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January 17, 2023
The Morning Report — 1/17/23
Good morning kids. While many are still focused on the internecine struggles of the GOP, how it plays out confronting the Democrats in Congress and in future elections, and ultimately, will it and can it lead us on the path to recovery, halfway around the world in the town of Davos, Switzerland, you can hear representatives of both parties, along with so-called "elites" in the less and less private sector and many of their foreign counterparts in the less and less "free world" saying what sounds like "Fondue!" but in point of fact are shrieking "Fangoul!" to all of us.
Oddly enough, the loudest expression of that sentiment did not emanate from out of Klaus Schwab's filthy kuchenloch but from right here at home.
The United States Chamber of Commerce detailed its globalist policy agenda for the year, including advocating for more overall immigration regardless of its impact on the nation’s workers along with inking new free trade deals regardless of the impact on American jobs.
Chamber of Commerce CEO Suzanne Clark delivered an annual address, laying out the group’s agenda for the year on behalf of the multinational corporations that it represents in Washington, DC.
As part of that agenda, Clark endorsed unlimited immigration to the U.S. where employers can import as many foreign workers as possible whenever “they need it” by blowing the lid off caps to employment-based visas.
Previously, Clark demanded that Congress double legal immigration levels — a plan that would bring in a record more than two million foreign nationals a year.
In addition, Clark continued the Chamber’s call on Congress to pass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are enrolled or eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. . .
. . . A flooded labor market from mass immigration to the U.S. has had a devastating impact on the nation’s working and middle class while redistributing wealth to the top one percent of earners and big business.
While creating an economy that tilts in favor of employers, the mass immigration economic model helped keep wages stagnate for decades. Between 1979 and 2013, wage growth for the bottom 90 percent of Americans grew just 15 percent. Meanwhile, wage growth for the top one percent of Americans was nearly 140 percent higher.
Likewise, Clark urged [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s [junta] to ink more free trade deals with foreign countries by which corporations would be able to more easily offshore American jobs to boost their profit margins and increase the nation’s job-killing trade deficit.
Funny. I always thought that the mission of the Chamber of Commerce was to promote the growth of American enterprise and by extension the American people. Sefton, you ignorant slut. . .
You know, maybe the insane rhetoric of the Occupy Wall Street crowd wasn't so insane after all. The evil filthy Joo-capitalist blood libels aside. Yeah, I know. It's a commie front group like all the other commie front groups who dress in the moldering skin-suit of the phony populism of allegedly "oppressed masses," all the while working to overthrow our nation. And yet, look at the behavior of the increasingly less and less private sector. They're in bed with government, either willingly or with a gun at their head, and given payoffs to keep them there. See: Obamacare. See also: DEI [DIE] and ESG.
But, with the erasure of our southern borders pissing off more and more people, surely the GOP this time around has a winning issue and will get serious. Don't bet on that.
House Democrats could force a vote on a bill giving citizenship to "dreamers"—illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children—residency to millions of illegal immigrants, an expansion of work visas for foreigners, and other wish-list items using a parliamentary maneuver called a discharge petition. In other words, House Democrats could make an alliance with just five moderate Republicans and pass the first major piece of immigration reform since 2000.
This would be a nightmare scenario for border hawks and Republicans who campaigned against President Joe Biden’s immigration policies, which they blame for the millions of illegal crossings on the southern border since he took office. Left-wing activists are pushing for such a scenario and see the discharge petition as a way to get a more radical bill than should be possible in a Republican-controlled House. Some border hawks and senior Republican staffers see that outcome as a distinct possibility, citing anger from the Democratic base and a push from business groups.
"It’s totally possible. Current House GOP immigration plans don’t have broad buy-in from the rest of the party right now anyway," a senior Republican aide told the Free Beacon. "The chances only increase if the Supreme Court rules against Biden on Title 42 and [the DREAMer program]."
