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May 11, 2023
The Morning Report — 5/11/23
Good morning, kids. With the continued dissolution of what's left of what was the United States, you'd be forgiven for not knowing that there was a town hall Q&A in New Hampshire last night with President Trump that was broadcast on CNN. That CNN's ratings are the equivalent of a 5,000 watt college radio station somewhere in the Aleutians also might have something to do with it but I digress.
My prediction that it would either be a disaster or a brilliant move for Trump was partially accurate. With all the crap swirling around him, the fact that he decided to go on that whorehouse of a junta owned-and-operated house organ made me cringe. Yet he not only acquitted himself well he wiped the floor with this Kaitlin Collins floozy. Whatever you think of Trump as the potential standard-bearer for 2024 he made great points on a number of issues, but for me, the key takeaway of the evening was that it was a big unforced error for CNN.
Not, as the Marxists shriek, that they gave the big bad orangeman bad "a platform to spread his lies," but that they gave a man who they and every other Leftist in America has smeared as the second coming of Hitler a platform in the first place. They spent every second of every day of the past eight years shrieking that at a volume that makes a 1973 Deep Purple concert sound like an amoeba farting on the dark side of Pluto. Yet in one night, whatever their calculus was, they legitimized a man they spent all that time and effort trying to delegitimize. Or, short of that, they did serious damage to that meme. And remember, Trump represents half of a nation that Biden and his ilk want chucked in a gulag, or a mass grave.
Oh sure, the usual gang of assholes, miscreants, freaks, geeks and Maoists from Van Jones to Fake Jake Tapper were ripping him to shreds afterwards, but the damage was done. Obviously, they thought they were giving him the noose to hang himself with and just the opposite happened. Frankly, from what I could tell, they didn't seed the audience with Media Matters-approved stooges, and if they did, Trump came out swinging. Again, like him or not for 2024, he did no damage to himself and there were indeed a number of key points on a range of issues that he brought up which will resonate with the public. Kudos to CNN at least for accidentally being "fair and balanced" (suck on it, Murdochs). This assumes CNN has an audience or that Trump had the ability to make it must-see TV the same as if he were holding a rally.
And with that longer-than-I-wanted-it-to-be lead-in, of course, one of those key issues is the border. As of today, we have none. Officially anyway since this ludicrous-level madness has been going on for the past two years on top of what's happened since 1965.
This is not a natural crisis. This is a premeditated invasion at the behest of Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants' handlers to both bolster the Leftist-Democrat base as well as continue the destruction of our culture, heritage and society by supplanting what was American with something that is not. The ¡Bienvenidos! mat is out. And it's an American flag that millions of third world peasants will now wipe their feet and dystentery/cholera/typhus/rubella-laden rectums on, con gusto. Your tax dollars at work, amigos.
Without fully comprehending the terrific forces it is unleashing, the Biden [junta] has set in motion the scramble of literally millions of economic migrants around the planet: first, by refusing to keep in place President Trump’s measures that effectively blocked unlawful entry at U.S. borders (particularly at the Mexican frontier); and second, by loudly proclaiming the need to offer all migrants “safe, orderly, and humane pathways” to enter the United States. In their ideological fever to accommodate the millions who yearn to live in the U.S. if given the chance, Biden officials simply ignored the fact that our country already has a generous and functioning lawful immigration system in place. The system is not “broken”; it is simply not enforced and does not give Biden the flexibility to admit the millions he wants to accommodate.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has pivoted from claiming the border is secure to asserting that the administration was desperately confronted by an unprecedented “migration crisis” across the Western Hemisphere. Events have finally forced him to concede that migration chaos reigns, but Mayorkas continues to fundamentally obfuscate any honest analysis of push-and-pull or cause-and-effect, refusing to acknowledge that the administration’s policies of trying to accommodate millions of economic migrants spawned the creation of millions more . . .
. . . Another unintended consequence of Biden’s immigration policies has been to make the Department of Homeland Security, nominally tasked with U.S. border and internal security, into Washington’s leading foreign affairs agency, at least in the Western Hemisphere. Nothing offered by State Department diplomacy, USAID foreign assistance, or U.S. Southern Command military cooperation can come close to matching DHS open-border policies in having the influence on millions of people across the Americas. Other U.S. foreign policy objectives in this region—e.g., support for democratic reform—simply cannot keep up with what DHS is offering . . .
