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March 14, 2023
Treasury Department Finally Agrees to Disclose Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) About the Biden Crime Family's Foreign Revenue Streams; Comer Says There's a Third Biden Who Received Foreign Money
The Treasury Department changed the rules, on its own non-existent authority to do so, about releasing SARs to Congress. Pre-Hunter-Biden, pre-"President"-Joe-Biden, if Congress demanded SARs about anyone, the Treasury disclosed them.
But then the Biden Crime Family cheated its way into power and Treasury decided it could no longer risk people's "privacy" by disclosing the reports about their receipts of suspicious foreign payment.
Congressmen pressured the Treasury -- not sure how -- and Treasury has relented.
We already knew that James Biden (the fake president's influence peddling brother and bagman) and Hunter Biden received foreign money and were subject of SARs. Now Representative Comer says there's a third Biden who got money from suspicious foreign sources, though he hasn't said who yet.
Jonathan Turley:
It now appears that time is up for Hunter Biden on the SARs fight and it could finally answer a number of questions over the alleged influence peddling of the Biden family. It may also put pressure on the Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who is looking into possible criminal conduct by Hunter Biden.
[E]ven by the corrupt standards of this city, the Bidens took influence peddling to an unprecedented level in raking in millions from foreign interests, including some with alleged ties to foreign intelligence.
Comer this morning revealed that the first SARs report shows money going from China to "three" Biden family members including one not previously discussed as a recipient of such money.
It is not clear what these SARs will reveal, but the effort to prevent any congressional investigation is striking. This investigation goes to an alleged corrupt effort to sell influence. Many Democrats and legal experts have objected that influence peddling is not a crime. However, it is corrupt and squarely within the oversight authority of Congress. Indeed, if it is not a matter for criminal charges, such congressional action may be the only way to force accountability for corrupt efforts to sell influence and access.