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« Daily Tech News 17 March 2023 |
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March 17, 2023
The Morning Report — 3/17/23
Good morning kids. Yet another one of those completely unsurprising, yet thoroughly enraging revelations comes as Rep. James Comer's – not ever to be confused with James Comey – committee confirms that the phrase "Biden Crime Family" is indeed both figurative and literal.
House Oversight Committee master-blaster Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), who is digging — successfully — into the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling, believes there may be more than half a dozen Bidens leeching cheddar from the tens of millions of dollars sent to family members by people with ties to the Chinese commies.
“At the end of this, I think we’re gonna see there are probably six or seven Biden family members who were involved in various business schemes around the world,” Comer revealed to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham.
Comer did not name names, but he recently mentioned that a “new Biden” had dipped his or her beak — for the first time — into a $3 million payment sent to Hunter Biden lackey John “Rob” Walker. Walker received this payment from two people with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He then distributed the cheddar to three members of the Biden family.
Comer further stated that, though he had bank records in hand via subpoena, he had no idea what the $3 million payment was for.
He wasn’t done spilling Biden family secrets, either. He further told Ingraham:
So this just shows how deep the Biden family was involved in this influence-peddling scheme.
It looks to me like these people, who are closely aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, sent $3 million to a shell corporation, then they turned around and split it three ways with a third going to the Biden family – three different family members for no apparent reason.
They didn’t invest it in a business. They just, it appears, stuck it in their pocket.
. . . Rep. Comer’s Oversight Committee is a thorn in the side of the Biden family, but what can we expect to happen? Democrat fat cats — like the Clintons — always seem to walk away unscathed from allegations of wrongdoing.
But this Oversight Committee investigation might be different. As per Comer, up to seven members — thus far — of the Biden family might be involved in the alleged influence-peddling scheme. And with the known links between the Bidens and tens of millions of commie dollars that Comer claims he has found, this might become too big to hide.On the other hand, does the nation really want to see the inauguration of President Harris?
One thing we do know is that the Biden family is finally against the ropes. When—not if—they fall, the world will see the Bidens’ ties to the Chinese commies who are trying to conquer us. I think the word for that is treason.
According to my history books, commies don’t go down easily. As their walls close in on them at this historical point in our nation’s existence, we can only expect the bolshies to roll up their sleeves and fight their hardest.
Style points to author Kevin Downey Jr. for mentioning Kamala Harris and the phrase "go down hardest" in the very next sentence. But the salient point is what, if any, real punishment will any of these bloodsucking, criminal scumbags actually face? It's not merely that the entire governmental-judicial-legislative system is corrupt. It's that it's been this way to such an extent and for such a long period of time that it allowed someone like Joe Biden to actually lie, cheat and steal up the ladder for over 50 years now. And he's not alone, as even a cursory scan of Congress on both sides of the mythical aisle will indicate.
We have a two-tiered justice system that is now weaponized to hound, persecute and crush anyone perceived as a threat to the 100-plus year revolution that overthrew America as founded, while at the same time letting everyone from violent criminals and Leftist political terrorists to Democrat fraudsters and cronies either completely skate or get a slap on the wrist so mild as to not even burst a soap bubble.
Beyond merely (!!!) the now institutionalized/legalized voting fraud machinery that I can predict will not allow whoever the GOP nominee might be to win come Election Season 2024-2025, even if he does manage to overcome it and win, the entire federal bureaucracy, state bureaucracies, most of the courts, the whorehouse propaganda media and now a large percentage of the formerly private sector will sabotage or commit overt acts of insubordination to stop any attempt to denude them of power and reverse course.
That is, if Generalissimo Vanilli Milley doesn't stage a Democrat/RINO-led coup to arrest him and declare the election illegitimate in case the Joseph Stalin vote-counters accidentally come up short while unloading ballots from the trunk of Al Franken's '76 LeSabre.