. . . The crowning achievement, at least so far, is Mayorkas' decision to wave his magic immigration wand and offer 30,000 monthly admissions into the United States for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans. Open-border advocates say little about how this exodus indirectly props up hostile and despotic governments. Few young and ambitious people remain to sacrifice themselves in building these countries when the gringos are offering jobs and financial subsidies with practically no cultural or linguistic assimilation required.
Three of these countries—Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela—are run by broken-down Marxist tyrants who constantly seek to drive away their political opponents and no doubt see the Mayorkas policy as pennies from heaven. They thrive in exiling the “enemies of the revolution,” while also plotting schemes to siphon off millions in cash remittances that expatriates send home. Disappointingly but predictably, the State Department made no demands on strongmen Diaz-Canal in Cuba, Ortega in Nicaragua, or Maduro in Venezuela before announcing the Mayorkas plan. In return for accepting what is likely to turn out to be millions of migrants from these countries, the Biden [junta] demanded no reciprocal concessions on human rights, free elections, or economic liberalization . . .
. . . In interjecting immigration into American foreign policy, Trump was a piker in comparison to Biden. Putting aside the Ukraine conflict, the Biden [junta's] foreign policy will certainly be remembered for this above all. If the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] gets a second term, this [junta] will completely remake how foreigners come to America. One senior State Department diplomat recently told me that the United States still needs to “attract” immigrants. That statement is so detached from what is actually happening in the world that it is little wonder that DHS, and not the State Department, has stumbled into the job of running U.S. foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere.
Yup. If you can't turn Americans into good little obedient Communists who have the formerly innate American sense of wariness of government brainwashed out of them from pre-K to post-grad fast enough to transform society (and dear Lord all things considered they've been wildly successful so far) then just import millions of people who do not have such misgivings about Communist juntas to "fortify" – is THAT ever an appropriate word, n'est pas? – your hold on "our precious democracy" (*vomits*). As if Title 42 were really holding back these hordes. The Junta has been directing DHS to bring these people in way ahead of today's expiration probably for weeks if not months already and transport them not only to the blue shit-holes but more crucially, to red states in order to help Guam-tip them over to blue.
Population replacement. Remember: it's not a conspiracy theory when you have the conspiracy and the conspirators actively conspiring right in front of you.
So, Mayorkas is completely ignoring federal laws both with Title 42 and the volumes of extant immigration laws, and Biden is threatening to invoke a Constitution he despises to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling either ignorant of or not caring that he has ZERO authority to do so. Meanwhile in another part of the forest, here's further evidence that we are being stomped on by jackbooted fascist thugs with essentially zero opposition by the alleged opposition party:
Christopher Wray may be quickly earning the title of king of coverups. He is now aggressively using his agency to shield [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden from congressional oversight. It is bad enough that his politicized agency sat on the information in Hunter Biden’s laptop for almost four years with their Elmer Fudd investigation of its contents. Wray is now moving beyond the passive-aggressive phase. By defying a legitimate Oversight Committee subpoena, he seems to be actively participating in an FBI coverup. But all the slow-walking and slow-talking won’t prevent the facts from getting out. There are still honorable men and women in the FBI. You can shut them down and hide what they have uncovered, but the truth will find a way out. And the sooner, the better.
Stop the presses. Emphasis mine. Exhibits facts not in evidence. Roll tape . . .
For a long time, the FBI has been earning a reputation as an arrogant, unaccountable government operation. Defying congressional investigators only confirms the suspicion that the agency sees itself above the ordinary legal process. Christopher Wray serves subpoenas on other people and forces them to comply. His FBI defies subpoenas and expects Congress to back off.
There is an old axiom about leadership. No one is fit to lead who has shown himself incapable of obeying. By refusing to comply with the congressional subpoenas issued by Rep. Comer and Sen. Grassley, Wray is setting the stage for a constitutional crisis. Will he obey the law or spit in its eye? How much disrespect will the American people put up with from unelected political hacks?
"Setting the stage for a constitutional crisis." Don't make me fucking laugh. I hate to be the bearer of bad news here but the Constitution is dead. If the Constitution is indeed "living and breathing" as the leftists constantly claim, then it only has the breath of life in it when it is strictly and absolutely obeyed and defended to the hilt – by any means necessary should it rise to that level and sure as the sun rises in the east it did on Election Night 2020 – by everyone who swore an oath to do so.
