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January 27, 2023
Twilling Zone Tango Cafe

Junya Watanabe/ Akihabara (Tokyo)
Elephant stands as tall as possible to grab branches from a tree. No matter how tall you think an elephant can stand, this guy will surprise you.
Abused dog now gives rescuers unconditional love.
Spider monkey makes a monkey-bridge for her baby to cross.
Men Posting Their W's.
Pelican's appetite is bigger than his beak.
Dog plays Snow Tetris.
A gun disarm that actually works, mostly because the gunman is holding the gun out in outer space and pointing it at nothing.
Choking out a python.
Another method of subduing a serpent, if you know what I mean.
Meteorite? Or alien?
Must be circus-folk.
Is this real, or am I being Lamont the Big Dummy again? It looks real but how can a boat make cuts like that?
Is this real? This can't be real.
I think this is mostly real, maybe with a little enhancement.
I don't know what to think any more.
This dog needs some peanut butter because it's nothin' but jelly!
What is going on here?
Yeah, obviously it's one guy and his legs aren't where you think they are and one body and one set of legs are just puppet-legs... but I still can't figure out what is going on here. Every time I think I know where his real legs are, something weird happens and then the real legs look like puppet legs too.
I linked this before, but: I think this stage magician is an actual wizard. What you call "reality" is just so much Play-Doh to be sculpted into Blue Dongs by his mystical hands.

posted by Lamont the Big Dummy at
07:30 PM
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