Along with Donald Trump, the most egregious and continuing example of political persecution that still turns my stomach when I think that this banana republic bullshit is happening right here and right now are the innocent non-violent January 6 protesters who were caught up in the Democrat/DOJ entrapment plot. Between the Ukraine war set to touch off World War 3 and the American banking system set to collapse under the weight of D-I-E, E-S-G and good old fashioned regulatory-induced greed and fraud and on top of the Junta's driving the entire economy off of a cliff, this little reminder yesterday from the estimable Lloyd Billingsley got lost in the sauce, and it really shouldn't have:
With the “insurrection” narrative unraveling, readers may wonder what an actual armed attack on the U.S. Capitol might look like. As it happens, the 40th anniversary of one is coming up this fall.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit” told the operator at the Capitol switchboard on November 7, 1983. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The caller warned that “a bomb had been placed near the chamber in retaliation for recent U.S. military involvement in Grenada and Lebanon.” At 10:58 p.m. “a thunderous explosion tore through the second floor of the Capitol’s north wing.” The device, hidden under a bench at the eastern end of the corridor outside the Senate chamber, “blew off the door to the office of Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd.”
“The blast also punched a potentially lethal hole in a wall partition sending a shower of pulverized brick, plaster, and glass into the Republican cloakroom.” The adjacent halls were virtually deserted, so “many lives had been spared.”
Later that night, the Armed Resistance Unit called National Public Radio and proclaimed, “Tonight we bombed the U.S. Capitol.” The bombers “purposely aimed our attack at the institutions of imperialist rule rather than at individual members of the ruling class and government. We did not choose to kill any of them at this time. But their lives are not sacred and their hands are stained with the blood of millions.”
In a Smithsonian magazine article headlined “In the 1980s a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol,” historian William Rosenau outlined the group’s back story.
The Armed Resistance Unit was part of the May 19th Communist Organization, named for the shared birthdays of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh, and dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States government. According to Rosenau, the May 19th Communist Organization was the “the first and only women-created and women-led terrorist group,” with leaders including Judy Clark, daughter of high-level Communist Party officials, Marilyn Buck, and Susan Rosenburg. . .
. . . Rosenberg was sentenced in 1985 to 58 years in federal prison, but through a plea deal she escaped additional time for aiding and abetting a series of bombings at the U.S. Capitol, the National War College, and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent association. After 16 years in prison, the veteran of the May 19th Communist Organization caught a break.
On January 20, 2001, his final day in office, President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg’s sentence. That drew criticism from New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Charles Schumer, and law enforcement officials such as Bernard Kerik. As the former New York police commissioner told Fox News, “I’m sure she would have killed every single one of us if she could have.”
The FBI and Capitol Police did not prevent Rosenberg and her comrades from bombing the U.S. Capitol. The bombing was an actual crime, an act of political terrorism, so no need for false charges, altering or withholding evidence, and so forth.
On January 6, 2021, the FBI had agents and informers at the Capitol Building. As the video reveals, the Capitol Police welcomed Trump supporters into the building. As Julie Kelly notes, some entrants behaved badly but none packed firearms, set off bombs, or anything of the sort.
No police officers died from injuries sustained on January 6, and officer Brian Sicknick died of a stroke. The only shots fired came from Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd, who shot unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt, as Kelly explains, one of four Trump supporters to die as a result of excessive force that day.
Others found themselves denied bail, held in solitary confinement, and smeared as domestic terrorists. So far, they haven’t gotten any favors from politicians in the style of actual domestic terrorist Susan Rosenburg. In 2011, Rosenberg published An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country.
"Worst attack on our precious democracy (*vomit*) since the Civil War, Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined!" "Tucker Carlson and Kevin McCarthy are traitors and liars!"
By the way, those women were either an offshoot of or otherwise allied to or associated with the Weathermen, later to become the Weather Underground. That group was led by none other than Bill Ayers who was "just some guy who lived down the block" from Barack Obama. But let's not go there. "After all," to paraphrase Don Emilio Barzzini, "We are not conspiracy theorists!"
