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March 23, 2023
The Morning Report — 3/23/23
Good morning kids. Frankly, I don't know why I'm covering the battle between Trump and DeSantis since – along with the nation's continued headlong plunge toward a totalitarian dystopia (world-ending coronal mass ejections notwithstanding) it is a lead pipe cinch that the Democrats will attempt to steal the 2024 election, and all things considered, likely get away with it. Yet again. For the Kurts and Karens around here that insist Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants' 82 million votes were actually cast by 82 million legal registered voters, I give you this article about a detailed audit of the data, the conditions on the ground, combined with the massive amount of circumstantial and anecdotal evidence that would at a minimum cause any reasonable non-Kurt or Karen to raise a Mr. Spock eyebrow to the summit of K2.
But be that as it may, for those of us who think that Trump's past his prime, is too old, made too many mistakes, hate his childish name-calling, etc. etc. and are pinning their hopes on Ron DeSantis as the golden boy who, ironically enough, will carry the movement to restore America that Trump started, maybe we should pause for a second to reconsider that. It might be a bit premature to say he screwed the pooch but for sure "Meatball Ron" might have shot himself in the foot, and on a matter that is far from trivial to say the least.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis toughened his stance on Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling Putin a “war criminal” who should be “held accountable” for the invasion of Ukraine, just days after he claimed the Ukraine war is not a “vital national interest.”
DeSantis angered Republican hawks, Never Trumpers, and neocons less than two weeks ago when he characterized the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a “territorial dispute” that is not a “vital” U.S. interests. . .
. . . DeSantis also said his critics “mischaracterized” his use of the phrase “territorial dispute.”
“Well, I think it’s been mischaracterized,” DeSantis said when asked if he regretted using that language. “Obviously, Russia invaded (last year) — that was wrong. They invaded Crimea and took that in 2014 — That was wrong.” . . .
. . . When asked if he would support any efforts to hold Putin accountable for war crimes, DeSantis affirmed his belief that Putin is a “war criminal,” but fell short of endorsing any trials by the international criminal court (ICC).
“I think he is a war criminal,” DeSantis told Morgan. “This ICC … we have not done that in the U.S. because we’re concerned about our soldiers or people being brought under it. So, I don’t know about that route, but I do think that he should be held accountable.”
[Tucker] Carlson seemingly responded to DeSantis’s tougher stance on Wednesday, criticizing politicians who cave to media pressure and regurgitate “childish slogans” like “Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.
Carlson said:
Welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight. Let’s enter fantasyland for a moment. Let’s pretend for a sec that our country had a news media that was interested in bringing you the news. Not in lecturing you about your moral inferiority “You’re so bad” or lying to you and transparently obvious ways. “January 6 was an insurrection guys” or even in forcing you to repeat whatever childish slogan they’ve come up with this week. “Vladimir Putin is a war criminal.” Okay. “transwomen are women.” All right, “say it or else.”
Ultimately, DeSantis believes Ukraine will prevail in the war against Russia.
Ugh. Just fucking ugh.
Before people start replying "But Trump did this and Trump did that!" I'm not interested in that right now. We know what Trump did, didn't do and should've done. I'm interested in how the DeSantis boosters can defend this kind of flip-flopping from someone who is supposed to be the greatest thing, well, since Trump. And saying that is not a defense of Trump nor an implication that I support Trump. Before this, and certainly before the Bragg-a-douche-ious attempt to toss him into the Garland Archipelago, I was mostly consigned to throw my support to DeSantis. But no matter how you slice it, this kind of "let-me-be-clear" wishy-washiness is not good.
The fact of the matter is DeSantis was right on target when he said this was a border dispute. And yes, Putin is a war criminal, a thug and generally a not-nice person. And I feel sorry for the innocent people on both sides of that disputed border, which has been disputed for a few hundred years if not longer, who are suffering and dying. But unless and until Putin launches a nuke on the USA or directly attacks our actual national security interests, I could care fuck-all about Ukraine, meaning its corrupt government and banks which are tied at the hip to the ruling class on both sides of the mythical aisle right here. And in fact, I'd be heavily inclined to look the other way if he actually did launch a nuke on D.C.
