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February 11, 2023
Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, Feb. 11
Hello to our gardeners, putterers, adventurers and winter dreamers! It is almost Valentine's Day, which means that our thoughts turn to heart-shaped things like oxheart tomatoes. These tomatoes, as a class, are meatier than most tomatoes, with intriguing flavor and generally with few seeds than standard tomatoes. The one above is Sherry's Sweet Heart.
6-10 oz. fruit, Some are Larger. Large Pink Heart. Beautiful. Meaty, dense fleshed pink heart tomato. Good production, Mid-season. Plant has droopy wild foliage common with hearts. Very good flavor, well balanced, sweet-acid.
A seller at a farmer's market near us puts the droopy-leaved heart tomato plants under the counter because people think that they're sick.
I generally prefer to buy flowering plants instead of cut flowers for Valentines Day. But here are some ideas for the best flowers for Valentines Day. There's an attractive dried arrangement included. Bet some of our putterers could create something similar.
Winter Art
Is this how things look where you live?
A milkweed sunset in Nebraska.
Midwest Lurker
Gardens of The Horde
From 40 Miles North:
The osteospermum is going wild
Wow! Bright! Reminds me of daffodils. AKA African Daisies.
Here's one cultivar: Voltage Yellow.
I'm more accustomed to the primarily magenta and white ones, like the ones Neal in Israel grows. He sent in some with more unusual shapes and coloring last year:
Note the visitor:
I love this creamy-colored one with the dark center:
Edible Gardening/Putting Things By
Avocados on sale? Have some on trees? 70 recipes.
Story Time
There's a little story to go with the photo above under the category ANGELS UNAWARE:
Mamma B
When I was a tyke, Papaw used to take me to a local watering hole called "Mamma B's." Mamma B was a, shall I say, well-upholstered black woman who could cook anything. She had secret knowledge about simmering things in gravy that would even make a tire iron tender. . .
And a sort of related quote:
"Being a farmer is like playing seven-card stud against God, knowing he's holding all the aces." ~ My Papaw
Umbrella wreath for spring
Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
If you would like to send photos, stories, links, etc. for the Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, the address is:
ktinthegarden at g mail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Week in Review
What has changed since last week's thread? Saturday Gardening, Puttering and Adventure Thread, Feb. 4
Any thoughts or questions?
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.