Have a good weekend.
- "Twenty years ago, we invaded Iraq at the counsel of detached wonks who have always been too impressed with themselves."
A Litany of Pride
- "This professor makes an excellent point: Academia is now anti-enlightenment. It's all about ideology." (hat-tip to commenter MTF - jjs)
What I Learned When Students Tried to Cancel Me
- Julie Kelly: "As we approach the third anniversary of
'15 Days to Slow the Spread' there remains no accountability and no assurances that it couldn’t happen again."
A Haunting Anniversary
- Daniel Greenfield: "Americans can’t afford food, but leftist and Chinese companies get bailed out."
SVB Went Woke, Then Broke, Then Got a Bailout
- The $30 billion deposit is far more than previous negotiations indicated. According to the Wall Street Journal, “JPMorgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo were in earlier talks to deposit $5 billion of their own money each into the lender.” But the final rescue package included 11 banks and $30 billion in capital to prevent the bank from collapsing.
Federal Agencies: First Republic Bank Rescued with $30 Billion Deposited from 11 Banks
- "Becker donated to powerful Democrats such as New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, FEC records show. He provided small contributions to Silicon Valley Democratic Reps. Ro Khanna and Zoe Lofgren, and gave funds to Political Action Committees (PACs) associated with the Democratic party, according to data from watchdog OpenSecrets."
Meet the CEO Whose Failed Bank Was Bailed Out by the Biden Junta
- Credit Swish . . .
‘Mx. Pips Bunce’: ‘Gender Fluid’ Executive At Credit Suisse Pushed For LGBTQ Visibility As Bank Imploded
- "Traditionally, the Federal Reserve System raises interest rates to tame inflation by tightening the money supply back up. The downside is that this move also suppresses growth and can sometimes tip an already weak economy into a recession. The dream is always to achieve a 'soft landing' after a major economic upset, in which inflation comes down without the higher rates crushing the GDP. But most of the time, this remains just a dream. And that is proving to be the case now."
The Economy Is Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place With Nowhere Good to Go
- “That’s a lie, because when a bipartisan group of senators has repeatedly requested to meet with him about Social, so that somebody who is a current beneficiary will not see her benefits cut by 24%, we have not heard anything on our request, and we made multiple requests to meet with the president,” Cassidy said. “Now you can’t comment on that, I realize that, but that is a fact, and if you’ve been told that he stands ready to meet, there’s absolutely no evidence because we have not gotten our meeting.”
‘That’s a Lie’: GOP Senator Presses Janet Yellen On Plan To Pay For Social Security
- "Did Silicon Valley Bank get preferential treatment?"
Gavin Newsom’s Silicon Valley Bank Scandal Sheds Light on His Pattern of Favoring Companies That ‘Donate’ Where He Wants Them To
- [So-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's charge that the rich "don't pay their fair share" doesn't hold water.
The Social Security Regressivity Ruse
- At issue are revelations starting last fall when POLITICO published a profile of Indiana GOP House candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green, which revealed she had been sexually assaulted while in the military. The candidate, who ultimately lost her race, told Fox News the information used for the report was illegally obtained.
Weaponization Committee Launches Probe Into Air Force Leak
- "Democrat New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler and Democratic Virgin Islands Del. Stacey Plaskett did not immediately respond to a question about why the Democratic Staff Report claimed the DOJ-OIG rejected Friend’s claims." (because they're concocting another myth/smear/excuse to cover their fat asses - jjs)
DOJ Internal Watchdog Shuts Down House Democrats’ Claims Against FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend
- "If the Department of Justice can weaponize the FBI and legal system to target and make a cautionary tale out of ideological opposition, who’s next?"
Questioning the January 6 Aftermath (narrative more than aftermath - jjs)
- "As the founders understood, 'Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People.'”