Should the House pass an immigration reform bill, Senate Democrats, who hold a majority, could change filibuster rules—or find nine Republicans who support the law as they did with a number of bills since 2021, including the Respect for Marriage Act and the infrastructure law—and send it to Biden’s desk.
Hello Lindsay Lightloafers, Pee-Air Defecto, Dondi Rubio, the Alaskan Snowblower, the Maine Pain – and that's just for starters. Remember you and I and at least a very large chunk of what's left of the American people who identify as American-Americans are NOT the base of the GOP. The GOP's base is the Chamber of Commerce. Considering C-suites across the nation are populated by younger and younger individuals who are fully brainwashed with Crackpot Race Theory and all the rest of the anti-American poison courtesy of our educational system, the GOP as a political party could be on the road to Whig-dom. That is if you still believe we have a real two-party system in this country and are not ruled by a uniparty.
I am not interested in "reforming" immigration. I am interested now in ENDING immigration. I am interested in deporting every single illegal alien in this nation and cutting them off from the incentive to come here in the first place: Tío. Azúcar. Born here? You are not a citizen, the 14th fucking Amendment be damned. It has nothing to do with you. And while we're at it, speaking of the educational system, we need to de-Nazify/Communize it and every other aspect of the public and private sectors as we can so as those who are allowed to remain can properly assimilate, and those who have been brainwashed can be deprogrammed. Pie in the sky? Well, "you may say I'm a DREAMer." Pun fully intended.
Of course, that kind of talk could possibly land me in prison faster than yelling "Nig--r" in a crowded mostly peaceful riot.
The latest example of the Left’s war on dissent comes from Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Reparations), who has just introduced a bill in the House, the “Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023.” Only vicious racists could possibly object to combating white supremacy, right? Actually, the bill is cleverly framed, but like so many other Congressional initiatives, it’s far more insidious than its name would suggest.
The bill is designed to “prevent and prosecute white supremacy inspired hate crime and conspiracy to commit white supremacy inspired hate crime and to amend title 18, United States Code, to expand the scope of hate crimes.” The framers of the bill were thoughtful enough to provide a helpful explanation: “A person engages in a white supremacy inspired hate crime when white supremacy ideology has motivated the planning, development, preparation, or perpetration of actions that constituted a crime or were undertaken in furtherance of activity that, if effectuated, would have constituted a crime.”
All right. But how is it going to be determined whether or not “white supremacy ideology” motivated someone? We have been told repeatedly that “white supremacists,” also known as “domestic violent extremists,” are the biggest terror threat the nation faces today.
Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and the FBI have all said this, and none of them would lie to us, now, would they? But with the Biden administration so eager to portray white supremacists as this massive threat, how can we be sure that administration officials won’t be shoehorning cases into this paradigm in order to justify their claims?
This has already happened. In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat. The only thing lacking in this scenario has been actual white supremacist terrorists in any significant number. The FBI, however, has appeared ready, even eager to supply them: Whistleblowers have revealed that Old Joe’s pure-as-the-driven-snow feds have been hard at work, pressuring agents to classify cases as “domestic violent extremism” (DVE) when they weren’t, and rewarding them when they do. That’s how you create a white supremacist terror threat.
In light of that, couldn’t Jackson Lee’s bill, if it became law, quite easily become the pretext for the persecution of people who expressed views that the ruling party disliked? The dissidents would be claimed to be operating according to the “white supremacy ideology” and prosecuted accordingly. . .
. . .Jackson Lee’s bill would be the destruction of the United States as a free society. Of course, it has no chance of passing in this House, but the very fact that it was introduced, and that Democrat leaders didn’t denounce and censure Jackson Lee for introducing it, is ominous enough. In a sane political culture, Jackson Lee’s political career would be over for this bill alone. But there are sane political cultures, and then there is ours.