The other fact of the matter is the base of the Republican Party in the main does not support our sending money to Ukraine, does not support sending troops to Ukraine, and a majority of Americans fear a potential nuclear war over Ukraine.
The other other fact of the matter is Donald Trump feels the same way about this. Unequivocally I might add.
Trump . . . [argued] that our commitment in the region was simply not in America’s strategic interest.
Retaining his transactional view of diplomacy, Trump spoke like a dealmaker by asserting that it is Europe’s responsibility to pay “far more than [the United States].” He also promised that, as president, he would end the war “in 24 hours.” Given Trump’s foreign policy achievements while president—ranging from North Korea, where he got Kim Jong Un to agree to a nuclear ceasefire, to Afghanistan, where he set into motion the end of a nearly two decades-long conflict, to Ukraine itself, where Russia ceased aggressive maneuvers in the region while he was in office—there is reason to take his claim as something more than bombast . . .
. . . For his part, DeSantis offered his best Trump impersonation on foreign policy. The Florida governor’s insistence that the United States should not become “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” at least seemed to incite the ire of David Frum, Bill Kristol, and Jonah Goldberg. At any rate, DeSantis’ supporters have pointed to these reactions as proof that their favored candidate has fully adopted MAGA noninterventionism, a claim ardently contested by Trump supporters who argue the Florida governor’s unexceptional record, which pretty much toed the establishment line on foreign policy, as well as the questionable personal ties some of DeSantis’ closest acolytes have to Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Given that nothing in DeSantis’ background, prior to becoming governor, screams populist or nationalist bonafides on foreign policy, it is important to read DeSantis’ statement carefully. Criticisms from neoconservative pundits aside, many of those mobilizing behind DeSantis’ presidential campaign, including Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, the Murdoch family, and Jeb Bush, might be called neoconservatives or neocon-adjacent. With that consideration in mind, DeSantis’ statements seem far less radical. For instance, his argument that the United Should not become “further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia” could well be read to mean that the current situation, in which well over $100 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars has already been expended, is acceptable under a would-be DeSantis doctrine. Not too long ago, Biden himself said he would be interested in meeting with Putin to find “a way to end the war”—suggesting an approach not unlike that advocated by DeSantis.
. . . Finally, the telltale sign that DeSantis may not be serious about spearheading a fundamental shift from the uniparty consensus was his usage of the term “blank check.” The phrase, used in the context of critiquing the Biden Administration’s wasteful management of the conflict to date (“The Biden administration’s virtual ‘blank check,’ funding of this conflict for ‘as long as it takes’ . . . distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges"), has repeatedly been offered by other leading Republican establishment figures . . . In sharp contrast, the “blank check” language is totally absent from Trump’s statement, or from any public statement the 45th president has issued so far about the Ukrainian conflict. Instead, what we see are statements written in his recognizable cadence. Unlike DeSantis’ somewhat ambiguous language, Trump’s statements exhibit his trademark authenticity, and are to the point: totally unequivocal about where he stands on the conflict. That level of precision is ultimately missing from any other candidates’ statement—including the Florida governor’s.
Though it is undeniably good that DeSantis finds it necessary to pay lip service to noninterventionist strategies in order to win over the base, there is still cause to question whether his allegiances are truly aligned with the MAGA base or with the war lobby that remains hellbent trying to involve us deeper in yet another winless war in Eastern Europe.