A Nation at War: Liberal Mayor Eric Adams Hints at Root Cause of America’s Culture of Violence
- "Angela Reading, mother of two, raised objections to sexually explicit content in her children’s elementary school."
N.J. Mom Sues Police, Military Officials for Labeling Her Post About School’s ‘Polysexual’ Poster a ‘Security Threat’
- "California's preposterous push to offer reparations to blacks—in a state where slavery never existed—will inflame racial tensions."
Victimhood Forever
- Sargeant was viciously assaulted at last year’s Pride celebration for daring to display a sign with a red line through the phrases “Black Face,” “Woman Face,” and another that proudly declared “Gay Not Queer.” For his anti-LGBTQIA+ heresy, Sargeant was pushed to the ground by a cadre of screaming harpies.
STICKER SHOCK: Burlington, VT bans 'transphobic' stickers for 'hate speech'—allows ones that say 'kill all TERFs'
- "During the week of March 6, CNN, a left-wing propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, averaged only 442,000 primetime viewers and 408,000 total day viewers. Compared to last year, CNN suffered a 61 percent drop in primetime viewers and a 54 percent drop in total day viewers. That is a catastrophic collapse. Anything below one million during primetime is catastrophic.Tee hee."
CNN Is Dead – Ratings Collapse to Decade Low
- “I should be sitting over there with my colleagues, but I’m standing over here because on a weekly basis I was going viral asking you obvious questions and instead of answering them, you told me that crime was down, my videos went viral, amassed millions of likes and shares, and it was hurting your re-election campaign, so you revoked my media credential,” Kelly said.
Reporter Unloads On Lori Lightfoot After She Revokes His Press Credentials
- "This situation is not livable anymore. The left, which is entirely in control of social media, is determined that anyone to the right of Bill Kristol should starve, and they’re going out of their way to make sure we do."
YouTube Protects Trans Groomer, Demonetizes My Video About Him as 'Graphic Descriptions' of Child Abuse
- "While creating A.I. bias is easy, creating A.I. neutrality is hard. But ChatGPT’s creators are not even trying."
We Have Definitive Proof of ChatGPT’s Left-Wing Bias
- "California regulators voted Wednesday to ban gas furnaces and water heaters in one of the state’s most populated regions, a move that will likely require locals to undergo costly home renovations."
California Regulators Ban Gas Appliances In San Francisco Bay Area
- Robert Spencer: "Thanks to Biden’s new washing machine rules."
Get Ready to Stink for Climate Change
- "Five recent news stories seemingly unrelated, but all bound by one, insidious agenda."
ESG Will Bankrupt You — Financially and Morally
- Politicians from both parties in Alaska applauded the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] for greenlighting the $8 billion-dollar project because of the money it would bring into the state. But it’s not too difficult to imagine who wasn’t happy — it’s easy to tell by the D next to their names."
Dems are Livid at Biden for Approving Alaska Oil Drilling Project
- “Nobody can ignore us any longer,” BBB leader Caroline van der Plas told broadcaster Radio 1, Reuters reported. “Voters have spoken out very clearly against this government’s policies.”
Dutch Farmers Fed Up With Climate Rules Win Shock Victory Against Establishment
- "In Canada, an end-run against the free market."
Down With 'Divestment,' Up with Freedom
- "Not a single Democrat attended the hearing."
Video: Border Patrol Chief Testifies Border Is Not Secure, Wall Needed
- "White House regularly touts 23,000 Border Patrol agents. Border Patrol chief says the number is just 19,000." (numbers mean nothing if they are handcuffed from doing what they're supposed to do - jjs)
Border Patrol Is 20 Percent Smaller Than White House Claims, Junta Official Testifies
- “Charged with two felony counts of perjury and two misdemeanor counts of making a false crime report to nurses at two different hospitals.”