The estimable Robert Spencer notes that the bill has no chance of passing in the House, but I would remind him that not all that long ago, the notion that homosexual marriage would become the law of land would have got you laughed out of the room. And yet, look where we are. But he is absolutely correct in the attitude of Jackass-Lee, her entire party and indeed everyone who votes for (legally or otherwise) these people.
We are not the loyal opposition. We are a cancer that is a threat to the survival of not just "the oppressed," but now of the planet itself. In that light, perhaps the Left shouldn't be so hot and horny to ban gas ovens, IYKWIMAITYD. Or "the number of bullets that go in a magazine."
- "Giving her lethal drugs would be murder."
Did Gavin Newsom Kill His Own Mother?
- Michael Walsh: "Yes, you read that right: 16. At an age when boys are eating boogers and lighting farts, getting more tattoos than the average sailor, and having sex with high school girls. At an age when girls (they're not even close to being 'women') are pondering sex change operations and seeking out abortion services and getting even more tattoos than the average hooker. And these are the unformed humanoids with whom the Democrats (unformed humanoids themselves, to be sure) want to entrust the nation's future?"
To Save America, Repeal the 26th Amendment
- "Because of Charles Guiteau, government of, by, and for the people has become a tenuous proposition."
Dawn of the Deep State: How James Garfield’s Assassination Spawned This Monster
- "Perhaps it was meant to indemnify him against the kind of scandal in which he is now immersed."
Was the Mar-a-Lago Raid a Biden Insurance Policy?
- "What's behind Biden's bad times?"
Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden?
- "In addition to home repairs, Hunter apparently paid Joe Biden rent for the home, a 2018 document unearthed by New York Post’s Miranda Devine shows. The rental price listed on the form was $49,910 in monthly rent for one year. On Joe Biden’s 2017 tax returns, Schedule E only listed $19,800 in “rents received.” In 2018, Biden listed no rent received."
Hunter Paid for 2010 Repairs on Delaware House Where Joe Biden Stashed Classified Docs
- "The U.S. Secret Service said Sunday that it does not track visitors to Biden’s personal residence, though agents do guard the home."
No Records Exist Of Visitors To Biden’s Delaware Home Where Classified Docs Found, White House Says
- "Ian Sams, the upward-failing Forrest Gump of political disaster, is handling the White House response."
This Overlooked Detail Suggests Biden's Classified Document Scandal Could Bring Down His [Spurious] Presidency
* * * * *
- Apparently, “President” Joe Biden’s proclivity to be irresponsible — to use his word — when handling classified materials is nothing new.
That Time in 2010 When VP Biden Left Classified Documents Lying Around the West Wing
- “I still would like to see Congress do its own assessment of — and receive an assessment from the intelligence community of whether there was an exposure to others of these documents, whether there was harm to national security, on the case of either set of documents with either president.”
Democrats Use Schiff-for-Brains as Shiv to Stick Biden Over Classified Docs Debacle
- There isn't a flaming sack of horse shit large, rancid and hot enough to ram down this bug-eyed traitor's filthy sewer.
Rep. Adam Schiff: "It Was Inadvertent That These Documents Were in These Locations"
- "This [so-called quote-unquote "president"] gets away with the same offenses the previous president was constantly persecuted for."
Biden: Making America Worse Again
- David Harsanyi: "The Praetorian Guard, reporting for duty."
Here’s Why the Hunter Biden Corruption Story is Worth Investigating, Chuck Todd
- In a new interview more than two years later, Douglas Wise, a former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, told The Australian, “all of us figured that a significant portion of that content had to be real to make any Russian disinformation credible.” The signees, which included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan, warned in the letter that the October 2020 arrival of reporting about the laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” (The entire laptop was absolutely real! This is just spook-talk intended to discredit that - jjs)
Intel Veteran Knew Hunter Biden Laptop ‘Had To Be Real’ Before Signing Letter
- “As you know, in addition to removing vaccine misinformation, we have been focused on reducing the virality of content discouraging vaccines that does not contain actionable information.”
