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January 23, 2023
The Morning Report — 1/23/23
Good morning kids. So, I guess the supposition that Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants' chief of staff, and longtime Biden crime family lieutenant and confidante, Ron Klain is the one pulling the skin on the back of his turkey neck and making him talk like a Pocono Mountain Schickelgruber is wrong.
For whatever reason, Klain has suddenly decided to abandon ship, during what some in the media are describing as the greatest most successful administration in American history. Oddly enough, just as this "Document-gate" scandal is heating up. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right. But the Deep State's got a deep bench, proving once again they are the "Bain" of our existence.
[So-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s new chief of staff, Jeff Zients, is a centimillionaire businessman who, like the failed Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, got his start as a consultant at Bain Consulting. (For Romney and Bain, in Biden's telling, that was just a pit stop on the road to putting Americans "through hell and back.")
Zients will take over for Ron Klain in February. The former head of the White House’s [Chinese] COVID response, Zients amassed a vast fortune working for Bain & Company and other management consulting firms. But at Bain, according to the Wall Street Journal, Zients "fell in love with Bain's culture, teamwork … and analytical rigor." By age 35, his estimated net worth was nearly $150 million.
Zients's appointment is riddled with irony. Biden’s role in the 2012 presidential election, when he served as former president Barack Obama’s running mate, was to attack Romney, the Republican nominee. Like Zients, Romney began his business career at Bain & Company before serving as CEO of Bain Capital, a private equity company he cofounded with Bill Bain.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mitt tortured a homo classmate, put his dog on the car roof and per Harry Reid's secret source at the IRS was a tax cheater. Blah blah blah. Now, square that last paragraph with this little nugget:
Before joining the Biden [junta] as the White House [Chinese] Coronavirus Response Coordinator in the early days of Biden’s [so-called quote-unquote "presidency"], he also previously served in President Barack Obama’s administration in numerous positions. The roles he has held include director of the National Economic Council and assistant to the president for economic policy, in addition to serving in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Wait, what? An entire year ripping Bain Capital and Obama picks this guy to join the team? After everything we've been through since the Trump era, this should not be a head-scratcher but just one more bit of evidence that the America we thought we knew is no more, and likely since the end of the Second World War if not the First, probably never was.
So, it certainly seems as if The State which is "deep" in terms of its reach as opposed to being hidden, wants Biden gone. Regardless of whether these revelations hurt or hinder them and their narrative, or if some other way to get rid of him might have been better from their point of view, the writing surely is on the wall for Biden. The big question of course is why? The GOP is a clusterfuck of a joke, as is the prospect of victory at the polls given the now legalized, institutionalized and impossible-to-reverse system of rigging in key swing districts and states that favors Democrats. Or am I wrong about that and Biden in '24, if he has two brain cells to rub together, would get wiped out by Trump, DeSantis or even George Santos?
It doesn't add up. But we're still in the HOV lane to Hell.
It’s hard to shake the sense that Joe Biden’s classified document scandal, like Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago saga, is a lot of hype. Trump’s “crime” turned out to be a lot more trivial than the breathless whispers and leaks suggested. It turns out Trump was keeping presidential records as personal trophies, which is just about the least surprising thing ever. It’s unclear what Biden was doing with White House papers in his house, but unless there was some malicious or pecuniary interest, is it really such a big deal?
Many have speculated that there is something more going on, that Democrats are taking Biden out, like yesterday’s trash.
If the Justice Department can pick and choose the president, then we don’t really have a “democracy” at all but an oligarchy with a Praetorian guard. Of course, many suspect this has been the case for some time. We all saw how Trump was sandbagged with a bogus criminal probe into Russian “collusion,” and the witch-hunt is ongoing. It’s worth considering whether the Justice Department, by going after Biden, is creating a pretense of fairness to justify indicting Trump. This would be a truly egregious interference in the democratic process. . .
. . . Richard Nixon was the first president to be forced out of power by permanent Washington and the media, after winning reelection in the biggest landslide in U.S. history, no less. Is Biden getting the Watergate treatment? The media’s sudden interest in the contents of his Delaware garage feels disingenuous, given all of the corruption they have overlooked until now.