It is painfully obvious that precious few are among that group. And even if there are stalwarts and patriots remaining in DC and other political halls of power around the country, they are effectively outnumbered by scum, traitors and tyrants in Congress, the courts and most crucially the Administrative state, i.e. the Deep State.
As we often conclude the Podcast, the latest episode dropping a bit later this morning (check the sidebar) "on that cheery note . . . "
- "The ‘Mayorkas Doctrine’ has completely remade migration patterns in the Americas and changed the internal politics of migrants’ countries of origin—and not for the better."
Mayorkas Runs U.S. Foreign Policy in the Western Hemisphere
- Victor Davis Hanson: "Death is traumatic enough, without searching for ways to gain political traction from it."
Weaponizing Death
- “In their rhetoric and style, trans activists bear a close resemblance to ACT UP.”
How Leftists Became Big Pharma’s Shock Troops
- The organization’s executive director, David Becker, is not a household political name. But he has been extremely influential for years behind the scenes in rigging voting rules to ensure maximum benefit for the Democrat Party, such as making mail-in voting as easy as possible. Becker is, to put it lightly, a controversial figure. . . He has also been the subject of an ethics complaint while working for the Department of Justice. “He’s a hard-core leftist,” his colleague at the DOJ, Brad Schlozman, remarked at the time. “Couldn’t stand conservatives.”
Deep State Technocrats Convene in D.C. Spy Museum, Collude to Rig 2024 Election
- "Raymond Ibrahim: "There can be only one answer to this question, but it's the unpopular answer."
Is Any "One Culture Superior to Others?"
- "This is not your father’s illegal immigration."
I Witnessed Biden Officials Helping People Come Into the Country Illegally
- "Tomorrow is going to be a day of infamy." (and it's here - jjs)
Trump Predicts 15 Million Illegal Immigrants From End of Title 42
- "In 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, former President Donald Trump invoked Title 42 at the United States-Mexico border to ensure that federal immigration officials could quickly return illegal aliens to their native countries for the sake of public health."
Report: Biden’s DHS Prepares to Free Border Crossers Directly into U.S. Communities Once Title 42 Ends
- "Drone footage from Fox News on Tuesday evening showed a massive group of migrants crossing illegally into Brownsville." (shoot to kill - jjs)
WATCH: Texas National Guard Repels Line Of Migrants Illegally Crossing Into U.S.
- "Mayorkas’ 'Nation of Immigrants' claim refers to the Cold War lobbyist narrative that the United States is a homeland for migrants, not for Americans. The narrative was created by Democratic-linked advocacy groups and business interests, despite enduring Americans’ primary concerns for their fellow citizens."
(we're a nation of citizens, you bald-headed scumbag - jjs)
Mayorkas: Americans’ Priorities Are Subordinate to ‘Nation of Immigrants’
- "It is the supreme arrogance of the current [junta] that they can enact such irresponsible border policies and expect no social dysfunction to result."
Strain of Border Crisis Is Fueling a Spike in Violence
- “The Biden Border Crisis has wreaked havoc across the United States and has put Americans in danger. In Florida, we will not stand idly by while the federal government abandons its lawful duties to protect our country.”
DeSantis Signs Strongest Anti-Illegal Immigration Bills Into Law As Biden Border Crisis Worsens
- "George Soros is behind the Biden [junta's] enablement of millions of so-called "asylum seekers" to flow across the U.S.-Mexico border."
Biden Applies Nazi Collaborator Soros’ Open-Border Policy
- "The safety of a republic depends essentially on the energy of a common national sentiment; on a uniformity of principles and habits."
America’s Founders Didn’t Support Open Borders, And Neither Should We
- "The American government is in the illegal immigration business."
Build Back Borderless, Bankrupt, and Broken
- "US money-laundering regulations are practically designed to shroud crimes by American politicians."
How the Biden Corruption Radar Ran Under the Radar for So Long
- "[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden is at the center of a political favor-selling scheme and subsequent coverup, Republicans say."
