“In the terrorism context, domestic violent extremism is our greatest threat right now. Individuals are driven to violence because of ideologies of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives, personal grievances and regrettably we have seen a rise in white supremacy.” [One instance of “white.”]
It would be easy to dismiss and ignore Biden’s latest comments as more of the same from a serial plagiarist and prevaricator. But he has now been joined by an army of professional fabricators: Mayorkas, Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley, John F. Kirby, Karine Jean-Pierre, Merrick Garland, Janet Yellen, Jennifer Granholm, Pete Buttigieg, etc., who tell us night is day. Biden is no longer an amateur anomaly; the task at hand is too great for a single sophist. The lies we are fed have a purpose. To ignore where they obviously lead is a serious miscalculation. . .
. . . As the likelihood of a second Trump administration increases alongside a struggling economy, we should anticipate manipulation efforts will multiply exponentially, especially use of the term “White supremacy.” Antifa and BLM riots were allowed to fester, along with incidents such as the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution, to precondition us for what lies immediately ahead. Al Sharpton’s impromptu retail race baiting in Crown Heights has been elevated to an organized, wholesale level.
I actually looked up and clicked on this Patriot Front website. I'm sure that act alone will have alerted me to the FBI but what they hell, they probably know me, as well as all of you, for just being here. In any case it's so slick it just reminds you of the thousands of professionally printed protest signs that take a few weeks to produce yet somehow magically appear seemingly overnight, right into the waiting hands of the Robert Creamer/Jan Schakowsky Central Committee Casting rent-a-thug goons who also miraculously appear from out of nowhere at SCOTUS, the Capitol or anywhere else something controversial (i.e. that doesn't go the Democrats way) happens.
Total fake site meant to get people to sign up and then get put on the Junta's "terrorist" watch list to be used in the next false flag "Whitmer Kidnapping plot" or J-6 phony insurrection as patsies.
Funny how they show up to protest Biden at Howard University but they never show up at MSNBC to harass Andrew Weissmann. Or to any of the mostly peaceful riots during the 2020 Summer of Love. Or to confront Antifa terrorists wherever they happen to show up. Funny that as the alleged premier group of "white supremacists" in the nation, and to crib/adjust a meme from the Lefties "bigger than the KKK, Aryan Nations and the American Nazi Party combined!," have yet to be targeted and hit with conspiracy charges from the FBI and DoJ. Hmm, head-scratcher, that is.
Dismantle the FBI. Pfft. The whole damn junta must be dismantled. Limb from limb.
- “Social disconnection doesn’t erupt at random.”
The Surgeon General’s ‘Community’ Cargo Cult
- Margot Cleveland: "The 2020 Georgia situation mirrors events of 60 years ago in Hawaii, revealing that everything the media have said about ‘fake electors’ is wrong."
The Left’s 2020 ‘Fake Electors’ Narrative Is Fake News
- Victor Davis Hanson: "In the great scheme of lying things, George Santos is a prevaricating minnow who was snagged to great acclaim because the lying sharks swim and circle with impunity." (write all the laws you want, but the Deep State will never go after one of its own made guys - jjs)
Hang All the Members of the Liars’ Club?
- Daniel Greenfield: "America was never 'white supremacist.' Nor was any other place."
The Myth of White Supremacy
- "Decisions can drop on almost any workday morning starting at 10 a.m., so keep the popcorn at hand. Even if victory isn’t won in every case noted above, even one or two wins would go a long way toward unraveling the web of control Leftists currently exert over the Land of the Free."
It's SCOTUS Decision Season Again! Here Are the Cases to Watch
- “Joe Biden says white supremacy is the nation’s greatest threat, but his administration is busy subsidizing the broadcast of Nation of Islam propaganda. Taxpayers should not be supporting Louis Farrakhan’s hateful rhetoric. I’m calling to halt any and all taxpayer funding to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting until WEAA stops airing Final Call Radio.”
Rep. Matt Gaetz Calls for Defunding Radio After NPR Affiliate Airs Louis Farrakhan Speeches
- "World Economic Forum (WEF) executive Linda Yaccarino‘s reign as CEO of Twitter is likely to result in clashes with nominally pro-free speech owner Elon Musk, tech industry media is reporting."
Tech Media Admits ‘Moderation Clashes’ Are Coming Back to Twitter
- "It didn’t matter how bad the Durham report would make the Russia-collusion hoaxers look. The same people who spent years peddling the conspiracy of Trump-Russia collusion were always going to dismiss the findings."