Biden is a dubiously elected, corrupt hypocrite, but a scenario in which he is removed over contrived media outrage, and legal pressure would be a Pyrrhic victory for the Right, which has little to gain from an even more powerful and entrenched deep state. A Justice Department that can remove an ineffective puppet can neutralize any resistance to bureaucratic rule, whether from Trump or whoever would fill his shoes.
Speaking of "Tricky Dick". . .
Something's happening here. Last month Tucker Carlson made the case for the CIA's direct involvement in President Kennedy's assassination. This month he has made the case for the CIA's direct involvement in President Nixon's forced resignation. Tying the two events together, Carlson outlines a chief motive for the Agency's alleged actions against Nixon by highlighting a recorded conversation between Nixon and then-CIA Director Richard Helms in which Nixon told Helms to his face that he knew "who shot John," an accusation from the president that the director answered with telling silence.
In publicly prosecuting the Intelligence Community for taking down Nixon, Carlson notes that four of the five Watergate burglars worked for the CIA, that young metro reporter Bob Woodward had been a naval officer at the Pentagon who "worked regularly with the intel agencies" and "had a top-secret clearance," and that Woodward's infamous Deep Throat source for his Watergate news stories, FBI Associate Director Mark Felt, had run the FBI's illicit counterintelligence program specifically designed to discredit and disrupt American political organizations.
Furthermore, Carlson points out that Nixon's replacement, Gerald Ford, the only unelected president in American history, had no achievements to justify his rapid rise from forgettable congressman to White House occupant in the space of eight months, aside from his service on the Warren Commission, which had "absolved the CIA of responsibility for President Kennedy's murder." When unelected federal bureaucrats forced Nixon's vice president, Spiro Agnew, to resign in late '73 for tax evasion, Democrats in Congress "gave Nixon no choice but Ford." The next summer, the Intelligence Community replaced an adversarial Nixon, arguably the most popularly elected president in U.S. history, with a rubber-stamp for the CIA. . .
. . . Kennedy's assassination and Nixon's forced resignation occurred a half-century ago, and plenty of people have disputed the American government's official telling of those events since they first occurred. Only now, however, is one of the most popular hosts in the small world of news commentary dedicating his time (and reputation) to throwing down the gauntlet against America's Deep State. Why? Well, that relatively new and disparaging epithet — Deep State — tells a big part of the tale by reflecting an "awakening" American cynicism and a sizable collapse in Americans' trust in their own government. It should be a big deal for someone of Carlson's stature to accuse the Intelligence Community of multiple coups d'état; that he does so suggests that he feels the American people have begun to fundamentally shift in their understanding of and relationship to the federal government. . .
. . . The government's illegitimate exercise of power goes to the heart of the question: who really runs America? For most of American history, Americans proud of their nation's history and its dedication to individual rights, liberty, republican virtue, and respect for democracy would have answered, "The people." Now, however, they are beginning to wonder whether something much darker and more nefarious has been in charge all along. . .
. . . If American elections mean so little because the Deep State's power is so great, then things must change.
Read the whole thing. And agreed about "things must change." The question is "how?"
The cold, hard truth is this illegitimate State has finally overthrown whatever vestige of the American republic that had remained before 2020 and taken over. The bureaucracy is as powerful as ever and with trillions in borrowed, printed and stolen taxpayer money continually thrown at it, probably invincible. Add to it their allies in the C-suites of the private sector and it certainly looks hopeless.
The illusion of regular order, vis a vis debates in Congress and now legally rigged elections makes things seem normal but of course, that’s the illusion.
As our freedoms and our ability to feed, house and clothe ourselves disappears, this junta will only lash out and clamp down harder.
There is no way out, except some sort of radical uprising. Peacefully, I pray. But as history shows, that doesn’t always work out and the outcome is not guaranteed.
- "The deepest threat to American constitutional order comes from our vanishing ability to rule ourselves."
Constitutionalism in an Age Without Limits
- "Americans increasingly doubt the legitimacy of the institutions that claim to have increasingly absolute power over every detail of their lives."
President Deep State?
- John Stossel: "What environmental groups won't tell you."