Stanford University Employee Charged for Two False Rape Reports
- "The legislation was introduced by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and has been fiercely opposed by communist China, which has pressured him to abandon the legislation."
Jean-Pierre: ‘No’ Decision On If Biden Will Sign Unanimously Passed Bill To Declassify Chinese COVID Origins Intel
- "And the question remains: why?"
How Dr. Fauci Shaped the Chinese COVID-19 Narrative
- "The news comes as Beijing has apparently declared victory over the virus and subsequently abandoned its zero- [Chinese] COVID strategy that has significantly damaged the economy, according to the BBC."
CCP Declares Victory Over Chinese COVID, Opens China's Borders for First Time Since Pandemic
- "The [Chinese] Covid pandemic raises an important question: How should promising but dangerous science be regulated?"
Unnatural Enhancement
- David Harsanyi: "With more economic problems looming, the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] returns to an old favorite."
Gun Control Is Joe Biden’s Safe Space
- "If the judge in Rupp v. Bonta follows the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, she will overturn California’s ban."
Here are All the Problems With California’s Expert Witness Testimony in Gun Ban Case
- Controversy over the removal of parents’ rights advocate Suparna Dutta from the Virginia Board of Education continues to rage. . . Dutta’s offense was to dare challenge Anne Holton for condemning the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as documents that “enshrined slavery” and protected only “white property-owning men.” That false, propagandistic rewrite of history by Holton, in full alignment with Marxist Critical Race Theory, is angering parents who are fed up with the public schools’ teaching of the same divisive, racist, and destructive dogma.
Virginia Board of Education Controversy Rages On
- Negy, who was reinstated after an arbitrator ruled in his favor, alleges constitutional and tort claims for harm Negy suffered “for nearly two years at the hands of UCF administrators who, because they disliked his political views, treated him as less than human.”
Prof. Charles Negy, Investigated and Fired After Tweets Disputing Systemic Racism, Files Federal Lawsuit Against U. Central Florida
- “That would include lessons that focus on race or ethnicity rather than individuals on merit, gender ideology, social-emotional learning, or inappropriate sexual content.”
Arizona Launches Hotline so Parents Can Report Critical Race Theory, Other Woke Subjects in Schools
- "A teacher's thoughts on the last day."
Final Grades
- "The sudden rise of well-funded election activist nonprofits represents a paradigm shift away from persuading and motivating voters, and toward manipulating the election process to benefit Democrats."
Republicans Can’t Beat Democrats’ Election-Industrial Complex By Adopting Its Strategies
- Yeah, they'll move on to your house with pitchforks and torches – rhetorically speaking.
Kinzinger: GOP Voters Will ‘Move On’ Once Trump Is Indicted
- "Poll comes as progressive lawmakers have worked to shift the Democrat Party’s support away from Israel."
Dems Favor "Palestinians" Over Israelis For First Time, Poll Shows
- Whether you are found sitting in the front pew of your church every Sunday morning, an Easter-and-Christmas visitor, a totally convinced atheist, or a “none” — somebody who just doesn’t know or care about these matters — everybody’s freedom to express their religious beliefs and principles, or lack thereof, in public and private is stronger today. We should all be thankful for this.
Here's Why the Unanimous Shurtleff Decision Is Even More Important than 6-3 Dobbs
- "[G]overnment officials in places like Rhode Island have apparently become addicted to the power they obtained during the Wuhan panic.
Today’s blacklisted American: Rhode Island school district blacklists Christian afterschool club because it is Christian
- Walker, who has described himself as someone who “generally [has] been acting as a surrogate for H[unter] around the country and abroad pursuing opportunities,” received a $3 million payment from State Energy HK Limited, which was divvied up between four Biden family members: Hunter, James, Hallie, and an unknown Biden. According to the committee, Hallie is the new member identified who was previously a mystery. There is still an unknown “Biden” in the bank records. No first name is listed for the fourth Biden.