Corporate Russia-Collusion Hoaxers Dismiss Bombshell Durham Report Exposing Media Disinformation Campaign
- What would Ernest Hemingway say? A syllogism of his opinion would be as follows: Major Premise: “The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shock-proof, shit detector. This is the writer’s radar and all great writers have had it.” Minor Premise: Writers in the mainstream media failed to detect this piece of – fantasy. Conclusion: There are no great writers in the mainstream media.
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Media Malpractice: Russian Hoax Confirmed by the Durham Report
- "Border crossings are down—if you compare them with all-time highs achieved under this [junta]."
The Media's Misleading Math on Biden's Border Crisis
- CNN witnessed a surge in ratings during Trump’s town hall, reaching a viewership of 3.3 million. Trump boasted about the ratings in a Truth Social post Thursday night and commended CNN for making the “smart” decision to interview him.
REPORT: CNN Star Oliver Darcy Considers Resigning From Network After Melting Down About Trump Town Hall
- "Vice filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Monday morning, in what the Chicago Tribune called just 'the latest in a string of digital media setbacks.' The company is selling its assets for $225 million in credit to a group of three investment firms, Fortress Investment Group, Soros Fund Management, and Monroe Capital. Ten days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that Vice might get as much as $400 million from Soros & Co."
Woke & Broke: Leftwing Publications Like 'Vice' Are Failing Left and —Well, Left
* * * * *
- A recent press release mentioned that the investigation would hopefully bring about sanctions against the company. Apple’s practices have reportedly been characterized as associating “the serial numbers of the spare parts with that of a smartphone, notably via microchips, giving the manufacturer the possibility of restricting the repair for unauthorized repairers or of degrading a repaired smartphone with ‘generic’ remotely,” according to the report that was translated into English from French.
France Has Been Investigating US Tech Giant Apple Since December 2017 Over Alleged Planned Obsolescence
- "The Patriot Front looks like yet another false-flag operation coming [from] the same political cesspool as QAnon."
QAnon 2.0?
- Robert Spencer: "What happens when everyone who opposes the Left is labeled a white supremacist terrorist?"
The Threat Behind Biden’s Latest Lie
- "Murphy recklessly warned of a ‘popular revolt’ if the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t rubber-stamp an unconstitutional gun control agenda."
Chris Murphy’s Dangerous Threat of "Popular Revolt" Threatens the American Public
- "Does a payoff heal the wound?"
Reparations Are Not Amends
- Dennis Prager: "If every church—including black churches—preached, 'Do not hate whites,' then at least those who claim to take the Bible seriously would feel religiously obligated not to hate white people."
A Biblical Law That Would Change American Life
- “As to race, it’s simply not the motivation for Danny. He is the one that put himself in danger, to save who? All the people on that train. Black people, brown people, white people, it didn’t matter to Danny. Danny put his life at risk to save all those people. It has nothing to do with race.”
Daniel Penny’s Attorney Gives First Interview About Incident That Led To Jordan Neely’s Death
- "Chinese entries through our southern border are up 900%." (1977: Telefon, 2023: Terefon - jjs)
Chinese Fifth Column USA
- "At this point Joe believes only in a suicidal way out."
Biden’s Border Disorder and Debt Ceiling Mess
- Wane Allyn Root: "Alongside my classmate, Barack Obama."
Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America That I Learned at Columbia U
- "Nowhere, that’s where. Isn’t it interesting that when you really need the shiny-shoed, spit-and-polished generals, admirals, and commandants to stand up for the country when it’s being invaded, they’re silent?"
Where's the Letter From 51 Pentagon Command Suits Demanding the U.S. 'Defend Democracy™' Against Border Invasion?
- "In the two weeks leading up to the end of Title 42, Breitbart Texas reported the daily migrant apprehension rate increased from about 7,400 during the last three days in April to 10,605 on May 10 — one day before the end of Title 42."
Migrant Apprehensions at Border Continue Decline Post-Title 42
- "Biden’s remarks come after 83,000 migrants were apprehended last week trying to enter the U.S. illegally — the most in U.S. history — amid the ending of Title 42, a public health statute used at the border during the pandemic to help stem the flow of illegal immigration. In anticipation of its end, up to 700,000 people, including many from Central America, were waiting at the border for entry."
Biden Laughs at His Crisis on the U.S. Southern Border, Has No Plans to Visit
- "The news comes a day after hotels booted veterans out in order to house migrants."