The Recycling Religion
- Lloyd Billingsley: "Criminals gun down six people, including a teenage mother and her 10-month-old child. Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom look the other way."
Baby Killers
- Just enough to get him to resign but not enough that would indicate multiple counts of treason.
Report: DOJ Weighs Searching More Locations Linked to Joe Biden for Classified Docs
- "The White House claimed that the search was not the subject of a warrant or court-authorized process, and was instead voluntary."
FBI Conducted 13-Hour Search Of Biden’s Home, Found More Classified Material
- "If the Justice Department can pick and choose the president, then we don’t really have a 'democracy' at all but an oligarchy with a Praetorian guard."
Is the Justice Department Pursuing Biden Just to Get Trump?
- "Bob Bauer, [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Biden's personal attorney, has a history of blocking the release of certain documents and then strategically releasing them."
Biden Lawyer Has History of Finding and Releasing Elusive Documents
- "Joe Biden served in the U.S. Senate from 1973 to 2009, and until we get further information, we don’t know how old the documents are. This means that he’s had classified documents in his possession for as little as six years, or as long as fifty years. . . And what has Joe Biden been doing with these classified documents all these years?" (selling them to the highest bidder - jjs)
Has Biden Been Hoarding Classified Docs for Decades?
- David Harsanyi: "Happy Birthday, Citizens United!"
Democrats Propose Overturning the First Amendment
- "Based on the media frenzy in recent weeks, you’d think that George Santos is the biggest threat the nation currently faces."
The Media’s Embarrassing George Santos Fixation — Explained
- "Black Lives Matter demonstrators confronted at gunpoint by the late husband of former Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey in 2020 who want a second deposition of the county's former top prosecutor did not receive an immediate ruling from a judge this week." (hat-tip to commenter MTF - jjs)
Judge Mulls BLM Protesters’ Bid for Second Lacey Deposition
- Paradis Books and Bread owners kicked Caldwell out of the restaurant Saturday morning, claiming the “behavior” and “words” of the group he dined with made the employees and other patrons in the space “very uncomfortable.” (I smell one giant lawsuit - jjs)
Miami-Based Restaurant Asks Fox News Analyst to Leave Over Conservative Political Views, Interaction Resembles ‘Jim Crow South:’ Commentator Says
- "In one video on Twitter, a local reporter can be heard attempting to downplay the scene, referring to the protest as 'largely peaceful.'” (the scum should be largely peacefully shot in the head and dumped in a ditch - jjs)
Alleged Far-Left Rioters Attack Police, Smash Office Buildings in Atlanta
- “Many of them don’t even live in Atlanta or in the state of Georgia, and they don’t represent the voices of Atlanta,” he said. “And some of them were found with explosives on them — you heard that correctly, explosives — and that has led to a police officer’s car being set on fire, and other destruction has occurred.”
Atlanta Mayor Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Saturday's Terrorism in the City
- Larry Elder: "Examine the media coverage."
Black Man Dies Following His Arrest
- David Horowitz: "The Democrats’ Drive for a One-Party State." (newsflash to Mr. Horowitz: they pretty much have it - jjs)
The Hard Truth About January 6
- Victor Davis Hanson: "The lesson from the $22 trillion record of Great Society compensatory payouts is that massive infusions of federal money are more apt to ensure social disruption and dislocation than alleviate them."
Reckless Reparations Reckoning
- Daniel Greenfield: "The real enemies of democracy are the ones trying to save it."
Democracy is a Threat to Democracy
- "Additionally, the report, citing multiple studies, showed that there would have been a positive economic impact of between $3.4-9.6 billion over the lifetime of the project."
Quietly Released Energy Dept. Report Admits Mistake in Canceling Keystone XL Pipeline, Shows Economic Benefits
- "News outlets slammed Trump-era plans to use public land for energy projects."
'It’s Armageddon': Media Silent on Biden Junta Plan to Snatch Public Land For Solar Farms
- "Or are the climate alarms spewing from Davos no more than cold calculated efforts to give unelected global elites more power over our lives?"
Insanity On Display?
- How many are undetected and how many of the arrested are just released?
Terror Watch List Arrests at Southern Border Soar Under Biden Junta
- Somewhere, a whole slew of Paul Kerseys is tanned, rested and ready . . .