This essay seems to have been written before DeSantis sat down with Pierced Organ (a.k.a. Piers Morgan). So this, coupled with the flip-flop on "territorial dispute" and Putin as a "war criminal" should give Team Ron boosters something to think about. Citing Trump's negatives – and believe me, he has them in spades – does not erase, excuse nor eliminate the ones that DeSantis has. Trump is of course a known quantity. DeSantis is gradually becoming one, and his strongest positives are in his record of resisting the Chinese COVID lockdowns and maskings, beating back the transexual perverts and critical race hustlers, as well as creating an environment that has attracted fleeing blue staters to breathe freely in Florida by the thousands.
But in the run-up to his officially announcing his candidacy, some of these negatives about who his backers are are coming to the fore. Worse, the triangulation/ equivocation/ diffidence/ mixed-messaging – hell, let's be honest here, flip-flopping – on his characterization of Ukraine is troubling to say the least.
Yes, Trump has his baggage and his negatives. But that does not mean that DeSantis doesn't have any. Is this gaffe a one-off? We shall see.
Known knowns vs unknown knowns, or whatever the hell Rummy called it.
Meanwhile, while we're all flinging poo at each other over this, the institutionalized cheating that fucked us all over in 2020 across six crucial states has yet to be dismantled.
- Robert Spencer: "Leftist witch-hunters stumble into quicksand . . .It is no accident that the specter of Trump’s arrest arose so quickly after Tucker Carlson exploded the Left’s Jan. 6 'insurrection' narrative. The fire brigade arrived and put out that fire, and so now the destroyers of what they piously claim to be saving, the republic they call 'our democracy,' have to find a new Reichstag Fire. Enter Alvin Bragg, ready with rags, gasoline, and matches. The fire will be lit. What it will destroy before it is finally put out is anybody’s guess."
Surprise Grand Jury Witness May Have Destroyed the Whole Case Against Trump
- "This latest development raises new doubts as to whether the indictment will happen at all, especially in light of a previous report that sources close to the investigation believe it is possible that Bragg may end up not indicting Trump at all, and that Trump’s team has not been formally notified of an imminent indictment. It’s not clear why Bragg, who has been presenting “evidence” against Trump since mid-January, suddenly halted the grand jury from convening. This has led to speculation that recent developments may have further weakened his already fragile case, and may even result in the failure of any potential indictment."
Trump Grand Jury Session Abruptly Canceled
- "Jordan sent Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz each letters, obtained by Breitbart News, with his requests, accusing the pair of shaming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg into 'resurrecting' the Trump probe after they quit because of Bragg’s doubt about moving forward with the case when he first took office last year."
Jim Jordan Seeks Testimony from Manhattan Prosecutors Who Resigned over Stalled Trump Probe
- "Right now, former President Trump is declaring that they are going to arrest him," López Obrador, who is also known by his initials AMLO, said during a press conference. "If that were the would be so that his name doesn't appear on the ballot." "I say this because I too have suffered from the fabrication of a crime, when they didn't want me to run," López Obrador said Tuesday while discussing Trump. "And this is completely anti-democratic.... Why not allow the people to decide?"
White House Denies Mexican President’s Claim That Biden Is Trying to Derail Trump Ahead of 2024 Election
- “Look, the bottom line is, as I said, it’s premature to comment on what’s happening, and we’ll have to wait and see what he does,” Schumer responded. (when you've lost [seemingly] one of the junta's biggest shysters . . . - jjs)
Cuck Schemer Refuses to State Confidence in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg
- "This is the equivalent of a nationally televised jaywalking arrest to humiliate a person due solely to personal hate."
SHOT: Democrats’ Banana-Republic Persecution of Donald Trump Must Meet a Republican Response
- "With teammates like these, who needs enemies?"
CHASER: Piece-of-Shit RINO Stooge Cornyn Attacks House GOP For Investigating Political Prosecution of Trump by Nazi Collaborator Soros-Funded DA
- "When we remember that Trump stands to be tried in New York, we can see the peril he faces."
Trump Could Be in More Danger Than You Think
- From commenter MTF who sez: "first HotGas essay worth reading in forever."
