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January 24, 2023
The Morning Report — 1/24/23
Good morning kids. Well, just on the heels of a mass shooter in Southern California gunning down 11 people, 7 farm workers up in Half Moon Bay were killed in two separate but evidently related incidents.
Aside from the fact that the media could neither find nor fabricate any connection to white people or white supremacy as both assailants were Chinese, yet again we find that both these incidents, like so many before them, took place either in places with strict gun control or where policing is either insufficient or incompetent. Prayers for the victims.
So, yesterday I wrote:
So, it certainly seems as if The State which is “deep” in terms of its reach as opposed to being hidden, wants Biden gone. Regardless of whether these revelations hurt or hinder them and their narrative, or if some other way to get rid of him might have been better from their point of view, the writing surely is on the wall for Biden. The big question of course is why?. . .
Well, Wayne Allyn Root has an interesting hypothesis which seems to make quite a bit of sense. To a point anyway:
There are two reasons why all of this is happening now.
First, Democrats realize Biden is not only the worst candidate in the history of politics, but he is also deteriorating right in front of everyone’s eyes. Biden may have started out as a brain-dead puppet, wearing masks and hiding in his Delaware basement. But those were “the good old days.”
Now the secret is out of the basement. The cat is out of the bag. Everyone knows. Even most Democrats finally got the message: They don’t want Biden in 2024.
So, the same deep state that installed him needs to remove him, so they can get a head start on rigging the next election in 2024. . .
. . . Who is behind all this? You might guess the ultimate deep state family: the Obamas. Former President Barack Obama has been running this presidency from behind the shadows from the start. Biden is Obama’s puppet. Obama put him in the White House. Now he’s sending Joe off to the assisted living house.
Why? My best guess is to make room for Michelle Obama as the Democrats’ presidential candidate for 2024. This is Obama’s grand plan. It will be the fourth and fifth terms of Obama. Obama himself got two terms. Then his puppet Biden got a term. Now he wants Michelle to give him two more terms.
With five terms, Obama will beat the all-time record held by the last Democrat dictator who tried to turn America into a socialist nation: FDR. . .
. . . Now to the second reason why the deep state is suddenly so intent on getting rid of Biden: because if they can indict, convict or force Biden from office on the charge of mishandling classified documents, it is a two-for-one. They get rid of albatross Biden AND they make it easier to indict and convict Trump for the same charges. Removing Biden gives them “cover” to show how “fair” and “honest” and “unbiased” they are.
Can’t you hear their argument? “Fair is fair. We got rid of both Biden and Trump for the same crime. We never played politics.”
Root also postulates alternative characters twisting the knife like the Clintons angling for the highly unlikely return of Hillary or more plausibly the Pelosis looking to install brilliantine stick insect megalomaniac Gavin Newsom. As for the installation of Obama's beard, while she has been generally shielded and protected by the media since coming onto the scene back in '08, no doubt either Trump or DeSantis would destroy her in the debates, even with an army of Candy Crowleys, Martha Raddatzes and George Stephanopouloses interfering as will no doubt be their wont to do.
Second, no matter what she does, she simply cannot disguise the angry black woman vibe that oozes out of every pore of her body. Think a constant and very loud Howard Dean scream in front of every audience for an entire year. Lastly, she just makes way too much money away from the limelight. So, while I really cannot imagine her wanting to deal with all the crap despite having the media, melanin and xx chromosome super-shielding, no doubt Obama along with Valerie Jarret and Susan Rice are running the show and do want another shot at eight more years.
The notion though of taking out Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants to also knock out Trump does actually make sense, but again, to a point. Here's what I also said yesterday:
. . . The GOP is a clusterfuck of a joke, as is the prospect of victory at the polls given the now legalized, institutionalized and impossible-to-reverse system of rigging in key swing districts and states that favors Democrats. Or am I wrong about that and Biden in ’24, if he has two brain cells to rub together, would get wiped out by Trump, DeSantis or even George Santos?