NYC Residents Furious City is Temporarily Housing Migrants at Elementary School Gym
- "Nothing has been done by Congress or federal courts to revoke the FBI’s prerogative to fix the 2024 election. Perhaps the only thing that would awaken the American media is if the next president’s inaugural address invokes 'the will of the FBI' instead of 'the will of the people.' But considering the slavishness of the Washington press corps, maybe they would stand up and cheer for the FBI."
Durham Proves That Hillary and the FBI Tried to Rig the 2016 Election
- "It needs to be broken up. I mean, clearly, it has become corrupt. The leadership is corrupt. Talk to FBI agents in the field. I was doing in this past week. Great folks in my home state all over the place. But they are not served by this leadership. This leadership has become totally radically politicized, and we have got to change it.” (as bad as the FBI is, it's merely a symptom of the government as a whole - jjs)
Sen Josh Hawley: "We Need to End the FBI as We Know It"
- "It does exonerate Donald Trump."
Fake Jake Tapper Calls Durham Report "Devastating to the FBI"
- “The Durham Report confirmed what we already knew: weaponized federal agencies manufactured a false conspiracy theory about Trump-Russia collusion,” DeSantis wrote on Twitter. “It reminds us of the need to clean house at these agencies, as they’ve never been held accountable for this egregious abuse of power.”
DeSantis Blasts Feds Over Durham Trump-Russia Report; Previously Pushed DOJ Prosecute Those Involved
- "Former 2016 Trump campaign adviser Carter Page endured years of slanderous press coverage framing him as a covert Russian agent all because he refused to work for the FBI as a federal informant. That much is apparent based on an outline of the Page surveillance by the FBI revealed in the bombshell report by Special Counsel John Durham on Monday."
Durham Report Reveals FBI Vendetta Against Carter Page Behind FISA Warrants
- "‘For Fuck’s Sake, Man’ — British Intel Laughed at Peter Strzok’s ‘Thin’ Justification for Targeting Trump."
"There’s Nothing to This, But We Have to Run It to the Ground," Anti-Trump FBI Agent Strzok Said: Durham
- Funny how this Patriot Front never shows up at MSNBC when Weissmann is on the air.
MSNBC’s Paid Traitor Andrew Weissmann: Durham Report Big Fat Nothing," "Russia Interfered in the 2016 Election"
- Confirms what we knew since the outset that this was all a smear campaign, and also confirms that the perpetrators will get away with it.
Durham Report: FBI Should Never Have Begun ‘Russia Collusion’ Investigation
- "And proves again that he doesn't understand Trump at all."
Bill Barr Goes After Trump Again
- "The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter."
IRS Removes Investigative Team from Hunter Biden Probe in Move Whistleblower Claims is "Clearly Retaliatory"
- "Comer said he knows who is intimidating the whistleblowers."
Rep Comer: Nine of 10 Whistlebowers in Biden Family Business Investigation are ‘Missing,’ WH Intimidating Them
- "The agency just issued a fresh denial of FOIA requests from The [NY] Post and the House Oversight Committee for visitor records from Biden’s Delaware houses — in the process showing that denials were factually false. At last, the Secret Service admits that some records exist — contra absurd claims in earlier denials that they simply didn’t."
Secret Service’s Shady Protect-Biden Dodges Make ‘em ALL Look Guilty
- "Morell, who coauthored the infamous statement 51 former intelligence officials signed undermining the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020, received the magazine’s honor for his work on the subject of Ukraine."
Top Signer of Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Makes D.C. Magazine’s ‘Most Influential People’ List
- "Gas stoves are only one target among the many modern conveniences the [junta] wants to ban."
Yes, Democrats Are Coming For Your Favorite Appliances
- "There are many possible reasons for the United Nations’ new respect for real sources of protein."
United Nations’ Group Confirms Meat, Eggs, and Dairy are “Vital Sources of ‘Much-Needed Nutrients'”
- "Federal law and the Constitution require the Treasury to pay the debt, and it has ample tax revenues to do this."
Everything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit Is Wrong
- "They want a default."
McCarthy Says House GOP Making Little Progress With Biden On Debt Ceiling
- "The debt ceiling, a policy that prevents the federal government from spending beyond a predetermined national debt limit of $31.4 trillion, surpassed the threshold earlier this year. Yellen said in her letter to lawmakers that the Treasury Department expects to default on obligations as early as June 1 unless the debt limit is either suspended or increased."
Yellen Says Nation Could Face Debt Default In Less Than Three Weeks
- "Every penny collected in taxes goes to pay interest on the debt and a category described as 'payments for individuals.'”