Report: Illegal MS-13 Gang Member, Accused of Murdering Kayla Hamilton, Was Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS
- The man was found in a white van slumped over at the steering wheel dead. And the usual suspects blame “bigotry” without waiting for the facts.
Ooops! Asian Man Suspected in Monterey Park Mass Shooting Found Dead in White Van
- “The movement to minimize, and even normalize, pedophilia is in line with general cultural trends. That is, to elevate adult sexual desire as the ultimate good,” Katy Faust, founder of the children’s rights group Them Before Us, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Wherever adult sexual desires are exalted, children pay the price.”
‘Child Protection’ Org Fought Against Efforts To Crack Down On Childlike Sex Dolls, Cartoon Child Porn
- "New York’s city council wants to bar the use of criminal background checks by landlords."
The Sociopath Next Door
- "The left is dedicated to keeping thugs out of jail — at great peril to innocent people — but also to young wayward teens such as Baca. If he’d been in jail, he wouldn’t have died in a drive-by shooting this weekend. Could he have been rehabilitated? We’ll never know."
As Ye Sow! Karma Swipes Left on Hit-and-Run Catch-and-Release Thug
- Where have you gone, Bernhard Goetz, this weatherman turns his blackened eyes to you? Woo-woo-woo . . .
Fox News Weatherman Savagely Beaten By ‘Children’ On Subway
- "A large number of studies confirm what a lot of us suspected all along – and the studies just keep coming."
Trust The Science: Chinese COVID Vaccines Are Killing People
- "A shocking and heartbreaking incident from 1923 sheds light on what we're going through now."
The Disturbing Precedent Behind Dangerous Chinese COVID Shots
- "More to the point, where did Michael Phelps, Pink, Stephen Colbert, Ariana Grande, and James Corden get their medical degrees?"
What Qualifies a Celebrity to Advertise a Medical Treatment?
- CNN reports that Kishida said, "In order to further advance the efforts of 'living with Corona' and restore Japan to a state of normalcy, we will transition the various policies and measures to date in phases."
Japan to Downgrade Chinese Covid to Same Threat Level as Seasonal Flu
- "With 20/20 hindsight, it’s clearer than ever that it was virtually impossible for [Chinese] COVID to have occurred naturally."
Time Shows That The ‘Paranoid’ People Were Correct About Chinese COVID
- "Guns do save lives. It’s impossible to know how many more innocent bystanders or family members might have been killed — not to mention raped and beaten — if all 66 of these gun owners didn’t have the firepower to fight back."
Happy Endings! The Defensive Shootings of 2023 No One Is Talking About
- "Gun control disarms regular people, which makes them easier targets for regular criminals to victimize, and it does pretty much zilch against dedicated mass killers."
Lies, Damned Lies, and Gun Statistics
- I’m quoted in an article in The Epoch Times on today’s legal education culture war: “[ABA] decisions should be based solely on academic criteria and how we best train lawyers, not how we best train lawyers who follow a particular ideology.”
“American Bar Association, in its role as an accreditor, should not be partisan in [the current culture] war”
- "They’re coming for you next: Minnesota’s unelected education bureaucracy is about to impose new licensing requirements for teachers that will essentially blacklist all Christians, Jews, or Muslims by requiring teachers to teach the queer agenda as well as the critical race theory to young children."
Today’s blacklisted American: Minnesota to blacklist all Christians, Jews, or Muslims from teaching
- "Perhaps our most important public institution has not only been allowed to fail miserably but has consistently received increased funding to do so without any accountability."
A New K-12 System
- "‘I especially wanted to come this year to celebrate the end of Roe,’ one marcher told The Federalist. ‘But we can’t stop fighting now.’"
Energized by the End of Roe, the March for Life is All About the Victories Still Ahead
- "The march needs energy and unity."
How to Improve the March for Life
- Go give hubby a hummer and leave us the hell alone.
Kamala Harris Omits Declaration of Independence’s Right to ‘Life’ in Address on Abortion
- "The report reveals how the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence is a venture by left-wing nonprofits to ‘influence every aspect of election administration.’"
