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March 16, 2023
The Morning Rant-Kinder & Gentler Edition
Oh where to start..............
Donald Trump is running to be POTUS again. Only God knows why. And Trump's ego. I don't know how many conversations I've had with people basically saying, "I don't know how he does it. He gets every morning and faces incredible hate from his enemies and the GOPe (but I repeat myself).
Yesterday's Rant by Joe Mannix centered on the Uniparty. National politics is the big league. But to reach the big leagues one must pay his or her dues in the minors. And if we are going to return the USA to a country governed by common sense we need to start at the local level. Sure school board positions, village, town and city representatives aren't glorious jobs. But, they are jobs that need to be filled with good honest people who are not beholden to special interests.
There is rumbling that Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis may throw his hat into the 2024 race. I hope he does not. There are a number of reasons why I do not want him to run. Ron DeSantis, Virginia's Glen Youngkin, former WI Gov. Scott Walker and others are the key to breaking the Uniparty.
Public education for the most part is a cesspool. However, here is where Gov. DeSantis is shining brightly. He did not surrender to the professional Karens during the Kung Flu pandemic. Kids went to school. He made the educational bureaucrats unhappy. That my friends is a good thing.
He has led the fight to stop CRT in the classroom. He has been a thorn in the side of public schools business as usual.
Earlier this week The ONT briefly covered the disgusting display of hate and ignorance of Stanford law students. In the event that you missed it United States circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Kyle Duncan was not permitted to give a speech due to hostility.
When Judge Duncan was apologized to by a Stanford official the spoiled little bastards didn't care for it.
The Uniparty, running like cowards in Afghanistan. Yet flushing billions down the drain in Ukraine. The Uniparty sucks Big Pharma teat. Yet allows millions to die from the unproven Kung Flu prick. Schumer, Romney, McConnell and their ilk are there and only the grim reaper of death will remove them from office. We need to do better. One way we can start is to have a better educational system. From the class room to the meeting rooms of the Board of Educations we must do better.
Hopefully the DeSantis', Youngkins, Walkers and their proteges run on the local level and advance to the Big League. Where they will return the USA to a country which believes in balanced budgets, keeping our noses out of other continents problems and educating students not indoctrination. It won't be easy. But anything worth having is worth working for.
We need the minor leaguers who believe with all their heart to govern while holding to the truths all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Rant over............

posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at
10:55 AM
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