Jesse Kelly Schools Trump Supporters
* * * * *
- Prosecutors allegedly showed in court last week that they had “sufficient” evidence that Trump “intentionally concealed” the existence of classified material at his Mar-a-Lago home from his own legal team, according to a U.S. federal judge who was overseeing the case up until late last week.
Appeals Court Rules Trump Lawyer Must Testify To Federal Grand Jury, Turn Over Records Due To ‘Crime-Fraud Exception’
- White House to send Comer a dinner invite with Vince Foster in 5-4-3-2 . . .
Comer: 'My Message to the White House Is, This Isn't Going Away'
- Margot Cleveland: "There’s a serious potential conflict of interest given the nominee’s involvement in investigating a business run by the [so-called quote-unquote "president's"] brother."
Biden Nominates Federal Prosecutor With Massive Conflict Of Interest Over Biden Family Corruption
- "A shocking viral video shows a small white child with his parents being racially abused by a black man on the New York subway."
Just Get the Hell Away
- ". . . when the TPUSA chapter submitted an application once again to paint a mural, the city changed the rules for mural submissions. The city revised the requirements to state that murals cannot contain speech, and Bloomington rejected the All Lives Matter mural once again."
Bloomington Rejects 'All Lives Matter' Mural After Allowing 'Black Lives Matter' Murals
- Unless the NASB is abolished, its board members looking at a few years in federal prison, and Merrick Garland booted and disbarred, all of this is just a waste of time.
‘Weaponization’ Panel Finds ‘No Legitimate Basis’ For DOJ School Board Memo
- Robert Spencer: "Did it get diversity and social justice? Not quite."
What Did the Failed Silicon Valley Bank Get for the $70 MILLION It Gave to BLM and Similar Groups?
- "The Office of Reparations would oversee distribution of a proposed $5 million to every black person in city."
San Francisco Lawmakers Move to Establish $50 Million Reparations Bureaucracy (at a cost of $1 billion a year, indefinitely - jjs)
- "What if I told you that a very powerful man has, in his own words, been 'infiltrating governments' around the world to implement a surveillance state, strip you of your property rights, and remove your freedom of speech?"
The Worst Prison Is the One You Don’t Know You’re In
- "An effective defense begins in knowing your enemy and understanding, fully and finally, that he is your enemy."
The Song of That Siren, Hope
- Mostly because the Chi-Coms paid them to downplay fears of Chinese influence.
American News Outlets That Took Money From TikTok Downplay Fears Of Chinese Influence
- Christian Toto: "Candace Owens' doc triggers students, campus allows protesters to win the day."
Greatest Lie Silenced by Woke Mob, Media Silent
- "Rep. La'Tasha Mayes demanded at an appropriations hearing that Pitt disinvite critics of transgender activism."
Pennsylvania Dem Threatens To Withhold Funding From University of Pittsburgh Over Conservative Speakers
- "She’s decided to continue serving as a mouthpiece for Joe Biden."
Piss-Hockey Psaki Struggles in Premiere of Her New Show
- “It definitely feels like a dog whistle that is dangerous.” (bastard child of Chucky and Rosa Klebb - jjs)
Video: MSLSD Panel Says That Criticising Nazi Collaborator George Soros in Any Way is “DANGEROUS”
- "You're making a mockery of the First Amendment!"
Video: Reporter Snaps at Karine Jean-Pierre
- “Parents deserve to know what was really at stake in the Virginia Assembly with Sage’s Law, but they won’t read about it in the Washington Post, which deliberately erased not only her story but even Sage’s name.”
Parental Rights Advocates Battle With Activist Media Over Child Sex Change Treatments
- "President and CEO Chris Spear of the American Trucking Association counters: 'If the reports are in fact accurate, let us remind you that this isn’t the United States of California.'”
Biden Junta to Use California as Tool to Smash Existence of Diesel Trucks in the U.S.