In the real world, whatever documents Trump had in his possession were within his legal right to have. He had the authority to declassify and possess them. From my understanding of the nature of those documents, the majority supposedly implicated the FBI, DOJ and intel agencies in their five-year effort to derail his candidacy and then sabotage his presidency, or at the very least proved that all the false allegations of Russian collusion were just that. False, and in fact, fabricated by the very agencies at the behest of the Clinton Crime Family to take him down in 2016.
Biden on the other hand was in possession of troves of highly sensitive documents going back to his days as Obama's chief fucker-upper, i.e. Vice President. And as VP, he had zero legal authority to possess them. Period. And the ones that can be shown he had between 2009 and 2016 would be damning evidence of corruption, malfeasance or even treason. That is, in the real world.
Lo and behold, the complete farcical yet disgusting nature of Russia Collusion can be summed up by what was revealed yesterday:
Charles McGonigal — the former FBI agent who led the Trump-Russia investigation — has been arrested for “agreeing to provide services” to the billionaire Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
The headline captures it perfectly:
FBI Agent Investigating Trump for Russia Ties Gets Arrested for Russia Ties
But I am getting ahead of myself. Given the corruption in DC as well as the nature of a potential jury pool and Judges like Emmett Sullivan and Amy Berman Jackson, Trump will be railroaded faster than you can say Scottsboro Boys. Also, given what happened in 2020 and then again in 2022, why is the Junta concerned at all about who their candidate is? They could run a ham sandwich and he/she/xe/Xi would still win handily, which is in fact what they did with Biden and with Festerman in PA last November.
In any case, the speculation seems to be that Wes Moore, the Democrat governor of Maryland might be the next star on the rise. Like Obama, he too appears "clean and articulate" but can speak jive better than Hillary could when he wants to, partially paraphrasing Biden.
Still, why is the Junta so seemingly scared of Trump or DeSantis if indeed they hold all the cards? Insurance policies? "Fortifying" predetermined outcomes? You only do that when you think you don't control things they way you thought you did or wanted. Things would be so much easier, at least for a time, if this was a totalitarian dictatorship instead of an illusory republic or "precious democracy."
If the CIA really was involved in killing Kennedy and forcing Nixon to resign (which would apparently require Helms to have brushed aside Nixon’s declarations that he would protect the “Dirty Tricks Department” and to have focused solely on Nixon’s revelation that he knew about that department at all) will the American people ever know that for sure?
On Dec. 22, 1963, exactly one month after the Kennedy assassination, former President Harry Truman wrote in the Washington Post that “for some time I have been disturbed by the way [the] CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.” He added, “We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.”
Yet it has never been corrected. The CIA and FBI are almost completely unaccountable to anyone and, it is increasingly obvious, deeply corrupt and politicized. Does anyone have the courage, or the ability, to face down these rogue agencies?
There's old Harry, still giving 'em hell 70 years later. But as he used to say, "I don't give 'em Hell. I give them the truth and they think it's Hell."
Look around. How right he is.
- Michael Walsh: "Based on current voting patterns, if women didn't vote, there would never be another Democrat president. Now, who wouldn't make that trade? Come on, ladies, do your duty to God and country, and give it up for America. Otherwise, a Jacinda Ardern looms in your future, too."
To Save America, Repeal the 19th Amendment
- "When saving lives becomes a crime."
Chinese COVID Mess: "Something Very Dark is Happening"
- Ted Noel, M.D.: "For decades, throwing money at the problem hasn’t fixed it. An approach that destroys the illegal market for drugs may be the answer."
It’s Time to Try a Different Approach to America’s Drug Problem
- Robert Spencer: "On Dec. 22, 1963, exactly one month after the Kennedy assassination, former President Harry Truman wrote in the Washington Post '. . . We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.' Yet it has never been corrected."
OK, So Did the CIA Engineer Watergate to Get Rid of Nixon?
