« McCarthy Blocks Schiff and Swalwell from Intel Panel |
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January 25, 2023
Kevin McCarthy Becomes a Man?
Follow-up to the last post: McCarthy smashes the media for flacking for Schiff and Swalwell. It's a lot more than the quote printed above the video.
The media keeps saying "But Santos," but he says, "Is Santos on the Intel Committee?" Then he points out that Schiff and Swalwell have repeatedly lied too, but their voters voted for them, and the voters get to decide. So Santos' voters get to decide, too.
Watch the whole thing.
Some quotes from Matt Margolis at PJM:
"What did Adam Schiff do as the chairman of the Intel Committee? What Adam Schiff did--use his power as a chairman and lie to the American public, even the inspector general said it," McCarthy said, before going through several of Schiff's offenses, including lying about the Nunes Memo, and using his position as chairman of the Intelligence Committee to lie about Trump/Russia collusion and the Hunter Biden laptop.
"So no, he does not have a right to sit on that [committee]," McCarthy said.
He points out that Intel is different because what happens there, "You don't know." What he means -- and I think he should take the time to spell this out -- is that anyone on this committee can tell whatever lie he likes, and no one can check the record to see if it's true, because the record is classified and closed to the public.
That puts Adam Schiff's serial Disinformation in a different category than the serial lies told by an ordinary Democrat. Schiff manipulated the state-secret classification laws of the Untied States in order to bulletproof his lies.
So no, he doesn't get to do that any more. He is gone.
And he can take the Fang Fang Bang-Bang Anal Karaoke Machine with him.
Via Robert - Metallica, 72 Seasons, Available 4/14 .

posted by Lamont the Big Dummy at
12:54 PM
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