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January 31, 2023
Meet the Most Obnoxious and Un-Self-Aware Sub-Moronic AWFL Troll In History
This is Jacky Macky Paisely Passey 2.0, only more obnoxious and self-deluded about her level of attractiveness.
I saw this noxious narcissist on Twitchy a month ago, and I didn't know what to make of her.
She's some kind of wannabe feminist influencer who is also under the delusion that she is "beautiful" and "hot," words she uses every three tweets to describe liberal women like herself.
Beautiful? Hot?
Even setting the Villainous Mutant Mastermind fivehead to one side -- if she didn't get the power of telekinesis with that voluminous dome, she should contact God's Complaint Department -- she's a Pizza Hut Express 3.
Not a Pizza Hut 3, mind you -- I mean a Pizza Hut Express 3, one of those hole-in-the-wall places next to the bus station bathrooms staffed by fired DMV employees where you can only get an individual-sized pizza for like 11 bucks.
But she just keeps posting video of herself and telling her h8ters to drool.
That links to this.
Are we supposed to be tittilated?
She's just this ridiculously obnoxious narcissistic provocateur.
Angela Belcamino
Many are saying "she is a Karen" about me because I call out men who pee standing up. I won't back down 'til they sit down.
She's also one of those sad, lonely people who attempt to start smalltalk conversations with strangers on Twitter:
Angela Belcamino
Jan 26
What music album is perfect from start to finish?
Angela Belcamino
Jan 24
In your opinion, what is the #1 condiment?
Angela Belcamino
Jan 17
I stand with Greta Thunberg. Do you?
Angela Belcamino
Jan 10
Without revealing your age, what video game did you play the most?
That's So Jonah. Goldberg, I mean. Though I've seen Tom Nichols and David French pull the "Well Twitter Friends, what shall we talk about now?" move as well.
I guess she's doing it to increase her "engagement" for the algorithm and become a more powerful influencer.
Or she's just a sad narcissist who doesn't have much actual human interaction.
Like Jonah Goldberg.
Just endless brain-damaged-level trolling:
Angela Belcamino
Jan 13
Was having the best date last night… everything was going perfect until I got up after dinner to use the bathroom and noticed he took me to a restaurant without gender-neutral bathrooms. I went out the back door and left.
To all those asking: yes, I peed in alley.
Angela Belcamino
Jan 13
I'm going out with my hot liberal girlfriends tonight... all of us have a pack of woke feminist M&Ms in our purse in case we are approached by alpha males. It's the best repellent.
Wish us luck!
I don't believe she has any friends, and certainly not "hot" ones, and I do not belie e she is ever approached by "alpha males." She is ugly and charmless.
Just never-ending self-validation, constantly telling herself Yo Go Girl! because no one else will:
Angela Belcamino
Boyfriend material:
Uses pronouns.
Puts almond or oat milk in coffee.
Sits while urinating.
Apologizes for everything.
Does not want to be the provider.
"Takes four D batteries."
But she has this bizarre notion that she's some kind of super-hot fashion influencer.
Tim Pool wonders if she's actually a right-winger trying to make liberal feminists look bad.
I wonder about that, too: No one could be this obnoxious and off-putting and delusional about her attractiveness without intending that, right?
But then, leftist politics and the Internet attract a huge number of Cluster B narcissistic self-delusionaries.