House Oversight Committee: Beau’s Widow Hallie Is ‘New’ Biden Business Member Who Received China Cash
- "One thing we do know is that the Biden family is finally against the ropes. When—not if—they fall, the world will see the Bidens’ ties to the Chinese commies who are trying to conquer us. I think the word for that is treason." (this remains to be seen and I am very doubtful - jjs)
The Biden Family Influence-Peddling Scandal Just Got Much, Much Worse
- "The [so-called quote-unquote "president"] has an uncontrollable urge to deceive, yet voters elevated him to the Oval Office. This should not have happened.” (the number of legit votes with the majority of fake ballots is still disturbing - jjs)
There’s No Liar Like a Biden
- “The story’s changed throughout. . . The fact that they keep shifting the stories, I think should be a major concern for people in the White House, because it’s pretty clear that the people spinning the news in the White House don’t know the full story. And I think there are going to be several other shoes to drop on this.”
Schweizer: White House Doesn’t Know ‘Full Story’ on Biden Family Dealings, ‘Several’ More Shoes Will Drop
- "LOW energy."
Cringe: Biden Receives One Clap From Small Crowd When He Tries To Gee Them Up
- “If this is the way you’re going to run the committee, I would suggest that Republicans leave. I don’t see why we should stick around if you’re going to make up the rules. I mean you’re going to offer up a third-degree amendment,” Paul said.
Rand Paul Storms Out Of Hearing After Clashing With Dem Senator
- "It was a softball question if I’ve ever seen one, but instead of swinging at the pitch and hitting it out of the park, she ran for the wrong end zone in the hopes of scoring a touchdown."
Late Night Host Asks Kamala to Explain Her Job – and She Fails Miserably
- "Democracy, for Democrats, is doing what you’re told and taking what they give you."
Nobody Wants Kamala Harris—But There She Is, Anyway
- "If the bipartisan majority, composed of members of both parties, is corrupt, then making bipartisanship an end in itself will only ensure corrupt outcomes."
The Democrat-Media Bipartisanship Fallacy
- "The only truly “Roman” presidents of recent times, fallible but uncompromising in the maintenance and defense of their country, were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. Shall we see their like again?"
The Avignon Presidency, or the American Schism
- "Says he made the decision in order to bolster his re-election chances as a war [so-called quote-unquote "president"]."
“I’m Telling You, He Did It”: Seymour Hersh Blames Biden For Nord Stream Attack
- "An MQ-8 ‘Reaper’ drone was a 'total loss' this week, the Pentagon said this week after it was rammed by a Russian jet, damaging its propeller and causing it to lose power. Despite the U.S. releasing footage of Russian jets harassing the drone by spraying jet fuel on it, and even colliding with the drone to damage it, Russia is still maintaining its position that the drone fell out of the air spontaneously and they were not responsible."
Russia Has Located U.S. Drone and Will Attempt to Receive Tech and Data, Kremlin Media Claims
- “It is not the Russian pilots who should be called out, but American politicians who are inciting the start of an apocalyptic conflict,” Antonov said.
Russian Ambassador Slams ‘Notorious Lawmaker’ Lindsey Graham Over Shootdown Warning
- "The last time Xi spoke with Zelensky was prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. On Feb. 24, 2023, China released a 12-point plan to bring an end to the conflict in Ukraine."
Report: China's Xi to Speak With Ukraine's Zelensky Next Week
- "Ron DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a dispute over territory."
Sorry, Media Nerds, the War in Ukraine is Literally a ‘Territorial Dispute’
- "Tucker Carlson’s questions exposed deep divisions within the Republican Party as to how the United States should respond to the war in Ukraine."
There are No Good Options for U.S. Policy in Ukraine
- “Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to IMMEDIATELY have a total cessation of hostilities. All shooting has to stop. This is the central issue. We need PEACE without delay,” he said in the video, according to a transcript.