Report: Facebook Admits To Suppressing “Often-True Content” at WH Request
- "Republicans have learned to talk like conservative populists, decrying the abuses of Big Business, but will they actually do anything about it?"
It’s Official: The 118th Congress Will Do Jack All To Stop Big Tech’s Abuses
- "Sacks explained how the FBI was delivering secret instructions to Twitter via a special tool called 'teleport' so that what they sent would disappear after ten days. According to Sacks, such instructions could not be screenshot." (hat tip to commenter MTF - jjs)
Elon Highlights 'Concerning' Process to Destroy Secret Instructions from FBI to Twitter
- The panel will include Harvard’s Brian Stelter, president and CEO of Internews Jeanne Bourgault, chairman and publisher of the New York Times A.G. Sulzberger, vice-president for values and transparency Vera Jourová of the European Commission and Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, according to the WEF. The panel will explore how “the public, regulators and social media companies” can “better collaborate to tackle disinformation.”
Meet The ‘Disinformation’ Panelists, Including a Media Mogul and Dem Congressman, Attending the World Economic Forum
- "You can’t know it all—and you shouldn’t try."
Global News Is Bad News
- "Twitter provided signed copies of the agreements, and they are all clear and straightforward, Donato wrote in his order, adding that the five initial plaintiffs who filed their complaint on November 3 "are ordered to arbitration on an individual basis."
Judge Tosses Class-Action Lawsuit by Laid-Off Twitter Employees
- Julie Kelly: "The American people deserve the unvarnished truth, not the Capitol police version of events."
New Body Worn Camera Footage from J6 Supports Calls for Release of All Video
- "Joshua Black, 46, of Leeds, Alabama, was found guilty of several federal and misdemeanor charges by U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson after a week-long bench trial in Washington, DC. However, Black is the first defendant to be acquitted of obstruction in relation to the January 6 riot, Politico reported." (Amy Berman Jackson is Roland Freisler in a girdle - jjs)
January 6 Rioter First to Be Acquitted of Obstruction, Convicted on Other Charges
- Daniel Greenfield: "The obsession with victimhood is destroying our future."
A Nation of Victims is Doomed to Fail
- The proposal also recommends that the city formally apologize for past wrongdoings, establish a new city office to execute the plan and create a committee to “ensure equity and continuity in the implementation of relevant policy initiatives.” (every white resident of San Francisco has to get on their knees and kiss every black person's feet for 10 straight minutes? - jjs)
Liberal City’s Reparations Proposal Would Give $5 Million Each To Qualifying Black Residents
- Robert Spencer: "Jackson Lee’s bill would be the destruction of the United States as a free society. Of course, it has no chance of passing in this House, but the very fact that it was introduced, and that Democrat leaders didn’t denounce and censure Jackson Lee for introducing it, is ominous enough. In a sane political culture, Jackson Lee’s political career would be over for this bill alone. But there are sane political cultures, and then there is ours." (remember when everyone thought gay marriage had a snowball's chance in hell? - jjs)
Here We Go: Sheila Jackson Lee Introduces Bill to Criminalize "Hate Speech"
- If only it were just stoves, and just CPSC [Consumer Product Safety Commission]. In reality, Biden’s regulators across several agencies are pursuing costly and intrusive red tape for a lot of things that fire up or plug in around the house, and all in the name of fighting climate change.
Biden Junta's Gas Stove Crusade is Just a Preview of What’s to Come
- "Republican Virginia governor vanquished China-tied Democrat in 2021."
Youngkin Quashes Construction of Green Energy Plant That Would Have Been "A Front for China"
- "While this is a symbolic move, Wyoming certainly offered rational reasons for this bill."
Wyoming State Legislators File to Phase-Out Sales of New EVs by 2035
- "According to Rep. Shontel Brown (D-Ohio), an all-out ban on gas stoves is still very much possible—despite claims to the contrary from the Biden [junta]."
Dem Congresswoman: Gas Stove Ban Still on the Table
- "Those who exceed their limit should be forced to pay for the pleasure."
