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March 17, 2023
Hunter Biden, Flush With Cash From His "Sugar Brother," Starts Filing His Lawsuits Against People for the Crime of Telling the Truth About His Influence-Peddling, Crack-Smoking, Whore-Banging Ass
Via David Strom at Hot Air.
His first suit is against the owner of the computer shop who sent the laptop to the FBI, and then later sent a copy of it to Rudy Giuliani after our "straight shooters" of the FBI refused to do anything with it.
The Hunter Biden laptop story is, I have been reliably told, Russian disinformation designed to influence the 2020 election.
That's why I didn't believe a word of it, and why I knew all those disgusting pictures were photoshopped.
That's why I was so surprised to see that Mr. Biden is suing the laptop repair shop owner--whose business was bankrupted by the attacks on him for being a Russian asset--for violating his privacy.
They've promised more lawsuits.
Glenn Greenwald wants to know -- now that Hunter the Crack Addict has admitted the laptop is his and did come from the computer shop, where are the retractions from the media who swore it was a "RUSSIAN HACK-AND-LEAK OPERATION"?
David Strom's post quotes the Washington Post straining to make Hunter sound like the aggrieved party here, repeating his claims that there was "no legitimate reason" to leak the laptop to the press. Give it a read.
He also links this Classic Tweet.