Bidens Made Millions Exchanging Political Favors For Foreign Money, Then Tried To Cover It Up: Oversight Report
- "It’s clear from the FBI’s response that the unclassified record the Oversight Committee subpoenaed exists, but they are refusing to provide it to the Committee," Comer said. (pull out Wray's fingernails with pliers, rhetorically speaking - jjs)
FBI Misses Deadline to Turn Over Document About Alleged Joe Biden ‘Bribery Scheme’
- "By defying a legitimate Oversight Committee subpoena, he seems to be actively participating in an FBI coverup. But all the slow-walking and slow-talking won’t prevent the facts from getting out. There are still honorable men and women in the FBI. You can shut them down and hide what they have uncovered, but the truth will find a way out. And the sooner, the better." (My ass! I'll believe that when I see it - jjs
Christopher Wray Needs to Comply With House Oversight Committee Subpoena; He's Not Above the Law
- ". . . the American people are going to see just exactly what the Biden family has been engaged in. We all heard Joe Biden say during the presidential debate that his family never received any money from China. We’re going to learn today whether or not that was a truthful statement. We’ve heard Joe Biden say he didn’t have any knowledge of his family’s shady business dealings. We’re going to learn today whether or not that’s true."
GOP Rep. Comer: "We’re Following the Money — All Roads Lead to Joe"
- "James Comer (R-Ky.) promised he was going to release evidence of financial misconduct by the Biden family. What we got instead of bank records is a memo written by the House Oversight Committee summarizing what’s in the records. This is not how winning works. Not releasing the actual records allows the White House to claim that Republicans have nothing and this is all a publicity stunt. Republicans made sure to give an incredibly boring press conference about it that will put everyone who watches it immediately to sleep. Do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery."
Hey Republicans! Release the Records of the Biden Payments, Dummies!
- "The reports also confirm that the U.S. national intelligence apparatus aided and abetted the Bidens in covering up their links to Chinese Communist-linked entities that were paying massive amounts in exchange for political favors, as well as attempting to delegitimize the release of Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents."
CIA Operatives Aided in Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up, Congress Reveals Massive, China-Linked Influence Peddling Scheme
- "David Cariens, a retired CIA analyst, told congressional investigators in a written statement that an active CIA employee involved in reviewing his memoir 'asked' if he would sign the letter in October 2020, which he agreed to do after hearing the letter’s contents, a new report shows."
Active CIA Employee ‘Asked’ Intel Veteran If He Would Sign Hunter Biden Letter: Report
- The bloodbath of left-wing media outlets continues with the news that Paramount will shut down MTV News. This is part of Paramount’s 25 percent staff reduction “across the Showtime, MTV Entertainment Studios and Paramount Media Networks groups in the U.S.”
MTV News Is Latest Left-Wing ‘News’ Outlet to Shut Down
- This is either a genius move on Trump's part or colossally stupid. Why not do one with TuCa on Twitter?
CNN Railed Against Platforming Donald Trump. Now It's Hosting a Trump Town Hall.
- "Oh no, how awful."
NBC Host Worries No One Will Be Able to “Police” What Tucker Carlson Says if He Moves Show to Twitter
- "So, two years too late, the Times fesses up. Will anyone else in the news media?"
Shock: The New York Times Admits Biden’s Border Policies Encourage Illegal Immigration
- "If your child has Snapchat, this is your sign to get rid of it."
Snapchat’s ‘My AI’ is a Dumpster Fire
- "The senior justice is the sort of man who can tell what a woman is. In Wokeville, such men are dangerous. That is what the whole ethics 'scandal' is really about."
The Media Assault on Clarence Thomas
- “They’re living in hell, and they’re policemen, and they’re firemen, and they’re soldiers, and they’re carpenters and electricians, and they’re great people. Many of them are just great people.”
Trump: "I’m Inclined to Pardon Many" J6 Prisoners if Elected, "Two Standards of Justice in This Country"
* * * * *
- “Someone gonna get hurt on their side and I hope I get to do it,” Derek Summers wrote. “I’m sooo ready to show up with guns lol,” added Summers, a rapper who offered firearms training to the group. On Facebook, he repeatedly posted pictures of himself with guns, with one adding the quote “all this love is waiting for you.” (funny if he wound up with his throat slit and his house burned to the ground - jjs)
Soros Prosecutor’s Staffer, Dem Candidate In Violence-Tinged Group That Plotted Against Conservative Parents
- "Theron’s video represented one of many celebrities’ appearances at the 'Drag is Not Dangerous' fundraiser, a live telethon event over the weekend put on by Hollywood organization Producer Entertainment Group and major LGBTQ organizations."
Over-the-Hill Soiled Dishrag Charlize Theron Threatens to "Fuck Up" Conservatives Worried About Drag Queens Sexualizing Children
- "The mostly black group just voted to give its members millions of dollars."
Does No-Whites-Allowed Reparations Task Force Represent a Conflict of Interest?