Inside Democrats’ Newest Election Takeover Scheme: Report Unmasks ‘Dark Money’ Group You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
- "The history here is long and ugly."
Israel-Haters Also Glorify Cop Killers
- The department said in a statement that officers discovered Dowell on Saturday night during a protest spray-painting “NO COP CITY” and “ACAB,” which is an acronym for “all cops are bastards,” on the Parkman Bandstand located in the Boston Common.
Democrat Whip Katherine Clark’s Transgender 23-Year-Old Arrested for Alleged Assault, Anti-Police Vandalism of Boston Monument
- "Flip parties and the whole thing will disappear in a New York minute."
Santos Should Switch Parties
- "The California Democrat has raised tens of millions of dollars since 2016."
How Adam Schiff-for-Brains Rode the Resistance to Political Riches
- "At the end of last year’s roundup, I expressed hope that 2022 would see fewer Biden disasters. Unfortunately for the country, year No. 2 was just as grim."
A Disaster for Every Month: The Worst Scandals, Abuses, and Embarrassments of Joe Biden’s Second Year in Office
- "During his time in the Biden [junta], as Breitbart News previously reported, Zients was the voice behind every video call [Chinese] coronavirus briefing and was coordinating the White House’s [Chinese] coronavirus response with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky."
Report: Joe Biden to Name Jeff Zients as Next Chief of Staff, Replacing Ron Klain
- "Former Bain consultant Jeff Zients will succeed Ron Klain as White House chief of staff."
Finally: A Bain Man Makes It to the White House
- Roger Kimball: "Is it too much to hope that fit retribution is even now being organized for these bitchy, beige, and bland totalitarians of the deep state?"
Too Much to Hope?
- "Pressure is mounting to oust the current RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, after the red wave voters were promised fizzled out, giving Republicans a slim majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and less control in the U.S. Senate compared to 2020. She faces two opponents attempting to block her fourth two-year term: California civil rights attorney, RNC national committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell."
Key Battle in the GOP’s Civil War Might Make or Break the 2024 Election. Here’s Why
- Robert Spencer: "If America is to be saved in 2024, it will be by someone who is not willing to give an inch to the serial liars, propagandists, saboteurs, and America-Last forces that dominate the scene today. Nikki Haley had a chance to be one. She fumbled."
Nikki Haley: ‘I Can Be That New Leader’—Or Maybe Not
- She's at least 60 years too late with that brainwave
Rep. Spartz: 'Republicans Need to Grow a Backbone ... or We'll End Up With Socialism'
- "Constraints on electioneering do a lot to weed out the sociopaths and narcissists from higher office. And these constraints are almost entirely absent in American politics. . . The George Santos story is truly emblematic of our times."
Electioneering and the Spirit of Democracy
- "It brings total U.S. security assistance to Ukraine to more than $26.7 billion since Russia's unprovoked invasion last February. Our new package provides even more air-defense capabilities to help Ukraine defend its cities and its skies. And that includes NASAMS munitions and eight Avenger air-defense systems."
Defense Secretary Austin: 'This Is a Crucial Moment' for Ukraine; US Sending $2.5 Billion in Battlefield Assistance
- "Richardson made the comments at the Atlantic Council on Thursday." (a dame - jjs)
US General Wants Cuba, Venezuela to Send Russian Weapons to Ukraine in Exchange for US Weapons
- "Xi’s statement comes after last month’s border clash between the two nuclear-armed Asian countries."
China’s Xi Tells Border Troops To Be ‘Ready For Combat’ Amid Rising Tensions With India
- "Should India be a global or regional power?"
As Its Population Surpasses China’s, India’s Economic Power Rises
- "In Israel the courts are claiming judicial supremacy, which answers to no one as it parades unchecked."
The Trumping of Benjamin Netanyahu
- "The reality behind Jordan's 'peace' with the Jewish state."
"Palestinian" "Journalist" Ramzy Baroud Seeks to Delegitimize Israel
- "To put it gently, Ms. Ardern has been less than successful. She leaves the country in worse shape than when she surprisingly ascended to power. Nevertheless, let’s wish her Godspeed in her future life – in which, hopefully, her naive socialist tendencies can do less harm."
