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Food Thread: »
March 12, 2023
First-World Problems...
Houses move. Materials expand and contract all the time because of changes in temperature and humidity, and even the flexing and vibration from people walking around. So it's not surprising that an outlet face-plate will move a bit and expose the edge of the drywall. But that also suggests that the face-plate can be readjusted so that the gap is hidden.
It's an outlet I don't think I have used more than a few times, and it seems to have been installed that way by the electricians who built that part of the house. The carpenters were excellent, the plumbers were...okay...but the electricians were knuckleheads. Little things like not matching switches so when both are in the down position the light is off. Sure, that's no big deal but I am reflexively suspicious of people with poor attention to detail. They cut the drywall a sixteenth too wide, and didn't bother to do anything about it. Was the outlet wired correctly? Damned if I know!
Yes...life at Chez Dildo is a never-ending cascade of horrible issues such as this.