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January 30, 2023
Felicia Somnez, the Leftwing SJW That Attempted To Cancel Half of the Washington Post for Not Agreeing Forcefully Enough with Her Feminist Temper Tantrum Demands, Is Now Working in... Retail Sale at a Clothing Store
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The Spectator reports that Felicia Somnez -- who caused so much drama at the Washington Post last year, trying to cancel a sizable number of her colleagues -- is now working in retail.
For ideas on what to do next, perhaps outgoing Washington Post staffers should look to their former colleague Felicia Sonmez — who Cockburn can reveal is now working in retail, after a tipster clocked her while shopping for winter wear earlier this week.
Apparently she's been blackballed by the leftwing propaganda media. She attempted to hold a leftwing propaganda front company hostage to her leftwing SJW terrorist demands, but made a major miscalculation: She's white. You don't get to do that if you're white.
Cockburn also reports that the Post's infantile leftwing extremist opinion writer, Margaret Sullivan, has also been fired, or let go, however you want to put it. But leftwinger propagandists can only fail upwards (unless they hold their employers to ransom) and she immediately signed on to write leftwing screeds for The Guardian.
I'm sure she'll really stand out there. She'll bring such a fresh and unexpected political perspective to The Guardian.

posted by Lamont the Big Dummy at
04:20 PM
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