Great Reset: Individual CO2 Limits Needed to Fight Climate Change, Says German Scientist
- Thad McCotter: "These pagans are not done with you even when you’re dead...."
Human Composting: Goddess Gaia Demands a Final Tithe
- “Republicans were elected with a mandate from the American people in the midterm elections,” [Rep James] Comer declared. “We campaigned on the fact that we were going to be serious about spending cuts. So, the Senate is going to have to recognize the fact that we’re not going to budge until we see meaningful reform with respect to spending.”
‘Going to Be a Knife Fight’: House GOP Fighting Biden Junta on Raising Debt Ceiling
- ". . . meanwhile, little has changed to reverse the biggest wealth transfer afoot from the once-great American middle class, the envy of the world, to a tiny cabal of parasitic elites who write the governing rules."
OxFam Report: Top 1% Economic Elite Gobbled Up Two-Thirds of New Wealth Creation Since 2020
- “These cuts would be so large that it would require the equivalent of ending all nondefense appropriations and eliminating the entire Medicaid program just to get to balance,” the analysis found."
Here's How Much Federal Spending Must Be Cut to Balance the Budget
- I doubt he means Chappaqua, but still, whatever it takes for whatever red counties in New York to break away, then so be it.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams Pressures Gov. Kathy Hochul To Push Migrants Upstate
- "Biden is seeking to reopen a loophole that the Trump administration plugged with a clever and surprisingly effective legal mechanism."
Title 42 and You
- "Just five Republicans would need to cross aisle to create nightmare scenario for border hawks." (and look who's attending the WEF Davos rally: GOPers and the Chamber of Commerce - jjs)
"It's Totally Possible": How Dems Could Push Immigration Reform Through a GOP-Controlled House
- “I think the police are doing themselves a disservice because these videos do evoke a reaction from the public.”
NYPD Reducing Number of Graphic Crime Videos to Bring in Tips, Suspects
- "Morale in the LAPD has never been lower, and most officers within sight of retirement are counting the days as a prisoner would to his release date. Having once escaped the disaster the department has become, who in his right mind would return to it?"
Los Angeles Descends Into Insanity
- Hernandez was also hit with additional charges for “bestiality” pornography.
Pedo-Rama! Single Worst Kiddie-Porn Animal Arrested
- ". . . it’s still bizarre that everyone who thought they were doing the right thing by getting vaccinated may be more susceptible to the latest variant. Heck, it was Joe Biden who once said, 'You’re not going to get [Chinese] COVID if you have these vaccinations.' Remember that? Classic."
Wut? New Chinese COVID Variant May Target the Vaccinated
- "An Israeli study shows that 'long [Chinese]-covid' symptoms disappear within first year."
Former Chinese Covid Absolutist Now Says We Are Overcounting Chinese Covid Deaths & Hospitalizations
- " published the portion of Biden’s MLK speech in which he pledges to ban firearms which Democrats label 'assault weapons.'”
Biden’s MLK Speech: "Ban the Number of Bullets That Go in a Magazine" (The Atlantic, Time or Newsweek? - jjs)
- "A new federal rule puts law-abiding gun-owners in a tough place."
Law-Abiding Citizens Transformed Into Criminals Overnight!
- Stolen elections have even more consequences.
Fraudulent Arizona Governor’s Plan To Undo Nation’s Largest School Choice Program Will Harm Students, Advocates Say
- "Looks like DeSantis is gathering info to gut the DEI bureaucracy, which could achieve the goals of The Stop Woke Act without dictating what professors can say or teach, and possibly insulating the reforms from the type of judicial injunction already granted."
DeSantis Permitted To Gather Data On “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” [D-I-E] in Public Universities, Judge Rules
- "One thing is certain: The students at Syracuse are being taught a very important lesson in authority and compliance. A lesson that they will take with them after college and enforce on the rest of the world, when and if they can. That is what is being taught at Syracuse."