- On Tuesday, the DOJ filed charges against Santos in the Eastern District of New York. While originally under seal, the 13-count indictment unveiled Wednesday morning shows the DOJ charging Santos with “seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of making materially false statements to the House of Representatives.”
DOJ Strategically Timed Political Arrest to Coincide With Press Conference Detailing Evidence of Biden Corruption
- "The responsibility for leaving conservative justices with hostile groups planted outside their doors rests with Merrick Garland."
Merrick Garland’s Refusal to Protect Supreme Court Justices Endangers the Country
- "Progressive blue cities risk entering a spiral of decline as productive residents leave for safer, more economically dynamic red states."
The "Crime Rush" Is Deepening the Nation’s Divisions
- "Leave us alone."
11 State Attorney Generals, Including D.C., Want Federal Action on Gas Stoves
- "'DOE's proposal is an attack on gas cooking appliances,' trade group says."
Pasta Lovers Beware: You Could Spend an Extra 23 Hours a Year Boiling Water Due to Biden's Gas Stove Rules
- Manchin has sparred with the [junta] recently over the implementation of the IRA, alleging the Biden [junta] is undercutting Congress’ goal of boosting U.S. manufacturing by allowing certain allies to qualify for tax breaks meant for American manufacturers. In an April Senate hearing, Manchin got into a heated exchange with Biden’s Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, over her agency’s support of the administration’s interpretation of the IRA, frustratedly calling for her office to “[f]ollow the law!”
Biden’s Permitting Wishlist Completely Omits American Oil and Gas
- "Manchin’s threat to act as a roadblock to EPA picks could really throw a monkey wrench into Biden’s climate plans. But the West Virginia senator would only need one more moderate Democrat to join him in blocking Biden’s nominees. Given the radicalism of Biden’s emissions plans, it probably won’t be that difficult." (he's a showboating whore; not holding my breath - jjs)
Joe Manchin Says He Will Block All Biden EPA Nominees Over New Power Plant Regs
- "When will they tell us the crisis is over? Best guess: never."
Why Does Anyone Believe These People?
- "There are geopolitical and energy realities that nuclear can solve."
The Dawn of a U.S. Nuclear Renaissance
- "Bringing economic ruin to America – while benefiting China and its ruling class."
The Green New Deal and ‘Chinafication’ of the United States
- ". . . legal experts and Republican lawmakers who spoke to the Daily Caller News Foundation disagreed. They have said that should Biden do so, it would bring about Congressional challenges and protracted legal battles that may eventually lead to a default." (presidents, legitimate or not as in this case, do NOT have the power of the purse, period - jjs)
‘Impeachable’: Legal Experts, GOP Lawmakers Warn Biden Against Invoking 14th Amendment on Debt Ceiling
- David Harsanyi: "If you want to spend without any limit in perpetuity, just say so."
The Democrats’ Debt Ceiling Position Makes Zero Sense
- "During Trump’s 48 months in the White House, monthly consumer price increases averaged 1.9%, year-over-year. During the 28 months that Joe Biden has been in office, prices have averaged 6.4% higher than they were 12 months earlier."
Consumer Prices Up 4.9% from Year-Ago, as Increases Under Biden Remain More than Three Times Higher than Under Trump
- "Under Dimon, JPMorgan has pursued Environmental, Social and Governance investing and the 'debanking' of conservatives all while pledging greater investment in America’s greatest adversary, China."
JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon is No "Savior": He’s a Bond Villain
- “Human life is more important than property. We need to change our local law so that security guards cannot unholster their weapons just to protect property.”
San Francisco Supervisor Calls For Prohibiting Security from Using Guns to Protect Property
- “I will not raise my son here.”
Chicago Prosecutor Quits After 20 Years, Slams Leaders for Putting City ‘On a Course to Disaster’
- "What does sitting idly by do to our character?"
Clever Cowards
- "The Left's penchant for making martyrs and heroes out of scumbags."
If Jordan Neely Had Been in a Workhouse, He’d Still Be Alive
- "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-collaborating nonprofit, EcoHealth, has been granted an annual $576,290 for the next four years by the taxpayer-funded and formerly Fauci-led National Institutes of Health (NIH)."
Trump Froze Taxpayer Funds for a Key Wuhan Lab Collaborator. Biden Just Brought it Back.