- "It's déjà vu all over again . . . since we have been getting 'less than a decade to stop climate change' warnings for more than 30 years."
Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before
- The proposed amendment would result in renewable energy firms being at increased risk of lawsuits as courts determined the extent of the amendment, which is open to interpretation, the Interwest Energy Alliance alleged, mirroring a report by the state’s Legislative Finance Committee. Democrat State Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez dubbed such criticism “misinformation,” but nonetheless declined to put the bill up for discussion, the Post reported.
As 10 States Consider ‘Green Amendments,’ One Faces Pushback From Renewables Lobby
- "Turns out the eco-activists are still not consoled about his the approval of the ConocoPhillip’s Alaska project."
Biden Creates New National Monuments in Nevada and Texas
- "The Fed was stuck between a rock and a hard place. With the Fed increasing interest rates, banks could likely continue to struggle with liquidity and perhaps cause more bank failures. Not raising the interest rate would likely fuel inflation that previous interest rate hikes were intended to reduce."
The Federal Reserve Increases Interest Rates amid Banking Crises
- "Rate hikes increase the cost of borrowing money, lowering inflationary pressures as consumers and businesses assume less debt. Federal Reserve officials previously set interest rates targets between 0.0% and 0.25% during the lockdown-induced recession to stimulate economic activity; target interest rates now sit between 4.75% and 5.0%."
Stocks Slide After Federal Reserve Hikes Target Interest Rate, Balances Fighting Inflation And Protecting Banks
- "Non-monetary policymakers haven’t risen to the challenge."
The Other Things Fueling Inflation
- "The bank’s lending practices toward insiders, such as its own officers, directors, and principal shareholders, are one area that has received attention. According to government data, loans to insiders more than tripled from the third quarter of 2022 to $219 million in the last three months of the year. Since at least two decades ago, this amount represents a record dollar amount of loans given to insiders."
Report: Loans to Silicon Valley Bank Insiders Tripled to Record High as Collapse Loomed
- "Why do ideas like the flat tax die quiet, unceremonious deaths each and every time they come up? Two reasons."
Why a Flat Tax Will Never Get Off the Ground
- "With two porous land borders to defend, as well as increased attempts at illegal entry by sea, American sovereignty is now more conceptual than real."
Can We Call It an Invasion Now?
- "Have you vaccinated your children?"
Rand Paul Grills Moderna CEO Over Adverse Vaccine Reactions
- Assuming that there are enough people who want a booster or even their first shot, the fact of the matter is that the price hikes by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech will have to be made up somewhere. The question is, will that be in insurance premiums, health care costs, or the federal budget? Or a combination of all of the above? Granted, the costs will not even make up a drop in the spending bucket, given the amount of money going out the door these days. But it will still end up costing the American people somewhere. (Pelosi's portfolio must be protected at all costs! - jjs)
Moderna Plans to Hike Its Chinese COVID Vax to $130 Per Jab
- "Court hears five separate challenges to New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act in spirited, three-hour hearing – the result is anybody’s guess."
Challenges to New York’s End Run Around SCOTUS 2nd Amendment Ruling Argued at Second Circuit
- California U.S. District Court Judge Cormac J. Carney ruled that the California Unsafe Handgun Act’s creation of a “gun roster” of acceptable handguns for serfs to own is unconstitutional and ordered an injunction stopping its implementation. Expect it to be appealed by the defendant in the case, California’s Attorney General Robert Bonta, though he doesn’t have much left to go on after this decision.
A Federal Judge Looks at a California Gun Law and Says, 'Bye!'
- "Activists disguise ‘social and emotional learning’ as a mental health initiative. In reality, it exists to indoctrinate children."
New Video Shows ‘Socio-Emotional Learning’ Fanatics Confirming This Popular School Tool is a Leftist Trojan Horse
- "Stanford Law School rules out discipline for student protesters, blames administrators."
