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April 08, 2023

Saturday Morning Coffee Break & Prayer Revival

4 8  coffee.jpg


I have it. Do you?

Good morning. 2nd weekend of April, time is flying. I hope you all have a nice Easter Weekend.

Just a couple of friendly reminders this morning.........

1) Enjoy the beverage of your choice.
2) Opine and/or bloviate away the morning in this open thread.
3) Be kind to one another.
4) Just remember the EOBs do not explain the actual costs of your visit to the ER because of those sharp objects.
5) And finally, have a wonderful weekend.


Is it dark roasted? That's the only bean lingo I need.

The Coffee Lingo You Need to Find Your New Favorite Beans
Natural vs. washed, blend vs. single-origin. A fruit salad’s worth of flavor notes. You need a cheat sheet to understand how the descriptors on the bag translate to the taste inside each cup.


AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

Please submit any prayer requests to me, “Annie’s Stew” at apaslo atsign hotmail dot com. Prayer
requests are generally removed after four weeks unless we receive an update.

Prayer Requests:
3/11 – Jasonj asked for prayers for Barbara, his wife, to be added to the list. She had back surgery
recently, and is healing well, but has a long road ahead. Also please add Alex, his son, who is a
quadriplegic with a serious addiction to pain meds.
3/11 – Free Tibet asked for prayers for his friend JR, who is undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer
(neuroendocrine version). Thanks to the Horde for everything.
3/15 – NJ asked for prayers for his wife Christina. She had surgery in December which resulted in CRPS
(Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) in her right foot. The pain is interfering with her daily activities and
preventing her from sleeping properly.
3/15 – Half Dozen asked for prayers from the Horde. One of her adult sons was diagnosed with a brain
tumor. They are still evaluating him to decide next steps. It will probably involve brain surgery.
3/19 Update: Her son is in the hospital, and scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor that is at the
point where the spinal cord connects into the brain. They have determined that the tumor has not
spread to other areas of his body. Thanks for the prayers and friendship.
3/15 – Tcn in AK, Hail to the Thief asked for prayers for DH, who goes under the knife on Friday to
remove an old stim from his spinal column. This will allow him to have an MRI, to figure out what to do
about his 3 collapsed disks. Prayers, but optimistic prayers at this point.
3/16 – Cybersmythe continues to request prayers for his friend D.C., an occasional reader of the AoSHQ,
who is in the hospital after having a stroke and some other health issues.
3/27 Update: Cybersmyth’s friend has died, so he requests prayers for her family and that her soul
finds its way home. Cybersmythe has also been laid off and requests prayers from the Horde to find
something new.
3/18 – Megthered asks that the Horde would keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers. Her
husband has to have open heart aortic valve replacement and her daughter has been diagnosed with
lymphoma. They are being treated at Ohio State University and the family has rallied around them.
3/18 – gp asks for prayers for Al, who is homebound, needy, and lonely. He also asks for prayers for
Brian, who is afflicted by the horrible maladies of old age.
4/1 Update: Brian is on the mend from his latest bout of disease.
3/20 – Ladyl asked for prayers for her son, who was hospitalized for a serious infection that happened
after a minor injury.

3/22 – Sal asked for prayers for her sister’s ex, who became very ill while away from home (at his
daughter’s destination wedding). He is in ICU with sepsis and kidney function problems.
3/29 – Notsothoreau asked for prayers for her co-worker, C. He is a young guy and the new
management is grinding him down. Prayers that he can quickly find a new job where he is appreciated.
3/30 – Hrothgar asked for prayers on behalf of Ed L., who is a member of the Moron Gun Club. Ed’s
mother passed away in Hawaii this past weekend. He and his brother will be busy settling her affairs
there (in Hawaii) over the two weeks or so. He did get to see her over the Christmas holiday, which was
a blessing.
4/1 – NaughtyPine’s mom is receiving hospice at home. She’s in decent spirits and seldom has pain; they
are hoping this continues. Prayers also for Dad, who has health problems of his own and is convinced
she’s getting better every day. They recently celebrated 58 years of marriage.
4/6 – Fenelon Spoke asks for continued prayers for the church she serves, that if it’s God’s will they stay
open to the glory of God, through some financial arrangements with either the Open Space Committee
or neighbors who have expressed an interest. She is touched and grateful for the support in various
ways from kindly Horde members. God bless you all! Thanks to all praying for their church patriarch,
Ray. He is doing better than he was a few days ago, and Fenelon so appreciates the prayer support. Also,
thanks for prayers for Jessie, their organist. She is making some recovery and hopes to play for Mother’s
Day. Also, she thanks God and a very kindly poster who has been advocating for FenSon to get a summer
internship with his company. It’s really something FenSon is interested in, so prayers that it can be
worked out would be appreciated.
For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact Annie's Stew, who is managing the
prayer list. You can contact her at apaslo at-sign hotmail dot com. If you see a prayer request posted in
a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to Annie's Stew. She tries to keep up with
the requests in the threads, but she's not here all of the time, so she may not see it unless you e-mail it
to her. Please note: Prayer requests are generally removed after four weeks or so unless we receive an

 Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but
the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows
the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

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posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:00 AM

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