- "Lee immediately pulled her daughter from the school, which resulted in a well-child check by the school. Lee responded to the well-check by stating her daughter was “doing much better” now that she was attending a Christian school."
Colorado Mom Sues School After Secret Trans Group Recruits Her Daughter and Does 'Unthinkable Things'
- The full clip can be viewed below, and contains details of Chang’s absurd promises at the Catholic university, as well as her explanation that the university is attempting to be quietly more deviant, without being “too public.” (I read that as "pubic" - jjs)
OMG: Hidden Camera Catches Catholic College Prioritizing Transgender Student, Promising Shared Accommodation With Biological Girls
- "Children have been taught to read through a 'fundamentally flawed' and scientifically unsound system."
Progressives Just Admitted They Were Wrong on Phonics
- "NASA should draw on the efforts of SpaceX’s experimental schools."
The Next Frontier in STEM Education
- "Compelled speech runs afoul of courts."
Mandatory DEI Statements at Universities: They’re Distasteful, But are They Legal
- "From Howard Zinn to Nikole Hannah-Jones."
The Demise of Spelman College
- Christopher F. Rufo: "The university has adopted radical politics in order to 'dismantle systemic racism.'”
DEI Swallows Texas A&M
- J. Christian Adams: "One reason Warner has been a leader on clean elections is because he is engaged on a national level with election integrity issues. Maybe that’s a bad thing at The Dominion Post. It certainly is a bad thing among leftist academics who prefer to cancel and shun lively debate. The Dominion Post was upset that Warner attended an event that Dominion Postt reporters weren’t invited to."
Cancel Culture Comes for Mac Warner, One of the Best Secretaries of State in the Nation
- "Hamadeh blasted Democrats for their hypocrisy when it comes to their mantra of ‘count every vote.’"
What You Need To Know About Next Week’s Court Hearing On Arizona’s 2022 AG Race
- "Details such as the year are trivial, according to this deliberative body."
In Trump Decision, Jury Finds Itself Guilty
- "Carroll alleged in 2019 that Trump raped her in either 1995 or 1996 in a dressing room at Manhattan’s Bergdorf Goodman. She sued the former president after he denied even knowing her. Trump labeled Carroll’s accusations a 'hoax and a lie' during his deposition."
E. Jean Carroll Admits She Helped New York Dems Change Law So She Could Sue Trump
- "A judge ruled in favor of forcing a middle school to host an After School Satan Club, in the latest example of a disturbing trend."
Get Behind Me, After School Satan Club!
- "Tlaib’s event was held in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Hearing Room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, a panel chaired by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). During the event, Tlaib confirmed that Sanders allowed her to use his committee’s room."
Rancida Taliban Tlaib Hosts Jew-Hate Anti-Israel Naqba-berg Rally at the Capitol Despite Kevin McCarthy’s Move to Block It
- "A federal grand jury indicted him on 13 total federal charges."
Rep. George Santos in Custody, Faces Federal Charges Including Theft of Public Funds
- "If lying your way to office were illegal, then Joe Biden would be in jail."
George Santos’ Real Crime Was Making Democrats Look Stupid
- "Reid Hoffman also met with sex trafficker on at least two other occasions."
Billionaire Who Funded E. Jean Carroll’s Lawsuit Against Trump Visited Epstein’s Island
- "You are a nasty person."
Trump Hijacks CNN, Steamrolls Kaitlan Collins in New Hampshire Townhall
- "It was clear from the outset that Collins was outmatched. Even AOC saw that it was trainwreck."
A Few Thoughts About the CNN Townhall with Trump
- "Trump repeatedly sparred with CNN host Kaitlan Collins throughout the event on a wide range of subjects, including his stolen election claims, the January 6 riot, a civil court ruling that he battered and defamed author E. Jean Carroll, the economy, energy independence, the debt ceiling, the Second Amendment, the border, abortion, the war in Ukraine, and more."
Notable Moments From First Part Of Trump’s CNN Town Hall In New Hampshire
- No, I want 400 more years of exactly that, times a million.
Joe Biden After Trump Town Hall: "Do You Want Four More Years of That?"
- "Most voters are kinda tired of y'all."
Rep. Byron Donalds Spars With CNN Panel Over Town Hall With Trump
* * * * *
- John McCain was spotted reaching out from his coffin in the Rotunda to welcome her back . . .