Stanford Puts Diversity Dean Who Berated Federal Judge on Leave
- "But the court upheld the ban on elective abortions."
Oklahoma Supreme Court Rules State Must Allow Abortions to ‘Preserve’ a Mother’s Life
- "With fewer competitive races, voters are less motivated to cast a primary ballot, which leaves fewer candidates eligible to run in the next election."
Indiana Lawsuit Challenges Parties’ Right to Keep Candidates Off the Ballot
- "Who is the greatest supporter of 'Palestinian' terrorism?"
A Terrorist’s Best Friend
- "Woke forces escalate their assault on the Catholic Church."
The War on the Sacrament of Confession
- "While the federal government has protected the sacred site since the Eisenhower administration, in 2014, the government transferred the land to a foreign-owned mining company Resolution Copper, which plans to obliterate the site by creating a 1,000-foot crater, due to a large copper deposit 7,000 feet below Oak Flat’s surface. Such a crater will destroy Oak Flat forever, rendering the Apache’s religious practices obsolete, insist the locals who are fighting the development."
Biden Junta Plans to Raze Native American Religious Site to Benefit Foreign Mining Group (Ancient Chinese secret > Mazola corn goodness - jjs)
- Through a "maze of shell groups and indirection," the billionaire Democrat secretly infused a mundane-sounding dark money group called American Opportunity with $5 million in seed money to support the unpopular governor’s budget, the New York Times reported. Hochul has until April 1 to sell lawmakers on the $227 billion state budget proposal, which has drawn criticism from New York’s progressive lawmakers.
Michael "Michelito Lo-Lo" Bloomberg Secretly Funneled Millions To Help Save NY Governor's Unpopular Budget
- “I’m having trouble.”
Videos: Biden Literally Can’t Talk Anymore
- You’ll note his goal was not to actually be smart and trustworthy, just to “convince” voters he was. Biden’s latest attempt to trick voters into thinking he’s a different guy is just proof that after all these years, he hasn’t changed a bit.
Welp, Biden’s Phony Baloney Right-Wing Pivot Is Here
- Meatball Ron might have just screwed the pooch.
DeSantis Says ‘War Criminal’ Putin Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ Days After Saying Ukraine Not a ‘Vital’ U.S. Interest
- "The Florida governor’s recent comments about the war in Ukraine sent the establishment into a tailspin." (whoopsie to the American Conservative on this one - jjs)
DeSantis Against the Ukraine War Machine
- "Zelensky has given the monks of Kiev’s most sacred Orthodox monastery until next week to evacuate. They say they’re not leaving." (not so much Churchillian as Church-chillying - jjs)
Showdown at the Lavra
- "And two-thirds of Americans fear US-Russia war over Ukraine."
Democrats, GOP Show Sharp Split On Ukraine War Aid: I&I/TIPP Poll
- "The former president’s statement leaves no question as to where he stands or how he would lead our country should he return to the White House."
Trump Is the Only America First Candidate on Russia-Ukraine War
- Actually, the headline should read "Van Hollen Yells at Blinken for Not Cracking Down on the Filthy Israeli Heeb Bastards." Nothing about Russia, China or Iran. Just Israel.
Democrat Sen. Van Hollen Says to Blinken’s Face That the Biden State Department Makes America Look Weak
- "The disturbing farewell between the two Eastern powers came after Putin had vowed to respond to British efforts to send ammunition involving depleted uranium to Ukraine, adding that the UK had increased the risk of a 'nuclear collision.'”
Xi Tells Putin: "Change is Coming That Hasn't Happened in 100 Years"
- "China’s facial recognition systems are used to catch all types of criminals, from thieves to jaywalkers, in real time. This week, one facial recognition camera publicly shamed a famous business woman for jaywalking after its systems caught her face crossing an intersection. The problem? She was never physically there."
WATCH: Real-time Street Shaming Under CCP Techno-Hell
- "The U.K. walks back enforcement of non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs), better understood as thought crimes."