- Wayne Allyn Root: "The Deep State wants a new Democrat [pseudo] president."
Biden is Finished
- Obama reportedly once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Whether or not Obama is intentionally sabotaging Biden’s presidency is up for debate, but he certainly has the influence to stage a coup in the party.
Who’s Leading the Joe Biden Takedown?
- "There were no posted security officials at the Penn Biden Center during the June conference—just regular Penn staffers—and attendees were able to walk around the center unmonitored and make use of unused rooms for phone calls and other private work during the conference."
Biden Think Tank That Housed Classified Docs Also Hosted Event That Pushed Greater Engagement With China (greater engagement = 15% to the Big Guy - jjs)
- "The Clintons were accused of stealing White House silverware on their way out, but that's minor league compared to what Biden might have done."
Joe Biden’s ‘Souvenirs’
- But Durbin also said he's concerned about the "endless investigations" promised by "MAGA Republicans" who now control the House of Representatives.
Democrat Senate Judiciary Chairman: Biden's Storage of Classified Documents 'Just Unacceptable'
- David Harsanyi: "Rickety excuses. Double standards."
None of Biden’s Excuses for Having Classified Documents Make Any Sense
- Margot Cleveland: "The discovery of more Biden documents highlights the ridiculous plot to destroy Trump that culminated in the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home."
Discovery of More Biden Docs Proves Mar-A-Lago Raid Was Just Another Russia-Collusion Hoax
- "Charles McGonigal, 54, who investigated Deripaska during his FBI career ending in 2018, and U.S. citizen Sergey Shestakov, 69, were allegedly paid to investigate a rival Russian oligarch for him in 2021 and worked with his agent to conceal his involvement using shell companies and a forged signature, the office’s press release said."
Ex-Top FBI Agent Charged With Illegally Working For Russian Oligarch Linked To Trump-Russia Debacle
- Daniel Greenfield: "Trump wasn’t working for Russia, but it’s hard to find anyone in D.C. who isn’t."
An Arrest and FBI Corruption
- "It’s almost unbelievable what a former FBI agent who was involved in the Russia collusion hoax allegedly did to earn a little extra money on the side."
The Festering Rot at the FBI Seems Bigger and Deeper Than We Ever Guessed (because the FBI itself is the rot - jjs)
- "The FBI seems hell bent on not learning anything about Rich’s still unsolved murder."
What Was CrowdStrike Doing With Seth Rich’s Laptop?
- "This kid supposedly had nightmares about climate change."
Dem. Rep. Katherine Clark’s Child Pleads Not Guilty to Assaulting Cop in Boston
- “This is the party of weak men and unhappy women. What you have in effect here is the official endorsement of domestic terrorists from the highest level of the Democratic Party. And why wouldn’t you? Again, this is their militia. These are their state-sanctioned shock troops and they are effectively immune from criticism.”
Antifa is the "Armed Instrument" of the "Permanent Democratic Establishment," Tucker Carlson Says (The moniker of the KKK was "the Armed Militant Wing of the Democratic Party" - jjs)
- Julie Kelly: "Newly released evidence proves police officers were gassed by 'friendly fire' on January 6, 2021. Did that include Brian Sicknick?"
Police Injured by "Friendly Fire" on January 6
- "An essentially theological problem requires a theological solution."
Revolution in America
- "The destruction of the evidence was intentional and officials worked for months to hide the evidence, which included deleting texts, according to the judge."
Seattle Police Unlawfully 'Purged' Thousands of Texts About 2020 'Autonomous Zone'
- "Blacks will find pushing for reparations psychologically satisfying and there is always the hope of a massive windfall, but the pushback from opponents may well be costly." (to the opponents; free speech will soon be a federal offense - jjs)
The Quixotic Quest for Reparations
- "Although the ultimate ruling is correct, most of the decision is given to intentionally vague factual allegations coupled with gravely erroneous analysis."