No More Fun of Any Kind! Don’t Send Your Kids to Syracuse
- "A new round of pro-abortion agitation prepares to greet the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
The Evil Some Women Do
- “I mean, let’s be clear. When you have voter suppression laws in a place like Ohio, you have and we’ve seen this sociologically, that there’s a certain segment of white people in America who would rather have their own lives inconvenienced than run the risk of black people being on an equal plane.” (I don't think even Barbara Billingsley can make sense of this jive - jjs)
MSNBC Guest Claims White Voters Accept "Inconveniences" to Suppress Black Voters
- "Students Allied for Freedom and Equality protested a speech by [so-called quote-unquote "vice president"] Kamala Harris, who they say supports 'genocide'."'Long Live the Intifada': University of Michigan Student Group Calls for Israel's Destruction
- "It’s important to note that what George Santos did — lying about himself — is not illegal. The entire argument for insisting he steps down is an ethical one. But the same cannot be said about one of the most egregious liars in the House, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). Omar didn’t just lie about her background; she lied in order to commit outright fraud. . . Maybe George Santos lied about where he worked or went to college, but at least he didn’t commit bigamy and fraud and lie about that."
Look Who's NOT Criticizing Rep. George Santos
- "Mayor Jorge Elorza gets pulled up short in his effort to Californize Providence."
Providence Mayor Thwarted in Cash Grab for Reparations
- He did not apologize or correct his blunder, but kept singing until the song was over. Biden also joked about King’s age. “Well, it’s hell turning 30, but you gotta put up with it,” he concluded.
Joe Biden Bungles Happy Birthday Song at Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast
- "The last time Harris led an event on migration was on June 7, 2022, when she announced nearly $2 billion in additional funding to address the “root causes” of migration. She has not led a migration event since and did not accompany [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden on his first trip to the border, according to a Daily Caller analysis of White House public statements."
Where Has Kamala Harris Been For Seven Months?
- "Did the prolonged fight for the Speaker’s gavel create circumstances for change in Washington – especially in the Republican party?"
This a Republican Turning Point
- Victor Davis Hanson: "The main perpetrators ignored the ancient law of 'what goes around comes around.'"
What Caused the Anti-Trump Hysteria?
- "As much as one is tempted to blame the 'elites,' and they are truly contemptible, the American people share responsibility for failing to rebuke the yoke of this new world order."
Compared to the Present, Trump Era Was a Golden Age
- "Buying and replacing arms for the U.S. military is good for the weapons business."
The Ultimate Arms Deals: Why Washington is So Eager to Support Ukraine
- “It’s not hate speech, it’s just fair.”
Ukrainian Activist Lauded by Western Media Says She Wants “All Russians” to be “Wiped Off the Face of the Earth”
- Gas Chamber of Communism . . .
Chamber of Commerce Details Globalist Agenda: Impose Unlimited Immigration, Ink More Free Trade Deals
- Yay. Bipartisanship.
American Lawmakers Wine And Dine With Klaus Schwab, Business Leaders At World Economic Forum In Davos: Report
- "WEF, a non-governmental organization located in Geneva, Switzerland, partners with Alibaba Group, Huawei Technologies and TikTok, according to the group’s list of partnerships, all of whom are allegedly tied to the development of various technologies the Chinese government uses for intelligence or military and intelligence purposes."
The World Economic Forum Partners With Chinese Tech Firms Allegedly Linked To Genocide, Surveillance
- "Soros, 93, has long been a supporter of Liberal [read: insane, tyrannical] causes, and was the Democrat's largest single donor last year. It is not clear what his scheduling conflict is."
Nazi Collaborator George Soros to Miss WEF Davos Summit for First Time in Years, Due to "Scheduling Conflict"
* * * * *
- "When personal animosities override national interest."
Bibi Would Have Preferred Benny Gantz As His Coalition Partner
- "In 1996, Hamas carried out a series of suicide bus bombings, killing 60 Israeli commuters."