Bye-Bye, Miss Kiwi Pie
- "Globalists have hinted in multiple panels about their frustrations with national governments breaking from key agendas of the WEF, including global pandemic response, the war in Ukraine and climate change."
Davos: Foreign Minister of Slovenia Demands That Nations “Respect the Rules of the World Order”
- Charlie Kirk: "The world takeover by these psychopaths suffering from delusions of grandeur is hardly a fait accompli. CNN commentators have expressed worries that the agenda of the WEF is in danger of receding."
Attention, World Citizens– The Role of God Will Now Be Played by the Men in Davos
- Margot Cleveland: "The whistleblower complaint suggests Konnech stored election workers’ data on a Chinese server — just as a confidential human source had told the FBI."
Whistleblower: Yes, Election Data Company Gave U.S. Poll Workers’ Personal Info To China
- "Bill and Melinda Gates and Ford Foundations funded projects at Chinese universities, government agencies."
The Left's Largest Nonprofits Funneled $39 Million to China in 2021, Filings Show
- "It is not the Navy’s mission or responsibility to solve residual cultural problems with some minority groups that may still exist."
A Sailor's Reflections on Race and the Navy
- "Jaylani Hussein finally takes his Islamophobia-mongering too far."
Hamas-Linked CAIR Contradicts its Own Minnesota Director on Prof Showing Picture of Muhammad
- "The investigation of the Dobbs leak proves that elites’ incompetence knows no bounds." (not incompetence but malice aforethought - jjs)
Supreme Incompetence
- "According to a new report by Space Capital, a New York venture capital firm, overall investment in space dropped 58% in 2022, dropping from the $47.4 billion peak in 2021 to $20.1 billion in 2022."
Investment in space dropped 58% in 2022
- "The Lucy science team has decided to suspend its efforts to complete the deployment of the unlatched solar panel that failed to fully open shortly after launch, having determined that little can be accomplished while the spacecraft is so far from the Sun."
Lucy team suspends efforts to complete deployment of unlatched solar panel
- "There’s no good scientific explanation for the explosion in diagnoses."
Dead Names and Gender Dysphoria
- "The U.K. government has good reason to prevent the SNP’s new bill from becoming law."
Scotland’s Radical Gender Legislation
- Irrelevant, unfunny and tedious is no way to go through life, Lorne.
SNL Gives Joe Biden a Playful Cameo, No Skit on Classified Doc Scandal (but a Million George Santos Jokes)
- Daniel Greenfield: "Harvey Weinstein made his career. Now he’s got a #MeToo documentary."
Director of Movie Co-Starring Sex Predator Goes After Justice Kavanaugh
- Christian Toto: "Sundance 'Loyalty Oaths.' Frightened film festivals. Free speech in retreat."
A Terrible, Awful No-Good Week for Hollywood
- Robert Spencer: "Baldwin, Krug, Warren, Dolezal, King, and Sarsour are the vanguard of the society the Left is working hard to create — a society in which being white carries so much of a social stigma that it results in job discrimination and more, and those who are clever and audacious enough to pull it off avoid this opprobrium by passing as being a “person of color.” Or a person from Spain, if you’re Hilaria Baldwin."
After Alec Baldwin’s Manslaughter Charge, His Wife Finds Time to Do This Again
- Robert Spencer Part Deux: "Has the Left had enough?"
‘Charlamagne tha G0d’ Says Biden Must Go
- Clarice Feldman: "The Left has replaced the class-war game with a war on competence and achievement, hiding beyond claims of racial and sexual equity."
The War on Competence
- “It is not just your jobs the robots are coming for, but your family.”
How A.I. Abolishes the Family
- "Taylor Sheridan and Sylvester Stallone take on the issue of the great American migration and the culture clash that ensues."
Tulsa King is an Allegory for America’s Blue State-to-Red State Migration
- "What about John Quincy Adams the man: humorless prig or prophetic statesman?"
Adams' Handler
- "A new film is coming about Jan Karski, the Polish patriot who first warned Franklin Delano Roosevelt of the horrors of the Holocaust, when it could have been stopped."
Remember This
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:27 AM
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