The Judge Goes Awry Analyzing Gov. DeSantis’s Firing of a Rogue Prosecutor
- "Twitter employees’ desire to rid the platform of Trump kept them from telling the truth about the company’s capability for censorship."
How ‘The Twitter Files’ Undermine the J6 Report
- "This kind of behavior from the left has become pedestrian. If the government can’t be pressured into caving to the woke mob, the mob turns to thug tactics and threats. Awake Illinois is searching for a new venue for its event that helps teach parents how to keep their children from being groomed into the left’s ideology and sexuality in schools."
Des Plaines, Ill., Councilwoman Goes Off on Censor-Happy Leftists, and It's Glorious
- "It’s my unprofessional, but experienced, opinion that Tran was either holding a grudge, off his rocker, or both. Neither explanation — supported by the facts, by the way — carries even a whiff of racism."
USA Today Pitching 'Anti-Asian Hate' Long After They Knew the Killer Was Asian
- The New York Allergy and Sinus Centers has nevertheless found that “several allergic reactions to crickets” have been reported in the past two years. Individuals allergic to shellfish such as shrimp, crabs, and lobsters “may develop an allergy to crickets” because the species share many of the same proteins. “While crickets are considered safe and healthy to eat, for those who are allergic, they pose a serious threat,” the group said. “When ingested, crickets can cause anaphylaxis and other serious reactions.” (wow, my former allergist! - jjs)
European Union Approves Cricket Powder As Component Of Flour-Based Foods Despite ‘Inconclusive’ Allergy Data
- "While volcanic activity has dropped Earth’s temperatures, concerns focused on the wisdom of releasing sulfur compounds into the atmosphere intentionally."
Sun Goes Down on “Make Sunsets” Climate Change Project after Mexico Cracks Down on Plans
- "Sane talk on the climate comes not from Davos but from the United Kingdom."
Konstantin Kisin on Climate Change
- "According to internal documents obtained by the Functional Government Initiative (FGI) through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), [junta] officials acknowledged agency assessments that predicted a drop in oil prices ahead of the first SPR release in November 2021."
Records: Biden Coordinated Emergency Oil Release With Already Forecasted Price Dip, Then Took Credit
- Shocked that they haven't blamed Israel yet. You know, banks and the weather. QED.
Biden’s Energy Secretary Blames "International and Climate Events" for Rising Gas Prices
- "Besides the 56% who preferred government shutdown to increased spending, 66% of respondents said government spending, not taxpayer unwillingness, was the problem behind the size of the federal deficit. (Only 21% thought taxpayer unwillingness was more responsible and 13% were unsure.) This majority opinion contradicts Biden’s plan to increase taxes as a solution, Rasmussen noted. It’s unsurprising that taxpayers don’t think they owe our bloated government bureaucracy more money, considering that eggs are becoming unaffordable."
56% of U.S. Voters Prefer Government Shutdown to Raising Debt Ceiling
- "Why would economists and policymakers be dallying in new measures that don’t even have you and me at the center of their considerations?"
Lies, (Expletive Deleted) Lies – And the CPI
- "'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,' as Obama once warned us."
Another Biden-Era Recession Looms in 2023. The Question Is: "How Long, and How Painful?"
- "Three-quarters of U.S. voters believe that those who entered the country illegally should simply be expelled, and 59.5 percent said those who have entered the country illegally should be expelled and those in the asylum review process should have the review completed and determination made, whether that be asylum or removal."
Only 14% of Voters Support Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (but 110% of ballots support it - jjs)
- "We're talking about millions of people who talk like me, and look like me."
Video: RINO Rep. Defends Illegal Aliens at World Economic Forum
- "Limiting immigration would reduce pressure on the American housing market, slow the rate of ecological damage in the American southwest, and boost national cohesion." (hence, why it's being permitted in the first place - jjs)
Overpopulation Via Immigration Is Destroying America’s Environment
- The FBI indicated that California led the nation in “active shooter incidents” in 2021. (and evidently the center of Asiatic white supremacy - jjs)
67-Year-Old Zhao Chunli in Custody After 7 Shot Dead in Gun-Controlled California
- But, but, but, Pelosi said they had the "spark of divinity?!"