Hamas Terrorist Brags About Plotting Suicide Bombings in Book He Wrote in Prison
- "For Miami neocons like David Rivera, aiding and abetting left-wing dictatorships is fair game for a price."
Miami’s Neoconservative Grift
- "Meeting with Mexican president comes amid record migrant encounters and escalating cartel violence."
In Mexico Relationship, Biden Prioritizes 'Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion' Over Immigration and National Security
- "Communication between the video-sharing app and the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment, which oversees how TikTok would operate in America, has been kept under wraps, The Wall Street Journal reported, as at least 25 states have placed restrictions and bans on the app on government-owned devices over data privacy and national security threats."
TikTok Proposes $1.5 Billion Plan To U.S. Lawmakers Amid National Security Concerns
- Robert Spencer: "This is, of course, how the 'Islamophobia' industry always operates: quotes without context given the worse possible spin, no explanation or rebuttal allowed, and demonstrably true statements presented as not only false, but offensive. These gutter tactics have worked wonderfully well for the Left in the past, but people are beginning to wake up. Green may not lose his chairmanship over these remarks; if he doesn’t, that may be an indication that the new House leadership really does have some spine."
The New House Homeland Security Committee Chair Already Has the Left Enraged
- Raymond Ibrahim: "A 'Palestinian' terrorist with a heavenly harem."
How Jesus Became "Isa"
- "There are no new ideas on our side about ensuring that the political appointees are actually accountable to the chief executive they report to."
Republicans are Failing Unless They are Disrupting, Discrediting, and Destroying the Bureaucracy
- "Fentanyl deaths as a whole doubled across the United States between 2019 and 2021, but deaths among children younger than 1-year-old quadrupled. Fentanyl deaths among toddlers aged 1 to 4 more than tripled, and deaths between children aged 5 to 14 nearly quadrupled, according to the FAF analysis."
Devastating Increase in Child Fentanyl Deaths Since 2019, Outpacing Other Age Groups
- And when the Islamos take over, you get your fake joy buzzer hacked off again. Winning.
Genital Mutilation: Over Half of Male-to-Female ‘Transition’ Patients Suffer Extreme Pain
- The equivalent of Aqualung giving candy to a little girl if she gets in his car . . .
LGBT Organization to Give Gift Cards to Kids Who Attend "Advocacy Workshop"
- “Systemic racism” was nowhere to be found.
What Would MLK Think About the Last Two Weeks?
- "Konstantin Kisin delivered the blistering speech at a recent Oxford Union debate, where he addressed the young audience with surgical scorn. He warned listeners that the woke culture many embrace will only worsen the world’s problems, particularly the issue most important to the college-age generation, climate change."
WATCH: British Satirist’s Scathing Indictment Of Woke Culture, Global Warming Hysteria Viewed 5 Million Times
- "Once again we have a film that wants to make Christianity look bad because of its 'homophobia' and its hypocrisy on other moral issues."
The Whale is Another Cheap Shot at Christianity
- "Joel Salatin’s words resonate with those of us who grieve for the state of the nation and struggle with how best to pursue its restoration."
"Lunatic Farmer" Joel Salatin: "You Cannot Have Freedom Without Participation"
- "On Ralph Ellison, Constance Rourke, and the contradictions of American identity and culture."
American Paradoxes
- "When a leftist's nonviolent principles and anti-war rhetoric quietly disappear."
Anti-War Activist Joan Baez, Now a Pro-Ukraine Democrat
- "Despite the onslaught of terrible shows over the past year, these six series from 2022 stand out for defying genre conventions."
6 Stand-Out Series In Today’s "Peak TV" Barrage
- "One negative memory linked to a faith experience can wholly taint one’s perspective of faith and church. But it doesn’t have to be this way."
Don’t Let a Bad Experience Keep You From Going Back to Church
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:36 AM
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