The Great Debt Ceiling Deceit
- "Fairfax City Police detained a suspect who allegedly assaulted two staffers for Democratic Virginia Rep. Gerry Connolly on Monday." (my give-a-shit-ometer is barely pinging, all things considered - jjs)
Police Detain Suspect Who Allegedly Attacked Congressional Staffers
- "Last weekend, at least 26 people in Chicago were shot, eight fatally, including three who were wounded while standing on a sidewalk and caught in the crossfire between two vehicles. That’s up from the 20 citizens who were shot, and the four killed by gunfire, the previous weekend."
Chicago Citizens Have 1 in 15 Chance of Being Shot by the Time They’re 40; 26 More Victims Over Weekend
- "Police agencies across the country are experiencing alarming levels of officer turnover."
Stretched Thin
- "The maintenance of law and order should be seen as a pro-life issue because allowing lawlessness and disorder to spread costs lives."
You Can’t Be Pro-Life And Anti-Law and Order
- These revelations come soon after studies discovered the vaccines, among other things, “increase menstrual disturbance chances by up to 41 percent” and have a strong link to post-vaccination tinnitus.
REPORT: Chinese COVID Vaccines are Causing SEVERE Neurological Complications Including Bell’s Palsy and Strokes
- Lloyd Billingsley: " What departing CDC boss Rochelle Walensky isn’t telling the people."
Center for Deception Control
- "Wearing a mask is bad for you, actually."
Mask-Wearers Are Poisoning Themselves
- Henry F. Smith, Jr., M.D.: "In the long term, the biggest effect of [Chinese] COVID is likely to be lingering mistrust of the medical system."
Chinese COVID's Collateral Damage
- “What this does is reorient our universities back to their traditional mission and part of that traditional mission is to treat people as individuals, not to try to divvy them up based on any type of superficial characteristics,” DeSantis said during a press conference held at New College of Florida. “We’re going to elevate merit and achievement above identification with certain groups.”
DeSantis Signs Legislation Eliminating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education
- "For this, the goons and thugs of the queer agenda quickly moved to harass him, his family, and his employee, the last causing his firing. Note too that this harassment to his children had begun before he gave his speech at the school board meeting, and was in fact what prompted his appearance there."
Today’s Blacklisted American: Father Gets Fired Immediately After Speaking at School Board Against Queer Agenda
- "Meanwhile, leading children’s book company fuels Wokeism with shameful apology."
One Teacher vs. Wokeism in School
- "Though DeSantis has yet to officially announce, the Florida governor is widely seen as Trump’s top adversary in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. The two likely competitors have traded barbs for months, working to distinguish themselves to Republican voters who will decide who faces a vulnerable [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden in the general election."
Trump: Pro-Lifers Think DeSantis’ 6-week Abortion Ban ‘Too Harsh’
- "On Wednesday, 13 Senate Republicans sent a letter to Biden requesting his [junta] forfeit documents related to Executive Order 14019, which required hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in the electoral process by using taxpayer money to boost voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities. As The Federalist previously reported, voter registration efforts are almost always a partisan venture and often involve left-wing groups that abuse their nonprofit status to target likely-Democrat voters."
Senate Republicans Demand Biden Forfeit Info Over His Attempt to Federally Interfere in U.S. Elections
- Daniel Greenfield: "Rep. Tlaib event honored member of Islamic Jihad terrorist group at war with Israel."
Senate Dems Host Event Celebrating Islamic Terrorists Killing Jews
- "The event—a celebration of the "Nakba," a Palestinian term for the creation of Israel that loosely translates as "catastrophe"—drew widespread condemnation from House and Senate Republicans. Democratic leaders in both chambers, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), remained mostly silent."
Rancida Taliban Asks Supporters To 'Chip In' So She Can Host More Anti-Semitic Events
- "It seems there are two potential explanations for Mr. Page’s disappearing act: either he himself doesn’t want to testify because of personal fears of what crimes it might implicate him in, or someone or something else doesn’t want Mr. Page discussing what he knows about Jeffrey Epstein’s activities."
Google Co-Founder Larry Page Vanishes as Authorities Try to Subpoena Him in Jeffrey Epstein Investigation
- "State Sen. Dave Lin is the establishment favorite to replace Rep. Katie Porter in Congress."
WATCH: Drunk-Driving California Democrat Caught Lying to Cop About How Much He Drank
- "They badly want Trump to be the GOP presidential nominee, but they should be careful what they wish for."