Migrants, Bused to NYC, Arrested for Allegedly Stealing $12.5K from Macy’s
- "The goal is to eliminate the original vaccines and to adopt an approach similar to the flu vaccine, where annually-updated shots are administered that match the strain that is predicted to be the most prevalent, according to a federal official who spoke to NPR under the condition of anonymity."
Biden Junta Preparing Plan for Annual Chinese COVID 'Booster' Shots
- "The story is noteworthy because during the [Chinese] COVID pandemic, the Australian government imposed one of the strictest lockdowns in the world and used face mask mandates as a brutal tool of population control."
Australians Were Once Prosecuted For Claiming Face Masks Worked Against Viruses
- "Authoritarians want us to forget the suffering we endured in the last three years and move on. But many people demand a [Chinese] Covid reckoning."
New Zealand’s Prime Minister is the First Chinese Covid Tyrant to Fall, But She Won’t Be the Last
- Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.: "Are an endless series of mRNA 'vaccines' really in the best interests of virtually all Americans for whom they are recommended?"
Chinese COVID Vaxes – It’s Not "The More the Merrier"
- "They''re advocating for things like abolishing prisons."
DeSantis Discusses Why He Banned African American Studies Course
- "On Sunday, [so-called quote-unquote "vice president"] Kamala Harris claimed preventing teachers from teaching kids to judge each other by skin color amounts to ‘ban[ning] American history.’"
Like DeSantis, Every Republican Lawmaker Should Block College Board’s Critical Race Theory Class
- "Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin are supporting Education Savings Account (ESA) programs in their state to provide families who withdraw their students from public and charter schools with taxpayer funds."
Red State Governors Push for School Choice Legislation Across the Country
- "America’s leaders have ceded their moral authority to the mob. It needs to stop."
The Institutional Hostage Crisis
- ". . . over the last decade or so, but especially the last few years, the obsession with universities and grant-funding institutions on immutable characteristics of faculty and students and the push for equity in science above all else has dramatically changed the profession of an academic professor. The rise of illiberalism in the name of DEI is the antithesis of the principles that universities were founded on.”
‘Rise Of Illiberalism’: Professor Rails Against DEI, ‘False’ Climate Narratives To Explain Exit From Major University
- ". . . the moral here is that people used to work out their daddy issues with private therapy sessions or drug abuse on private property. The problem is that public demonstrations of victimhood are now the highest expression of virtue in neoliberal orthodoxy. Martyring yourself for some obscure Social Justice™ cause gets you the equivalent of the Muslim 72 virgins thing."
Topless Women in Period-Blood Costumes Run Hog-Wild Through French Streets for Abortion
- “CatholicVote has found that only about 25% of the cases have had an arrest made in connection to the attack. The Biden [junta] has thus far refused to act to protect Catholic churches and stop these acts of domestic terrorism.”
Report: Attacks on Catholic Churches Hit 275 Since 2020, 118 Alone Since Last May
- "Prior to serving in the Biden White House, Zients’ most notable governmental experience came when he was brought on by the Obama team to help fix the rollout of, the online Affordable Care Act exchange. At the time, some critics accused him of having a conflict of interest due to his stake in Pediatric Services of America Healthcare (PSA Healthcare), a company that provides pediatric home healthcare services, The New York Times reported." (follow the Zients . . . - jjs)
Biden’s Reported New Chief of Staff, Jeff Zients, Linked to Allegations of Fraud and Questionable Business Practices
- "Warnock received a tax-free $7,417 monthly housing allowance from his church in his last term."
Ebenezer Baptist Slumlord Warnock Buys Million-Dollar Townhouse As His Church’s Tenants Live In Squalor
- "The poll also revealed that around 65% of Americans believe Biden should not seek re-election."