Trump Calls for ‘Peace Without Delay’ in Ukraine, Ending the ‘Entire Globalist Neo-Con Establishment’
- "Republicans say the funds will help prop up Iran's hardline regime as it cracks down on protesters and provides lethal military equipment to Russia for Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine."
Latest Biden Junta Sanctions Waiver Allows $500 Million Payment for Iran, Tehran Says
- "Terrorist carrying suicide belt neutralized by Israeli security forces."
Report: Hezbollah Infiltrator Behind Highway Terror Bombing in Northern Israel
- "Why Biden must stop coddling Obrador."
Mexico’s President Insults the U.S. – While Allowing the Cartels to Thrive
- "FBI Director Chris Wray stunned U.S. senators last week during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing when he revealed the capabilities that the app gives communist China." (surprised his Chi-Com handlers let him sing like this - jjs)
TikTok Under Federal Criminal Investigation For Spying On American Citizens: Report
- "The group is urging its members to support new legislation to regulate America’s railways."
American Principles Project Backs Railway Safety Act
- "Current scholarly literature often blames racism for differential health outcomes, instead of looking for scientific explanations that could lead to improved policies and treatments."
Politically Correct Medical Scholarship Doesn’t Help Blacks
- "Using archival data from the Magellan spacecraft that orbited Venus in the early 1990s scientists think they have identified an active vent that appeared to change shape based on radar images taken eight months apart."
Another study finds evidence of active volcanism on Venus
- "Using cheap off-the-shelf parts students at Brown University have successfully tested a simple solar sail in space and shown how it can be used to de-orbit satellites efficiently and inexpensively."
Student cubesat demonstrates how to use a solar sail for satellite deorbit
- According to the California Department of Education, the current law protects trans-identifying students because disclosing their gender identity to their parents could increase their “vulnerability to harassment and may violate the student’s right to privacy.”
CA Lawmakers Seek To Reverse Law That Prohibits Teachers From Disclosing Student Gender Identities, Transitions With Parents
- "Liberals won’t let anyone play who doesn’t agree with them."
Girls Are Now Being Banned From Sports for Wanting to Play Against Girls
- "The state is leading the way in the battle of good versus evil. Here's what they're doing."
The Complacent Can Look to Tennessee to Confront Transgender Ideology
- "Mary Eberstadt’s new book, Adam and Eve After the Pill, Revisited, shows how the sexual revolution became a destructive cultural movement."
How the False Promises of the Sexual Revolution Created a New Religion
- It should come as no surprise that The Street believes Disney’s recent foray into “woke” politics, particularly in Florida, is a contributing factor to its tumble from the top. That’s not to say that Disney Parks are hurting for visitors — they’re still meeting quotas — but this is clearly a trend that should concern Disney. They’ve insulted the audiences that watch their content and alienated those who normally would love to visit their theme parks.
Vacationers Are Falling Out of Love With Woke Disney Parks
- "The raw emotional wreckage of Scandoval points out that prioritizing sex, booze, and work in your twenties and thirties is not a healthy cultural norm for America’s young professionals."
Secular Media Is Getting ‘Scandoval’ All Wrong
- Christian Toto: "Team behind The Chosen to shake up industry with faith-friendly, uplifting films."
Angel Studios Goes to the Movies, Challenges Hollywood on Its Home Turf
- "Contemporary society rests atop a bedrock of deviancy that few, even the right-wing culture warriors, dare disturb."
The Right Is Still Afraid to Fight the Culture War
- "Teaching children resilience."
Prager Video: ‘If Nothing is Horrific, Life is Terrific’
- "Binge drinking is considered consuming four or more drinks in one sitting for women, and five or more drinks for men."
For the First Time in History Women Binge Drink More Than Men
- "The media is filled with endless content about how bad today’s films are and the glut of superhero nonsense. Emily is a ravishing and real alternative."
Emily Brontë: This Year’s Coolest Superhero?
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:39 AM
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