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Daily Tech News 11 February 2023 »
February 10, 2023
What Light Through Younder Window Breaks? It Is The ONT! And Weirddave Is The Sun!
Welcome to the Friday ONT. Uh-oh. Nobody move, we've been spotted.
Be careful what you wish for
New Soyjack/Chad meme dropped
Dammit Janet!
Looks like the “just in time” model has filtered down to trash pickup
Take that, Canada!
I hate traffic circles. It's so hard to figure out where to get off
Tonight on ABC's Wide World of Sports: Table Tennis
Can't argue with that
Didn't think it through
This guy makes all kinds of pulse-jet driven vehicles, and on every single one of them the exhaust pipes get cherry red
Christmas on Canal St.
There's a kosher Chinese restaurant on Reisterstown Rd. in Baltimore. My Orthodox boss used to take us there whenever she sprung for lunch. Good food, but it's weird seeing a Chinese menu without pork or shrimp on it.
Christmas in India
Y'know, I have a driveway. Maybe I should get an STOL plane
Men: Not needed
Twist ending
Dudes being dudes. Sound on
Far out man
You know there's one of those red kettle fireplaces suspended from the ceiling in the grooving area
Another small cylinder sighting
Yipie Ki Yay! Yippie Ki Yo!
How to handle a text scammer
Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by self defense:

posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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