Both Trump and DeSantis Would Defeat Biden in 2024, Harvard Poll Finds
- "The congressman’s jump into the Senate election will likely serve as part of a large field of candidates competing for the seat in the primary election. Among Republican contenders speculated to potentially run are Kari Lake, who lost in a run for governor in 2022, and Blake Masters, who lost in his 2022 Senate run against incumbent Democrat Mark Kelly."
Democrat Ruben Gallego Announces Campaign For Kyrsten Sinema’s Senate Seat
- "Yet she still thinks she can borrow and spend her way to something in 2024."
Stacey "Tank" Abrams Shows Money Can’t Buy Elections
- "The relatively small intra-party voting block achieved major congressional reforms and gave GOP state house lawmakers a leg to stand on."
How 20 McCarthy Holdouts Charted the Path for State-Level Conservatives Across the Country
- "Lawmakers stirred up anti-Russian sentiment long before the invasion of Ukraine."
Creating a Russian Bogeyman
- "Recent U.S. statements risk prolonging the war in Ukraine."
If Ukraine Is Right, Russia Was Right
- "The Bush China Foundation supports Chinese leaders and has criticized pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong."
Biden Junta Gives National Security Grants to Think Tank Backed by CCP Front Group
- "China is expanding its nuclear presence in the western Pacific."
Nuclear Weapons and China’s Foreign Policy
- Thad McCotter: ". . . CAFTA’s passage was not the sole reason for the abhorrent demise of Nicaraguan democracy at the hands of Ortega, Murillo, and their dictatorial Sandinista regime. But CAFTA certainly was a factor in exacerbating the economic conditions that served as political kindling for the pension protests."
The Death of Nicaraguan Democracy– U.S. Economic and Security Interests Are Not Always Simpatico
- "This is how regimes fall." (man, those Mossad Joo weather controllers are really something else, eh? - jjs)
When the Iranian Hell Freezes Over
- "No thank you."
Japan Lambasted For Not Allowing Mass Immigration
- "Chinese state media reported on Sunday that the big Lunar New Year holiday week was a smashing success at theaters, which reported a huge surge in profits following the termination of [Chinese] coronavirus lockdown policies."
China Abandons Political Propaganda Films for First New Year Box Office After Protests
- "The State Department has refused for nearly a year and a half to hand over information about how many Americans remain stranded in the country, intelligence reports warning the country could collapse, internal assessments about the threat posed by ISIS and the Taliban, information about the Biden [junta's] current engagement with the Taliban, and internal documents related to the deadly strike on Hamid Karzai International Airport that killed 13 American military members."
"Blatant Obstruction": GOP Lawmaker Blasts Biden for Withholding Information on Afghanistan Withdrawal
- Britt voted “no” in her first vote as a senator on Monday night to oppose Brendan Owens’s nomination to serve as Assistant Secretary for Energy, Installations and Environment in the Defense Department due to his support from the radical environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policy movement.
Sen. Katie Britt Exposes ESG Agenda of Biden Pentagon Pick with First Vote in Senate to Oppose Brendan Owens
- “I think all of us can agree as Americans that China shouldn’t be buying up land in the United States. They are an enemy,” Noem said. “They are an evil government built on Communism and taking away freedom. That isn’t something we should allow to have a presence here in our great country.”
Kristi Noem on Push to Restrict Chinese Land Purchases: "This Is a National Security Issue"
- Color me quite skeptical, especially since those at the top are Junta stooges pushing tranny/homo perversion, racism and global warming garbage. Unless the mass of recruits come from the ranks of Antifa.
The Army is Shifting the Way it Recruits. It’s Already Paying Off, Experts Say
- Raymond Ibrahim: "Although the few Arabic language sources reporting on this incident portray it as an aberrant act that does not represent Muslim-Christian relations in the Holy Land, persecution of that region’s Christians and their holy places has, in fact, been increasing."