Feinstein Returns To Senate In Wheelchair, Needs ‘Lighter Schedule’
- "Be very fucking worried." (this could be a phony psy-op story - jjs)
Dems Quietly Fret That Biden Could Lose To Trump In 2024 Rematch
- "The degradation has reached levels of absurdity not found in even the best satires."
We Are Living in a World Made for Satire
- "The formula for Biden’s entire term has been for him to stick to the script, read from the teleprompter and say as little off the cuff as possible. But now it’s clear he can barely even do that."
Don’t Be Surprised if Joe Biden is Not the Democrats’ 2024 Nominee
- "Recipients include state-run Xinjiang manufacturer linked to abuses against Uyghurs."
World Bank Sent Funds to Sanctioned Chinese Companies Linked to Military, Human Rights Abuse
- "All bark but no bite?"
Iran’s Attempted Intimidation of Israel
- "The dismal reality of what this immigration has meant to France."
Nearly Two-Thirds of French Want to End Non-European Immigration
- "Are the Zionists really so wicked?"
Israel Tries to Make Haj Trip Less Burdensome for Israeli Arabs and Palestinians
- "The prime minister has decided to make this move after an eight-year-old was abused by his stepfather and subsequently died a few days later due to the injuries inflicted, per TVP Info."
Polish PM Calls for Reinstating Death Penalty After Killing of 8-Year-Old Boy
- Daniel Greenfield: "Milley was bad, Brown will be much worse."
Next Joint Chiefs Chair Wants White Male Officers to be a Minority
- “For the past two years, we have been working to address urgent challenges at the USMMA, and to provide its cadets with the resources and support they need and deserve,” Buttigieg said after announcing the advisory council appointments.
Peter Puffer Buttplug Buttigeig Doubles Down on Woke Advisers at Merchant Marine Academy Despite Congressional Scrutiny
- "LeoLabs has suggested that whatever Object J is, it appears to have significant abilities to maneuver within close proximity and interact with other objects in orbit, which could raise interantional concerns, as it relates to space missions."
China Testing Spaceplane That May be Able to Attack Other Satellites: Report
- It’s unclear whether Delaney’s failure to disclose his role violates federal law, which requires judicial nominees to disclose their "significant legal activities," even those that did not go to trial, and bars them from intentionally omitting or misrepresenting information on their Senate questionnaires.
Biden Judicial Pick Ignored 'Serious Criminal Allegations' Relating to Largest Ponzi Scheme in New Hampshire History
- "It needs to buck up some courage and do the right thing."
FDA Should Fast-Track New Muscular Dystrophy Drug
- "What the critical shortage of baby formula is really about."
The War on America’s Babies
- "In its lust to destroy every taboo about sexual behavior, the left is never satiated. Next up? Acceptance of pedophilia."
The Next Frontier For The Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia
- "I do hope that the American LGBTQIA+ community rises up to demand this."
Will Biden Boycott the Olympics?
- Robert Spencer: "This is great to see. It demonstrates that corporations that continue to appease the hard Left and feel free to outrage the sensibilities of patriots in doing so can be made to suffer for it. . . The crowning irony in all this is that these people are unlikely to be big beer drinkers at all. But if our good luck holds, they’ll be the last drinkers of Bud Light."
Wokeness Kills: Bud Light Sales Nosedive Continues, and Now Other Anheuser-Busch Brands Are Suffering, Too
- "Actress Marcia Gay Harden’s proud proclamation at a drag telethon reveals the rot at the root of our culture."
"My Children Are All Queer"
- "The Chosen is crushing the Hollywood model of wokesterly correctness, demon-glorification, and social degeneration as fare the audience somehow wants to pay money for."
The Runaway Success of The Chosen is Starting to Make Heads Spin in Hollywood (the power of Christ compels them! - jjs)
- Christian Toto: "Oscar winner says mistakes were made, allowed extreme pro-Democrat bias."
Natalie Portman Ignores Her Part in Time’s Up’s Collapse
- Robert Zimmerman: "What matters is that we are all human beings struggling hard to do right for ourselves and for others. That one group finds their way to moral action through their religion should not matter to the secular, ever. What should matter is that both are working to do right, together."
Hiking in a Most Unusual Way, for Ohers
- "[Dolph] Lundgren was first diagnosed in 2015 and underwent successful treatment. His lung cancer returned in 2020 and at that point, he was told it was terminal. The actor said his lungs, kidneys, and spine all had tumors." (Godspeed - jjs)
Famous Actor Reveals Devastating Lung Cancer Diagnosis
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:40 AM
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