A Modicum of Sense
* * * * *
- "Twenty years after the Iraq invasion: The paleocons were right about the Iraq War because they were right about liberalism."
Why the Paleos Were Right About Iraq
- Daniel Greenfield: "China’s priority isn’t fighting the weather, it’s fighting us."
As China War Looms, Navy’s Priority is Going ‘Green’
- "The Department of Defense has focused efforts in recent years to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the force. Those efforts “suggest to the American people that the military has a problem with diversity and extremism,” Republican Missouri Sen. Roger Wicker said at the hearing. (meh, another McChiCom stooge - jjs)
‘That’s Just Not True’: GOP Senator Slams Military Officials For Blaming ‘Discrimination’ For Recruiting Problems
- Rep. Jim Banks" “This exemplifies how divisive and radical left-wing ideologies are creeping into our service academies at the expense of consensus and reasonable goals.”
Republicans Slam West Point’s Pronoun ‘Role Play’ Training
- "Despite his hearing struggles, Crews is still likely to be confirmed to be a District Court judge. The Senate has confirmed 118 Biden nominees to federal judgeships, according to an American Constitution Society tally, while the upper chamber has not rejected any of his Article Three nominees." (Maoist, affirmative action, intellectual lightweights - jjs)
Sen. John Kennedy Stumps Another Biden Nominee With Basic Legal Question
- "Financial turmoil sparked by inflation, soaring interest rates, and bank failures threaten state and city budgets."
Local Governments Discover the Real Cost of Free Money
- "EzriCare or Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears have been identified as a common exposure, and the CDC advised consumers and physicians to discontinue the use of these products for now. However, the agency noted that over ten other brands have been associated with the cases it has found." (they probably didn't kick in 10% to the Big Guy and so he had the CDC break their windows, so to speak - jjs)
CDC: Artificial Tears Products Linked to Drug-Resistant Infection, Some Cases Resulting in Death, Eye Removal
- "We just dodged a catastrophe that would have made global warming, WW III, or a new ice age look like a picnic – and nobody realizes it."
Dodging the Apocalypse
- “Catholic health care services must not perform interventions, whether surgical or chemical, that aim to transform the sexual characteristics of a human body into those of the opposite sex or take part in the development of such procedures,” they declare.
U.S. Bishops Ban Sex Reassignment, No One Born with the ‘Wrong Body’
- "Homosexuality is a human wrong that offends the laws of Uganda and threatens the sanctity of the family, the safety of our children and the continuation of humanity through reproduction," tweeted Ugandan Parliament Member Basalirwa Asuman. (send Mayor Buttplug to reason with this guy! - jjs)
Uganda Parliament Passes 'Anti-Homosexuality Bill' to 'Protect the Traditional Family'
- "While the bill sounds like an encouraging development — especially since it’s hacking off the LGBTQUGH lobby so much — there are some serious flaws in this legislation."
Georgia Passes a Bill Against Transing Kids, but Does It Do Enough?
- "The drag is incidental. It is simply a delivery system for an ideology."
Drag Story Hour is the Delivery System for Queer Theory
- “Our becoming-same has culminated in a hostile takeover of women by men.”
Welcome to TERF Island
- Robert Spencer: "If discrimination on the basis of hair style really 'serves as a real barrier for Black people across this country,' as Love has said, why would the festive nature of the signing of a bill to prohibit such discrimination be dampened by the presence of a woman who pretended to be black for years and clearly still closely identifies with the black community? Why wouldn’t Dolezal’s presence be taken as a compliment and a gesture of solidarity?"
Hair-Raising Twist as Arizona Gov Signs Bill Prohibiting ‘Hair Discrimination’
- "Laughter is an expression of our pleasure in the revelation that others, too, are flawed. That may explain why those who believe they can perfect human nature have a severe aversion to humor."
The War on Humor
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:42 AM
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