"Palestinians" Beat and Pepper-spray Elderly Priest, Stone Churches in Jaffa
- Some $878 billion was paid across all unemployment insurance programs between April 2020 and September 2022. “The unprecedented demand for benefits and the need to implement the new programs quickly increased the risk of financial fraud,” the agency continued.
Fraudulent Lockdown-Era Unemployment Payments May Amount To $60 Billion, Government Watchdog Says
- "My interview on the Tony Katz Show about the SCOTUS announcement it hasn’t found the leaker: 'To delegitimize it because it’s the one institution in government that has a majority conservative bent to it…. This is a war on the Supreme Court and unfortunately the Sheldon Whitehouses of the world are winning.'”
Unsolved Leak Benefits “the Sheldon Whitehouses of the world whose political goal is to delegitimize the Supreme Court”
- "The debt-ceiling fight won’t bring entitlement reform, but Republican plans to curtail long-term federal spending will grow increasingly attractive over time."
Budgetary Long Game
- "The VA wants to allow optometrists to perform some surgical procedures on veterans."
Not Seeing Clearly
- "Cool video time! Using a photo taken by Juno during its 2018 fly-by of Jupiter, citizen scientist Thomas Thomopoulos has created a short animation showing the flow of Jupiter’s clouds. He also added some 3D relief by assigning elevation to the image’s greyscale, with lighter regions assigned higher altitudes."
Animation of Jupiter’s clouds
- "Assuming this schedule holds, however, this means ULA is targeting 10 launches in 2023, five Atlas-5 launches, two Delta Heavy launches, and three Vulcan launches. That would be the most launches by this company in a year since 2016."
First Vulcan rocket arrives at Cape Canaveral
- Yup.
Putin: ‘Dictatorship of Western Elites’— Rejecting ‘Mom and Dad,’ Embracing ‘Sex Change’ – is ‘Outright Satanism’
- Standing for Women Founder Kellie-Jay Keen told Australia’s Sky News it’s “really hard” to ignore the “misogyny” of the trans-rights movement when Aretha’s classic song is attacked as offensive to trans-women.
Woke Nazis Want Aretha Franklin Hit "Natural Woman" Censored
- "Penn and Maher began discussing the relationship as the actor tried to blame current woes on Maduro."
Bill Maher Shreds Sean Penn For Defending His "Boyfriend Hugo Chavez" and Socialism
- Christian Toto: "Actresses rallied behind noble cause but stood down over Democrat ties."
How Hollywood Helped Create, and Destroy, Time’s Up
- "They are cowards, willing and eager to enforce blacklists on the flimsiest evidence, if told to do so by anyone, even if the accuser is also too cowardly to identify themselves."
Today’s blacklisted American: Game publisher fires employee for expressing conservative opinions
- "The accelerating closure of movie theaters nationwide, courtesy of Hollywoke’s jackassery, could be slowed."
The Darkening Light of Screen
- "A cultural war is overshadowing and swallowing up older class conflicts. Those who used to fight the old class wars, if they’re honest, find themselves on the populist Right."
Defining "The People"
- "As to the study, there is a load of academic doublespeak that usually comes with these things, but the takeaway is that the brains behind the effort want to determine the link between whiteness, technological innovation, and resource exploitation. Resource exploitation? That’s asking a little much of a gallon of interior latex gloss, don’tcha think?"
Norwegian Study Will Determine if White Paint Is Racist
- "We are headed toward a collision in the concept of humanity itself. Long imagined, recently predicted, we are arriving at a point where human beings and man-made machines will become, at least in function, indistinguishable from one another."
ChatGPT and the Rapidly Encroaching Singularity That Threatens Humanity
- " Just imagine if a HAL-like system, as depicted in 2001: A Space Odyssey, decides to take over an autonomous weapon system, or agitate a nuclear-tipped missile otherwise well-behaved in its cozy silo." ("Been there, done that." Colossus, the Forbin Project- jjs)
Artificial Intelligence: Scary Good or Bad?
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:39 AM
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