The Democrat Plan to Pump and Dump Trump
- "The candidate who generates the most enthusiasm within his party’s base is obviously the candidate with the best chance to win the presidency." (so long as his base can "harvest" a few thousand ballots each, it's in the bag, or trunk - jjs)
Debunking the ‘Trump can’t win the general’ Myth
- "Republicans and Democrats have run their course. Throw the bums out. All of them." (in which being completely clueless, Dan Gelernter accidentally swerves into the only reason to do this - jjs)
Trump-Kennedy: The Only Solution to Voter Fraud
- "In an exclusive interview with The American Conservative, Florida’s Ron DeSantis explains his war with Disney for the soul and sovereignty of America."
The Ratcatcher
- "The move has raised speculation that Griffin, like his predecessor Christina Pushaw, is set to join the soon-to-launch Ron DeSantis presidential campaign."
DeSantis Press Sec Resigns After 8 Months, Raising Speculation
- "[Kate Berner] was a key player in passing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill signed by [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden in 2021, according to Axios."
Longtime Biden Staffer Intends to Depart in Coming Weeks, White House Staff Say
- "Refusal to wear the hijab has widened into a much broader women's rights protest movement."
Iranian Women Fight to the End
- "In Sweden, a long-delayed, and partial, turnaround on immigration."
The Giuliani Effect?
- "Israel needs not another temporary truce, but permanent victory."
Endless War Against Israel
- They'll have to love you loooooooooong time. . .
China Rolls Out Nationwide ‘Pilot Programs’ to Pressure People into Having Children
- And suffer what consequences exactly?
Tony Blinken Could Become First Secretary of State Held in Contempt of Congress
- "Unfortunately, those on the left seem all too willing to place the integrity of the Court in the dock for purely political advantage."
The Supreme Court in the Dock
- "Those sowing doubt about the Supreme Court are motivated by outcomes, not constitutional scruples."
A More Legitimate Court
- "The legal profession has failed to muster a meaningful defense of our system of government and the rule of law in the face of unprecedented attacks from the Left."
Legal Profession Fails the Court
- "The superfungus was first detected in New York City. The new species may start making its way through the homeless population soon."
CDC Reports America’s First Cases of Drug-Resistant Ringworm
- Maybe it can eat ringworm and stop that epidemic. Winning . . .
Flesh-Eating ‘Zombie Drug’ Ravaging U.S. Due to Additive in Fentanyl Flooding Across Border
- "Why don’t they just serve the children cardboard?!"
USDA Wants to Ban Chocolate Milk From Schools Due to Added Sugar
- "The report noted that mitochondrial diseases can end the lives of newborns within just a few hours or days after being born, with some families losing multiple children this way. This recent medical development is generally seen as the only realistic way of allowing parents to have a child of their own, who are otherwise susceptible to bearing children with the incurable disease."
UK-Born Baby First to be Created with DNA from THREE people
- "If it is understood that pedophilia isn’t a sexual orientation, why are left-wing academics trying to normalize it? Can Politifact explain this? It can’t and won’t."
Democrats Kowtow to Pedophiles Again in Minnesota
- The bizarre document argues children below the age of four have “the right to ask questions about sexuality,” as well as “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body”.
WHO Under Fire for ‘Early Childhood Masturbation’ Guide for Kids Under 4
- "We’re well into the 21st century, but it’s breaking news when a doctor discovers what humans have known since time immemorial."
Medical Mavens Discover Men and Women are Different
- Miller Lite released an ad on March 7 titled, “Bad $#!T to Good $#!T,” which goes after the beer industry for its supposed sexism against women. The ad has drawn recent criticism after Bud Light’s promotion of transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney showed off a beer can with the influencer’s face on it. They also released a can with a rainbow that states “celebrate everyone’s identity,” and features different pronouns.
Miller Lite’s Chief Of Marketing Has Spent Years Flopping From One Liberal Cause To Another
- Robert Spencer: "Wokeness kills."
Bud Light Nosedive
- Christian Toto: "TikTok superstar's previous Bud Light pairing cost beer company billions."
Margaret Film Teams with Dylan Mulvaney for Paid Partnership
- "To cave in here is to lose our souls."
Richard Dreyfuss and the Difference Between Cultural Capitulation and Cultural Sensitivity
- However much America’s “hard power” in the world has diminished, our “soft power” is holding steadily.
Eurovision: A (Dubious?) American Triumph
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:54 AM
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